imagine-khr · 4 years
Oh my goodness!! I would have never thought of Kikyo as a match, but i absolutely love!!! To be fair, i keep several books of Beatles and Supertramp by my piano to be able to jam, so I am very much unopposed to rock!! Thank you so much! It's been a busy week and this brightened my day. - Azalea
I’m glad it was able to make you happy! Play some beatles music and BAM, that’s when he realizes he wants to marry you. Because, “You get him so well. 😢”
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imagine-khr · 4 years
So glad you're back! Can I request some headcanons for Haru with a tall male s/o? Thank you!!
It’s good to be back :>
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It doesn’t take much for a lover to be taller than her, considering she’s 5′1. But you’re way taller than her so it’s slightly comical when you bend over to kiss her and she has to stand at the tips of her toes. It’s like a crane kissing a small sparrow. 
She will wear tall high heels when a classy event takes place. She wants dancing with her to feel natural, not like your dancing with a child. She will have perfected walking in them so she didn’t look like a fool in front of you. Though you were touched she would go to such lengths, you made it clear you wanted her to be comfortable. If wearing tall as fuck high heels made her comfortable you were cool with it, but if she was just doing it for your sake, you wanted her to realize you didn’t want that. 
Is the perfect little spoon to your giant spoon. But when given the chance, she will always choose big spoon. You’ll feel more like a mama koala bear holding a baby on her back, but the warmth and love stemming off you make the position not as awkward. 
If you walk in on her getting something from the top shelf, you can only watch on and smile at her. You never really bother helping because the look of triumph on her face once she grabs whatever it is her heart desires is the cutest thing ever. When she takes notice of you she will turn and pout at you, “What’s wrong with you? Would it have hurt you to help?”
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imagine-khr · 4 years
I'm so glad to see you're back! I hope you're doing well. Thought I might as well do a match up as I'm curious~. Most of my friends, when prompted, would describe me as a rebel who is obssesed with learning. I enjoy a good debate and am deeply empathetic. What I enjoy learning most is ancient history, particularly Rome, and naturalist biology. I spent a lot of time reading and writing. I love cooking, singing and dancing. I'm also very competitive and love a good game. (1) - Azalea
Full ask(I don’t know how to add them in as photos like other blogs. So, it won’t look as neat in my opinion.):  
I've been known to get a bit too aggressive at times. Probably because i'm deeply passionate about whatever I get into. xD I'm generally outgoing and have been called a Disney Princess before at work. Again because I love to sing but also love animals that others shy away from, like snakes. I know I have a lot of negatives as well. I get stressed easy, depressed sometimes, and can have a quick temper when words aren't helping me convey my feelings/ideas. I speak too loud sometimes. I enjoy analyzing movies and media I watch. I engage actively in politics and have never been quiet about what I think. Despite this, I am very much a people pleaser. My goal everyday is try to make someone smile. Likewise, I'm very easy to please. I'm also considered eccentric by many I've met. I enjoy dressing up in my own style, often historically inspired, and often get compliments. Thank you! Sorry if I said too much! It's hard to sum anyone up. Oh, fuck. I forgot to put age. Lmao. i'm in my mid-20's, so TYL is good! Sorry sorry. This is why I try to double check things. I always have some sort of mistake. xD I guess you found out another one of my faults. I love to cuss. I was bullied a lot, so I decided that if I said certain words enough, they lost their meaning. Which is why I adopted the habit. Thank you again! I play piano and love playing softer music? More stuff like Chopin's waltzes and Khachaturian and Kabalevsky and such? I know. I keep forgetting things. I just feel like my initial entries were so scatter brained! - Azalea (I was so excited. I didn't think that clearly. xD). I know i keep popping in but i couldn't remember if i added this but i was reminded by a friend that this could be important. Related to the easily stressed, i cry very easy. Both when I'm happy and upset. It's one of the things i consider one of my deepest faults too. I'm an emotional trainwreck if yelled at or I did something really wrong. - Azalea ps- thank you so much for your patience! I love your blog so so much.
