we depend on you
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an association & note storage for my ocs
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
kid: dad whats a 69
dad: well son, a 69 is when two people who love each other very much get together with a 6 and a 9 and a 5 6 7 8 [spotlight turns on] [dad breaks into jazz number]
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
The way children pick up animals stresses me out
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
music hoe aesthetic
earbuds in at all times
dances alone in room
liked that “before it was cool”
stares in the distance when sad song
googles song lyrics
owns the acoustic and remix version
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
When Conrad is doing something no good, Conbad When Conrad isn’t in the mood, Consad When Conrad is pissed, Conmad When Conrad is overprotective and constantly looks after his friends, Condad When Conrad is boisterously macho from being drunk, Conlad Conrad, ladies, gents and pals
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
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— Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
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i am trying to tell you
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
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all the kids cried out
“please stop you’re scaring me”
control // halsey
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
Mistakes Happens
Characters: Nicholas Neilson, Caleb Norwood Word count: 2,040 Triggers: None Summary/Note: Nick had an accident. Nothing bad enough to make him want to curl up in a ball and never let himself reach to the light ever again. Thankfully he had someone to help him learn a valuable lesson relating to mistakes. // I actually had a similar accident few days ago that made a bad rash on my thighs. I'm fine now, but the negativity got to me, and I wanted to write what I needed to remind myself when I come across those kind of situations again.
Laughters, streched out with great strength and high on delight, were distinct throughout the Chinese restaurant, cutting through the chatting from strangers, coming from a particular set of people in a table. Only there was Nick along with Caleb, Rhys, Peregrine and Lexus, enjoying their moment together as they originally planned on going out to eat simply out of fun after it had been a long day at work.
All of their minds were clouded from the hysteria they were experiencing with it running madly fast within their veins, and having it blocked Nick’s awareness of his surrounding, he didn't know better on being careful to what was he doing when he was reaching his hand over across the table to give a quick slap on Rhys’, who was playfully going for his icecream from the other side where he was sitting.
It happened under a dead second no one could react quickly enough in stopping a small bowl of hot soup that was being knocked aside from Nick’s arm, having most of the dish spilled across on his lap. The computer programmer uttered a yell and pushed himself out of his seat, gasping and wincing at the intense stings that was spreading in his thighs like wildfire ( —- created by his idiotic action, would the pain remind him ).
He thought the world around him became utterly silent upon his shout. He wished it was just his imagination, but when he realized literally everyone in the restaurant had pairs of eyes fixed entirely and only on his quivering presence and the mess he had made, he couldn't feel himself anymore but the stinging within where the soup fell on, as a feeble choke escaped from him.
He felt like a pathetic fucking child who just pissed their pants.
At the dreadful thought, mind burnt, chest filled with heavy smokes, and brown eyes tearing badly from the overwhelming embarrassment, Nick instantly shut himself down, away from the reality.
He couldn't even hear his own friends calling out to him. Until Caleb was able to pull his attention and have it on him, and whispered, “Nick, it's okay, breathe, it's okay...” His words were light and soft, like petal lips on wounds, comforting it was. Nick deeply breathed, and was given a small, loving smile from the Star God afterwards. “I'm going to take you back to your home through my teleportation power and get you clean up. Will you let me do that for you?”
For some reason, bits of electricity struck down in his spine when he managed to hear the question, noticing how Caleb lowered his voice, at the time he asked, comparing with the other words. Though it was a good kind, there was something about it that rendered him lost in wonder.
Nick was a trusting person, except for the fact his anxiety made him look otherwise, with paranoia flickering across his eyes, and fingers twitching at sides with discomfort forces washing over his soul, he breathed glass shards, always wincing at the words he would utter out loud, and bled flaws, always was there something inside of him that would throw him in an ocean of shame, stitched doll with burning throat and widened eyes full of black dots.
But once Caleb approached into his life, it was like a hand reaching out close towards him into the sea, and it was the first time did Nick believe it being real, before he took it without his mind screaming and whirling at him in uncertainty. It was a call of miracle.
He was somewhat unsure why he trusted the Sagittarian the most out of all people he had bet and befriended, and not to be biased with how they were technically in a love relationship at the moment, as he consider him close to him, but Caleb... If one were to be able to push pass all of the things that portrays solely on his obnoxious manner, he spoke and gestured in a language that was defined beauty in its purest form, kindness, genuine and understanding.
