illuminatedmysticc · 3 days
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(came back to post this here & on IG. It's too important)
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illuminatedmysticc · 3 days
Simple Wisdom
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In the quiet spaces inbetween thoughts, there's a clever truth waiting to be discovered—a truth so simple, so obvious. Let's imagine it like this: life is a bit like a puzzle, and sometimes the pieces might seem tricky, but what happens if you don't think about what you call a problem? Is it here?
What if I told you that all problems are imaginary dreams? They might look real, but if you stop and really think, you'll find they're not as solid as they seem. It's a like magic—seeing through the tricks you play on yourself.
Sometimes, it feels like we're caught up in a storm, doesn't it? But who is perceiving that storm? Is it bothered by any of it? Isn't it quietly watching? Look closely!
So, let's wake up to this simple truth: You are the canvas, and you are the artist. You have this fantastic ability to create your own masterpiece. No need for complex brushes.
In the world of easy and finite words, there's a profound infinite intelligence. It's not about big, complicated ideas. It's about understanding the simple magic of existence and using it to paint a beautiful picture of your own story.
infiniteko's PB
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illuminatedmysticc · 6 days
Yeah idk I just end up with nothing 😭
That’s it ! 👏🎊🎊🎊🍾🍾🙌🙌😭🥺
You got it ! 🫂
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illuminatedmysticc · 6 days
Idk it’s nothing ?
Investigate yourself
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illuminatedmysticc · 6 days
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illuminatedmysticc · 6 days
Hi, what’s investigating for you ?
Seeing it for what it is
That pain I’m feeling in my stomach isn’t really pain
Break it down , what is it
Deconstruct, notice it
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illuminatedmysticc · 6 days
(Not the same anon)
I want to surrender, but I’m scared. Scared of so many things like: what if it’s not gonna work? What if I’m doing not genuinely, but for the sake of achieving it? What if I’ll never truly let go?
Honestly, I identified my problem, it is in fact obsession and being deeply attached to thing, but I’m so lost… I don’t know where to start to feel light and “free”. I’m always hoping, desiring, longing, then suffering, then being pessimistic, then being hopeful again and it never stops. I just want to let go of everything, but I don’t know how. Even living my own present normally doesn’t seem to help because there’s always that little voice inside my head depressing me and making me keep cling, even if subtly, on everything.
It’s Simple just listen to yourself
Hello I understand you are scared
But it doesn’t matter because "who is scared?"
What if doesn’t work ?
What ? There is nothing to achieve or gain , you are not here to "Attain godhood" or something you are "THAT" / IT / I AM / infinite radiant energy
You don’t gain anything, you simply remember , you already are Everything / Nothing
You notice it . Simply surrender.
You have to understand something here … I am not telling or "teaching" you anything new
You scared fine stay scared
You brave fine stay brave
You want to investigate and see it for yourself fine
It all boils to CHOICE
You can read all of this and still seek more , it’s not up to me , the ball is up to you
Now let me ask you this:
Haven’t you had enough of this " " "Fear""" holding over you?
Dissolve into the nothingness, shut up and listen to the silence within it speaks louder than words ever could.
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illuminatedmysticc · 6 days
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illuminatedmysticc · 6 days
My spine isn’t strong enough to be your pillar I’m just a child
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illuminatedmysticc · 6 days
do you have any pointers or advice for when “i”m feeling obsessive or even desperate.. because my though process is i realize that there’s no one feeling obsessive or desperate, because there’s no person at all. then i remember all there is is to notice, just awareness, but for some reason i can’t shake off feeling depressed or anxious, that i’m not being “right”
i remember all you guys say, but for some reason i can’t deeply feel it..? or trust it, even? so any advice or pointer on how to manage that?
all i want is to know my true self and experience what i want, stop taking this experience as real and tangible yk
You’ve tried everything except nothing
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illuminatedmysticc · 8 days
u seem so bored these days girl
Nothing to post anymore so I quit
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illuminatedmysticc · 8 days
how are you? Have a new silly pic or a cool aesthetic pic to show up? I love your side acc, I used some pics as drawing references! Was fun drawing them
that’s it! Stay well
Okay I’ll post more now
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illuminatedmysticc · 8 days
If you come here to hope that I can teach you a
trick to get ahead in your life and make a lot of
money, you better learn to invest in stock
market or learn a new skill. I am talking about
knowing your own nature, not about improving
your life story. -> Being_is_IT
How do I change/reinvent someone?
So I'm learning more and more everyday that my stepfather is a horrible person. He's an alcoholic, he abused/abuses animals, and more. My mom recently kicked him and his family out bes he wasn't helping pay any bills. I want to manifest them coming back and having my desired home life bes I won't give up on them. But like l've described he's not a good person so how do I fix that? I also want other desires but don't know what to focus on. Honestly l'm just feeling so much pressure and so many emotions it's almost too much. I’ve been using the affirmation “I have my desired home life” since they left, do you think that is effective on its own or should I also drop that old story? Because I feel like the affirmation includes a change in his behavior but idk
Hey I'm sorry but this is not a manifestation account
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illuminatedmysticc · 21 days
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– Oscar Wilde
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illuminatedmysticc · 21 days
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Morning in the mountains, Zell am See, Austria.
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illuminatedmysticc · 21 days
We transcend by noticing all the contents of thoughts are just empty 🫢 everything is literally empty
Just be aka keep noticing as you have been doing since always
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✨thank you ✨
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illuminatedmysticc · 21 days
Mystic, do you follow absurdism?
Nope just find it interesting
I don’t follow Non duality either
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