Ikanas Socks
255 posts
A blog of inanimated tf story and socks
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ikanasocking · 6 months ago
Hi. How are you doing today. Sorry for invading your privacy. Your blog looks fascinating and kindly Dm if you’re interested being in a sugar relationship 😊
Hi there,
this is an interesting offer, but I have to decline. I am already happy in a relationship.
So thanks for the offer but this is not for me.
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ikanasocking · 1 year ago
A s(h)ockin change
Live was slow for Aron. He had not much to do, besides going to work every day. Working in a cloth store, for sportswear. It was boring since a bigger store opened up just down the street. Few people came to the place and so Aron was sitting there from day to day, waiting for something to do, besides checking all the inventory. Weeks went by and nothing really changed. When one day this guy came through the door.
A big muscular guy with black hair and dark brown eyes. He was a lot taller than Aron.
“Hey, may I ask you something?”, the guy asked and looked at Aron.
Within an instant their eyes locked, Aron began to blush.
“Sure”, he stammered and the guy came closer.
“Looking for some new clothes.”
“Guess you can find something here”, Aron replied and the guy laughed.
“I was hoping to. Can you tell me, where I can find shorts and underwear?”
“Sure, I will bring you there.”
“Don’t trouble yourself”, the guy said.
“No trouble at all. Since this place is packed as hell, I guess I can show you around”, Aron replied and began walking.
Aron felt small and weak compared to the guy behind him. He was always a little bit pudgy, but next to this guy he felt fat. He took him to the isles the guy was looking for.
“Here you go. If you find something that you like but it is not in your size, then just tell me. I am sure we have some bigger clothes left in the backroom.”
“Thanks man. Will do.”
With that the guy began browsing through all the clothes he saw before him.  Aron returned to the front desk and watched the guy browsing.
“We got a hot one on our hands here”, Aron’s boss said and came from the backroom.
“What do you mean, sir?”
“The new guy. I can sense some sensation in your lower half. You got good taste, Aron.”
“You know sir, I am not into man.”
“But there is always the one, where we look at it and say. For him I would become gay. So is this guy the special one?”
“No, sir. He is just a costumer, like everyone else.”
“Well if you say so”, Aron’s boss say and went back into the storage of the store.
Aron kept looking at the costumer, who was still browsing through different items. He could not help but wonder why he was still looking at him. Sure he was a big guy, but Aron was into women. Sure women who were more on the masculine site, but still women.
“Sorry, buddy, I need your assistance again”, the guy said looking at Aron.
“Sure. How may I help you?” Aron asked and walked over.
“These are all nice and interesting. But I need them a little bit bigger, then this”, he said and Aron looked at the size of the clothes.
Yeah M or L would not fit this guy. He swore he had put up some bigger sizes. But apparently, he did not.
“Just a moment. Which of these would you like in bigger size?”
The guy pulled a pair of black and white shorts out and handed them to Aron. He took them, went back into the storage and browsed through the products. He found nothing that was a bigger size. How come they only had size M or L or even smaller left? Aron’s boss came by and looked at him.
“Something the matter, boy?”, he asked.
“You see, sir. I am sure I put up these shorts in different sizes. But on display are only M and L sizes. And even here we seem to have nothing more left than these sizes.”
“Strange. I am sure I ordered the right sizes. They must have delivered it wrong. But still. Your hunky costumer wants these bigger?”
“Yes, sir. I am sure he will need XXL or even bigger.”
Aron’s boss scratched his head.
“Give me a moment. I will figure something out.”
With that the guy took the shorts and went deeper into the storage. Aron went back to the costumer to inform him of what was going on.
“Found something?” he asked when he saw Aron.
“My boss is browsing through the storage and I am sure he will find something. In the meantime, do you need anything else?
“Oh, okay. Well I guess I could use some”, the guy said and grabbed a pair of black socks.
They looked pretty comfy and fluffy. The big cat on them showed who made them.
“Okay. Is this your size?”, Aron asked and the guy looked at it.
“Ah shit. This is only size 39-42. I have 47-49” he said and Aron took a look at the guys feet.
Holy cow he was right. His feet looked gigantic. The shoes he was wearing seem to have problems to keep these monsters contained.
“I will look for the right size, right away. Just wait a moment please”, Aron said and went back into the storage.
But much like the shorts, he could not find any other sizes. Then he heard his boss talking to the costumer. Curios he peaked out of the storage. His boss handed the guy the shorts, he was looking for in bigger size. Then he came back to the storage and found Aron peaking the corner.
“Surprised?” he asked.
“Not really. At least you found something sit.”
“Yeah. Let me guess. The socks are too small as well?”
“Sadly, yes.”
“No problem. Come with me.”
Bot guys went over to the costumer, who was in a cabin trying on the shorts.
“Sir, I am here to bring you the socks in the right size, you seeking.
“Aw great”, the guy said and opened the curtain.
He was wearing the new shorts and looked pretty well, Aron had to admit.
“But these are the same size, the guy left with.”
Aron looked at his boss and saw him smiling.
“This will not be a problem, trust me. Just try them.”
With this the costumer just shrugged, took the socks and put them on. They looked riddiculsly small on his feet. Not even really fitting over his heel. He looked at Aron’s boss and wanted to say something, when suddenly Aron felt the urge to drop to his knees. He did and before anyone could react, he was at the costumer’s feet. His fingers touching the feet of the costumer and a strange sensation rushed through Aron’s body. His fingers just melting away into the fabric, becoming on with it. More and more of his body melted away until Aron was the socks of the costumer. His body began to stretch more and now the socks were the right size, for this guy. Aron was confused and could still not understand what had happened to him. The only thing he was aware of right now was the strong smell of sweat from his new owner. Aron felt like he should be freaked out by what just happened. But the smell was too good and he was only a pair of socks, so he could not even freak out.
The costumers blinked a few times, before looking at the store chef.
“These are some good socks. I take them. The shorts are not really as I imagined them. But the socks, damn those are comfy.”
“Sure, sir. I will put the shorts back, after you changed. Just leave them here. I will wait at the register for payment.”
The costumer nodded and closed the curtain. He changed back and went to the front desk. He put Aron on the counter and the former human’s boss sold them.
So Aron’s new life as a pair of socks began. He was used for sports mainly. But from time to time, his owner decided it was better to use him for something more fun. Soaking the fabric his body in his cum.
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ikanasocking · 1 year ago
Are your feet ticklish?
I guess I already answered this. But no :) they are not
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ikanasocking · 1 year ago
The socks
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You want this, don't you?
I saw you looking at my feet for a very long time. Thought I would not recognize these short looks over and over. Is it so fascinating?
The look of my feet. Mesmerizing, isn’t it? Come closer. Don’t be so shy. Touch them. Go ahead. You will like it, I promise. See? Not so bad, right? Never thought you would be so into this. Go on. Live out your fantasy. Play with my feet. Show me how much you love them. Yeah that’s it. Smell them.
What was the smell too much? I was wearing them only for five days. It is not that bad. Go on, try again. Burry your nose in there. Yeah that’s it. Now you are feeling it, right? The smell is overwhelming. Deep breaths, my friend. Slow and deep breaths. Yeah, see? So much better now. You are getting the hang of it. Now how about a taste test? Lick my socks. Go on.
Oh they are tasting salty and dusty? Well of course they are. Brilliant taste, is it? Yeah. Maybe you should get used to it. There is no way, I will let you get out of this now. With the lick you sealed your fate. You will be addicted to my feet. But I have good news. You will never have to live without them. Do you feel it already? Your body becoming stiffer? Unable to move? The fabric piercing through your skin. Changing your body. Slowly more and more will be taken over. See? Your legs are already embrace by the fabric. And your hands are, too. How does it feel having socks on your hand? Why not try them? Go on, smell them. I am sure they are as heavenly as mine. Or at least they should be, since these are the same.
Yeah more and more is engulfed. Your belly, your arms, even your head. The only thing left is your face and, your dick. Oh man, you are hard as a rock. Maybe you should cum, before you are not able to anymore.
Oh, too bad. You were not fast enough. But don’t fear. You will have this feeling of nearly coming all day, for the rest of your live. And who knows? Maybe I will change you back one day. But first, let’s put you on.
Oh what a nice pair of socks you are. Perfect fit for me. Yeah lick my feet. This is the only purpose you have now. And always keep in mind. You are the one, who wanted it.
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ikanasocking · 1 year ago
Fix what is bothering you
Liam and Kyle were living together in a small flat. Four rooms. Either of these boys had his own, a kitchen, a bathroom and a small space they had to share together. Even while living together both guys rarely had anything in common or spend much time together.
Kyle was obsessed with cars and football. His dream was to become a professional player in an international club and being known all over the world. So he trained for it. Six times the week. Good for him was, that his parents were paying for everything. And not to mention, they could pay for everything he wanted. Never the less, Kyle was not able to get his body in the shape he wanted it. No matter how much he trained, his body would not pack on muscles. So Kyle looked very thin. His black hair were short. His face was kind of long and his eyes were brown.
Liam on the other hand did not care about sports or cars. Liam did not work out much but still, his body showed some definition. Liam was an average height, blonde hair, green eyes. The most day he spend outside of the flat to get away from his roommate. He owned the flat but was forced to take someone like Kyle, so he could pay for his live. Still in university he had a lot of bills to pay. That was the reason Liam was more in the library than at home. The other reason was, that Kyle always had friends over.
And this was the only thing both guys had in common. A few of their friends. The friends in question were, Lars, Martin and Nils. Martin and Nils were more friends with Kyle and used Liam more as an easy to manipulate friend that would do stuff for them. Lars on the other hand was more friends with Liam. Liam might be introverted and did rarely speak up to someone, he did with Lars. And Lars understood how he felt. So he supported him, the best was he could. Even when the others were talking bad behind Liam’s back, he would even stand up for his friend. But he would never said that directly to his face. He did not want him to know that the other were talking about him.
Weeks went by and the trash talk about Liam began to stack up, because he was gone from the flat even more than usual. Kyle, Martin, Nils and Lars were sitting together in Kyle’s room. Martin and Nils were muscular guys. But also pretty smart, what you would not believe on first sight. They were interested in cars and football as well. Lars was a pudgier guy who was not into cars, but shared a passion for football. The only one in the group that as actively playing. And that not on a gaming console.
“I swear, Liam is not even keeping up with his chores. He leaves me to do all the work”, Kyle said after they finished another game on the console.
“Seriously? He should be doing all your chores as well. This looser is not even a real man”, Nils said.
“What do you mean by that?” Lars asked.
“You did not pick up on the signs? He is checking us out every time he sees us. Bet he is mostly not here because he always gets hard when he sees one of us”, Nils laughed.
“I don’t think he is gay”, Lars said and sipped on a glass of water.
“Oh he is absolutely a faggot. One that wants to be dominated by real men, like us”, Martin laughed as well.
“Well I guess you are interpreting, too much into this. He is in the library and learns for his exam. And he is not here because it is too noise to concentrate.”
“Yeah sure. I am living with him and I thin Martin and Nils are right. He is a faggot. Pick up the signs. He is not interested in cars or football. Which straight guy is not interested in one of those things?”
“A lot? I cannot follow those arguments. Isn’t Liam your friend?” Lars asked.
“Our friend? Oh please. I am just living with him because it is cheap.”
“We keep him around because he always jumps when we ask for something. He is not really a friend. More a way to get stuff for free”, Martin said.
“I cannot believe it. You are just abusing the poor guy?”
“Sure. He is letting us using him. It is his fault that he is not standing up to us like a man”, Nils said.
Lars stood up and looked at the others.
