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"To Whom It May Concern" by Dondon Jeresano
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Reflection to "To Whom It May Concern" Artwork
Have you ever try to speak but no one dares to listen? Or have you ever try to lend your ears but no one wants to tell? In an artwork entitled "to whom it may concern" by Dondon Jeresano, a graduate from Polytechnic University of the Philippines with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and a professional visual artist, clearly illustrate how the character in the artwork wants to say anything or wants to tell a story. He wanted to tell a story to the people around or he's fighting for something even no one cares. Eventually, he got tired of the same sequence happened everyday. Not until the day he stopped talking, he gives up on fighting for something and get tired of seeking attention because he noticed that none of the people around listened to them since the day he started talking. Like he's just wasting his saliva and energy for nothing. For me, it was entitled "to whom it may concern" because the character has no specific listener, he's just telling his thoughts to those who are willing to listen. As you notice on the artwork, the man is covering his ears because since no listens to him, he will be the one to listen to himself. The works can be seen around his place are the words from other people that he don't want to hear. Try to open your mind to everything others will share. Listen not only to yourself but also to others opinion so that we will all be able to understand one another.
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Art is an expression and application of creative, imaginative, conceptual idea, or technical skill of the artist. It's a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory, or performing artworks. According to Alice Guillermo, there three premises. First, is the definition of aesthetics (philosophy of art). Art is subjective. It can be interpreted the way you want it to be. Everyone can give meaning to it base on their own understanding and interpretation. Art is the expression of your thoughts, imagination and mind. The artist shares his/her creativity to showcase the talent they posses and convey the meaning or the idea they want to share throught their art to the viewers. The second premise is the art is said to be socially and historically situated and art has it's specificity. The art people made was based on what they see in the vicinity of their own society. They make art out of the events they have seen and experienced. It can speak on it's own brcause it conveys a meaning, through observing the elements that art posses. The third premise is like aesthetic is like an art, socially and historically situated. Arts vary in meaning and interpretation of every viewer. Since people in different places has different historical background and cultural traditions they tend to give meaning different from the other people's belief. With that they will not be able convey the same interpretation in one's masterpiece. We can also base it on the place they were from and time they were born. All art must be appreciated.
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