ilovehomicidalliu · 7 months
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guess which one is me
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ilovehomicidalliu · 7 months
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ilovehomicidalliu · 7 months
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more silly convos :33
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ilovehomicidalliu · 7 months
Link to make quotev quiz requests:
(also link to my quotev in bio)
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ilovehomicidalliu · 7 months
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average conversation between me and my online friend😭😭
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ilovehomicidalliu · 7 months
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i’m dating him btw (no we cannot share😡‼️)
(credits for the art go to the orignal artist)
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ilovehomicidalliu · 7 months
this is my first time doing headcanons dont bash me please🤗🤗
(There will be some mentions of the slendermansion AU in one or two of the headcanons.)
EJ dosent actually like killing people. He’ll only do it if it’s really necessary, or if their a horrible person. If none of those apply, then he’ll simply do surgery on his victim while their asleep to remove one of the organs that aren’t needed as much as others.
He isn’t really viewed as the medic of the mansion. Maybe people will come to him if they need some medicine or something quickly, but other then that most creeps will go to the building where the doctor creeps reside and get checked out there.
Jack can’t see shit, but his senses are enhanced as a demon. His best senses are his hearing and his smell. Jack can hear a pin drop, and he can also smell every little detail about someone. You have the tiniest cut on your leg? One breath and Jack will be able to tell you the exact x and y coordinates of the cut.
After the incident with Jenny, Jack can’t handle anything cult like. He’s a sucker for horror movies, but ask him to watch The Ritual with you and man is RUNNING. Anything that can even slightly remind him of a cult sends chills down his spine, so you’d better just not mention anything like that around him.
Jack isn’t necessarily against dating, but it would take months for him to finally start dating someone he likes. He’s scared of being hurt again like what happened with Jenny. He definitely wouldn’t date someone within the first 2 years of being a demon.
He also isn’t as interested in dating because he thinks people deserve better then him. He’s not the most affectionate partner, and he’s always scared of his partner leaving him and needs constant reassurance that they won’t be like Jenny. Jack also has a…animalistic side that comes out once every 2-3 months for a few days. Those are the days where he will actually kill his victims instead of preforming surgery. He can’t control himself those days, and even the smallest smell of blood will cause him to go ballistic. He doesn't want anyone to be around him those days, including his partner.
Jack is a pretty serious guy and a major nerd. Best way to make conversation with the guy is to talk about something sciencey or something related to medical things. He doesn’t make jokes or really laugh that much, but occasionally he’ll crack a joke or maybe even let out a small laugh, if your lucky.
EJ actually has really good hygiene compared to other creeps (JEFF.) living in the mansion. He showers and washes his hair daily, and even has a whole 13 step skincare routine. (What? If he’s gonna be eyeless and have crappy grey skin he might as well take care of it!)
He HATES fancy clothes. You’ll have to beg him to dress up. He’ll normally just settle for the closet pair of sweats and a hoodie with a t-shirt. Don’t get me wrong though, he washes them every day.
also please check out my quotev account if you want, link in my bio<3!!
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ilovehomicidalliu · 7 months
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