“I cannot believe you are treating a guy like him so disrespectful. He is a caring person who just wants to make a living. Guess I was wrong thinking you would care for anything else then yourself.”
With that Lars left the group, without having a look back. After he left the room all three boys looked at each other and began to laugh.
“Never thought Lars would be as gay as Liam. Bet he will run right to his boyfriend, crying about how mean we were”, Kyle said.
“Yeah. Bet they would make a great couple.”
With that they continued talking shit about Liam and now Lars as well, while playing football on the console.
What they did not account for, what the open window, so Lars heard everything they said about him as well. And he would not stand for this. These guys would need to learn some respect. So he went to the library, where Liam would normally be. He found him. His head resting on the desk between bunches of books.
“Poor guy. Must have gotten not much sleep lately”, he thought and went over to him.
Carefully he put his hand on his shoulder and Liam sat upright immediately.
“Sorry I will put the books back, this instant”, he said.
“It’s okay. It’s just me”, Lars said and Liam looked at him.
His eyes were red from the sleep and it looked like he had cried recently.
“Oh, what are you doing here? Aren’t you with the others?” Liam asked while gathering the books.
“Well not anymore. I was worried about you. They were talking about some concerning stuff?” Lars said.
“Like how they think I am gay?”
“How do you?”
“Sometimes I was outside of the flat waiting for you all to leave before entering. Are you here to make fun of me right here?”
“Actually I was not making fun of you in the first place.”
“Okay. So you are just here to tell me, these guys are taking advantage of me?”
“You should calm down, Liam. I am neither here to make fun of you nor to tell you the shit they are talking about you. You seem stressed. Why not come with me, to my place and let us talk there.” Liam offered him with a smile.
“If you insist. I have no fight left in me to discuss about this” Liam said.
With that they put the books away and went to Lars house. He was still living with his parents. He was still in an apprenticeship and money was an issue for him as well. So he saved some from living with his parents and his brother. When they arrived at his home it was already evening. Lars led his friend to his room, informed his parents about the guest and sat with his friend there.
“So, Lars. Why bothering with all of this?”
“Because I care about you.”
“Yeah but your friends will not be thrilled seeing you with a faggot like me”, Liam said.
“How much do you know about what they said?”
“Enough. I know how they think about me and that they are only taking advantage of me.”
“And you did not try to change it?”
“How? I need the rent from Kyle. I cannot get rid of him. And when I am getting on the bad site of Nils and Martin, they will make Kyle harass me even more. You know how tiering it is to live with a guy who thinks I am his house bitch? Only there to clean for him and do all the work he does not want to do? I gave up fighting a few months after he moved in with me.”
“But why did you not tell me? I thought we were friends”, Lars said.
“Because I thought you think like the others.”
“You did not hear how I stood up for you every time they talked bad about you?”
“Once I heard you saying something. But they all just laughed and turned on you. So I began to isolated myself, to not get you in more trouble then you already were.”
Lars just blinked at Liam. He could not believe that this guy was going to such extends for him.
“But”, he began, when he noticed the tears in Liam’s eyes.
“I need a moment”, Liam said and Lars stood up.
“Sure. If you want, you can stay for the night. I don’t mind. We can talk later, if you want.”
With that he left the room. After the door was closed he sighed heavily. He could hear Liam cry, but had no idea how to comfort him.
“Troubles in paradise, brother?” Liam’s brother asked and came out of his room.
“What would you know?” he said and looked at him.
“Oh calm down, Liam. It was just a joke.”
“Sorry I am a little bit tense, right now.”
“Might have something to do with the cutie crying in your room?”
“I am not in the mood for your jokes, brother”, he said approaching his younger brother.
He was a little bit more on the pudgier site as well. Lars and he shared a lot of his looks.
“Oh man, you are tense today. Want to talk about it? I am sure you will feel better after it. You could also go to mum for a talk, but I guess better stick with me”, he laughed and Lars entered his brother’s room.
The room was slightly messy with stuff laying around everywhere. Lars and his brother sat down on the bed and Lars brought him up to speed with all that happened.
“And you are sure you have no feelings for this guy?” His brother asked after he was done explaining.
“Man again with the”, he began.
“I mean yeah you are straight. Sure. Straight as a circle brother. Maybe out parents are not seeing it. But I know what you are looking at online. And some of your teammates told me some stories. Maybe it is time to be true to yourself.”
“What do you mean?”
“You have a delicate taste in man and some, I would call it, interesting fetish. Most of it contains men. So I ask myself, do you care about Liam because he is a friend, or is he your friend?”
Lars said nothing and just looked at the floor.
“I mean hey, it is okay to play something for your friends, your parents or me. But at least be true to yourself. With your other little problem, I might have a solution for this.”
“You have?”
“Do you think you are the only kinky one in this family? A friend send me something. A website that is supposed to grant wishes. Might be worth a shot. I have not tried it.”
“That sounds like complete scam and a reason to get a virus on your pc.”
“Maybe it is maybe not. Well it will not download something, so no virus. But even if it is not working, maybe it will give you and Liam some comfort. A wish can sometimes change a lot of things.”
“Well send it over. I will see if it helps.”
“Always happy to help you, brother. I guess your guy calmed down by now. So you might want to make him cry again.”
“Har Har.”
With that Lars brother send him the link to the website. Lars went over to his room and opened the door silently. Liam was lying on his bed sleeping. Lars decided to let him sleep. He took a blanket and tugged Liam in. He took of his socks and went to his pc. He powered him up and opend the link, his brother send him. A small textbox appeared and the text.
“Type in your wish and we will make it come true.”
He began typing.
“I wish for Liam to be happy and find someone he deserves.”
He pressed enter and the site loaded.
“Wish granted”, was all he received.
He turned around to Liam and looked at him. If he was brutally honest, he looked kind of cute. His penis began to pulsate and pressed against his shorts. Lars was disgusted with himself. There was his friend who was having a hard time and he could not even help him, but got a hard on by just watching him sleep. If he was honest to himself, yes he was kind of gay. He liked Liam a lot. But he would never tell him. Liam deserved someone who would really appreciate him. And who knew if he even was gay? Lars continued staring at his friend before going to bed as well. They slept in the same bed all night.
The next morning Lars woke up to find Liam was not lying next to him. Confused he looked around and found his friend at his computer. Typing in a wish to the wish granting website. Crap he forgot to close it yesterday and shut his pc down. Liam was done and pressed the enter button. The same thing as with Lars happened and the wish was somehow granted. Liam turned around to find Lars now sitting upright in the bed.
“Morning”, he said and Lars nodded.
“I am sorry for what happened yesterday”, Lars said.
“Don’t be. At least you showed me you care. And creating a website to make a wish was a sweet move of you. Thank you.”
Liam said and came back to the bed. He put back his socks on and sat down then.
“I guess I should go home now. Your parents might not be happy seeing you with another boy in a bed”, Liam said and wanted to go, when Lars took his arm and pulled him back. Liam was surprised, tumbled back, before falling on the bed. The lips of the boys met each other, after Liam fell down. A short and unwanted kiss was the result.
Surprised both boys moved their hats back.
“I am sorry, I did not mean to”, Lars began and looked at Liam.
He did not say anything. He was still processing what had happened right there. But after a short time Liam made a move and kissed Lars again. This time not by accident. Lars was completely surprised by this. But he did not fight it. It felt way too good. His penis got hard again. When their lips parted Liam looked at his friend with a sad expression.
“I am sorry, Lars. I did not know what’s gotten into me. Please forget what happened. It will not happen again”, Liam said and wanted to go again.
Tears filling his eyes again. Lars still got his arm, so Liam could not get away. Instead of pulling him back, Lars just got up and then approached Liam.
“Why would you say that? Did you not enjoy it?” Lars asked and moved his hand to Liam’s crotch.
He could feel, that the boy was hard.
“I did, but you and I”, Liam tried to put a sentence together but his emotions were too much.
“Let me tell you something, Liam. I was in the closet for so long. I guess it is time to come out. I enjoyed your company all the years. Not only as a friend. I was fantasising about more with you. Liam, I am in love with you”, he said and Liam looked shocked at him.
“But, your family, your friends”, Liam began.
“If they are not accepting it, they are neither my family nor my friends. I have not been there the last years for you. But now I want to be there for you. Maybe even for the rest of our live.”
Liam said nothing. He just snuggled up to Lars’s shoulder and started to cry again. Lars just hugged him, hoping to comfort his friend this way. It worked and Liam calmed down after some time.
“What do you say? We forget about the others and start a new live?”
“But Kyle still lives with me”, Liam said.
“And I don’t think I will get him out of the flat, anytime soon.”
“Then move in with me.”
“Here? I don’t think this will work out.”
“Well let’s start with a few days. I guess you need some peace and quiet and sleep. Let’s grab some things and you stay here for a few days. What do you say?”
Liam did not want to say anything and just nodded. So both boys went over to Liam’s flat. Only to find it trashed. Stuff was lying around everywhere. And Kyle was in the little space they shared. He seemed to be sleeping. The aroma of alcohol was in the air.
“What a pig”, Lars thought.
Liam did not say anything. He went straight to his room and began gathering some stuff. Meanwhile Lars was waiting for him to finish. Just as Liam was done gathering his stuff, Kyle woke up.
“Hey, what? A good you are back”, he said in a still drunken voice.
“You should get this shit cleaned up as soon as”, Kyles began.
Lars wanted to step in immidiatly, but Liam was faster.
“No. You made the mess, you clean it up.”
“What? How dare you talking to me like”, he began.
“I talk to you however I want. You are nothing more than a dirty pig that is a sucker for my and Lars socks”, Liam said.
Lars was confused why his friend should say something like this.
“You little. I should punch some sense in you. I will show you what kind of sucker I am for”, Kyle said and approached Liam.
Lars wanted to rush over, but Kyle was still so drunk that he fell to the floor directly in front of Liam’s feet.
“So good”, he moaned and began to sniff the feet of Liam.
“That’s what I thought. Come into my room and then you might have more of my feet”, Liam said and went back to his room.
Kyle crawled after him and Lars decided to take a look as well. There was his boyfriend sitting on his bed and the straight jock Kyle just sniffing away at his feet, while playing with his dick. Lars got hard as well just by watching it. Liam looked at him, smiled and tapped on the bed next to him. Unsure Lars sat down next to him.
“How did you?” he began.
“I guess the site worked. It fulfilled my wish. Now everything I say to Kyle, Nils and Martin will happen.”
Lars felt a tug at his feet and saw Kyle pulling off his shoes to sniff his feet as well.
“Now what do you say, Kyle. Would you like to be at our feet forever?”
“Yes. Oh fuck yes.”
“Well then so be it. After all you are nothing more than our socks.”
With that Kyle’s body began to transform. The fabric of the socks began to engulf him, until he was completely covered. He disappeared and was now Liam’s and Lars’s socks.
“He is pretty comfortable. I guess this was a good decision”, Liam said.
Lars was still a little bit confused but was so turned on by his boyfriend right now, that he did not ask anything.
“What happened? Where am I?” Kyle’s voice suddenly echoed through their brains.
He sounded sobered up.
“You are at our feet”, Liam answered and wiggled his toes.
Kyle moaned with pleasure by the sensation.
“This is impossible. When I am getting out here, I will”, he said between moans.
“Oh shut it. You have two options here, Kyle. The first is to continue threatening me and you will stay as you are right now. Or you can shut up and strike a deal with me”, Liam said.
“What kind of deal?”
“I will tell you if you decide. If you want the deal you will have to fulfil it. No getting out of it.”
“Sure. What kind of sick game you wanna play, faggot?”
