ikarosx · 6 hours
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"Right, right. Far better. That's what they all say." How many pirate captains had he seen in his life? They set their little sails up, painted their ships, named it something cutesy, something demure – then they pointed big cannons at each other to ruin the other's creation. Mortals were childish, but it was amusing to watch. "So what's the name of your ship again? The Kraken?" At this point he was simply pointing fun back at Ryujin, especially for the other's comment. Ikaros already knew he was a great reason, he didn't need the faiman's stamp of approval. He clearly already had it. "Will you take me up on my offer to see Avalon? Or do the shores of our sea not call you as much as...this one does?" The one filled with muck and humans; Ikaros was only slightly interested in what Taravell had to offer. Everything was mirrored within Avalon.
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"I'm going to be far better," Ryu was really lucky that he contracted the ability to lie, but either way such legacy was once a truth to him. There's the faintest prick of a smirk at his expression, one that's normally so tense and aggrieved looking, "He needed all this time to build something, but my armada could rival his still." It sounded as though Ryu was diminishing Elokian's reputation but there was a sense of pride for what the Leviathan had conjured; passed down from his father's efforts but Ryu would not let it falter, to do so would be a further disrespect to everything his father built. "And no," the smirk grew then, he liked the idea of bothering the prince, "-not a great reason."
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ikarosx · 6 hours
@lucanisvanyaril Location: Aventia Notes: not pictured is Saleba giving Lucanis a glare from the shadows
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Ikaros had been perhaps a little too close to the darkspawn, but still, he was not a ranged fighter as most of the Elvhen were. He, alongside Tianyou and Abelas, were far closer to the fray as a unit, fighting in sync so that they were not cornered or locked down. The fighting had gone on for hours, until finally Ikaros pulled the Elvhen back, allowing the Olympians to filter through to guard the final few hours of the dark morning.
Even in the darkness, he knew who approached him. Ikaros had taken off his armor, set it aside, and began the long work of scrubbing off the darkspawn blood. He had mostly stayed safe from it, but there were times where his radiant blades attracted too much attention. Swarms seemed to find him in the dark; it was difficult to be the son of the Star of Avalon. Saleba wound around Lucanis' legs, though it wasn't exactly a warm greeting as she hissed and sprang off into the shadow. "If you're looking for money, I don't have any. And you can't charm Abelas out of any, either. He has none. Try your luck with the Olympians."
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ikarosx · 18 hours
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Matthew Daddario in Why Women Kill
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ikarosx · 1 day
LOCATION: Aventia After Ikaros had dragged the other from Eterna, Avalon had been hit with the news of Aventia. Titania had held a gathering with her nobility, Tianyou's father amongst them as the elder Faelorian insisted that he be present. Tianyou had as well, perhaps one of the only despite the others being sent out to meet with the Queen within Eterna. Ikaros had met with his mother, the monarch placing her trust and sending him as a sign of good faith between herself and Arethusa.
Aventia itself was somewhere Ikaros had only been in passing, many decades prior. It was one of those places that could be a haven for those escaping Iskaldrik, or riddled with people who would sell them out to witchers the moment they needed something. For now, though, he led those that were trusted to fight for Eterna. The best archers from Lórien'dal, and bladesingers from Elgar'nan's Hearth. Tianyou would be looked at for leadership as well, a branch that was known for its prowess in magic and combat. For now, Aventia was well fortified. The olympians were on the ground, closer with their magic, while the archers and bladesingers took to the walls behind the battlements, shooting down at those who ventured too close to the large iron doors.
The iron doors opened infrequently to send out a wave, and pull the dead back within the walls. The only time there was rest was during the midday hours, where the darkspawn hid in their tunnels. Ikaros stood now, on the wall above the doors. Soldiers were currently picking through the battlefield, burning darkspawn bodies and pulling in the dead and wounded. The prince leaned forward, his gaze shifting to Tianyou, "If we're not careful, the blight could spread. Any of the injured could be infected."
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closed starter for @ikarosx location: knead to relax note: he's obsessed
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This place had a chokehold on him. He wasn't sure what it was about the bread they made in these bakeries, but something about them really kept him coming back. If he was going to talk about anything serious, then he was going to make sure that he had food in front of him. And this bread calmed him down. Ikaros understood, he was sure. Well, to be honest, Tianyou wasn't really sure about all of that. Anyway, the point was that he had called his dearest friend here for a reason. That reason had nothing to do with the quality of bread in Taravell either. No, it was much more important than that. "There's some rumors going around." Sort of. "I feel like I have to go to the Deadlands." It felt more like a need though honestly.
