Just an update.
I think my time on Tumblr has ran its course. Posting has become more of a chore than anything else. I mean, there's only so much standing up for myself I can do. And it's all I seem to do on this now. For the 3 1/2 years I've been here, it's been great. I used to love it, but I've changed and Tumblr doesn't have a place in my life anymore. The Royals do though, more than ever. That obsession will be lifelong! I might still tweet occasionally, though (@lovebritroyals). Happy blogging, m'loves, and thanks for putting up with me!
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People will say I’m pathetic, but the fact that Diana is dead and buried is a fact that literally breaks my heart. She was such an inspirational woman, who laid bare her flaws to help the everyday man/woman. She had been through a hell of a lot, from losing her beloved husband to being a prisoner in her own home. But she never lost her gift: her people skills. As a royal, she was one in a million, and her presence and public relationship will never be replicated, if you ask me. The fact that those two beautiful babies will grow up without her being there absolutely kills me.
Whenever I’m reading a book about her, the 31st of August, 1997 still hits me like a train. I just wish she was here. She was, and is, so loved.
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“In one of the last letters I received from her [Diana] just before she died, she said: ‘I want to share this very meaningful quote with you and send you lots of love.’ It was from The Little Prince. It said: ‘I have to go now to the stars. And one day when you look at the stars, you will remember me.’ It was almost prophetic.” - Lisa Yacoub.
Diana, Princess of Wales. (1st July 1961 - 31st August 1997)
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If you've read the MANY suppositions about HM & Margaret Thatcher's relationship, her deep curtsy 'amused' the Queen, and "nobody could curtsy deeper", apparently. A curtsy is a mark of respect and so long as it happens, that's the be all and end all.
The only real problem with a curtsy would be if it didn’t happen. She curtsied. I’ve seen a LOT worse. It’s Margaret Thatcher that was mocked for her deep curtsy, sometimes a bob suffices. It’s the symbolism that counts the most, the action itself doesn’t matter as much. Get over it, it will save a lot of time.
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The only real problem with a curtsy would be if it didn’t happen. She curtsied. I’ve seen a LOT worse. It’s Margaret Thatcher that was mocked for her deep curtsy, sometimes a bob suffices. It’s the symbolism that counts the most, the action itself doesn’t matter as much. Get over it, it will save a lot of time.
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Hey Trish, I hope you're doing well!! :)
Hello m'love! I'm just dandy, other than the fact that I have a respiratory tract infection! Fairly nasty, but I'll live! You're so kind, hope you're doing well too. x
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And now even more people will search for it. Well done.
I knew someone would say it! Anyone who would bother to search for it and more importantly, who'd know where to find it, already knew about it. Don't just pin it on me, I wasn't the person who started it all. 😉
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All this talk of Harry’s Instagram gave me a challenge. I’ll try to find it, I said to myself. It literally took me two minutes. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to exploit it everywhere.
The man has to live his life in the glare of the public eye for the rest of his days. Leave him this. Agreed, if he wants it private, he’s being a bit careless. But still, if you really tried to walk in his shoes, you’d want your little piece of private life too. And people harassing him for a follow, dream on my darlings! He’s a smart guy.
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I don't know about the rest of you, but I still can't believe Princess Charlotte exists. 😭
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Can't believe George is 2!
I remember this day two years ago so clearly, and that door still haunts me to this day! Now he talks, walks and has a beautiful little sister. Like, HOW. It's just so crazy. He's growing up so fast, and it's so perfect to watch. Happy birthday, Georgie. Two years of being the cutest little munchkin on the planet. ❤️
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The four official photos released by the Kensington Palace to mark the occasion of Princess Charlotte’s christening on July 5th, 2015.
“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their whole family had a wonderful day on Sunday and were delighted to share the special occasion with the thousands of people who came to Sandringham. They are very happy to share these photographs and hope that everyone enjoys them as much as they do.“
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10 years since 7/7.
You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace. ❤️
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The royal family leaves the church after Princess Charlotte got christened.
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Prince George seemed fascinated with the crowds, kept turning back, straining on dad's arm as he looked at the people cheering the family
Simon Perry    ‏@SPerryPeoplemag
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The #RoyalChristening is now over. The Queen was the first to leave the church followed by the Cambridge family.
Royal Central    ‏@RoyalCentral
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Mummy’s little princess.
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here she is!
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