“That is what I thought. I am giving you six months. In these six months you will have to make Martin and Nils put on a special pair of socks. If you succeed you will not be turned into a sock again. But you will still be a dirty sock loving slave for us. If you fail, well you will just turn back into our socks. Do we have a deal?”
“As if I could lose this. Everything is better than being a pair of socks.”
“Oh well. Then you will turn back into your old self. Let me and Lars leave the flat in peace and try to carry out the deal. You will be handed the special socks. You just need them to put them on. The rest will happen then.”
Slowly the socks began to lose fabric and Kyle was lying back on the ground naked. He stood up and began covering up.
“Oh stop that. This is nothing to be embarrassed of.”
Kyle took his hands away and now Liam as well as Lars got a good look at him. He was smaller than Lars would have thought.
“Guess he got some compensating to do, for this” Liam pointed at Kyle’s dick and laughed.
Then Liam took two pairs of his socks and handed them to Kyle. Lars and Liam left the flat and Kyle to fulfil his part of the deal.  On their way back, Lars began asking Liam.
“How comes you choose this kind of deal for him?”
“Just imagine. His parents have a lot of cash. This way I can take advantage of him as he did of me.”
“Sure but how do you know, I would like this?”
“Do you not?”
“Well”, Lars began.
“No worries. You will soon see how good this is.”
Lars nodded.
“But anyway, why did Kyle agree to the deal? Was that you’re doing as well?”
“Not really. I guess he just heard, that he will not be our socks and that was all he heard. I am pretty sure he will not make it happen. So he will lose anyway.”
With that both boys stopped with the topic and began talking about other stuff. The weeks went by and the relationship between Liam and Lars grew more and more. Lars even told his parents how it was and they were okay with it. Even offered Liam to stay with them. But he just said that he was just waiting for Kyle to move out, which could be every day. And then the day came. Kyle wrote him, that he had fulfilled his part of the deal. Liam was a little bit surprised, but happy. He told Kyle that he would need to wait until tomorrow for conformation and then he would fulfil his end of the bargain.
A little bit earlier:
Nils, Martin and Kyle were sitting together in Kyle’s room. He had the special socks prepared for them and a plan how he would them make them put on.
“Hey how about a game? If I beat both of you in the next game, you will put on theses socks. Just once and then you can take them off again. Sounds good?”
“What the fuck man? What kind of weird game should this be?”
“Oh come on. It will be fun.”
“Well since you will not beat the both of us, we can play. When you lose you will put them on and lick both our feet”, Nils said challenging and looked at Kyle.
Jokes on you, I was waiting for this. God how much I want to lick those soles, Kyle thought and nodded.
So they began to play. Against the odds, Kyle came out victorious.
“Guess I won. Time for you to”, he began, when Nils and Martin already grabbed the socks and put them on.
“Now happy?” Martin asked.
“Sure. You can take them off now.”
Both boys looks at their feet and began to move their toes. Under the fabric, their own socks had disappeared and now they were only wearing Liam’s socks. Nils wore black socks with paws under his feet. Martin wore the same socks but in white.
“You know, somehow they feel pretty comfortable. I guess I will keep them”, Nils said.
“Sure, why not? I don’t care. They belong to Liam.”
“Ha to the faggot? No wonder. Only more a reason to keep them.”
With that they continued playing. Some hours later Martin and Nils went home. They lived close to each other, so they were driving with one car.
“Never expected to have Kyle making us do something like this”, Nils said.
“Me neither. But you were no better. What kind of idea was this?”
“Oh. If he wants to play, then he should pay for it.”
“Yeah and still we lost. But somehow I don’t know why but I don’t want to take these socks off”, Martin said.
“Me neither. They are so comfy and I don’t know. I cannot really describe it.”
“I know man. Bet yours are not as comfy as mine.”
“Bet mine are even comfier.”
“Try them”, Nils said, after he parked the car.
So both boys began exchanging one sock each and now either of them was wearing one black and one white puppy sock.
“You are right they are equally comfy”, Martin said.
“See? Told you. Well then, see you tomorrow.”
With that both boys parted and went into their rooms.
Nils was on his bed thinking about the day when suddenly he got hard as a rock. Confused he pulled his pants down and looked at his dick.
“Man, why am I so pent up?”
He began playing with himself. But today it felt different. It felt wrong to touch his dick. He could not cum. Not even getting closer to it. He was hard but still it felt bad to play with himself. Curios he took his black sock off and put it over his dick. A totally new sensation erupted from it. He began moaning and now he noticed that he was getting closed to an orgasm. A few minutes later he came. The orgasm was something else. It felt different. His dick even felt different. Spent he was lying there, the sperm filled sock still on his cock. But to his surprise his dick did not go down. He was still hard, begging again for release. So Nils began rubbing again. What he did not notice, was that the sock was now stuck to his dick, while the white one was stuck to his foot. He kept rubbing and rubbing. With each stroke his sperm got pushed into the fabric. Not long and he had another orgasm and filled the sock even more. But his dick still refused to go down, so he continued. After some time, the fabric decided that it was time to claim his new host. So it began spreading around his body. Bit by bit was swallowed by the fabric. Black and white. First his legs. Then his belly, his arms, his hands and at last even his head.
“Oh yes”, was the last thing Nils said and would say for the rest of his live.
His mouth was sealed by the sock fabric and he was nothing more than a black and white sock. The third orgasm sealed his new form and so there was no going back. His body began to hollow out. Everything turned to fabric. It felt so good, having his body rearranged. At last there was only socks left of what had been Nils. Martin had the same experience and he was transformed as well. They blacked out and woke up the next morning.
Oh what a night, Nils thought and tried to get up. His body was not responding.
“What the fuck?”, he asked trying to look around.
Everything was black. Where was he? From the smell he must be fallen into a pile of dirty socks.
“Finally awake, I see”, Liam said and sudden light flooded Nils’s eyes.  
Now he could see why it had been so dark. He had been shoved into a shoe. Liam’s shoe.
“What happened?” he asked.
“Oh nothing special”, Liam responded and suddenly Nils saw Martin.
He was on Liam’s foot. So that would mean, he was on Liam’s foot as well. That would explain the smell.
“Release me this instant”, Nils demanded.
“Oh hush, little sock. You are not only on my feet, but on Lars as well. Trust me you will love this new live. You lost the game against Kyle so it was only fair. Now I can take advantage of you, how you did of me. Enjoy it”, Liam said and Nils wanted to answer, when suddenly Kyle came into view.
He was completely naked and hard as a rock. A hand grabbed Nils and he was pulled closed to Kyles face. Air was forced through his body, cooling him down, giving him a shiver, as Kyle inhaled the scent. Then something wet was dragged along Nils’s body. It was Kyles tongue. Every bit of his body that was touched with the saliva was tingling. Nils felt so good. Even though he had no physical dick anymore he felt hard. Kyle continued with his worshipping and Nils felt like he was cumming over and over.  
“That was the a good whish, darling”, Lars said, looking over to Liam.
“I know. He Kyle after you are done with our feet, go make us breakfast”, he said.
“Anything you like master. But please let me cum”, he begged.
“Maybe after breakfast, if you are a good sock slave.”
With that Kyle continued his worshipping. Nils and Martin lost their last resistance with all the pleasure and Lars was happy that Liam finally got what he deserved. A boyfriend and Kyle, how would do anything for them.
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ikanasocking · 1 year ago
A ga(y)me changer:
And a new one from me. This contains inanimated tf mainly. Feel free to skip if this is nothing for you.
Andy, Peter and Lars were friends for some time right now. They met through another “friend” Marcus. Marcus knew all three of them for a very long time, but only separately. One day he decided it was time that they met. And as fate would like it all three were getting along nicely.
Their activities were changing from online gaming to playing other games offline. But then Marcus found a partner. A guy named Lucas. They dated for quite some time, came together and even decided to move to a flat. Andy, Peter and Lars were all totally fine with this, or at least this was what they were telling Marcus. Behind his back they were totally against everything Marcus was doing. But not only because of his boyfriend even in other sections of his live. If he gave them advice for something they just ignored it, laughed it off or even discussed why his advice or opinion was wrong. It went so far that Lars was searching for days for anything in the web that would show Marcus opinion was wrong. And normally he got it from some shady sites. Weaving opinions from total strangers into his own arguments.
At one point Marcus had enough but he still endured the situation. Lucas on the other hand was not happy to accept how his boyfriend was treated so he encouraged him to speak up and change something about this whole thing. It took some time but then Marcus was ready. He confronted his friends with how he felt and how they treated him as dirt. None of them could understand what he meant by this. They all thought they treated him how he deserved it. And denied all the stuff they said to him. Marcus was deeply hurt because his friends turned out to be nothing more than a bunch of jerks only with him to have someone to beat up every time they felt like it.
And so the Marcus broke up all contact to them. But still they would not leave him alone. They tried to get to him over other things like the games they played together and spread nasty rumours about him. Marcus did not care in the slightest. He was still hurt but he was trying to hide it. Lucas on the other hand was seeing how deeply wounded his friend was and decided to take action. Since all three of them seemed to enjoy gaming so much he wanted to play a special game with them.
He logged on onto his boyfriends account and sent a special invite link to all three guys. He faked that Marcus would want to get along again and that they should had this special game together. Behind the link was an address where the game should take place in real life. From this day on in four days. All three agreed to get there.
Lucas was happy and began the planning. It would be a game where he could hold the mirror to their face show them how wrong they were and what damage they did. But not only this. There was a special brew in place for the guys to drink. If they would, they would get a very long time out to think about what they did. Marcus was not aware of what his friend was doing. Only on the fateful day, the game should take place Lucas told him about his plan. Marcus was surprised but also flattered that his boyfriend went through all this trouble just for him. So they both drove to the facility that was prepared for the game. And there they waited in front of the security cameras. The facility itself was an old escape room place. Lucas father once ran it, until the pandemic hit them and they had to shut it down. There were plans to reopen it and Lucas thought why not doing it with these three. In a few weeks Lucas and his father would start planning for the new escape game. But now the three guys should try their luck in a totally new game that Lucas had set up for them.
A few hours later Andy, Peter and Lars were arriving at the facility and waited in front of it. The time went by and none of them moved. So Lars decided to invite them in by opening the door mechanically. It swung open. Confused and a little bit scared the three guys made their way in. Behind them the door slammed shut.
“Welcome to a game. It is called friendship and reflection. The goal of the game is to see if you are true friends and how you react in new situations. All three of you are participating. Now you have three doors in front of you. Choose one you think is fitting you the most. When you have decided you can pass, if you chose correctly. You have ten minutes”, Lucas said through the speakers.
Due to some software he did not sound like himself but rather female. The guys were looking around. In front of them were exactly three doors. One of wood which looked like you would just need to push a little bit and it would collapse on itself. One that was an average entry door and the last one was a gold that looked like it was made of gold and diamonds.
“We should look for a way out of here” Peter said and looked around.
“What is the worst that can happen if we play along?” Lars asked and looked at the other doors.
“I have no idea but why should we play along a stupid game?” Peter asked back.
“Ah come on it will be fun. Besides nothing will happen. Let’s try it”, Andy said and so they all turned their focus to the doors.
“So who takes which?” Peter asked.
“I deserve the gold one. I bet there is a special prize behind it and I am the one who has the least of us”, Andy said promptly.
And this was correct Andy had not much in his live. He had issues with his family for different reasons. He lost his job and was right now living in a flat that was paid for him.
“But does this really suit you? The voice said we should take a door that matches us”, Lars said.
“Peter does think the same, right Peter?” Andy asked his friend.
