I’m going to stop writing
I know I just said I’d keep writing
but it’s hard to care for someone whose feelings I don’t know
I can convince myself you do care but you said to me “I didn’t miss you” and went ahead and got engaged
I want to believe you were in pain but
this is so hard
this isn’t like usual
I’m not trying to make myself silk intentionally just because it’s fun
I really am torn between my feelings for you and having dignity
do I live with hope and believe you loved me but were not in the right state of mind, or do I believe you were honest and and try to live without dying because you wouldn’t want me anyway
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I will write sweet nothings till I hold you again
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Held hostage by your love
in a conceptual prison
that if it were materialized I’d find the key and lock you inside
so you’d see how iridescent you truly are
but alas, im the captive
November 22, 2016 4:05 pm
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Isaac Isaac come back
Whenever you leave me I feel like a part of me is floating off somewhere
i feel like an appendage is missing
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Just because I prayed and have become numb to pain does not mean I forgot you
this is my face watching videos of you
you’re the only person that’s ever made me feel like this
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“I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds — but I think of you always in those intervals.”
― Salvador Plascencia, The People of Paper
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“I’m with you. No matter what else you have in your head I’m with you and I love you.”
— Ernest Hemingway
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I’ve been chasing you for awhile
think about it
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Im living on memories
hallucinating future ones
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I’ve loved you for many years now
I loved you when I hadn’t met you
i loved you so many years before
i waited for you
i keep waiting
come back
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Come back babe
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Seasick 🫧
come back before I perish
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“In my memory, it doesn’t end. We just stay there, looking at each other, forever.”
— John Green / Paper Towns
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“Trying to control your thoughts, but how can they be found when the mind is what’s lost? It’s like the Great Barrier Reef. Stuck in the bottomless pit. Oceans apart. You became catatonic. You became erratic. Then they labelled you psychotic. You were my kin. I was your hawk. How did my eyes miss? How did I let you slip? You are the epitome of strength, for nothing is more terrifying than battling your own mind. And I am your protector. Your great white. Your killer whale. Your barracuda. Barricading all the negativity of your mindless tsunami. This is the Great Barrier Reef. And you may be stuck in the bottomless pit. But I am your landing. I am your rock. We can never be oceans apart.”
— protect the ones who are struggling with their mental health // Hina Syeda @abillionlittlethoughts
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“who was it that made you feel undesirable and hard to love tell me who was it that made you see yourself for everything that you’re not”
— a.m
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