i had slmd busy days and i dont even know ehen i stloped thinking about the person but for a moment i even forgog i had this account. now i need to consciously remind myself that i have a crush im not daydreaming as i used to. feelings are so weird. one day i was simping the next i was mad at them and the next i just forgot. its not even been a month since i sent the first anon to lea i cant believe im already getting over it now i feel ridiculous ten days ago i was stikk yearning and like two days later i posted that i kinda wasnt anymore. thank god this is anonymous im so glad i didnt shoot my shot. i still love them and care about them but theyre bei g so annoying lately i dont enjoy chatging as much anymore and evefuthings just jnsiwnsbjsnwnsksnzbzjsjqnsnsinans (negative) and i feel kinda bad becase i know its nlt their faukt and im sorta being a bad friend but jsumsksnsksjubwbsjsbsnsnsbajbsbjssbsjsjsbjsusbsbsusbsbjsuabaksiwjwbsjjwb (negative) if i only like them like that when things are good and theyre being easygoing and not when theyee being difficult then its not real and not healthy ughhhh my stomach used to twitch whenever i talked to them i used to feel the butterflies but that doesnt hapoen anymore now its just like talkting to any friend
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boops u <3
boops u back <3
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Wanna rant about your anger for them?
its not reallu anger its frustration. i love them but theyre draving me crazy and talking to ghem feels exhaysting latelh
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do i not like them anymlre or am i just mad at them
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people not in the chaos goosecoven DNI
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for whatever unkonmwn to me readon i feel uncomfortable about peolpe not in the coven interactinh wigh this account ao please dont
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i think i only like them when im on ny period
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im still yearning btw. if u even care
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hi. i saw that some of you are worried about me. please dont be. im okay and safe. i was just having a bad day and many conplicated feelings. but im fine now and everyghing is fine with the oerson. i didnt reply to bees text because i wasnt logged in gvis account so i dkdnt see it. i only log in when i have something to post. aorry it wasnt my intenyion to worry anyone
@bleechella @i-must-confess-i-am-an-idiot @alltheliars @fresasconsal @abodyhasbeenfound
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go fuck yourself
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everything would be a lot better if you were a litgle shittier
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i dont like tgem anymore
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my crush stops accidentally saying the worst posiible things challenve
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my crush stops being so diffixukt to read challenge
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also the otger thing you said what am i supoosed to do with that
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were both idiots actually
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why dud you have to sau that why are you like this somwtimes i know you thought it was the right thinh to say but ir was nlt and you think its fine but iys not cant you see ot isn fine
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