I’m always impressed with people who can play piano, or any instrument really since I have no talents in that department! I’ve never heard of the last two names mentioned, so I decided to listen to Khachaturian while writing this! 
Your Lover is the magnificent and majestic Kikyo. Who could Kik-yo-ass.     
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞. I’ll resign my position as the joke master now.
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Kikyo is a calm and mature individual who matches perfectly with your mature, yet playful style. You are able to bring out his more playful side, one that is rarely seen, while he is able to bring you calm when your head is muddled with worries. 
He’d never yell at you out of anger or frustration, so you have no need to worry regarding that matter. When he was first made privy to this, he pulled you close and made sure you understood he’d never talk to you that way. He’s a grown man that has experienced his own share of abuse, so he’d never want you to feel as if your worth was as insignificant as an ant. Be prepared though, even though he’ll never yell at you, he will sit you down and have a long conversation about what happened between the two of you. 
Kikyo likes listening to your music after a hard day's work. He himself has an array of musical tastes, and though he’d prefer rock to classical, your music slowly began to have the only effect to relax him. He’ll often ask you flat out with that charming smile of his, but on those rare days he really needs some relaxation, he’ll walk up to you. He’ll gently wrap his fingers around your wrist before lifting it upward. The tips of your fingers will be kissed one by one, while his eyes search your own. “Will you please play something for me?” 
Enjoys watching you play board games with Bluebell and Deisy, and will often chuckle to himself when both you and Bluebell get too into the game. Poor Deisy is just left stuck between the two of you while at the same time hoping Kikyo will do something. Kikyo never does though, because he finds you at your cutest when you're aggressively playing monopoly like a war general. 
 Your Bestie
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The two of you became friends through an online chat room, and when the two of you met in person, it was as if the two of you had been friends since childhood. He was surprised to know that you are the girlfriend to one of Byakuran’s men. You were equally surprised to find that he worked under an organization for the Vongola mafia. 
This realization did not deter your friendship though, for the both of you were able to realize that friendship between the two of you had already sprouted and there was nothing that would deter it. 
The two of you remain friends through the internet, phone calls, and anything long distance because his work takes him all over the place. He’s the first one you call if you and Kikyo get into a rather nasty argument. Those arguments are far and in between but Basil is always there to be your support.
One of your favorite memories was when you and he visited Rome together. He took you to the regular landmarks, but he took you to an area that no one really bothered going to. The view of the sunset there was spectacular. Kikyo was slightly jealous that he hadn’t been the one to take you there, and Basil had to swear up and down that he didn’t do it for any romantic reason.
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imagine-khr · 4 years
Perhaps this is a weird ask, but any headcanons for what Mukuro would be doing during this hellish year since last March? (Tbh, I've been curious about what all the Vongola has been doing. I know I've just been wasting away in worry during most of it. I hope you're doing well. I know it's a stressful topic, so please feel free to toss this out if you wish!) Thank you and I'm glad you're back! Even if it isn't permanent. Sending you lots of love~
It’s not a sore topic for me at all! I’m doing just fine and healthy! I’m sorry to hear that it’s causing you so much anxiety. :( Sending you love right back! I’m answering this ask with some regular everyday HC’s but also adding in some everyday romantic HC’s too if that’s okay :>
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Abused the shit out of take-out apps. So much so that within only five days he spent around 700 Euros.
Put on some weight, but because of his training, he ended up bulking up a bit. 
Since he was away in Italy when the virus hit, the two of you were apart for a long while. It wasn’t until summertime that he was given permission to re-enter the country. 
This was when you took notice of the amount of money he spent on take-out. Because he complained about how he missed your cooking and that all he has had was take-out. 
You wanted to throttle him but were too happy to have him back that the problem was forgotten entirely when he gave you a quick kiss. 
Considering his work involves him traveling around the world on numerous occasions, he was given time off.
Was the one that went shopping while you worked from home. During those first few months when he was back and you were still working from home he was the one that made dinner. Though he often talked about how your cooking is better, you know for a fact that he was lying because most of his dinners were far tastier than your own. 
