ihrtgojo · 13 days
— Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist !
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─────── More soon ! !
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ihrtgojo · 13 days
— About me !
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16 — she/her — Cuban
Love cats and tulips!
Huge hunger games and jjk fan
Used to listen to a lot of kpop and collected albums but I kind of strayed away from it unfortunately :,(
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ihrtgojo · 13 days
— Masterlists !
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Jujutsu Kaisen
More coming soon !!
0 notes
ihrtgojo · 13 days
— Rules . Important Info !
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★ This is a sfw blog !
★ My works will sometimes (maybe most of the time) contain swear words. I will always provide warnings in every work I post.
─────── General stuff !
★ Please remain polite. I want my blog to be a safe and comfortable place for everyone. If I ever come across rude comments or people being rude in general, you will be blocked.
★ Tumblr isn't like any other social media where likes boost your post, you have to reblog! The reblog button is between the comments and the heart if you weren't aware. So I will love it if you guys reblog my posts, as this is the way it boosts them :) I will highly appreciate it!!
★ Majority of the times my works will be fem!reader unless stated otherwise or unless someone asks for it to be gn!reader. I will always state in my posts whether it’s fem or gender neutral.
★ Always check the tags at the bottom of my posts (or my bio) to check if requests are open or closed! I will try to write as much as I can if you request something. Also, please don't request for me to write smut as I am a minor. I will only write things such as kisses and things along those lines but not smut.
─────── Important !
★ I beg you guys, do not plagiarize or copy my works in any way, shape, or form. I spend a lot of time writing which is something i really enjoy, which is why i don't want it to be plagiarized and pasted to another website or app.
★ Please note that my writing is all fictional and serves for entertainment purposes only ! All credit goes to the authors of anime’s for creating the characters and plot.
★ I don’t have a set writing schedule because of school and other things, so I will only be able to upload when I’m able to.
─────── Other !
★ I'm always open to being mutuals and making friends, you guys can always message me and I will try my best to reply back if not busy! :D
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ihrtgojo · 13 days
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★ LOADING...% @ ihrtgojo — lily
istp — 16 — she/her
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★ — Rules. || About me. || Masterlist.
0 notes