ii-survived · 6 years
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“I made it so they couldn’t bite, couldn’t scratch. I tied chains around their necks. It was insane. It was sick. It felt like what I deserved, dragging them around so that I would always know. I found out that they kept me safe. They hid me. The walkers didn’t see me anymore. I was just another monster.”
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ii-survived · 6 years
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Starter call!
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ii-survived · 6 years
Reblog if it's okay to send you lots of memes even if we have threads already.
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ii-survived · 6 years
Send 😳 for my muse's reaction to yours kissing their neck.
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ii-survived · 6 years
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Starter call!
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ii-survived · 6 years
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Starter call!
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ii-survived · 6 years
Send me one or more of the following:
❊ I want to roleplay with you ✸ I want to plot with you ✤ I want to ship with you ✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great ❦ I sort of secretly ship a thing with your muse(s) ✷ I wish our characters were friends ✢ I like your characters ✱ I don’t like your characters ✣ I like the way you express your muse(s) ✫ I don’t like the way you express your muse(s) ☬ I feel like your characters are underdeveloped ❂ I don’t agree on all your headcanons ✡ I agree on all your headcanons ❋ Your blog is one of my favs ✦ I like seeing you on my dash ✵ I don’t follow you for roleplay ✧ I wish you would notice me ✩ You intimidate me ✪ You seem like a cool person ✺ You’re hard to approach ✻ I wish you weren’t so shy ❄ I look up to you ❆ I love your art ❇ I love the way you write * I want to learn to know you = I’m too shy to approach to you ☓ We should talk! ♥ Your choice what to write"
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ii-survived · 6 years
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                                            Blackened is the end                                               Winter it will send                                            Throwing all you see                                                  Into obscurity                                            Death of Mother Earth                                                Never a rebirth                                                Evolution’s end                                              Never will it mend                                                       Never
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ii-survived · 6 years
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How many moons had Jemma sat beneath, lost in thought of the days that lead to this moment? Tonight had seemed like any other night - long and quiet - but as the doors to the settlement crept open, all of that changed. News of other survivors traveled, the young runner catching only a few details about them through the grapevine. From what she’s heard, they were an established group lead by a man named Rick. 
Tension ran high - she knew that name. It rang so many bells, though a voice within her told tales of false prophets. Perhaps it was just a coincidence, but she had to hope. Without that, everything they’ve worked for would be in vain. Everything rested on the hope for tomorrow, the hope to see loved ones again, the hope to sleep a full night uninterrupted with a belly full of meat and wine. 
Night began to fall, a cream colored hue illuminating the trailers like an old western. Elbow rest atop bent knee as gaze lazily drifted toward the gates - a group of dark silhouettes strolled into the compound, accomplished and proud. Short hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, almost as if she knew who they were. Hesitant, she bit her lip, rising from the seated position she took atop her trailer’s roof before she hopped down. Curiosity overwhelmed her, small steps turning to a lax jog - could it be..?
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ii-survived · 6 years
Random Assortment of Sentence Starts (Part 3?)
“Hi, um, I’m ___? We’ve been chatting online…?” 
“You seem oddly familiar… have we met before?” 
“If you don’t start talking I am going to start breaking your fingers one by one until you do.” 
“Oh god, please, wake up!” 
“How did you get in here?!” 
“Ow… my head…” 
“That looked like a rough landing.” 
“Ouch, that had to hurt.” 
“My dear, even the stars cannot outshine you.” 
“You are like the wind- I feel you brush against me, but I fear as soon as I reach out to touch back, you will slip away between my fingers.” 
“Are you alright?” 
“Does it look like I’m alright?!”
“Stop moving! I’m trying to help!” 
“You’re cute for an asshole. A pity.” 
“Stay still- you’ll only bleed more.”
“What… what happened to you?” 
“You’re not the person I remember.” 
“I’m not the person you remember, nor will I ever return to being that person.” 
“Care for a dance?” 
“You’re going to bleed out at this rate.” 
“I love you, alright?!” 
“I have waited this long for you- I will wait for you for longer still.” 
“I’m going to kill you, nice and painful.” 
“Careful- you’re trying my patience. You wouldn’t like me angry, now, would you?” 
“I can’t wait for you any longer! I’m done!” 
“Hey, can I have your number?” 
“You seem awfully lonely.”
“You never deserved friends.” 
“No wonder they left you- you can’t even keep yourself together, let alone a relationship.” 
“I care for you, possibly more than I should.” 
“I shouldn’t have ever met you!” 
“Please… don’t forget me too…” 
“I never forget a face… nor do I ever forgive a transgressor.” 
“I’ve stumbled in and out of love so much that I am bruised and numb to the heartache.” 
“I think you’ve had enough to drink for one night…” 
:0+ add your own!
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ii-survived · 6 years
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                                            Blackened is the end                                               Winter it will send                                            Throwing all you see                                                  Into obscurity                                            Death of Mother Earth                                                Never a rebirth                                                Evolution’s end                                              Never will it mend                                                       Never
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ii-survived · 6 years
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                                     You are my star                                     I’m in your veins                                     You are my heart                                 I serenade your pain                      Now you can’t exist without me
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ii-survived · 6 years
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                                     You are my star                                     I’m in your veins                                     You are my heart                                 I serenade your pain                      Now you can’t exist without me
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ii-survived · 6 years
zombie apocalypse meme
send in a number for a situation. some are shippy. one can potentially be nsfw.