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imagine-khr · 4 years
I’d like a tyl!matchup please! I say i’m more of a listener than a talker, but i also don’t like awkward silences, so i tend to just blabber about things that excite me a lot. sometimes even repeating stuff bc i’m not sure if i already told a certain fact to a person or not. despite that i have a great memory once i manage to concentrate on something. i am both touch starved and nervous about physical contact, so i need someone who is patient enough to initiate any kind of contact without being overwhelming. i love doing little things for my friends like buying them drinks or bake them treats and stuff like that. i am unquestionably supportive to my friends and forgiving to a fault, though i’m also prone to self doubts and thinking people hate me for no reason. people often come to me with their secrets because they know i would never betray their trust. i am very much an enabler and a hypeman when friends tell me their plans and ideas, even if they’re a bit outlandish. i have a hard time sitting still for too long so i’m almost always fidgeting or dancing, especially when i’m in a good mood. -blaumeise (i hope this is alright 😅😅)
It’s okay bby, you did just fine!
I ship you with Fran!
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Though most of the time the words that come out of his mouth are sarcastic and rude, with you he actually tries having a conversation. He finds it cute when you ramble on about this and that, and he could honestly listen to the same story ten times in a row if it comes from you. He’ll often stay quiet just to watch you fumble for a conversational topic. He’s a little devil like that, but it’s just because he finds you adorable when you try to bridge the silence with discussion. 
Fran, being someone who seems so apathetic with anyone and everyone, is a very surprising comfort for you. Scared to initiate something? Don’t worry, he’ll plop down next to you on the couch, and tease your fingers with his own before he intertwines said fingers in your own. Always wants a welcome-back kiss and a goodbye kiss because he saw it on TV once. 
Will slowly snake his arms around you and whisper, “Want to know a secret. You’re the ugliest person in the world.” When you turn to glare at him or stare at him quizzically, you’ll see that small shit-eating smirk that lets you know he thinks you’re anything but ugly. 
The first time the two of you met was when you were dancing, and quite frankly minding your own business, and he appeared just to tell you that your dancing sucked. The rest was history. 
Your Bestie
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As everyone knows, Haru is not afraid to talk someone’s ear off but will also not mind taking a back seat in order to listen to your problems. The two of you are so comfortable together that you can both gab all night without a pause, and if there is one, you’re always the first one to fill it. Due to this habit, the turn in conversations seems natural. So much so that most of the time neither of you know how you ended up talking about absurd topics like how bridges are built.
Wasn’t too happy when you started dating Fran, mainly because of the organization he’s involved in. It’s one thing to be part of the mafia, it’s another to be part of the mafia with a group of trained killers. But, she has accepted your relationship when she took notice of how Fran treated you and how he made you happier than even she could at times.
The fondest memory the two of you share with one another was one drunken night when the two of you snuck into Gokudera’s apartment to shave his head. Between your giggles and very loud whispering, he woke up when only half of his head was done. It’s safe to say that the two of you ran for your lives. 
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imagine-khr · 4 years
Match-up Rules
Don’t add in your looks. Nothing against you, or your pretty face, but your looks will never be added into the decision of who you will be put with.
Don’t use INFP or Star signs as an instigator to your personality. I myself am a Scorpio, but I don’t act like the textbook description of one. If you need multiple submissions to describe yourself, that’s perfectly fine! 
Don’t write, “I’m very shy at first, but once you get to know me I’m really warm and loving,”. That’s not a diss at you, but I’ve seen it far too much for it to be a factor on who you will be with. Let’s dig deep, maybe even put your bad traits. For example, I whine about the littlest things sometimes, and my God do I whine more when I’m on my period. Let’s find out who will love you with your faults and all!
Put in, based on your own age, whether you want to be paired with current canon or TYL!Canon. 
Add a nickname for yourself if you decide to come in on anon. Try not to use single letters, because I feel I’ll find myself with four J anons. Use names like, ticklepickle, popscotchhop, or door.
Match-ups will consist of your love-interest and best friend. Two match-up’s for the price of one! And if you want to find out who is the one to like you the least, it’s Hibari. It’s always Hibari. 