He just shrugged his shoulders not wanting to get into a fight over something like this or at least not in a fight with Andy. Lars just rolled his eyes knew it would make no sense to discuss. Andy would get his will one way or the other.
“Fine. I take the least fancy one”, Lars said and went over to the door.
Peter took the middle door.
“We have decided”, he shouted to the person they did not see.
“I see. Well good job. But if you have chosen correct will be shown after you went through these doors. So now enter the next room”, Lucas said and opened all the doors.
The guys stepped through them and the doors were closed behind them. All three were now in a separate room that looked similar. The room was empty besides a table in the middle. In each room was one item on the table.
“So now we have them in a new room. Do you want to take over?” Lucas asked his friend.
“No, you can do it. I am done with them”, he replied and Lucas laughed.
“Okay. So Andy on the table in front of you is the golden boxer which you won. Tell me, why do you think you deserve it?” Lucas asked through the speaker.
The good thing about these rooms was, that they were separated and the others could not hear them.
“What the hell? This is really made of gold?” Andy asked.
“Yes. But you can only have it until you played the game and answered all question. So please go ahead and answer it.”
“Why I deserve it? Because I am the smartest and best guy around. No one is smarter than me” Andy replied and Lucas began to laugh.
“I knew he was self-opinionated but this is a whole other level.”
“All right. So now put the boxers on. You are only allowed to wear them and the socks you are wearing right now. When you are done I will check back with you.”
Lucas switched to the next room to Peter.
“So Peter. In front of you are the silver socks you won. Tell me why do you think you deserve them?”
“No idea. Maybe because I am nimble and can sense the opinions of people very good?”
“Interesting. Now you have to put them on. You are only allowed to wear these socks and the boxers you are wearing. Please proceed and I will check back when you are done.”
Now the last one was on camera.
“Lars in front of you are the bronze sneakers you won. Tell me why do you think you deserve them?”
“Because I am the only one who can wear them with dignity from the three of us.”
“Interesting. Now please put these sneakers on. You are allowed to keep the sneakers, your socks and your boxers on. Everything else stays behind. I will check back when you are done.”
Lucas checked the cameras and saw that Andy was already done. Peter was struggling and Lars was doing what he was told.
“All right. It seems like you are finished, Andy. Now you can proceed to the next room and have a drink.”
With that the next door opened and Andy moved along. On the other site there was a glass with a strange liquid. It smelled nice but looked gooey and green. Andy sniffed the liquid at first, deemed it safe and took a sip. Then he began drinking and waited for the next step. Lucas was checking on the others and let them in the next rooms as well where they found the same liquid for them. After they all emptied their glasses the next step was coming.
“All right, Andy since you were the first it is time for the next step. After you drank everything I would like to tell you why you won this price. The golden boxer was handed to you because you were the one who talked the most shit. You were never the guy to stand for your opinion or said anything to anyone else then Peter. Peter was always your messenger and because you are so full of shit this is the price that suits you. But you choose wrong. This is the door that would have suited you.”
A piece of wall slid to the site and behind it was the same wooden door Lars took in the first room. Andy said nothing. He was totally surprised by the words.
“You may exit now”, Lars said and switched to Peter.
“So Peter, after you have emptied your glass let us see if you choose the right door.”
The wall opened and the golden door from the first room appeared.
“Let me tell you why you would have deserved this price. Because you were a manipulator. You always spread rumours to anyone and wanted to get the people into a fight to be the friend to everyone and manipulate them further. The socks are because you walked over everything you saw. Not caring about anything but yourself and Andy. You were always on his site no matter what happened. So now you are free to leave.”
With that the camera switched to Lars. He was undressed and had drank everything.
“Well now Lars you are done. Let me tell you why you deserved the price you got. Because you did not notice anything. You walked over a scattered friendship with no care at all. No matter what was said or done to anyone you looked away happy that it was not about you. Let me tell you, you choose the wrong door. Here is what you should have chosen.”
The wall opened and showed the middle door from the first room.
“Leave now.”
With that Lars went through the door and found himself in a new room with the others. They were all looking around. Nearly naked and confused.
“What happened?” Peter asked and looked at Andy.
“I have no idea. I was told I would have made the wrong choice and now I am here. With a boxer that is uncomfortable because it is made of metal and not moves an inch.”
“Same, but for me it’s these socks”, Peter said.
“No idea what the problem is. I have these sick sneakers made of bronze. They are actually comfy.”
“Yeah. But how are we going to get our clothes back?” Peter asked.
“Oh don’t worry about them. You will not need them anymore”, Lucas said and entered the room together with Marcus.
“You?” Andy asked and looked at them.
“Yeah us. Did you think I would allow you to talk shit about my boyfriend? I would not care about what you say about me, but about Marcus, this is a no go, my friends. So I decided to reward you for what you did.”
“Uh what is? I feel dizzy”, Andy said before he could answer.
“Yeah it is the drink it was something special. Soon you will see what it is.”
All three guys were thinking about what was happening to them when Andy noticed something with his body. The boxers changed to a normal one. Fabric that was not made of gold. It was not one of his own but he knew it. It was one of Marcus. Scared he looked at Marcus and Lucas.
“What is happening?”, he asked.
“Oh nothing more then you will spend a long time with us now”, Marcus said and smiled.
Andy felt the fabric spreading more and more around his body. And for some reason it turned him on. More and more was covered and his body began to feel lighter. Hollow even. His skin thinned out. His head was sinking down and his legs were pulled back into his body as well. Soon after nothing more than two boxers were left of where Andy stood. His face was prominent on the front. Now it was Peters turn. His body went through a similar transformation until there was nothing left then two pairs of socks with his face on them. Lucas was happy and move over to the clothes and picked them up. Lars was still standing there in shock to what happened to his friends. Lucas handed Marcus his friends and began then to put them on. After both boys changed they looked at Lars.
“And now I think the potion should take effect with you. Come here and enjoy our feet for the last time as a human”, Lucas said and Lars obeyed.
He could not resist this command. Marcus and Lucas were sitting on the ground when Lars reached them. He took Marcus feet in his hand and began to play with them. A strange sensation. He massaged and sniffed even licked them. The pleasure was immense that he felt. But suddenly his body was tingling and his transformation began. He had the urge to take Marcus foot into his mouth, fully. And so he did. To his surprise it fit in there perfectly.
“Oh yes you will make some great boots”, Marcus said.
Lars skin was turning leathery. Shoelaces were sprouting out of his arms while his whole body was pulled towards Marcus feet. God this is heavenly, was all he could think before nothing more than two pair of sneakers with Lars face were left. Lucas took a pair and put them on. Marcus took his other boot and put that on as well. Now everything was done.
“So what do you think of this game?” Lucas asked.
“Brilliant. Sad that we cannot do it again.”
“Who said that? Maybe we can do it again with them until they learned their lesson” Lucas said and together they left the facility.
The next day Andy woke up with a big headache.
“Uh what happened?” he asked and tried to move.
He could not remember what had happened yesterday.
“Why can’t I move and why does it smell so bad here?” he asked.
A hand came into view and began rubbing him. It felt to him like he was forced onto the penis of another guy.
“What the hell?”
“Good morning, sunshine. Welcome to your new live as our boxers”, Lucas said and went in front of a mirror.
Andy could see that he was attached to the groin of this guy. And not only that he noticed that there was something else. He was elsewhere as well. Probably Marcus.
“I will kill you for this”, he said.
“Now now. You will enjoy it in no time. Just like Peter and Lars”, Lucas said and Andy could hear his friends voice.
“Feet, so good. Being socks, nice. Not human just socks”, was all he heard from Peter.
“Shoes, having time with Peter, sweat nice, smell good”, was all that came from Lars.
“Are you kidding? It stinks let me out here or”, he began when Lucas began playing with himself.
“I guess a few days and some playsessions later you will think differently. Trust me.”
With that he dressed and Andys world turned black and warm. For how long would this continue? He did not know but right now he had no other choice but to endure it. Lars and Peter were happy to serve their new owners and getting their scent on them. This was the core of their being now.
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ikanasocking · 2 years ago
Is your boyfriend's feet ticklish?
Hmm I don't know. I have not tried it yet
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ikanasocking · 2 years ago
A supportive friend
I guess this is the most erotic story I have written so far. It contains inanimated tf, gay activities and to some degree mind control. If you are not interested in these topics you should maybe not continue reading it. Enjoy this new story.
Ron and Chris were friends for as long as they could remember. Doing mischief nearly every day. In school after school whenever they were together. But sadly it was not made to last. It seemed like Chris was developing feelings toward men, more then to women. So when he had his coming out, Ron was furious. He wanted nothing to do with a gay bitch, and broke every contact to Chris.
Chris was not taking it very well. And who would? Your best friend you trusted all your life rejected you, because you were into people of the same sex. Ridiculous. But this was all a thing of the past. Many years both guys did not hear anything from each other. And truth be spoken, they did not even want to. Chris passed collage with ease and found a rather lucrative job as a manager in a company. His superior was also the son of the CEO and gay as well. Both guys were like made for one another. But they kept it secret. Chris did not want to make the impression that he just got his job, because the gay CEO’s son liked him. And for his new boyfriend Kai it was okay to keep a low profile. Work was work, and after that, they could do what they wanted.  More years went by. Kai and Chris made it official at one point. At least to Kai’s dad. Chris was welcomed into the family like their own son. And so they moved into their own flat.
At work it was no problem at all. People were happy to work for the both of them. They were a good team supporting each other, whenever they could. One day, Kai told his friend that they would get a new worker. He would start tomorrow and be in Chris team. Curios Chris wanted to greet his new employee the next day. Only to find Ron standing in front of him. A totally new Ron. He let himself go. He got fat. So fat that Chris would never have believed.  They stood in front of each other just staring.
“Ah I see you met each other already. Chris, this is Ron your new assistant.”
“Hello”, Chris said and hurried into his office.
A lot of feelings were coming back to him and he could barely hold back his tears. Seeing his once best friend now here working for him as an assistant.
“I am sorry, I don’t know what got into him. Anyway, Nora will show you the building and give you insight into your future work. I am sure we will see each other later”, Chris heard his boyfriend say.
Not long after he got into Chris office and looked at him.
“I wanted to ask what was wrong with you, but I guess I can save this question, honey. Who is this guy?”
He asked and went over to him to comfort him.
“My childhood friend who broke every contact when I had my coming out.”
Kai took Chris into a comforting hug, while he let his feelings all out. Tears were running down his face. Kai did not know about all of this but guessed that Chris must have been hurt very bad, back in the day. When he calmed down, Kai released him.
“Everything okay?”
“Somehow”, Chris sad still shaken by the moment.
“Okay, why don’t you go home and get some rest. I will handle the rest here, for the day. Sounds like a deal?”
“No I can’t go now. I have some”, Chris began.
“No you have not. You go home now, get comfy and wait for me. I will bring dinner today. Nothing is more important to me, then you being happy and able to work. I will take care of the introduction of Ron and the presentation we prepared. Leave everything up to me, please.”
Under another protest Chris gave up and went home in a hurry. Leaving Ron and his boyfriend alone. He trusted Kai but not Ron. Nevertheless he got home changed clothes, got on the couch into a comfy blanket and started watching some shows.
Kai on the other hand took care of everything. First on the agenda was talking to his father about what happened. Then the presentation for the stakeholders of the company. And then he met back with Ron.
“So, Ron was it, right? I hope Nora showed you everything?”
“Yeah she was quite the darling. But I got a question.”
“Sure ask right away.”
“For whom will I be the assistant?”
“Oh I guess you met him earlier today. From what I know an old friend of yours”, Kai said with a big smile.
