If Feelings c0uld be put d0wn in Writing.. My Ink Would be replaced with Tears.
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Proclaim Battle Against Your Enemies: The Polarity Strategy Identify and confront your enemies to achieve clarity and purpose. Life is a constant battle where people may hide their true intentions. Recognize and expose those who oppose you. Do Not Fight the Last War: The Guerrilla War of The Mind Be mentally flexible and willing to abandon old, comfortable approaches in favor of innovative, responsive actions. During Chaos Keep a Present Mind: The Counter Balance Strategy In the face of chaos, it’s vital to maintain your composure and decisiveness. Do not let emotions take over. Create a Sense of Urgency: The Death Ground Strategy Create a sense of urgency by placing yourself in situations without room for retreat—where survival depends on relentless action and focus.
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One does nOt become Enlightened by imagining Figures of Light
but by making the Darkness Conscious.
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They Hate Me cause they Can't Beat Me. You don't Parley when You're On the Back Foot. homo-puta-culo negro' #SheepGoToHeaven🐑 (at Garden Estate Mansion) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGaY-w7linM/?igshid=14x4njz40m8e8
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You Drown nOt by Falling into the River,, But by staying submerged in it. What Starves You Craves You🌹 #SheepGoToHeaven🐑 (at Garden Estate Mansion) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4SA_klt5g/?igshid=1tag8eb5xx6dh
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Poems & Words
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#LettersByAchildInsideMe #Darksoul #suicidaltendencies #savemysoulfrommisery
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Because isn’t it awfully lonely, to be the only one thinking: “I wish I could go back to that time”
-the time when we were together
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Right now you’re hungry for love, and maybe even a little desperate. Hoping someone will barge in and make life better, just be patient, the person you were born to be with wants to be with you too, and when the times right, they’ll come into your life
excerpt form a book I’ll never write (via sunflowerletters)
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.Wholly depending 0n my Brain. I Killed myself., And buried Humanity alongside.
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The Tr0uble is n0t that I am Single and Likely t0 stay Single..But that I am Lonely and likely t0 stay Lonely.
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So you bury this feeling, in the deepest part of your heart, and you pretend it doesn’t exist, And you do such a good job of pretending, that you not only fool the world, but you also fool yourself. That you’re not hurt, that you’re just fine, that the world is better this way, Until one day, someone who knows you better than you know yourself, see’s the real you, they can see the darkest and deepest cavern of your soul where you’ve buried all these lingering emotions, And then suddenly they all come rushing to surface
Excerpt from a book I’ll never write (via sunflowerletters)
I Can See your s0ul from My World.
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In Her Mind..We are A paragraph In A st0ry never t0ld. Speaking 0f love but no clue of love.But no one can hurt me no more..Cause Mortals turned me Immortal.Inhumane now cause of humans.
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