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ikarosx · 13 days
@forsakesor Location: Arvandoril
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If Ikaros was surprised to see Kesor waiting for him outside the library within Arvandoril, it would've been a lie. He'd been expecting the other Thalasir for a while, if anything because Ikaros had spent a little too much time with the second son as of late. Politics within Avalon were relatively simply, easy – they had the branches, they had the capital, and all of them had no real reason to worry about anything except the imminent corruption of the Laurelin that would render all of their life useless. "Kesor," he gave a quick smile in greeting, though he didn't stop walking towards the Eluvian that would take them to Sylaise's Shore, most likely where the other had come from, "I thought you were in Eterna still."
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ikarosx · 19 days
Ikaros assumed as much; finding peace for the death of a sibling, that was one of those things that he was never truly ready to face. Yet the idea loomed closer and closer, Abelas' own connection to the light in danger of severance for how long he'd spent outside of Avalon. But that wasn't his to discuss at the moment, so he just listened as the other spoke. They were nearing the standing stones that would take them closer to the Feywilds, then the short journey to the Moongate.
"I don't think I'll be doing anything crazy for a little while," he admitted, thinking of the latest fiasco with Abelas and the cryophoenix. It had worked out, however, so he couldn't be too picky. "I'm researching something else. If I need your help, I'll let you know."
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A tiny little grin at Ikaro's first statement, and the noble felt the air around her clear as some of the heaviness in her heart lifted. Baby steps. She knew now that she hoped to stick by her friend's side through the difficulties that lay ahead, but it would still take her some time to find peace with Mir'solas' death. Though it was unwise to blame other people for her own sister's choices, the deep grief of a twin sister was hardly logical. Val'shira let in a deep sigh, preening by a finger curling through her long, dark hair. "I know," she teased. Once more, jesting in deadpan.
"... I'm looking for a lot of things," she replied vaguely. Much like Ikaros, Val'shira did not wish to burden the prince with more than he was already carrying. He was carrying a lot. "Peace with Mira's death... and what I owe her. There are things I promised myself I would do for my sister before I return to Avalon." Elune's Veil could wait for her; her uncle would see through shouldering both the branch and supporting Titania. No one had ever expected the younger twin to lead anyway.
"Don't worry about me." Val put a hand on his shoulder briefly and squeezed. "I'll be busy though," she added casually, taking away her hand. "So, if you need your favorite ranger's help, first make sure someone important is dying or the world is ending. You'd probably know with enough advance time." This was true, but Ikaros would know her well enough to suspect that she could be called upon for anything. Val'shira put up a front, but the messy heart of a tortured artist was stereotypically very sensitive.
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ikarosx · 19 days
"Are they lacking in the diplomacy department for the prince of the Tower? A gift basket? What are they going to do, leave it at the Moongate in the hopes someone will pick it up for me?" They would, probably, but Leander's aversion was enough for Ikaros to let the young man have his wild fun without him. "That Dracodile was more than endangered, it's a guardian – as a prince, I'm surprised you even took part in those games." Dior held clout, but none like the prince – and in a gladiator event? Abelas abhorred them; Ikaros shared the other's good intent, but it was still an interesting past time. Mortals had a lot to fit in their life. "Dior – is he your favorite, then? I know he has quite the following. Too many say he wins because if he doesn't, Prince Leander will have something to say about it."
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At the prospect of spending the day with someone, Leander laughed. Apep couldn't just hang out with someone in a bar. "I'll send you a gift basket." No, he wouldn't, "Well, someone will." There was an elvhen on the council now, a gladiator too - somehow - the deck that Calpurnina used felt loaded and pointed, though Leander knew that was not how the magic worked. "Maybe Dior will advocate against endangered species being placed in the arena," he was surprised the other hadn't already but regardless it felt irresponsible. Leander was still geeking out a bit that the blademaster had made a custom dagger - signed and everything.