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imagine-khr · 4 years
Hey to all that have still stuck with me through my absence, even if you stuck with me just because you forgot to unfollow me, you still count, I want to thank you! And apologize to you. I came back, for like a second, and then left for like, three years? Whooops. I’m not here to make promises that I’ll be here for a long time, but I’ve gotten my inspiration back to write for KHR, and do plan to stay until that fades away. As a thank you/apology gift, I will be taking on Matchup requests. The rules for matchup’s will be posted tomorrow, since this is just a quick announcement. Also, don’t be afraid to send in requests for head-canon’s! To those who have just started following me, hi, hello, you can join in as well :}.
Edit: Just saw the last time I came on here and said I was coming back, it was last April, guys. Wow I fucking suck lol. Also to that one person who has already hearted this, hello.
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imagine-khr · 4 years
Could you do the varia plus fran and mammon cuddling with their s/o?
Xanxus: He doesn’t care too much for cuddling, and since he can get hot pretty fast he prefers to only ever allow it to happen in the winter. Despite this though, he will allow you to snuggle up to him and wrap an arm around his front while he just lays there like a log. During the winter months though, that’s when he’ll spoon you, with one arm loosely draped around your waist.  
Squalo: He’s the type that will only let you cuddle him after sex, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t cuddle you. In the middle of the night, you will find yourself in a tight embrace, sometimes comfortable and sometimes uncomfortable. If you need some cuddles to soothe you from a long day’s work, he won’t do it. He may or may not cuddle you extra good that night and blame it on his nightly habits. 
Lussuria: When the two of you are falling asleep while cuddling he will often litter your shoulder with butterfly kisses and often plays with your fingers that his own had previously been intertwined with. Will have both of his legs wrapped around one of yours. Like Levi, Lussuria will often massage your scalp or your shoulders if the two of you are cuddling on the couch. 
Levi: Like Xanxus, Levi’s body temperature is very warm, but the difference is that he gets cold more easily. Will prefer to be the little spoon when cuddling, though at the beginning of the relationship he was the best big spoon. He’d massage your body at points in time until you feel asleep. He finally got the courage to tell you this later on when the two of you knew your relationship was more stable. When he’s little spoon he always has a content smile on his face and falls asleep soon after. The two of you often switch spooning positions nightly.  
Belphegor: Will only cuddle you ironically at the beginning of the relationship. Will annoy you with his cuddles at first because he never let’s go. You have to pee in the middle of the night? Too bad you’re not leaving the bed. “You can just go here. I don’t mind.” He’ll say with that dumb stupid grin he always wears when amused. When the relationship gets more intimate you’ll find him cuddling you at random. Will lay his head on your lap while you’re watching tv or reading on the couch. It’s on those nights that he’ll stick to you like glue while the two of you are in bed. 
Mammon: As Mammon’s S/o you are permitted to cuddle him without having to pay. The best to cuddle on the couch while watching something. He’ll have you in his lap with his arms wrapped either lazily around your neck-not enough to choke you but just enough to feel an intimate warmth- or he’ll have his arms loosely hooked around your waste. This man falls asleep right away and will turn over in the opposite direction of you if the two of you had fallen asleep cuddling. You have been flipped off the bed once when his arm was locked underneath you. 
Fran: The snuggle King. He’s always ready to be snuggled by you or to snuggle you at any point in time. Will entangle his legs with yours while he has one arm around your waist and the other propped under your neck. Will snuggle up behind you while you’re making dinner and rub his forehead against the nape of your neck. Whines when he wants cuddles and will annoy you until you give him some snuggles. 
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imagine-khr · 4 years
Heyy. Great blog. Can i ask u random hc for hibari & mukuro? If not thats ok. Thanks
Really late in replying to this, but yes it is okay to ask me this xD
Hibari: Will flat out tell you if your cooking is garbage. If he loves you, he’ll eat it anyways, albeit while still complaining.
Mukuro: Once wore lingerie because he lost to you at poker and has since worn silk underwear because it’s more comfortable than his regular boxer-briefs. 