He wanted to be as polite as possible and not show that deep within he was furious this guy had the nerve hurting his boyfriend.
“For Chris? Oh I thought I would work for a real manager”, he said and Kai laughed.
He ordered Ron to follow him.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean someone like Chris cannot be a real manager. He is not even a real man.”
“That is an interesting view on things. Mind telling me why you think so? I mean if what you say is true, then I might have a new job offer open.”
“Gladly. He is straight as a circle. Only hunting to be dominated by another man. Maybe someone like me, a real man” Ron said with a proud tone in his voice.
Kai looked at him. Did you recently looked into the mirror? A real man would not say things like this. You might be a bear and even a daddy bear, but not a real man, was all he could think.
“Oh really? I did not know that he is gay. But loving men is not an indication for him not doing his job right.”
“Sure you will see it in short time. He will disappoint you. Me on the other hand will be the perfect guy for this position. I am everything he is not.”
That’s for certain, Kai thought and laughed.
“Well since you seem to have such a high opinion of your skills. I am sure you will not disappoint me. Do your best and show me you can do his job better then he can, and we might think about a promotion. Sounds like a deal?”
“I cannot lose anything, so sure. Deal.”
“Excellent. Since I send Chris home, get to know the office and your working place. If you got any questions just ask Nora or me. Have a nice day.”
With that Kai turned and went to his office. After the door was closed he had to take a lot of deep breaths to calm down. The nerve Ron had talking to him like that was infuriating the least. He never thought an attitude like this would even exist in this times. Slowly he went to his desk before someone knocked on his door.
“Yes?” he responded only to see his dad coming into his office.
“Everything all right?” he asked while Kai took a seat.
“I guess we will pull through it.”
“The new guy?” his dad asked and took a seat for himself.
Kai’s father was sprouting the perfect dad body, if this even existed. He kept his facial hair trimmed and short. A mother was not in their family anymore, as far as Kai knew. His father loved him more than anything but it turned out he was gay himself and got himself a husband, after his wife left him. At least this was, what Kai was told.
“Is he the reason my soon to be son in law was not able to do his presentation?”
“Kind of. They met and Chris was shaken to the bone. I send him home and took over. He was in no constitution to hold it.”
“I see. So who is the guy?
“A homophobe asshole”, Kai summed up.
“Oh really?”
“I guess he did not know about Chris and me and the only thing he told me in our conversation was how Chris would not be able to fill his role and he would be the much better pick. I must say, I am beyond mad at the things he told me.”
Kai’s dad nodded and got up then. He went to the door and opened it.
“Come in honey”, he said and Kai’s stepfather came in.
A lean guy with some girly attitudes. He was one of those guys you would look at and say, yes he loves men. The door was closed and both men came back to the desk.
“Okay, Kai. I think it is time to let you in on a little family secret. Your mother and I never really parted ways. We just had to use this excuse to cover up what really happened.”
“You and mom are still married? So you have two”, began Kai but his dad shook his head.
“No I am only married once. To the same woman that brought you into this world.”
“I don’t understand.”
“See? I told you he would not understand. Kai, I am your mother your real mother.”
Kai was taken aback. Why should they say something like this?
“This is impossible”, he said.
“We thought so as well. But there is something in our family. A special gift. You could call it even power. We can change people to out will. And since your father told me he would be more interested in man, I decided to become one myself. So we were able to stay together and live our live happily. And now we want to teach you how to do this. Or better we want to teach Chris and you how to do this. You are old enough and I guess this new guy deserves some punishment. Let’s have dinner together and talk about everything then. Okay?”
“Sure”, Kai said but still did not believe his father nor his stepfather.
After both left his office Kai wrote Chris about the plans tonight and carried on with his day. Luckily he was not disturbed by Ron again.
The evening came. Kai and Chris went to his father’s house, which was not far away from the place they lived. His father’s house would have been big enough for three to four families and he even offered Kai to stay with his boyfriend here, but he refused wanted to have some time for himself. The dinner was already served when they arrived. After they finished it they got into an old office room.
“So, we already talked about it. Chris, I guess Kai told you everything?” Kai’s dad asked.
“Yeah he did, but I cannot really believe it.”
“I am sure it is hard to accept but it is the honest truth. I am inherited this gift from my mother and well passed it on to my husband and son” Kai’s stepfather said.
“How? I can understand that you passed it on to me, but how to my dad?”
“We don’t really know. I talked to my mother about it and she said that it might be that this gift is passed on by having, you know what.”
“I still can’t believe it. You can change from man to woman by pure will?” Chris asked.
“Yeah I can. But I could do much more. Just a moment.”
With that Kai’s stepfather closed his eyes and began changing. His features became more and more girly until Kai’s mother stood in front of them. The clothes stayed the same and were way to big for the slender woman.
“Mother”, Kai whispered and she smiled at him.
“See and you didn’t want to believe us”, she said and smiled.
“This is against every logic.”
“Sure it is. But it is called magic, my dear.”
With that Kai’s mother changed back into her male self.
“That is unbelievable”, Chris said.
“We know but we want you to learn this as well.”
“But how should I be able to do this? I am not from this family”, Chris said.
“True but we are sure that Kai and you already had some fun. So you should be able to do it as much as Kai should.”
Chris turned red.
“So how do we do this and can we only change ourselves?” Kai asked eagerly.
“Wow slow down, son. First of all, you can change everyone you want into everything you want. With the years we used this skill to teach a lot of homophobic assholes lessons in respect. Nora for example would normally be Norbert or my office chair. Nearly everyone in our office was recruited for a purpose. They all went to a rash teaching. And now the next one would be our new guy Ron” Kai’s dad said.
So they began to explain how the boys could use this gift. After some tries it worked. For both of them. The ultimate proof for the fun, Kai and Chris were having.
“One thing before we let you go to sleep. Make sure that no one sees you using this skills. No one who is not supposed to be changed. The changed persons are unable to speak with anyone else but you about what happened. So it is vital no one sees you doing it”, Kai’s mum told them.
“We are careful”, Kai said.
This night they did not return home but stayed at the house. In the morning all four of them went back to work. Like usual they were the first in the office. Kai and Chris went to Chris office.
“Honey, before he shows up. I want you to know that I played Ron’s game and promised him that, if he could proof me that he is more capable then you he would get your job. With no intention of giving it to him. But just so you know.”
“Don’t threat honey. I have some ideas of improving his supportive skills.”
“Wanna tell me what you are going to do?”
“I thought about turning him into a condom or a dildo. But I guess I have another idea.”
“I am curios. Can I watch?”
“Oh sure you can. I plan to do it after work. In private.”
Kai laughed and left the office. The day want on and Ron showed up in time. He did not try to hide his disgust towards his new boss and did the bare minimum. But Chris was not paying any mind to it. It would be the last day Ron would be working for him. He invited him to a company dinner at his place together with a person of Ron’s choice. He agreed wanting to show his new “friend” Kai that he was dedicated. And so the evening was coming and Ron showed up at Chris and Kai’s home. Together with a friend of his.
“No ladies escort?” Kai asked with a laugh.
“The lady had already ladies night. So I thought of bringing a friend. This is Mark.”
He greeted everyone and so they went to dinner. After they finished Kai went to get some alcohol. Ron and Mark did not turn it down and began drinking the expansive whine and whiskey they were offered.
“You know, Chris, I am sure I can do your job better then you”, Ron said after being drunk.
“Is that so? Well then follow me to the office room. Then we can discuss the business part.”
So they went to the room next door. Chris closed the doors and looked them.  He just hoped the little training he had yesterday would be enough.
“So what did you want to talk about?” Ron asked completely losing his words.
“If you want to have my job so desperately I am sure you will do everything you can to get it. So here is the deal. You blow me and you can have it. Does this sound fair?”
“Pfff sure a faggot like you would ask for only a blowjob. Get ready to surrender your job to me”, he said and staggered over to Chris.
“That is right, Ron. Come here. Get on your knees.”
He obeyed and looked into Chris eyes.
“Now then open my pants and pull them down.”
Again he obeyed. It was like Chris voice was like what his brain wanted. He was not able to set his own thoughts and Chris commands apart. They were one and the same for him.
“Get your nose into my crotch and start sniffing it”, he commanded and Ron obeyed again.
Eagerly he went on sniffing and licking Chris dick through the fabric. Chris watched for a few minutes.
“Tell you what, Ron? I guess you want this, do you? Being down there worshipping me and my meat. Does it fill you with joy?”
“Yes it does”, Ron answered completely oblivious to all the signals in his body telling him to stop.
“So why not spend every day there? How about you become the supportive friend you should have been all the years? You want to be my boxers, do you?”
Ron looked up in Chris face and pulled himself up. He got close to his bosses face and looked into his eyes with lust and oblivion.
“I want to be your boxers, Chris. Take me as a supportive friend.”
“With pleasure. Get down there and worship me”, Chris said and Ron went back down.
He began to lick Chris penis through the pants again and sniffed like it was the most beautiful smell he ever had experienced.
“Now blow me through the boxers”, he commanded and Ron did as he was told.
Chris used his hands and put them on Ron’s head. Slowly he pressed him closer to his crotch. With every push Ron seemed to sink deeper and deeper into the fabric of the boxers. First his face, then his whole head and the rest of his body followed. He was now nothing more than a boxer at Chris crotch. Suddenly sober he noticed something in his mouth. It was Chris erection that was so big. The taste was in Ron’s mouth and he wanted to spit it out. Shout at his boss what kind of sick game he would be playing here. But nothing came out. He could not even get the penis out of his mouth.
“Now you are supportive, Ron. Are you happy? This will be your live for the next years, I guess. Maybe I will change you back one day, when you have learned where your place is. But only if I not forget about you. Welcome to your new life as my boxers.”
Chris hand was stroking his dick and precum began to soak into Ron’s body. The taste was totally new for the boy but he could not escape it. The smell as well. This was his life. Chris put his pants back on and for the moment Ron’s world went dark. Happy and satisfied Chris went back to the other guys who were sitting there. Kai waited for him and smiled when he saw him coming back alone.
“So it is over with him? What about Mark?”
“I am somehow sad to do this to him, since I don’t know this guy. But he is a witness. Even though he is completely drunk. But he leaves me no choice. He can thank my boxers for his fate.”
With that Chris went over to Mark and woke him up.
“Come with me, boy” he commanded and he got up and followed him to the sofa.
Chris sat down and Kai as well.
“Now tell me, Mark. Do you like what you see?”
“I am not sure what you mean.”
Chris put his feet on the table and looked back at the guy.
“I mean my feet. Weren’t you checking them out all evening?”
“I no, I did not, did I? I mean they are somehow cute in a strange way, but I would not check them out. I am not gay”, he said.
“Well satisfying your curiosity has nothing to do with being gay. If you like my feet, why not play with them?”
Like Ron before him, he went on and began to play with Chris feet. He was so entranced that this was the only right thing to do for him. He went on and began sniffing, massaging and licking this foreign guys feet like there was no tomorrow. After a while one of his hands went down to stroke his dick which got hard. The perfect moment for Chris.
“You are enjoying it, do you? Why not experience it every day. Become my socks”, he said and Mark nodded.
He used both hands again and pressed his face as hard as he could into Chris feet. And so the magic began. He began to fuse with the socks and in the end Mark was nothing more than a pair of socks with a wet cum spot on Chris feet. Chris was satisfied and smiled like he had not in years.
“So are you happy now?” Kai asked and began fondling his boyfriend.
“Yes I am more than happy. My past is now over and I can look forward. With you, Ron and Mark.”
Kai smiled and began kissing his boyfriend.