001.   our muses enter an abandoned super market / pharmacy / store that seemed quiet and zombie free … and then they heard a moan 002.   your muse finds mine’s dehydrated and utterly close to passing out. 003.   our muses run into a bag full of supplies … did the person who leave it die? did they forget it? or … is it a trap? 004.   our muses barely get any alone time considering they’re always with their group; the only time they can be alone is during supply runs. our muses decide to take advantage of this by canoodling in the back room of the store. 005.   our muses, who are strangers, run into each other in the pharmacy … and there’s only one bottle of antibiotics left.
006.   our muses have been traveling the roads for weeks now, searching for a new place to rest their heads. they finally run into a town that appears promising … 007.   your muse crashes in on my muse’s shelter, begging my muse to let yours stay for the night at least. 008.   our muses are traveling up north when they run into a community. after some time, they decide to communicate with the leader of the community to try and get a place to stay. but something about this place just doesn’t seem right … 009.   your muse is the leader of a community and my muse is the newest traveler to find it. your muse tries to gauge out if mine is a good addition for the community or not. 010.   it has been weeks and our muses have gotten no luck in looking for a solid place to stay. it’s been messing with their mental, physical and emotional health … they’re very close to splitting up. they need to find something soon.
011.   our muses run into each other while out, they are both alone and have been instructed to kill anyone from the other group on sight. 012.   our muses are the forbidden love of the zombie apocalypse : a part of rivaling groups but they sneak off and meet up whenever they can. OPTIONAL: one day my muse gets followed by someone a part of their own group. 013.   your muse finds mine injured, your muse has to decide whether to help mine or leave them there to die. my muse is begging yours for help and is offering to give or do anything in return. 014.   our muses are the leaders of their respective groups, they’ve agreed to meet to discuss a peace treaty. little do they know, they both planned to surprise attack the other.  015.   our muses are caught in a heated war between their respective groups. my muse corners yours in a secluded area, they’re both about to attack until they realize … our muses are significant others that had gotten separated when the outbreak started months ( or even years ) ago.
016.   my muse has the flu. a usually curable illness, but they ran out of medicine and now they have to find a way to go out and look for some without straining my sick muse even more. 017.   our muses find themselves totally exposed in an open area with zombies staggering around them. they have to find a way to safety and fast. 018.   our muses are leaders of their respective groups, both communities have been striving for over a year now. our muses are meeting to try and talk about the prospect of working together, trading, etc. maybe even come up with some kind of route so members ( and our muses ) can visit each other. 019.   our muses are hungry and, by the grace of luck, there seems to be an animal they can eat and hunt. though, unable to use their guns with a fear that the noise would attract the dead, our muses need to find a way to trap that animal before they starve to death. 020. Mun’s Choice / Randomize #
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ii-survived · 6 years
Send some hearts to tell my muse how yours feels about them.
❤️: Wants or is in a romantic relationship with them.
💛: Loves them platonically.
💚: Is a little jealous of them.
💙: Feels pretty indifferent towards them.
💜: Finds them sexually attractive.
💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive.
💗: Finds them romantically attractive.
💞: Feels attracted to them, but can’t work out if it’s platonic, sexual, or romantic attraction they’re feeling.
💝: Looks up to them as a role model.
💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
💔: Hates their guts.
💘: Doesn’t really like them, but doesn’t flat-out hate them either.
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ii-survived · 6 years
Soft Sentence Starters
bc i need inspiration
“I’ll protect you.”
“You always duck away when you smile.”
“Like I expected, you’re much comfier than my pillow.”
“I’m nervous too.”
“Do you like it?”
“Let me hug you.”
“Piggy back ride?”
“I want to kiss all of the freckles on your cute face.”
“Can you keep holding my hand, please?”
“Wait, the tears are good tears?”
“I think you look cuter with me.”
“I won’t forget this moment.”
“This is where we first met isn’t it?”
“I’ve always wanted to thank you, but was never sure how.”
“If you’re happy then okay.”
“Let’s share.”
“It wouldn’t be the same without you.”
“Everything ends up being about you somehow.”
“It tastes like…. You tried…. I’ll eat it. It’s a good attempt. Really.”
“Why are you hiding against me like this?”
“I heard you weren’t having that great of a day… These are your favorite candies, right?”
“Ah, the puppy dog face. Check mate, huh?”
“Quit poking my sides; you know I’m ticklish!”
“Your hair is sticking out everywhere. Cute.” 
“Wait, let me get a picture of you there.”
“If you need my shoulder, or my hand, or a hug-”
“Kiss me again.”
“I’m sorry, but it was too funny for me to intervene.”
“It doesn’t matter what they think, I just care about what you think.”
“You can ask me as much as you want, I’ll say I love you each time.”
“I’m glad you were here with me.” 
“That trip looked hilarious– but also kinda painful; you okay?”
“I called you because I can’t fall asleep.”
“I let you win.”
“You look good in it.”
“Don’t look away from me.”
“I’m not jealous, I’m just practicing my pout.”
“I just want to hug you.”
“You’ve kissed me like fifty times today.”
“You love me.”
“Can we be alone for a bit?”
“The stars wish they were as bright as you.”
“You make me cliche, but I love it I guess.”
“I’d feel better if you kissed me.”
“You’re overthinking– I’m yours. That’s all I want to be.”
“You’re my favorite.”
“You want to take another selfie?”
“I’d let you if you asked.”
“Since it’s you, I’m gonna let it go.”
“My only regret is not telling you I loved you sooner.”
send a sentence and a name!! x
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ii-survived · 6 years
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Episode based starter call!
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