Many people knew how to use it, but to Nick, it wasn't as fluent and powerful, in contrast to the Star doing it. It wasn't the same without Caleb’s lips gently curled up into a smile, sympathy and patience carefully dripping over behind teeth, either after he gave his support or gaze at a person straight in their eyes with the heavy silence folding between them ( what he loved about it was he never looked away, never does he break that attention he had and intensely grew attached to on them, akin to a sense they meant only to him ).
At a slow pace, almost as if doing it at least moderate would completely shatter him apart, Nick nodded. He didn't cast a glance at anything and anyone, not even at the rest of his friends, except the floor, while he was being quickly, as cautiously, led behind by Caleb who pardoned his exit with him and took him outside. By the time Caleb transferred them both inside Nick’s house, specifically his bathroom, the Celestial God gestured his pants, and assuming his boxers as well, as he was about to take down a hand shower.
Nick discarded the soaked pants and boxers in a gentle motion, so he wouldn't hurt himself more, with trembling fingers, heart racing in awkwardness, even if he trusted his friend that he wasn't internally making fun of him right now, before he picked them up and threw them at the end of a bathtub. He then positioned himself into it with parts of his clothes beside him and blinked, not wanting to make eye-contact with Caleb.
He could hear him turning the tab on and elicited a small curse from how cold the water was running as the hand shower was spraying on his thighs. His mind was already close to being swallowed in a monstrous desire to block himself out of the reality once again, but it ended from Caleb attempting to reassure him. “Hey, hey, Nick, it's okay, stay with me here.” Nick exhaled a shaky breath in response and tried to ignore the sharp feeling that was created between the stinging and the cold water.
He was given with the shower hand and that was when he looked up at his friend after he said, “I’ll be right back, I'm going to text the gang that we’re home and get you some medical treatment with your clothe. So keep the tab running for a bit more until I come back, okay?” Unable to form any words in his head, exhausted and afraid that if he were to say something, it would turn out to be something ridiculous, he just nodded.
He was left alone for what felt like a minute and Caleb arrived at the entrance with one hand carrying a container and his clothe in the other. The Mortal turned off the tab and earned a giant spot of numbness clinging in his reddened thighs. He took his tower from his friend and dried himself. He let Caleb help him put on his Hatsune Miku t-shirt along with his boxer brief and took a step out of the bathtub. Even after a cold wash, he could still feel himself burning in the end from the embarrassment.
He wondered if the God could notice how badly hot his body was, but immediately waved it afterwards since he doesn't want to think about it anymore to avoid embarrassing himself further more. Instead he remained stiffly still as Caleb crouched down and took the cream from the container before he applied it to the rashes. Nick flinched at the sharp tingling that was beginning to rise again under his friend’s fingers and his cheeks were now covered in tears.
Caleb seemed to realize he was crying by the time he held his hand with his spare one and gently squeezed it, portraying one of their friendship traditions that either of them would give a little pressure on to other’s hand with their own to assure them and may get the same gesture in response to say that they're okay. “Pay attention to me. You're doing so wonderful for me, baby boy.” whispered Caleb, taking Nick’s hand close to his lips and pressed with them on his soft pale skin.
Nick was starting to lose his discomfort at the praise, stomach filled with fluttering happy butterflies in pride. He attempted to do as he was told, shoving his focus more on to the kisses the God continued to give with such passion and care behind each every one of them, which he never stopped and he never let go of his, not after he was done coating his thighs with the medicine and helped him put on his pants in the end.
Not even after Nick was taken to his bedroom and was laid on the bed right next to the Star, with every atoms and veins of his vividly burning in affection, he could see it just behind his eyes, while their hands was resting on Nick’s stomach, he was staring at him — worshipping him — with a smile ( and it wasn't a sleepy kind, he didn't even seem to be exhausted at all, at him ).
Nick nearly teared up again.