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imagine-khr · 4 years
sorry for double asking but!!! Kyoko and her s/o!!! I'm love her!! Do you have any headcanons??
- One of her favourite activities to do with you is going shopping. It’s a way for her to get a glimpse of what to buy you in the future. Whether that be for your birthday, a holiday or just something to make you happy when you’re feeling down.
- Wants to be proposed to during the first festival you two ever attended together. She’s sappy like that.
- She’s probably the first one that ever said I love you. She looks the type that will want the other party to confess first because she’d be too embarrassed but this girl has the courage and when it comes to love no one is stopping her.
- Is the type that will never get suspicious of you but will definitely get jealous if other girls cling to you. They could be your best friend but her jealousy is stronger than her own common sense. Won’t tell you about it because she knows it’s silly and it’s something that she herself has to overcome.
- You mentioned once that she’d look good with long hair (and completely missed the part where you added that “You’ll look cute no matter what your hair length is because you’re the cutest person I’ve ever met.”) Which is the reason why she decided to grow her hair long.
- She realized she was in love with you when the two of you were on a date at the amusement park. She got sick and threw up on your shirt and when you were more worried about her than your damaged clothes her heart, which was a gentle flutter throughout the entire date, became one big fluttering mess. She was happy she could blame it on the sickness. 
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imagine-khr · 4 years
Omg ur back 🥺 welcome back!! You were one of my favourite blogs when I first joined this fandom and im happy to see u active again!
Aw, thanks so much! I’m always glad that my blog can get people excited! :D
If you’re ever wanting to ask for a headcanon or scenario don’t be afraid too! I’ll be happy to write up something you’ll like!
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imagine-khr · 4 years
Hc's for Gokudera when his wife is pregnant? Also
To the person who sent this to me two years ago, I beg your forgiveness for such a late reply. And to those whose questions I’ll get to later, I’m sorry to you guys too. I’m also going to apologize for the response because I feel like it’s different from how I used to respond. I’ll try my best to find my footing again!
- When he first found out that you were pregnant, he thought you were joking. He was a little busy with an assignment for Tsuna so he just laughed it off, kissed your cheek, then left the house. 
- Not wanting to distract him while he was out doing business you waited for him to return home before showing him the positive result from the blood test you had done as well as a sonogram photo. 
-He cried. A lot. He was quick to apologize to you as he tried his best to wipe his tears away. You had to reassure him that you weren’t insulted by it, and instead just thought it was rather funny that he thought it was a joke. It would be a cute story to tell your child. 
-The first person he tells is Tsuna, who is quick to congratulate the two of you.
- Is offended when he goes to tell Bianchi and she lets him know right away that she was the one that went with you to the doctor.
- Does his best to go with you for further check-ups, but when he can’t he intrusts you to Bianchi. You thought the two were being overdramatic as they firmly shook hands and made eye contact that was far too serious.
- Is the type that reads what foods you should and shouldn’t eat and takes this as seriously as he would a mission. You want a small, tiny sip of anything that has caffeine in it, he will make sure he has something else you enjoy to eat/drink to take your mind off your craving for caffeine. 
- Doesn’t mind if people ask to rub your stomach if you don’t. He honestly enjoys it because he’s just like, “Yes. This is OUR child.” But that’s only to people the two of you know but if they’re a stranger he finds it slightly weird, but again, if you’re cool with it then he is too. If you tell a person that you would rather they not, but they keep on insisting, he isn’t afraid to give them a glare and say something nasty and intimidating to make sure they never even think of touching someone else’s stomach. 
- His foot and back rubs are the best and help relieve the tension in your body. You don’t even have to say anything. He always takes notice of when you’re starting to feel the ache in your back and ankles. 
- Two months before the baby is due, he starts to panic that he’ll be a bad dad. You had to reassure him that he was being silly and that he’ll be a wonderful father. This kind of helped but he didn’t fully believe it until the baby was born.