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ikarosx · 19 days
"The only discretion you'll need is getting there. And I think we can take care of that." He glanced at Saleba, who only let her tail curl around her paws as she listened intently. Ikaros watched as the gladiator thought about what was set before him, but truthfully, Ikaros knew that the other would never back down from this. Already, there were conversations to be had with Kesor, who had been looking for a reading for a while now – Ikaros simply didn't want to see it just yet.
The prince gave a small toast in return, "You'll do fine, Dior. This is something that I think...you're meant to do." Ikaros couldn't help but laugh – the history of the shore ran on the coattails of someone such as Isseya; the elvhen of the branch of Sylaise had always sworn that Isseya was an elvhen from their branch. "Isseya – the first of the Legion, and with the first Queen of Eterna, fought against one of the old gods somewhere around here. No one knows where for sure, and everyone says Isseya was actually a witch, but – you know the Elvhen like to hold on to their myths. Whatever is happening with her statue has to be connected to where there is...disruption in the weave, in the pattern. Abelas spoke to the Dracodile and she's an ancient guardian, and having one so close to the island of Sicilia? That must mean something is there."
He finished off his drink, "You're not nervous, are you?" Ikaros was mostly joking, leaning forward now to be a little closer to the other, "Maybe you should find a book to peruse about it at the tower before you go. It might help you out."
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Dior knew the words were coming out of his mouth before he could stop them. The moment he said he was willing to help, annoyance settled in. Responsibility was the last thing he wanted, which was why he was always grateful that Kesor, and not he, was the heir to their family. Still, he couldn’t ignore the gnawing sense of duty, especially with Sylaise’s Shore in danger. He had screwed up with the dracodile, and deep down, he knew he had to make up for it.
But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t complain. “You know, Ikaros, I’m really good at three things: killing, cooking, and fucking—especially when there’s an audience.” He let out a dramatic sigh, eyes narrowing as he added, “This sounds like it’s going to require discretion. And I’m about as discreet as an owlbear in a glassware shop. No offense, Scylla.”
But he wasn’t about to back down either. That wasn’t in his nature. “Fine, I’ll go to Sicilia,” he conceded with a dramatic sigh, lifting his glass as if to toast to his own misfortune. If he doesn't get a statue after this, he'll be highly upset. “But I have to ask—what exactly is Isseya’s Last Flight?" He hated to admit it, but he had no clue. Skipping lessons in his youth had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now it was coming back to bite him. Still, he couldn’t afford to stay ignorant, not when his home was at risk.
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ikarosx · 29 days
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Matthew Daddario - Into The Deep
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ikarosx · 1 month
Ikaros had been doing what he could within Avalon, as he always would. The High Elvhen of the realm were welcome to come and go as they please, the Moongate was always open. Despite the guards, despite the way they surveyed everyone who was let in – the Blight had come through once, an old god had breached it, and the Laurelin remained as it was – slowly dying, branch by branch. Sylaise's Shore, the lowest remaining branch of the Laurelin, had an issue, now. "I believe it has something to do with the Dracodile. Isseya's Last Flight, somewhere here in Eterna; the Dracodile are guardians – I believe the statue of Isseya within the shore is...reflecting something that's happening."
His theories were all over the place, and Ikaros had to try and piece together what little information that he had. He had to be right about this. He'd touched the statue, he'd witnessed the pain, he'd witnessed the future of the gladiator that stood before him, and Ikaros only had to wonder if he was right to put him on the path.
"Dior, I ask this of you because Kesor will be needed back in the Shore for other things." The obvious remained unspoken; Dior was the second child, Dior was the one who could slip away and enjoy twenty years of Gladiator fame before whisking away to enjoy the fineries of Avalon before he could return. "I need you to see what is beneath the island of Sicilia."
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Dior listened intently as Ikaros spoke, his playful demeanor giving way to a more serious expression. The mention of the statue of Isseya falling into disrepair was troubling. Elvhen architecture was known for its resilience, and anything that could cause such damage was no small matter. Sylaise’s Shore was his home, and the idea of something so sacred falling apart, possibly tainted by the blight, made his chest tighten. He couldn’t help but wonder if this was why Kesor had appeared out of nowhere recently—was there something she knew but wasn’t sharing?
His fingers tightened slightly around the stem of his glass as he took in the information. The dracodile had been more than just a beast to fight; it had been a guardian, protecting something vital. And now that it was captured, what dangers did that leave their home exposed to? "You’re right to send Abelas. If anyone can handle freeing the dracodile, it’s him."