“Th-thank you,” he choked, unable to resist keeping his emotions and thoughts on held only to himself. “Thank you so much for... this, Caleb. G-God, I feel so fucking stupid.” The Mortal shook his head at himself. Either it was in a self-deprecating manner or not, a true statement was a true statement. Caleb didn't take it well though by his eyebrows furrowing as much as his muscles could pull and gave up a frown that would put the Devil in shame.
“Nicolas Neilson,” started the Sagittarian, and just saying his name had left him speechless already when he could've stopped him, “while this is pretty hypocritical of me to say when I'm still working on my confidence to it, but we all make mistakes. Some of them are greater than another, and some still haunts us from the past to now and then, but at the end of the day, if we choose not to be stubborn and admit them, we would learn a lesson behind them and we try our best to remember the consequences and what we can do to prevent it when we happen to come across to a particular situation again.”
“The point is, it’s okay to make mistakes, but what isn't okay is making them define who you are. You're not fucking stupid, Nicholas, you're a sweet baby boy who came from a fantastic cookie-making mama, and if anyone think otherwise, they're going to get their asses inserted with a stick than it metaphorically is, which that shit aren't worth being used as a dildo —- not that I've used it as one before, oh Hell no.”
Nick snorted in amusement at the end, and Caleb continued with more delight to see his friend was now cracking up from the tension.
“I’ve done stupid shit that isn't intentionally, and I try not to let them get to me in thinking that's a part of me, even if it's difficult. But... it's important to remember that in our life, there's simply things that comes out of the sudden and gets in our way before it eventually goes. However we handle it, our reactions will influence how we think of ourselves, and we shouldn't ever put ourselves so lowly. But whatever mistakes it may mainly relate to, remember that nobody is perfect in a way, as we make mistakes to have experiences.”
Before Caleb finally finished with his emotional speech, he tenderly wiped the tears off of Nick’s baby cheeks and placed a sweet little kiss on his forehead.
“Experiences are meant to guide us in life, not define us.”
Nick couldn't bring himself in reacting to anything at what Caleb said to him, only did he mouthed him a gratitude, smiling, and at last, he pressed his side closer into his friend’s and gave his hand a light squeeze in return.
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
A Not So Nippy Situation
Characters: Caleb Norwood, Conrad Godfrey Word count: 1,268 Triggers: Found in tags Summary/Note: Does it need any saying from the literal sin itself? // This is fucking Hell, but at least Conrad got to torture the damn fucker Caleb is as a revenge for all of the shits he had done to him.
Caleb simply wanted to have a peaceful day when he wouldn't being judged on by any of his friends over what he was doing to himself with the following problem he had to handle for his own sake, or else Hell will run loose upon himself.
But alas, today he wasn’t having what he most desired.
“Uh, care to explain why...”
His friend and coworker, Conrad, was standing at an entrance that would lead to the bathroom, shoulder against doorway with arms crossed on chest, and eyebrows raised, the businessman was staring at Caleb before him while the Sagittarian was frozen in his position, akin to a marble statue.
Though the similarity was not wrong in the end when the sight of Caleb was something, alright; his face was deeply flushed,  he was carrying what could have been few pink, small wrap pieces in his hand, and the most prominent point of them all from Caleb was... Well, he’s shirtless, to put it bluntly.
How Conrad got himself into this situation was your everyday thing a person would enter the bathroom and forgot to knock, as someone else who was in there forgot to fully close the door and lock it afterwards.
However the consequence to it was not what he ever expected.
Especially, after his voice eventually trailed off to complete silence once his gaze flickered over to what grasped his attention the most other than Caleb being half naked, which was a two pair of Kirby merchandise bandaids, used in an x cross style, covering his nipples.
A dead second later, Conrad lost himself and drowned the room in his laughers.
Muscles tensed from the power of embarrassment, the Korean-Irish couldn't bring himself to speak, or anything, but only cast a heated glare at the other’s direction, straight towards his face, as if it would delete his memory of stumbling across to this and get him teleported to his room or whatever.
( Oh, did he hoped within a desperate prayer, but God wasn't helping him now. )
What felt like it had been a minute since Conrad was practically dying on the floor, surprising that he didn't actually die yet from the whole guffawing shenanigans, the tremendous lines of it had ceased at last, and the brown-haired man brought himself back on his feet, a light grin was shown on his feature, a very out of character thing he was portraying ( and truth be told, it frightened Caleb ).