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imagine-khr · 4 years
Oh my, yes hello, welcome back~~!! I love it when people come back, especially if they feel better with themselves. How's everything in these tiring times 😂😂
All my college courses we moved to online and I hate it 🙃
But I’m just glad they didn’t cancel the entire semester like some other colleges. I’ve been lucky to always go to Walmart and find some toilet paper. Last time I went I got the jumbo charmin pack so I’m pretty happy in the tp department. Usually I’m a Scott’s toilet paper kinda girl. I only ever started using Charmin back a month ago when that’s all they had, aside for a four pack of great value toilet paper, and now I love Charmin way too much. Once I ran out I had to get great value and it felt like a paper towel. I had become too accustomed to luxury. So I’m glad I was able to get some more Charmin the other day haha. I started learning Japanese from Duolingo and a learning book I bought two years ago that I stopped using when I found out I wouldn’t be able to study abroad and continuing to study it just made me all depressed so I kinda quit. But now since I have nothing to do I decided to start it up again! If anyone else is on Duolingo let me know and I’ll add you as a friend! But first I need to figure how to do that haha! I’ve also been doing some more reading. Since I’m a big fan of history all the books I’ve been reading have been about that. I finished How to be a Victorian (a Dawn to Dusk guide to Victorian Life) this book can get boring at times but it’s very interesting, Harem: The World Behind the Veil (this is a wonderful book in my opinion. Right now I’m in the middle of reading three books: The Kings Mistresses: The Liberated Lives of Marie Mancini, Princess Colonna, and her sister Hortense, Duchess Mazarin, The Regency Underworld, and finally Shadow of the Titanic, The extraordinary stories of those who survived. For those that also love books I’d suggest using ThriftBooks. The stuff is cheap and you can get ones that have barely been used for five dollars. It’s a real book lovers friend for those that can’t afford all the books they want.  That’s all I’ve been up to lately. I hope you and everyone else reading this is doing well though and are able to find entertainment while being stuck at home! 
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imagine-khr · 4 years
Hey guys I’m back! I know it’s been around two years since I posted anything, and I’m sure many of you have forgotten that you’re still following me, but here I am! In order to commemorate the first time I started to read KHR, which was 10 years ago, way back when I was in middle school! I remember reading it and being, I’m the same age as this Tsuna kid, cool! At that’s why I continued to read it further because I’m a very simple person, haha. Through the years I’ve grown into someone different, as we all probably have, but not too much. Just in the since that when I started this blog I was WAY to obsessed with having people like me and like the stuff I put out. I still like having people like me, but I know now that people won’t start hating me if I put something down that they might not agree with when it comes to a scenario or headcanon. As I was reading through some of my old stuff, and noticing spelling mistakes as I went along, I noticed that some thoughts I put down within a scenario or headcanon  would not truly correspond with how I thought the person would act in said situation. I think I did this because I knew what people wanted to hear or rather than the real truth on how they’d react. So from now on I’ll try to keep the characters more in character. Does that make since or is this just coming out as one long confusing ramble? Anywhosies, this blog will be active once again! I know that while everyone is stuck inside their homes with nothing to do I can at least try to entertain you guys to the best of my abilities! Oh, I’ve also added just two more small things to my rules page so please look at that before sending in an ask!
As a pick-me-up for those of you who like cats, here’s a photo of mine! Her name is Huntress and she likes to scratch at the tv when I don’t feed her.
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imagine-khr · 7 years
Ya still in the IRS building? If so tell me if you like bubble tea and what's your favorite flavor? Just cause and mine is royal milk tea btw Lmao.
I actually just left 😆 My favourite is a mango flavored blend they sale at a local frozen yogurt shop. I like the flavor because of how it makes me feel refreshed in the summer heat that's melting me lol.Now I'm craving that so imma stop by and get myself some frozen yogurt AND the mango bubble tea. It's time to treat myself. Thanks for talking to me QT pie ;)
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imagine-khr · 7 years
So I'm sitting in an IRS building board out of my mind. If you would like to ease the writers boredom, send in questions. Personal or not I'm just bored and want human interaction 😩😩😩
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imagine-khr · 7 years
So I'm sitting in an IRS building bored out of my mind. If you would like to ease the writers boredom, send in questions. Personal or not I'm just bored and want human interaction 😩😩😩
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