the natural order
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iitsforreal · 9 months ago
Los hombres toman las decisiones y las mujeres hacen la cena. Esa siempre fue la forma de hacer las cosas y lo seguira siendo.
Men make decisions and women make dinner. That was always the way of doing things, and it will continue to be so
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Want more Patriarchal short stories (1,000+ words)? Want to read an ongoing novel set in a heavily Patriarchal society? Want a custom story, hypno, or caption? Check out my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/ProfessorPatriarchy.
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iitsforreal · 9 months ago
Un buen hombre es aquel que te enseña respeto y modales
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A good Man is a Man who will teach you respect and manners.
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iitsforreal · 1 year ago
Hey there, I absolutely adore your blog. I am a traditional wife myself, living in the French countryside with my husband. I can cook, clean, do all types of needlework and make our own butter,jams, creams, pillowcases, powders everything! I love serving my husband as much as possible. I married him at 19 and we've been blessed with five children by now and I'm also currently pregnant. I wanna assure the young ladies that pregnancy doesn't diminish your beauty, it enhances it!
Your husband must be proud of you.having such a fertile submissive wife is a blessing.
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iitsforreal · 1 year ago
Es responsabilidad del hombre educar a su mujer .Ella es tu propiedad y tiene que actuar como tal.la disciplina domestica es necesaria para guiarla y hacerse respetar
It is a man's responsibility to educate his woman, she is your property and must act as such. domestic discipline is necessary to guide her and make her respect you
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El castigo también es muy purificador. En ese preciso momento en el que el castigo es completado es como moverse de la oscuridad a la luz. Todo se renueva y se renueva y se tratan todas las cuestiones pendientes. Se restaura la armonía firmemente atada. * disciplina doméstica conyugal *
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iitsforreal · 1 year ago
What’s your view on domestic discipline? Do you think it’s important or necessary in a traditional relationship? If yes, would it just be doled out for punishments or be more ingrained like maintenance and warning spankings ? If yes, how often?
It is important and necessary. How will your wife/cunt respect you if she sees that she can disrespect you without any consequences? If she makes a mistake or her behavior is not appropriate, put her back in her place without hesitation. Maintenance and warning spankings will depend on the progress she is making.
Es importante y necesario. ¿Cómo va a respetarte tu mujer/coño si ve que puede faltarte al respeto sin ninguna consecuencia? Si comete un error o su comportamiento no es apropiado, ponla en su sitio sin dudarlo. Los azotes de mantenimiento y de advertencia dependerán de los progresos que haga.
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iitsforreal · 1 year ago
Observe well her gaze. The happiness in her eyes is authentic, something that cannot be faked.She understands what it means to be a woman
Observa bien su mirada. La felicidad en sus ojos es auténtica, algo que no se puede fingir. Ella entiende lo que significa ser una mujer
This woman is a fairly good model of joyful feminine submission. One thing she gets wrong here, though, is when she says, “I let him be the man that he is.” It would have been more accurate for her to say, “I don't resist him being the man that he is.” Other than this one error, she gets it. Her eyes are open.
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iitsforreal · 1 year ago
You say you want a traditional submissive woman right? Assuming you’re not talking about a woman who just acts like your maid and caretaker, what are your responsibilities towards your wife? And how would you show you care for and love her?
As a man I have three aspects that I have to take care of. I have to provide financially for my wife. I have to provide a safe environment for her to feel secure. I have to lead her. She is my responsibility which means that I make decisions for her.
Como hombre hay tres aspectos de los que me tengo que encargar. Tengo que proveer financieramante para mi mujer. Tengo que darle un entorno seguro para que ella se sienta segura. Tengo que dirigirla. Ella es mi responsabilidad esto signfica que yo tomo las deciones por ella.
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iitsforreal · 1 year ago
hello sir, how are you?☺️... my name is Isabel, I am 19 years old, I know that I am inferior to men and I believe that patriarchy is the best thing that can happen to everyone 🤭. And I would like to learn more about how I can better serve men. I would appreciate it very much if you could give me some advice to be a good girl.
if you are 19 don't make the mistake of serving only when you are horny. Serving men is something you should do every day. It is your purpose and you should keep it in mind at all times. Start with habits that validate your place. Don't make a decision, let a man make it for you. Respect when a man or a group of men are talking and keep quiet. Practice kneeling more often as it is your natural position. Spend more time in the kitchen and learn to cook.
si tienes 19 años no cometas el error de servir solamente cuando estas caliente. Servir a los hombres es algo que debes de hacer a diario. Es tu proposito y debes de tenerlo en mente en todo momento. Empieza con habitos que validen tu lugar. No tomes una decision, deja que un hombre la tome por ti. Respeta cuando un hombre o un grupo de hombres esten hablando y mantente callada. Practica estar de rodillas mas de seguido es tu posicion natural. Pasa mas tiempo en la cocina y aprende a cocinar.
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iitsforreal · 1 year ago
What are some rules that you require your wife to follow? The ones that aren’t up for negotiation
I do not negotiate any rules, I dictate them. But in any case there are some that are very important.
-The roles are clearly defined: I work and my wife has to stay at home, so also my wife cannot have money only what I give her for certain reasons.