Dior took a slow breath, grounding himself in the familiar taste of the Avalon wine. His gaze met Ikaros’s, and the determination in his eyes was clear. “If there’s anything I can do to protect Sylaise’s Shore, I will. It’s my duty as a Thalasir.”
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ikarosx · 1 month
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"Is this your way of telling me that I'm a good reason? Not even a great reason?" Ryujin dare speak such a thing? It was a joke, mostly, as Ikaros walked alongside the captain. He felt the breeze of the sea as they walked upon it, though he wasn't going to wait for Ryu's obvious answer. Of course the prince was a great reason, he didn't need to hear the faiman say it out loud. "You going to be like the famed Elvhen of the sea? Elokian?" Elokian was from Elgar'nan's Hearth. Everyone knew of the Elvhen who had recently chosen to die a slow and painful mortal death. He and Ryu hadn't talked about it much, perhaps – the very short amount of time that the Faiman had to choose a life in Avalon. He was dreadfully curious, always had been, and Ikaros perhaps considered himself lucky that he didn't see Ryu's future every time their touch connected.
starter for @ikarosx.
where: wherever this werks for our prince, silverlands? eterna? lmk
when: after neptunalia comes to a close
note: this will get better
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"I don't travel this far inland without good reason," Ryu was setting himself up for a joke there; the crew that served the Leviathan were mostly remnants from those dedicated to his father and Ryu could trust them if he ventured off elsewhere for a few days. There was no escaping the life, and inevitable death, Ryu had promised for himself, and though it had been too late to turn to the elvhen half of his life, here he was meandering with Ikaros. Fates often laughed and mocked at mortal creatures this way; he'd ignored the elvhen bits of his life all this time only to have laid with the prince of Avalon, the gods were definitely laughing it up. It was a double-edged sword as the Dark One's whispers seemed to be the loudest whenever Ikaros was near, but blah, blah, blah self-destruction and all that.
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ikarosx · 1 month
Once the scout Elvhen had been placed along the shore of Eterna, and one within Sicilia, Ikaros had disappeared promptly from the scene. For anyone who asked, they'd say the Avalon Prince had simply arrived to meet his friend that he hadn't seen in a while. The chaos of the escape of the Dracodile, well, he'd loved "hearing" all the stories.
"Sounds horrible. How will she ever recover for the Fall Season? I hear it's taken very seriously here in Eterna. Whatever will she do for her Hallow's Eve party?" Ikaros gave a small smile, the other's smile infectious, "Well, you have all day to make it up to me. Lead the way, Leander. What kind of nonsense do you get up to in your own home?"
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Word had spread about the chaos that had erupted from below Ilythia's warehouse, the creatures that escaped sent the city and the magisterium into a frenzy but they were conveniently prepared. The more violent creatures were sent back to their plane, and the fey were returned to the Silverlands. Some reparations needed to be made, which Lady Ilythia was held financially liable for. Wasn't quite the ending that Leander wanted, but he'd make do.
"Lady Ilythia is in a frenzy, her Primus has been canceled - at great personal cost." All those tickets, purchased and refunded, are quite an embarrassment for someone of such high esteem. Leander smiled as he clapped Ikaros on the shoulder, his hand probably the size of Ikaros's head. The prince didn't wish to know where the eggs had come from, or where the dracodile had gone, but he assumed that Ikaros would make sure they were safe. "I feel I have to make it up to you."
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ikarosx · 1 month
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Dior sounds like his mother; the perpetually single Prince. It'd been a few hundred years since he'd last found himself in anything remotely akin to a relationship, and that was perhaps the point of much debate between himself and Titania. She was a queen of recent coronation, also a few hundred years now, Ikaros was in no rush. Even the thought of soulbonding was enough to push him away. He would've apologized for dropping in, but he wasn't sorry – duty always pushed him to intrude at times, but it would be for the good of the Shore at this pont.
"Saleba is used to Owlbears. She's a fan," he admitted, looking down at the cat-sith who got up to follow along. She did meow in greeting to Scylla, but there were things to do, people to see. Dior being one of them. Ikaros was fairly silent as they went along, though he had to smirk at the other's jokes, "Lucky for you, I don't have all the time in the world. But this couldn't wait." The mansion was pristine, something that Ikaros had of course expected – the Gladiator Elvhen was a fan favorite, and he'd done well for himself.