The next morning Mark wanted to get up, but noticed he could not move. Suddenly it got bright and it was like he was lying on the ground, with a big weight on his body. He tried to talk but nothing came out. Suddenly he saw something. A boot coming close to him. This was when it hit him. He was a pair of socks. He did not dream it. It was real. The boot covered him and turned his world black. The smell was nearly unbearable. As was the constant sweat that was soaked up by his body. Even if he wanted he could not change it.
After a few weeks Ron and Mark got used to being worn every day by Chris. Mark used his time licking at Chris feet, even though he had not tongue it was still a pleasant feeling for Chris. Mark had tried to fight it as well but now he had nothing better to do then sucking his owner’s dick. Life was simpler for them this way. And for Chris and Kai as well. Not long after they got married and moved in with the rest of Kai’s family.
For now the story ends here but who knows? Maybe Mark and Ron will be released one day or get more company? Who knows?
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ikanasocking · 2 years ago
A nerdy revenge
This is a new story from me. It contains mind control, straight to gay and inanimated tf content. Continue reading and you will be hit by it. You have been warned :) Enjoy this new story
A nerdy revenge:
School was hell, but somehow he managed to get through it mostly unscathed. But then Theo went to study and his school bully’s did the same. So he was still not getting rid of them. Wort of all he had to share a flat with them. Due to the high energy and other costs he had to get some flatmates. And these were the only two, willing to pay the rent he asked for. So he was stuck with these guys for a couple of more years.
That included a lot of more heckling and bullying along the way. Much to his advantage he did not really care anymore. He ignored most of the things they said or did to him. The guys in question were Andreas and Robert. Both of them gym rats. Nice toned bodies and nothing else in their brains then getting the next women for the night. Often there were foreign lady’s coming and going. Sometimes even several a day. Theo stayed out of this. He was concentrating on his degree in chemistry.
Besides his studies he was interested in games and anime. He rarely went to the gym but still was able to keep scrawny and thin. His black hair were a little longer and from only seeing his back he was often mistaken for a girl. And if all of this wasn’t enough he was interested in men. He did not know why and could not explain it, but women were just not giving him the things a men could. Nevertheless he never really had a relationship. Dating yes, but no guy made it beyond that. Maybe Theo was not willing to let them get close or they were not really interested in a guy who would not only think about sex.
The years went by and nothing really changed. Theo was nearly done with his degree while the other two had to repeat some of their classes due to the lack of studying. And so Theo told them that if he was done with his studies he would move somewhere else and sell the flat. Robert and Andreas did not take the message with glee. A lot of bad words were coming Theo’s way and they even began to spread nasty rumours about him in the university. Normally he would not care. But even the few friends he had were talking to him about what kind of a douchebag he was to set his mates on the street. He tried to make things right but besides his friends no one believe his reasoning.
And this was the day Theo decided to take action. If they would want to fight him so badly, he would put up a fight. But not with his fists, more with his mind. Or more with their bodies. What good would his degree be, when he would not put it to use? One of his closest friends was let in on his plan and wanted to help him. He had heard about a strange shop somewhere downtown, where they should have some special chemicals with unusual effects. So Theo and Brian went there and browsed through the inventory of the shop.
“Are you sure this stuff will work?” Theo asked his friend.
“No idea. But what do we have to lose? I mean it sounds all way too crazy to be true”, Brian answered.
“I see you are not familiar with our inventory, boys. May I be of assistance to you?” a shop clerk asked and they looked at him.
He seemed to be a pretty young guy on the outside.  But his eyes looked way older than his face. He wore a normal story outfit, fitting for a pharmacy store.  
“Oh we were just wondering if this stuff really does what is written on it”, Theo said.
“Of course it does. All our products are tested and verified. Trust me if I say, they work wonders for a boy like you. Revenge has such a sweet smell and you want a lot of it. So what can we do to satisfy you? If you give me a description of the situation I can help you find the perfect product.”
Theo was first hesitant but his friend was not and began to explain everything he knew to the clerk. He was listening and his smile kept getting wider and wider.
“I understand. Whu, this is a perfect story for an act of revenge. You came to the right place. May I ask how you want to get back at them?”
“Well since both are working out so much, I thought about getting them some protein supplements”, Theo said and the clerk laughed.
“What a brilliant idea. You have a bright future ahead of you. If you are interested, I am willing to give you a contract after you have your degree. But back to the matter at hand. Well in that case we need something that looks like powder. Best white and with no special smell. Ah here we got something”, he said took a big glass out of the shelf.
The powder inside was white and did look like normal protein powder. The lable was not really telling Theo anything.
“So for your purposes it would be perfect. Just what effect should it have? Do you want to get them fat?”
“No that would not be fitting. Although it would be nice. No I am thinking more of being submissive to me. Being below my feet and getting trampled on by me, like they are doing now.”
The clerk grinned even wider.
“Just a moment. I will prepare everything. Do you want to mix something for yourself or should I do the honour of creating your special protein mix?” he asked.
“I guess if it would not cost to much”, Theo began, when the clerk already interrupted him.
“Oh no, no no no. We are not talking about money, my boy. My first example is free. Trust me, it will be enough to get them winding at your feet. But I did not want to take the satisfaction of doing it yourself away from you.”
“In that case, may I assist?” Theo asked.
“Sorry my boy. Even though I can respect your decision. Until you are not working here, I cannot show you anything. Would be bad for my business. Just a moment, all will be ready in a moment.”
With that the clerk stormed off to a back room.
“Do you think this will work?” Brian asked.
“I have no idea. I bet it will be too good to be true. But anyway it did cost nothing. And if it works, heck I will start working here”, Theo said.
“I will pick you up on that, my boy”, the clerk said when he came back with two big tubes.
Labled with protein powder. Highly concentrated for the best workout results on the market.
“The sweet revenge package. I garantuee you, it will work way better then you expect. If not feel free to come again. And if it does, I would love to hire you. A guy with such a sweet sense for revenge would be a good addition to my shop. So off you go and have fun”, the clerk send them on their way.
Back at their flat, both boys were greeted with Andreas and Robert who wanted to go to the gym.
“He nerd, what you got there?” Robert asked pointing at the tubes.
“Oh that? I was thinking about hitting the gym with Brian. So we went out to get some protein powder”, Theo said and Andreas wasted no time snatching the tube from his hands.
“Never heard of this stuff. Must be something cheap. Nevertheless, before you need it, it is better for us. Thanks for the free supplements nerd”, said and Robert snatched the other tube.
Theo protested a little bit before both boys just went out.
“They took the bait, now we need to wait”, Theo said.
“I am curious to see what will happen, if something happens.”
Brian and Theo spent the rest of the day together and waited for the bullies to come back. After some hours Andreas and Robert came back and went directly to the kitchen. Prepared their protein shakes and downed them pretty quickly. Watched by Theo and Brian. Nothing seemed to be happening.
“Do you taste something strange?” Andreas asked his friend.
“Not really. Tastes like nothing to me. But hey it was free and if it works, why not taking it? Cheaper than buying stuff ourselves.”
“Amen, brother”, Andreas said and so they went to bed.
“Well guess it will take some time for the effect to take place”, Theo said.
“Guess so. Well ring me up if something unusual happens. See you around”, Brian said and left the flat.
The days went by and Theo did not notice any change in his flatmates other than their muscle’s seemed to be bulging a little more than usual. The only thing that seemed a little strange was that he had the feeling some of his socks went missing. But probably just imagination. But then one day he saw where his socks went. Both Andreas and Robert were wearing them for their workout. He thought nothing of it. Both boys would take everything they want anyway. But that the used socks were in his room the next day, surprised him. Did his flatmates began to take his socks, wear them and return them in exchange for another pair? And this continued.
The day of his final exam drew near and finally it was all over. The exam was written and now he would only need to wait for the result. Andreas and Robert on the other hand failed their exam since both boys did not even attend them. They were busier in the gym. Theo waited for them at home, hoping they would be in a good mood and leave them alone. He decided that it was now the right time to wear some of the socks both boys returned to him. White sport socks with a logo of the manufacturer. Andreas and Robert came home and went straight to the kitchen.
“Oh man, this is our last shake with this stuff”, Theo heard.
Only after both boys were done drinking they came back and saw Theo on the sofa. He could see how their eyes were fixed to his feet.
“Hey, um Theo. Where did you get this protein stuff?” Andreas asked in an unusual polite tone.
“Downtown from a special shop. Why you ask?”
“It worked so good we would like to get more of it”, Robert said.
“More of the stuff or of my feet?”
Panic mixed into the boys eyes when the noticed that Theo noticed where they were staring.
“We, I mean”, Robert stammered.
“I see that you are wearing my socks and staring at my feet is there anything you want to tell me?”
Robert and Andreas looked at each other and a big sigh escaped their mouths. The sat down next to him. He could smell the sweat on their clothes. They did not shower.
“We, we are sorry for being such assholes to you”, Andreas said.
“Say what?”
“We don’t know. The last weeks it felt wrong, all that we did. And another thing changed. We started to look at your feet. We both have no idea why. From one day to another they got interesting. After some days we wondered how your socks would feel and started wearing a pair. We returned it after workout and took the next. We did this for the past weeks always wondering why. We had no explanation.”
“You sure you guys are okay?”
“Yeah we are okay. We just never came true with this. Theo we love your feet. We want to serve them. Serve you. Please let us be your foot slaves.”
Theo was taken a little bit aback, but found his confidence quicker then he thought.
“Took you long enough to notice that you are beneath me. Now get to work and serve my feet”, he said and both boys gave him a kiss on the cheeks before getting to work.
They began to play with his feet in totally new ways. Enjoying the smell and the feeling of them. Theo could not believe his eyes. He made a photo and send it over to Brian. A short while later he was at the door.
“Get the door, slave”, Theo said and pointed at Andreas.
“Anything for you, master”, he answered and opend the door.
“Welcome. The master is busy right now. May I ask what you want?”
“I want to see my friend”, Brian said a little bit confused.
“Master?”, Andreas asked.
“It is okay. Let him in.”
With that Andreas pulled Brian in and closed the door. He went back to serving his master while Brian took his shoes off and then went into the living room.
“Hi, Brian. Come sit with me”, Theo said and Brian sat down confused.
“What happened to them?”
“I guess the powder worked. They want nothing more than serving me.”
“Wow, never expected it to be so effective” Brian said and watched them.
“Robert, take care of Brian’s feet, will you?”
“Yes, master”, he responded and began to play with Brian’s feet as well. A totally new sensation hit the boy and he moaned and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of the worshipping.
“I thought you would like it, Brian. What do you say? It worked didn’t it?”
“Yeah it worked wonder. Who would have thought that they would be so devoted to you.”
“And another thing worked, I am sure of. Isn’t that right Brian?”
“What do you mean?” he asked confused.
“I was able to analyse some of the stuff the powder used. So I created something new. A kind of love potion. Just for you. And you enjoyed it every day in your coffee. I put some of it in your sugar. And now tell me, Brian. Do you love me?”
At first Brian was hit like a truck that his friend would do such a thing. But then another sensation hit him. Love. Theo was right he loved him. Instead of answering him, he just bend over and started to kiss his friend. To hell if he made him love him or not. It felt way too good to ignore. So both guys were kissing while the others were taking care of their socks. When Brian finally pulled back from his new lover Theo had an idea.
“Robert, take Brian’s socks and wear them.”
Without question Robert exchanged his socks with Brian’s and then continued to worship his master’s boyfriend. And this went on until it was time for bed. Brian and Theo slept their first night together while Robert and Andreas were sleeping in their rooms. The next day they went to the gym, came back, exchanged their workout socks with these of their master and then began worshipping them again. Theo and Brian were just sitting on the sofa enjoying the show. But suddenly a new sensation were hitting them. Theo and Brian closed their eyes enjoying the biggest hard-on of their life.