"Okay, okay, take me back to day one with this, Caleb, just, why?” questioned Conrad, taking it a little too enthusiastically by his tone close to high pitched, hard brown eyes filled with tiny speckles of curiosity across, resembling to a child’s.
Caleb huffed and rolled his eyes. Part of him refused to tell him his reason, with the rest were chanting at him to just do it because he knew of a possibility that Conrad was going to find out at some point anyway. Therefore he gave up his silent treatment and looking away from Conrad, he muttered, "I got them sensitive nipples...”
It was true. There were certain types of materials he would wear that would either tickle his nipples and render him into squirming and making weird noises, or being attacked with urges to scratch them because of the materials were forming the bad itches.
Caleb swore he caught a glimpse of interest in Conrad’s eyes at his respond. He was uncertain what was there to be so, but seeing his eyes narrowed afterwards, something was telling him he didn't believe it.
“Can't you use some sort of an ointment for it? Like coconut oil?”
The next inquire was the worse one to get, but again, with the average chance the Spy would discover it himself, Caleb casually tossed his reply in with a scoff. “Bandaids are way more fucking badass than those creams.”
Conrad hummed in an understanding manner. “Is that why you wanted to come to my house in the first place other than just to ‘hang out’ — to tell me that you have a bandaid fetish? A Kirby bandaid in particular, if I may add.”
Caleb went bug-eyed at him and let out a noise that sounded somewhere between a cat dying and a tire deflating, “No, wh— Conrad, you piece of SHIT, shut your FUCKING mouth!!” he yelled, almost did he choke on his words at the end of his sudden bullet.
Allow him to take his words back at Conrad’s previous question, now that was the worse, and hearing it made him want to die.
Although it was a casual dodge Conrad had done as he said, “What?”
The Star God’s eye twitched at how his voice was heavily coated in sweet innocence, enough it would give him toothaches when his teeth were clenching against each other, annoyance leaking deep in between them to his words. “I swear to great Saturn above I will kill you if you continue to pull that shit on me.”
“Mhm, choke me, Daddy.” smirked Conrad.
One hour later after Caleb arrived to his friend’s house, and already, madness was running wildly in the air.
This was going to be a long day.
Bonus 1:
The duo was playing a Kirby game, speaking of which, at Conrad’s room after the incident with Conrad offering Caleb to play a video game, words dulled and nothing about it was much attention luring, exactly in a way the tall Mortal was acting like whatever happened prior to the offer didn't exist at all. The offer took a large spin in the Star’s head over how could Conrad be so lewd but so casual at the same time towards the discovery.
Caleb couldn't look at him without wondering what was going on in that dumb mind of his. The fact he was having fun torturing him, even the burning sensations within his cheeks made him damn certain of it, was frustrating as Hell, but how the cryptic Spy was proficient on his words in silver tongue and knew where to bite on the real golds always manage to push him on edge and prevent him from ending it.
Eventually, after a moment of heated silence in between them, Conrad was the one who broke it.
Of fucking course.
“If Kirby swallows those little guys to gain powers from them, wouldn't it be technically vore?”
Caleb shouldn't had been, because it was Conrad, but God, was he mystified.
Bonus 2:
Caleb was finally getting a ride to home in Conrad’s car a couple hours later. He had been expecting the piece of shit beside him who was taking on the wheel to speak relating anything sexual, which he could honestly care less about it anymore.
Every each uttered sentences from the Spy’s mouth made his soul want to descent from his vessel, and he felt like he would throw himself out of the car and allow his body to roll on the road if it continued just one more time.
They were almost at their destination though, and Conrad having nothing to say honestly surprised him, but he liked it that way and would prefer not to have that change until they had arrived and was out of his sight.
Caleb’s phone on his lap buzzed as it lit up, revealing a text from Nick.
Nick: hey Caleb, I heard you got yourself into a not so nippy situation ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Caleb: bye dick, keep texting, and I will fucking steal your sonic plush ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
The wasted years, the wasted youth.
The pretty lies, the ugly truth.
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
Dead Hearts - STARS
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
What moms are like when guests are about to be coming over…
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
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ikcmcrebi-blog · 8 years ago
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Sarah Hernandez
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