"It does. I'm glad you found him." Ikaros sunk into the chair across from Dior, the wine in his hand as he looked down at it. He had yet to find the other's sibling, though this would have to be shared between the two nobles eventually. Finding Dior had been easier, and he hoped that they'd pass it on for him. "The statue of Isseya that resides in the Shore, it's..." he searched for the correct word, "falling apart." Such a thing was unheard of, really, with Elvhen architecture surpassing most. "Cracking, almost like the blight has taken ahold of it. I believe the Dracodile was protecting something, you know that they were sacred, once – they're guardians. This one was found near Isseya's Last Flight, or where they think it could have been." No one knew for sure the events surrounding the Cataclysm, but the Elvhen of the Shore had always been proud of their heritage. "I'm sending Abelas to free it, but I need you to do something else for me."
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With Scylla by his side, few could truly catch Dior off guard. Her alertness had always been a reliable warning. As she moved with sudden urgency, Dior followed her lead, pushing the door open just in time for her to rush in and inspect Ikaros and his cat.
Dior’s lips curved into a smile. “Prince Ikaros,” he greeted, his gaze drifting to the feline lounging between the other’s legs. “Lucky for you, Scylla has refined tastes—only eats the most expensive meats and only when served in her favorite plate. Otherwise, this could have turned into quite the spectacle.”
He bowed his head in respect, then motioned for Ikaros to follow him to another room in the mansion. "If you're single, I've got all the time in the world. If not, you get an hour," he teased with a playful glint in his eye. "But let's steer clear of the right wing. I'm currently harboring a fugitive, and I’d hate to make you an accomplice in my little act of rebellion." Dior's tone was light, but he told no lies.
They arrived at Dior's study, a room of understated elegance, where the walls were lined with shelves holding ancient tomes and artifacts from his homeland, Sylaise's Shore. A large window overlooked Timber Bay, casting a soft glow across the polished mahogany desk and the plush, deep-cushioned chairs. Dior moved to a small, intricately carved cabinet and retrieved a bottle of the finest elvhen wine from Avalon. The deep green glass shimmered as he poured the ruby liquid into two crystal glasses, the aroma filling the room with a hint of wild berries and elderflower.
He settled into one of the comfortable chairs, the wine catching the light as he swirled it in his glass. "Am I wrong to assume this has to do with the dracodile I mentioned to Abelas in our last conversation?" Dior asked, his tone light, but the underlying seriousness clear as he took a sip of the wine, its familiar taste grounding him in the present.
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ikarosx · 1 month
"They don't call it the Last Flight for nothing, Abelas." Maybe it would have gotten a different name had the ancient heroes...well, flew away. Either way, he looked at the eggs, "We are taking them to Avalon. We're not far. Come on. I need a day to get everything in order, and I need your help with the eggs. If you really want to be involved in saving the Dracodile, then come on."
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"If it was where the last flight was, wouldn't it be in the sky?" Now Ikaros wasn't making any sense, this wasn't about the dead girl this was about something much more important, a dracodile. Abelas clapped his hands and rubbed them together, "The eggs Ikaros, if you're not going to take them to Avalon what are we going to do with them? They'll die here like this." Ikaros was always following him everywhere - he was obsessed! Why couldn't he and Saleba just do this together! Ikaros was useful though, and good with his knives. Abelas was anticipating a great deal of violence.
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ikarosx · 1 month
Ikaros was quiet for a moment, though the information from Abelas was exactly what he needed to finish piecing together his thoughts on the entire thing. "Abelas, you mean the island that supposedly holds Isseya's Last Flight." Isseya, her statue, the cracks that shuddered along the statue, the black mold that seemingly is taking hold – Elvhen artisans were in arms about it. Sylaise's Shore was seemingly trying to find the answer, but none had come. Perhaps the Thalasir being present – Dior – a spiral of events. Ikaros could feel a headache coming on, but he pushed it aside. A vision could be useful, but perhaps later – when he'd finished what they started. "She's a guardian of Isseya. Has to be," he said finally, though the gravitas of the situation was not lost on him, he just hoped Abelas would take the time to understand it as well. "Saleba and I will come with you to Eterna. If she can help, I'm sure she will." She liked Abelas. Everyone else? Debatable.