Meanwhile Robert and Andreas were feeling something similar. The wish to be at their master’s feet were so big, that the powder reacted to it. Or was this planned all along? They continued playing, when suddenly they wanted to drag their tongues across their master’s soles. And so they did. Halfway however they were fusing with the fabric of the socks. Their mouths were stuck to the foot they were licking right now. Both boy did not pay any attention to it. They would have their master’s taste in their mouths forever and this alone gave then so much passion that they wanted it. Slowly their faces were engulfed into the fabric of the socks. Their hair, ears, mouth and nose, everything was just barely noticeable anymore. Next up were their necks. The passion increased and was too much for the boys to bear. They pulled down their shorts released their dicks and began stroking them. More and more of their bodies were consumed. First their torso and hands. The feeling of the fabric was nearly sending them over the edge. But despite all the sensation they did not come. The fabric moved on engulfing every inch of their bodies but leaving their dicks out for the moment. Only after everything was consumed, it went to consume the rest. And when their penises were sealed away into the fabric both boys had the biggest orgasm of their lives. A wet spot was forming on the socks before they were reduced to nothing more than the socks, their masters were wearing. The wet spot was the only indication, that these socks were once humans. With their transformation complete Brian and Theo themselves had one of the biggest orgasm they ever experienced. Looking down they saw what happened. The powder did what Theo asked for. Both boys were at his feet, worshipping him.
“I guess we can agree that it worked” Theo said and Brian laughed.
“Sure did, honey. And now?”
“Well I guess we know what to do.”
Both boys played together until later that day Theo got the message that he passed his exam and was now done with university. A few days later both boys went back to the shop.
“I see, you are back. Did it work?”
“It worked better than expected”, Theo said.
The clerk was looking at him.
“You changed, boy. I guess everything was to your satisfaction?”
Theo grabbed Brian’s hand kissed him and then looks at the clerk.
“Yeah. Even more than that. I am here for your offer.”
“Gladly, boy. I am sure you will make some good stuff here. While I see you already practiced on your new boyfriend.”
Brian blushed and smiled awkwardly. The next years went by and Theo was developing new stuff by the day and helping people who were in a similar situation as he once was. Live was never better for him. Even though he helped it becoming this good.
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ikanasocking · 2 years ago
Gaining new insight
Up ahead will be a stroy cotaining: weight gain and socks tf. Not a fan? Maybe nothing for you :) Now enjoy my new story:
The days went ahead without any new events. Kyle and Thomas just live their lives as roommates in their apartment. Nothing was out of the ordinary. From the outside you saw Kyle as a nerdy guy who spend his days in front of a computer screen. Rarely seen outside the flat. His blonde hair were always a little bit messy. But he paid no mind about his outer appearance. He loved food and that showed a lot around his middle section. He was not just a little bit chubby. You could say he was straight up fat. It took a lot of effort to get up from his gaming chair and go into the kitchen, for the next meal.
Thomas on the other hand kept his body in check. He was just an average guy who spent most of his time reading books or attending some football games from time to time. By all means he was no athlete at all. But at least he was doing something. His brown hair was long and always in good shape. He washed it nearly every day. Like that he was paying a lot of mind to what people were thinking of him. How he looked or how he behaved.
When both guys went to collage they met for the first time in this particular flat. At the beginning they tried to get to know each other better, but decided, that they had not so much in common. So they just lived side by side, without interacting a lot. At least that was what you could see from outside. If you would take a closer looks, Thomas was hiding a secret from his flatmate. And that was a love. A love for his socks. He had no idea why. If you would ask him, he would tell you that he could only love women. And this was correct to some extent. He had no hots for any men. But their socks, that was another thing. It was embarrassing for him to talk about it, so he did it in secret. From time to time, he would take socks from Kyle. Wearing them, using them for other things or just enjoying the smell. Kyle was oblivious to this fact. He would not even care, since he was not interested in anything else then his games.
Many more weeks went by and exams were due. After the last of them, Thomas was feeling relieved and happy that he got through it. The results were still to come but right now he could not do anything else then wait. Kyle was doing the same. He was lucky, he did not have to study. Hearing stuff was enough for him to memorize it and pass everything with flying colors. Back in the flat, both guys went to their rooms and minded their own business. Thomas was reading and Kyle was browsing the internet for nothing in particular. He just went from link to link. Until one ad caught his attention.
“If you could make one wish come true, what would it be? Try our new wish granting website. It will change your life!”
Curios and amused he clicked on the ad and expected to find a site full or commercials for all kind of different stuff. But nothing like this popped up. Instead a blank site with just the phrase: state your wish and an empty box below it. Kyle thought that it was all a joke and just went on with it.
“I wish for a roommate who understands me”, he typed in and waited.
After a short delay the site reloaded and another texted popped up.
“Wish granted.”
Kyle laughed and thought nothing of it. He closed the site and went to bed. Thomas was doing the same. The next day, Thomas woke up with an unusual headache. He got up and went into the bathroom. He washed his faced and looked at himself. Nothing out of the ordinary. He did not even look paler than usual. Strange. Maybe it was just the stress he had the last weeks. His stomach growled and he felt like he had not eaten in weeks.
“Time for breakfast”, he thought and went into the kitchen. The fridge was nearly empty. Only some sweet stuff that Kyle normally kept there.
“He will not be up for another three hours and I can go get something new for him, before he even notices.”
So Thomas began to stuff his face with the sweets. It tasted better than he expected. Usually he hated sweet stuff. But today it tasted different. He could understand why Kyle ate so much of this stuff. But sooner then he would have wanted to, it was all gone. But his hunger was still not sated. So he went shopping. Replaced the stuff he took from Kyle and bought a lot more things. And so his eating started again. After a few hours he was sated and looked around. He saw the amount he ate and was surprised. How could he eat so much all of the sudden? He was shocked and decided it was time to go jogging. He cleaned up, changed his cloths and went out.
Right when Kyle woke up. He just heard the door closing. He was too lazy to get up and so he stayed in bed. After exact an hour, Thomas came back. He was sweaty and out of breath. With all the food in his body it was harder than usual. But coming back, his hunger was awakened again.  But he knew there was not much left in the fridge. He took a shower and went to Kyle’s door. He knocked.
“Yeah?” was the answer.
“I am going to the grocery store. You want something?”
Kyle told his friend some stuff he could get him and Thomas left the house. This time he bought a lot more food and filled the fridge to the brim.  So he began eating again. The weeks went by and Thomas was discovering a lot of changes. His hunger was only the beginning. Next was his interests that shifted to video games. He noticed that he was chatting with Kyle about his games from time to time. Thomas was feeling lazier and lazier by the day. He stopped going out for jogs or anything else. And became more and more like Kyle. He understood why Kyle like his life so much. And another thing that he was noticing. His belly was gradually growing. First just a little bit. But with the time it became clearer and clearer. Every new pound was a new sensation for Thomas. He never imagined it would feel so good, having his body jiggling with every step. Another week went by and finally Kyle and Thomas were playing games together. And one more week later, Thomas came clear about his embarrassing secret. Kyle seemed to not care at all. He was just happy, that he had someone who understood him and was playing games with him. Until one day, a friend of Thomas visited them, since he had not heard anything of him. He was disgusted when he saw what had become of Thomas.
“Boy, what did you do to yourself? Did you eat someone? You look like a disgusting pig.”
Thomas was hit hard with these words. The opinion of his friends were important for him. But he wanted to feel good as he was. This was him. He just never admitted to it. The next day’s Kyle did neither see nor heard anything of Thomas. He was just in his room and was thinking about his life. Kyle was desperate to help his friend. He went through his browser history and found the wish granting site. He still thought that it was just a joke, but he wanted to make Thomas feel better. So he send him the link with a message.
“Maybe you will feel better, if you can wish for the pain to go away. It is worth a try.”
Thomas received the message and smiled. Kyle was such a sweet heart. He thanked him and opened the site.  He knew exactly what he wanted to wish for.
“I wish to be have more supportive friends.”
The site granted his wish. Thomas was already feeling better. He went over to Kyle and talked to him, while taking care of his beautiful socked feet.
A few weeks went by and suddenly Thomas friend was at their door again.
“What do you want? Want to make fun of me again?” he asked.
“I am sorry that I was such a jerk.”
Surprised Thomas asked him to come in and went to his room.
“You are sorry?”
“Yes. I was just, I don’t know. Shocked isn’t even the right word. Surprised and jealous. You can live your live like you want. While I am still stuck at thinking too much about the opinion of others. I am truly sorry. Can I make it up to you?”
Thomas was totally flashed by this. He never thought his friend would say something like this.
“I don’t know” he said, in total awe.
“Maybe I can give you a foot rub?”
With that his friend reached for his feet. Today, Thomas was wearing Kyle’s socks. Just like nearly every day. Since he told Kyle about it, they shared their socks. When his friend’s hands made contact with the socks, a strange sensation hit him. It was like he wanted to be these socks? Yeah that was right. He just did not want to, he needed to be Thomas socks. This was the only way he could make it up to him. Furiously he began to rub his hands up and down. Until he noticed something. His hands were fusing with the cotton. Yeah that was it. The beginning of being his friend’s most supportive friend. Slowly his body began to be engulfed by the cotton. The feeling was indescribable. Like he was not only turning to cotton. He was a living being inside it. Finally it was time to give up his human form and he was sucked in completely into the socks. With that Thomas looked around, not remembering what he was doing. He did not remember his friend who was now trapped as his socks for the rest of his live. The site granted his wish, just not in a way, that Thomas would have expected it. Now he had only supportive friends. Kyle, who was there for him. And the other one who were his socks or better their socks. Thomas wasted no time going over to Kyle for another sock playing session. His socks were eager to experience this and could not wait to be used by both boys, who now owned him.
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ikanasocking · 2 years ago
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ikanasocking · 2 years ago
A new realtionship
So here is another tf story. This one contains straigh to gay content, some weight gain and socks tf. If one of this is not to your liking, you should not read it. I hope you enjoy it and can read over all the spelling mistakes.
A new relationship:
There was not a lot going on between the two guys. Or so they thought at least for a long time. Until their relationship was moved to the next level. But let’s start from the top.
They guys in question are Jake and Leo. Leo the nerdy looking scrawny guy who liked to spend his days gaming away, but still taking care of his body. Going for a jog every day and twice the week into the gym to keep his body maintained. Mostly he did cardio but sometimes he even tried to build some muscle. But his biggest quality was his smarts. With a degree in computer science. He love programming and creating his own gamey and challenges to keep his mind fit and working.
Jake on the other hand struggled a lot with his studies. He tried to obtain a degree in the same as Leo, because his parents wanted him to do it. But even from his looks would not think of him as a smart guy. He was more interested in art, sports and more creative things. Sometimes he sat down and began writing poems or texts to keep his mind from all the misery that was around him. His well toned and defined body gave him the look of a stereotypical jock. And this was what people actually saw in him. A dumb guy who did nothing else then working out. But that he did all of this, because he could not keep up with all the expectations from others, no one saw or even cared to see in him.
No one besides Leo. He noticed all the poems and texts Jake forgot to put away sometimes. Even his diary was sometimes lying in the living room. Opened up on the last page, where Jake made his last entry. Even though he knew better, Leo began reading through all the pages. And that was when he learned something about Jake. He loved men. Often Jake was asked why he was still single. With his looks he should be able to get all the ladies. Jake laughed it off, mostly and responded that he did not found the right girl. So this was not a lie. He did in fact not found the right girl, which happens to be a guy. Leo wondered why Jake never talked about it. Was he too scared? For a few months Leo ignored all the facts and did not talk to Jake about it, building up courage to get into this topic with him. But even after all these months he did not come up with something good. Then one night, he had an idea. He created an online survey just for Jake. He would have to enter different answers which would help Leo to get to know him better and maybe get him to a point where he got all information he needed. He got to work and a few hours later he was ready.