-How my wife looks: she has to be fit. She has to have the right weight and for that she has to eat what I tell her to eat and do the exercises I tell her to do. And apart from that, she will wear what I want her to wear, she will wear her hair the way I tell her to wear it, and her legs and pussy will always be clean-shaven.
-Housework: The two most important chores, cleaning and cooking, have to be done by the time I get home. In the morning my clothes have to be clean and ready.
-Topics of conversation: She is not allowed to talk about finances, making money, politics or sports.These kinds of topics are for men and I will only talk about them with other men.
-Always willing to be used: I am very sexual so I will probably use my woman on a daily basis, either to de-stress, procreate or just to empty my balls.
Yo no negocio ninguna norma, sino que las dicto. Pero en cualquier caso hay algunas que son muy importantes.
-Los roles están claramente definidos: Yo trabajo y mi mujer tiene que quedarse en casa, por eso también mi mujer no podrá tener dinero sólo lo que yo le dé por determinados motivos.
-Como se ve mi mujer: tiene que estar en forma. Tiene que tener el peso adecuado y para eso tiene que comer lo que yo le diga y hacer los ejercicios que yo le diga. Y aparte de eso, vestirá lo que yo quiera, llevará el pelo como yo le diga y siempre llevará las piernas y el coño bien afeitados.
-Tareas del hogar: Las dos tareas más importantes, limpiar y cocinar, tienen que estar hechas para cuando yo llegue a casa. Por la mañana mi ropa tiene que estar limpia y lista.
-Temas de conversación: No se le permite hablar de finanzas, de ganar dinero, de política o de deportes.Este tipo de temas son para los hombres y sólo hablaré de ellos con otros hombres.
-Siempre dispuesta a ser usada: Soy muy sexual así que probablemente use a mi mujer a diario, ya sea para desestresarme, procrear o simplemente para vaciarme las pelotas.
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iitsforreal · 1 year ago
I love your blog because it reminds me of my true place as a woman. I pretend to be a feminist but deep down I just wanna serve, obey and be a good housewife for a man.
That's why I have this blog. So that no one forgets their place. A woman's place is on her knees at a man's feet, cleaning the house, cooking in the kitchen and waiting in bed to be used.
Es por eso que tengo este blog. Para que a nadie se le olvide cual es su lugar. El lugar de una mujer es de rodillas a los pies del hombre, limpiando el hogar, cocianando en la cocina y esperando en la cama a ser usada
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iitsforreal · 1 year ago
Me gusta mucho tu blog. Me gusta leer estas cosas en español
Es normal que te guste. El patriarcado es lo mas natural que hay.
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iitsforreal · 2 years ago
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I want to be dommed not just sexually
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iitsforreal · 2 years ago
never let your wife disrespect you. a good slap in the face to put her back in her place.
nunca dejes que tu mujer te falte al respeto. Mano dura. Una bofetada bien dada para que vuelva a su lugar
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Wrong answer
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iitsforreal · 2 years ago
"liberating" I have read and heard this many times. It's like taking a heavy backpack off your back. A woman who still doesn't know what it is to please and serve a man properly. Then you don't know what it feels like to be a real woman either.
"liberador" He leído y oído esto muchas veces. Es como quitarse una pesada mochila de la espalda. Una mujer que todavia no sabe lo que cmplacer y servir a un hombre apropiadamente. Entonces tampoco sabes lo que siente ser una mujer de verdad
it is so liberating supporting the patriarchy. I used to be a liberal feminist but discovered the error of my ways and that true destiny for us females is to serve the superior Alpha Male
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iitsforreal · 2 years ago
It always does
Siempre trae resultados
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iitsforreal · 2 years ago
Todo hombre hecho y derecho debe tener a su esposa en el hogar y si nos da la gana alguna mujer joven para divertirse y vaciar las bolas de vez en cuando
Every man must have his wife at home and if we feel like it, a young woman to have fun and empty our balls from time to time
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iitsforreal · 2 years ago
Cunt Homework
Here’s my first official piece of homework for any cunt that follows me.
Tell a man that you like misogyny today. Tell him that actually, it kind of turns you on.
If you can’t find a man in real life to tell this to, then you can settle for a male tumblr user. Just sitting down to type out the words “misogyny turns me on” (preferably to a stranger) will be a healthy thing for you. But…
If you can, telling someone in real life will be more beneficial. I’ve done it before. The guy will most likely be amused even if he’s all for equality.
He’ll start making jokes. The same jokes you hear from Family Guy or other mainstream comedy shows, the things he may not have even realized he payed attention to. The typical stuff like telling you to get him a beer, or don’t you feel uncomfortable when you’re not in the kitchen? It will all be in good fun; he’ll laugh, thinking it’s a kinky (albeit kind of unusual) game. Giggle and joke with him, but do as he says. When you do, he’ll begin to realize that you really don’t want to be an equal. For all intents and purposes, you really do what to be that female stereotype- to serve and make the men around you happy.
It will slowly shift from a game to reality. He’ll realize that deep down, he always wanted a girl to boss around, and here you are. It’s ok for him to be like this, because you already told him you like it.
Soon when he tells you to get him a beer, he won’t be laughing. Playful demands will turn into demands, the pretense of a joke long gone. He’ll start to see you as you want to see yourself, as a bitch suitable for housework and fucking.
Another good step towards obliterating your autonomy. Just like you always wanted.
Xoxo Dbts
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