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"Sicilia." Abelas recounted, "I spotted her a few weeks back, when I returned her and her nest were empty. It had to be there." Admittedly there was a great deal about their history that Abelas didn't know, someone had probably tried to explain it to him at one point or another but it was so hard to focus when topics were so boring. There was one thing about this that made it interesting. "Dracodiles are guardians, I think..." Ikaros would be better spent looking into the island, "the island might've been important to use at one point, or whatever the island was before the landscape-" he made an exploding sound, "you know." Abelas had friends he could get to help but he couldn't tell Ikaros about them, it was like a secret or something. "You should send Saleba to come help me." Uwu. "Her and I can do anything together."
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ikarosx · 1 month
Ikaros was sure he'd snoozed his way through that book. He had about hundreds of them, sitting in his room on a bookshelf. Abelas had signed each and every one. Ikaros wasn't sure if he'd ever get to all of them, it seemed like his brother liked to pump one out every few weeks. How? Ikaros didn't want to know. "Sundering of the veil," he repeated, thinking now as he came upon the eggs. He'd done his best but – he could only do so much from what he'd been given. "We'll take them for Avalon then head for Eterna. I already have a plan, Abelas. You can't do it alone." He put his hand on Abelas' shoulder, "Trust me, we'll get her out. No matter what." Ikaros paused after a moment, "She must've been close to Eterna. She'll have to be returned to exactly where she came from. I think it's...connected, to what's happening in the Shore."
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"Misunderstood matriarchal protectors, very territorial, and very old," Abelas said with something of a dreamy sigh, clearly Ikaros hadn't read his book or he wouldn't even be asking! 'The Chronicles of the Dracodile: The mysterious and majestic beast and the secrets of its ancient, scaly embrace.' Abelas should've been used to it at this point, he only had a few hundred, he didn't understand why Ikaros wouldn't just read them all! "They age very slowly, some were still young at the sundering of the veil." The eggs though, they were a priority, Abelas paled several shades when he saw them. "Oh no," he frowned, "this color is all wrong." He wasn't speaking to Ikaros anymore as he started fretting over the eggs - the incubation temperature was off, and they were dry. It was clear that whoever removed them had no idea what they were doing. "You should bring these to Avalon." It would've been better if it was him but Ikaros had more sway, "I'm going to get their mother." And kill everyone that got in his way.
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ikarosx · 1 month
"On the contrary, I hear I'm a joy to have at parties." Ikaros had to force himself not to laugh, the air amongst them was still tense with the reality they now faced ahead. He was curious to know what she was doing outside of Avalon, though not in a way that would require much answer – they were all free to do what they wanted, Ikaros was just simply nosey. "I accept it." He figured there wasn't much to add on, though he huffed out a small laugh despite himself. "I like the way you phrase that much better than what I usually think of." The vision he'd had in Eterna, that had been suffocating, and now he was out in the woods at least, heading towards the stones that would send them closer to the Moongate.
"There's a lot going on, Val. I don't wish to burden you with more." She'd already lost her sister, on a journey searching for the lost pieces. Ikaros could look, perhaps he'd see what she was looking for, but there was the thought that yet again he'd see something out of reach for Val'shira. "What were you doing in Eterna?"
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Val'shira was silent for a moment, no argument forming that she could stomach. There was no real way to know exactly what she would do if she was burdened with knowledge like what Ikaros possessed. Her own grief was valid, but his reasons were more valid to her by the day. Time gave perspective, but more so did the fact that her heart didn't actually want to push the Prince away. He was a good man, compassionate and intelligent company... plus, she really loved Saleba. When push came to shove, no matter how angry Val was at Ikaros, she would defend him until the end. It wasn't something so superficial as a Lady and subject or warrior to her future King, it was because she cared for a friend.
"We're both really depressing people," she finally said after a long moment of silence. A stupid tease delivered in deadpan and truth, a subtle olive branch extended by the elve trying to be more light-hearted. Val'shira could not and would not reassure him, because it would all be a lie. Everything sucked right now, and would probably continue to suck. But at least she didn't want their relationship to suck. "Just accept the fact I got angry and I'm still here for you. You and your rancid, royal pessimism."
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