The next day he gave Jake the link and made up a friend that was in need of help with a social survey that she needed for her studies. All his answers would be handled confidential and all the stuff. Sceptical at first, Jake agreed to it and took some time to fill out the survey. He was a little bit surprised on what this friend was working actually. It looked more like a survey for an online dating platform. Asking for his orientations, what a partner would need to bring into a relationship. Even a whole bunch of free text to talk about his kinks. Not knowing any better and thinking that Leo would never make him do anything that would embarrass him, he filled it all out with the honest truth. He shot Leo a message, informing him that he had filled out everything that was asked of him. Leo thanked him and began browsing through all the answers.
“All right let’s see”, Leo said to himself and began scrolling.
He was shocked when he saw that Jake had filled everything out. Even the whole section about his kinks. The first answers were nothing interesting. Jake just confirmed that he was gay. Looking for a guy that would be honest with him and stuff like this. Nothing out of the ordinary. But then came a few things that Leo was surprised to see. Jake mentioned that he had a guy he had feelings for and the description was fitting on Leo. Impossible for Leo to believe that Jake would consider having feelings for him he kept looking deeper. And there was a part in the kink section that took him completely off guard. Jake was writing about loving to have a guy taking care of his socked feet. Living to serve him and having no other place then on the ground at his feet. The other kink was more about being not the athlete he was right now. He wanted to be lazier and fatter. And a partner should respect and even encourage that. Leo had read through all this and was stunned by the answers. When he created it, he thought that Jake would never be so open with this.
“So, are you satisfied with my answers?” Jake asked and Leo spun around.
His friend was standing in the doorway to his room. His arms crossed in front of his breast looking at him. Leo noticed no hostile look in Jakes eyes. Was he mad?
“I just wanted to make sure everything is in order” he said and Jake laughed.
“That is one way to put it.”
“What do you mean?”
“What I mean is, that I thought for no second this was for someone else then you. I knew you were reading my diary. Even if you tried to put it in the same place as it was before, I could tell it was moved. And guess what? I left it there to see if you would be curios. So can we drop the act now and talk about, what you want to talk about?”
Leo was completely overwhelmed with the situation. Jake had known all along that Leo was spying on him?
“But if you knew, why did you not tell me to stop?”
“Why should I? I mean the boy I have the hots for is reading through my diary, going to extends to create a survey to get to know me better. I would call this a success on the whole line. But now I want to know something. Why? Why did you go through all the trouble?”
Leo sighed and stood up.
“I knew you were not who you showed the world. And I wanted to know why. Why did you not show the real Jake to the world? Right now I am seeing a talented man in front of me, struggling with his studies, living in the closet all his life. I just want to know why.”
Jake smiled coming closer to his friend.
“So you want to know the reasons? This might take some time. Let’s sit down.”
He pointed at Leo’s bed and both sat down. Jake began to talk about his parents. The daily struggles with all the people around him that might turn their backs on him if he would come out. And all the other stuff that was on his mind. It was like a weight was lifted on him after he finished. Leo listened through all of it and taking it all in.
“That is a lot going on in your mind” Leo said and Jake nodded.
“Yeah. The daily struggle of your jock roommate.”
“I can totally understand how you feel. But I got another question. Do you really have a crush on me?”
Jake sighed and looked Leo right in the eyes.
“I did not lie in the survey. So yes, I have feelings for you” he said with a kind of heavy tone in his voice.
Leo did not know how to respond. He was not gay. Never even thought about a relationship with another man. Let alone his roommate.
“I did not expect this” Leo said and smiled.
“I guess no one would. So now you know it. You know a lot of my secrets now and I hope they are being kept secret. Can I count on that?”
“Totally. I just had no idea how to approach you. Therefor all the nonsense with the survey.”
“I trust you, Leo. If you are not keeping your word, trust me, it will get ugly.”
With that Jake left the room, not without giving his roommate another smile. Leo was left behind trying to get all the things together in his head. The time went on and the next night, Jake was browsing through the internet for some sweet release. His usual sites did not show him something new. But one ad caught his attention this night.
“Live out your kinks to the fullest. Just make a wish and it will happen.” Stated the app.
What bullshit, thought Jake but clicked on it anyway. His screen turned dark for a few seconds before there was single text field with one single question. What do you desire? Not taking this seriously Jake began entering his desires. After he was finished he pressed Enter and then a bright light hit him.
“Your desire will be fulfilled”, whispered a voice inside his head.
“Weird. But hey nothing will happen anyway.”
With that he decided to go to sleep. The next morning he woke up and looked around his room. Nothing seemed to have changed. He got up and went into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and was surprised to find everything was filled to the brim with sweets. Confused he searched for something healthier but could not find it.
“Hi there, my gay roommate”, Leo said and approached him.
“Morning, Leo. What is up with the fridge?” he asked and Leo took a look.
“What about it? Filled with all the things you like. Like normal.”
With that Leo turned to him and gave him a big kiss on the mouth. Surprised Jake wanted to fight it at first, but decided that this had to be a dream. This could never be real. After Leo broke the kiss he looked at him seductively.
“What has gotten into you?” Jake asked and Leo laughed.
“I had no idea that you had feelings for me, and last night I discovered I have some feelings for you, too. So I decided to take it to the next level. What do you say, we go to your room and have some fun.”
“No thanks, not this early in the morning”, Jake said and Leo nodded.
“As you wish. Well then, see you later.”
With that Leo went back to his room and Jake was still dumb fold with what happened. But still he decided to go on with his day. He went to the gym and began to work out. He met one of his friends Tyler. Another jock who did nothing else then working out all week. When they were finished with their workout Jake took a shower. And when he came back, his workout socks were not where he left them. In fact they were not there at all. Thinking he might have put them already away he went home. He forgot about the things that happened at the gym. Back at home he was alone. Leo was in his room gaming. So he grabbed some snacks went to his room and then straight to bed. So the next days went on, with the same routine. After a week he began to notice that Leo’s scrawny body was taking a toll with all the sweet overload that was hitting him. His belly began to grow. The pudge was very noticeable. When Jake asked about it, Leo just stated that he was enjoying it and loved the way he was feeling now. Jakes own belly had taken on some of the weight as well. But due to his workout sessions it was slower. But since he started more and more socks went missing after the workout. And then there was a day, when Tyler wanted to visit him. He arrived at the flat and they went to Jakes room.
“So you wanted to talk about something, Tyler?” he asked and Tyler was nodding.
Jake noticed that Tyler was not able to take his eyes of Jakes feet.
“I have a confession to make” Tyler said and grabbed something from his backpack.
When he pulled it out, Jake finally knew where his socks went. They were all in Tyler’s backpack.
“Oh so there are all my socks”, he said and Tyler nodded.
“I could not explain why, but for the last weeks I was totally drawn to your feet, Jake. After every workout I took your socks, taking them home, taking in all your scent. I love it, Jake. I totally love it. There is nothing I like more than your manly scent. Please let me be your foot slave. Let me live for your feet.”
Jake was taken aback. He never imagined one of his friends would share this kink with him.
“Tyler, are you okay? Did you hit your head or something?”
“No, Jake. I am completely honest with you. May I show you that I am honest?”
Jake nodded and Tyler went over to him. He took on of Jakes feet and began rubbing it over his face. Over and over again. Taking in all the sweat and what else was on Jakes feet. Tyler buried his nose in them and began licking them, when suddenly Leo came into the room.
“Oh sorry I did not know you had a guest.”
Tyler looked at Leo and the same lust as for Jake could be seen in his eyes.
“No problem. Come here, little boy. I want to have you, too”, he said and Leo went over to them.
He sat next to Jake and Tyler began to play with his feet as well.
“He is talented” Leo said and Jake just looked at him.
This whole situation was totally crazy. His workout buddy was playing slave at his and Leo’s feet, while Leo was sitting there being completely cool with it.
“What has gotten into you?”
Jake asked and both guys looked at him.
“What do you mean?” Leo asked.
“Just a few weeks ago none of you knew I was into this stuff and now you act like it was the most normal thing in the world. Heck Tyler you even want to be my slave. Why not be our socks? Then you could be at our feet all day, while we are stuffing our faces with food.”
“Oh that would be lovely”, Tyler said and Jake lost it completely.
Before he could say something he noticed something with Tyler’s hands. While he was holding both of their feet, the fabric of the socks was starting to spread over his body. Confused Jake watched and saw how his friend was more and more engulfed in the fabric of his and Leo’s socks. Tyler moaned during the whole procedure from his view he was experiencing something satisfying. He was hard as a rock.
When it started Tyler was noticing nothing then a slight tingling at his hands. Like they would have fallen asleep. That was when he noticed the fabric that was spreading with the sensation. Everything seemed to go numb after it was taken over by fabric. More and more of his body was engulfed and he loved every second. His clothes were also trapped under the socks fabric. One half of his body was overtaken by Leo’s socks and the other by Jake’s. He loved every second of it. Even when the fabric spread over his penis, it was the most pleasurable feeling he had in all his live. Now the only thing left was his face. The fabric wasted no time beginning to eat up his head. First from the bottom of his head until his mouth. His tongue turned into a sock and he had the taste of both boys in his mouth. And this would be like this for the rest of his live. The thought alone made him even harder. Then his nose got covered and the scent of them both was now in his nose, no it was on all of his body. With that the fabric decided to take up the rest of him, covering up everything.
“Oh yes” was the last thing that Tyler could say.
He came with the biggest orgasm he had in all of his live before was reduced to Jake’s and Leo’s socks. He fell to the ground and Jake blinked twice.
Leo said and got up. He picked up the two pairs of socks.
“Guess he chose his own fate. It was so nice of you, that you granted his wish”, he said and smiled.
Slowly he began to strip off Jake’s socks and put Tyler on him. He was an exact copy of the white Nike socks, Jake had been wearing. Even though the logo was changed out for Tyler’s head. A sight of bliss was seen on his face. Leo’s socks showed the same. But he had been wearing grey Puma socks. He wanted to put the socks on himself, when Jake stopped him.
“Let me do it” he said and Leo nodded.
So Jake got up, moved Leo to his bed and sat him down. Slowly he began to put Tyler on him and looked at the result. He began to rub Leo’s feet, when he stopped him.
“Oh no, darling. No touching there. I am ticklish. But I can do it for you.”
Jake just nodded succumbing to the effects of the strange website that he had shared his kinks with. The weeks went by and both boys moved to one room. They needed to get a bigger bed since they grew too big for the old one. Their workouts were getting less and less until they rarely left the house. None of them noticed that the fridge never was empty. It was filled up every night. Tyler was adjusting well to his new position at their feet. Tough he was rarely taken off and washed. But all the boys were happy as it was. Jake and Leo were together and gave no second thought about their old lives.
“Another happy costumer”, showed a message on Jake’s computer.
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53 notes · View notes
ikanasocking · 2 years ago
you should definitely do more sock tfs, you’re an amazing writer!
Thank you very much for the encouragement. I will try to do some more of this in the future :)
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ikanasocking · 2 years ago
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ikanasocking · 2 years ago
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ikanasocking · 2 years ago
Are your feet ticklish?
Not really. My boyfriend tries it from times to times but with no success :)
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ikanasocking · 2 years ago
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