ihave-noexcuse · 1 year
Finals are currently kicking my ass, haven’t had time to post anything… but I shall return 💋
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ihave-noexcuse · 1 year
Can you do some angst hcs for Homelander and Butcher? If you can’t it’s okay, maybe just one?
Hello anon, I just posted it.
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ihave-noexcuse · 1 year
Butcher Angst HC’s
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Billy Butcher
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It wasn’t like it was a special day, no, just another regular Wednesday. His hand rested at your back slowly drawing circles.
He loves it when his girl sits on his lap. It isn’t even about sex most of the time, just about having you as close as possible to him.
He was so relaxed, eyes closed and even breaths, you’d think he was asleep, but you knew him like the back of your hand.
It came as a sigh, almost like a prayer; “Becca…”
He felt the way you tensed up, his hazy mind scrambling for the right words to say and finding nothing.
“Sorry, still just me.” Was all that came out of your mouth. You were gone from his grasp in an instant, gathering your shoes and coat.
Your mind immediately jumped in to excuse his actions.
Maybe he was too relaxed and called you that accidentally.
He probably won’t ever get her out of his head and that was just a force of habit.
You probably could have excused it; If only this had been the first time he’s called you that.
It wasn’t. At night just before sleep dragged him under he’d mumble her name and sometimes would even reach for you thinking it was her.
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ihave-noexcuse · 1 year
Homelander NSFW Alphabet HC's
I wanted to write this and couldn't find the time to do it. Thank God for weekends
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T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
No, I don't see him as someone who would use or allow you to use toys on him or yourself.
He won't allow you to take any pleasure he is not giving you himself.
So unless he tells you to bring that vibrator to your clit; keep the toys out of sight (though nothing is truly out of sight for him...)
Just don't bring it up unless you want an angry Homelander asking if he's not enough for you as he fucks into oblivion.
If he ever does get curious and asks you to use them so he can watch you; you won't cum, he'd never allow it.
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ihave-noexcuse · 1 year
Homelander HC's NSFW
Warning: Dacryphilia and Smut (sort of)
Not Proof Read
Enjoy <3
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Inappropriate Content under the cut:
I can’t say your tears do anything other than encourage Homelander to keep going.
A man with many kinks, but seeing you cry is definitely top 3.
“Why are you crying? I didn’t even hurt you.”
Sex with him always leads to this. He overstimulates you and then wonders why the tears. You swear he does it on purpose.
Bit of a psycho so he just stares at you with a faint peaceful smile on his lips.
Alternates between comforting and mocking you.
“Look at you, you begged me to keep going and now you’re crying saying it’s too much for you.”
“Shh~ shh~ it’s okay sweetheart just a little bit longer.” He says, smile big enough to show his fangs.
Yes, yes he does lick your tears away.
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ihave-noexcuse · 1 year
do you take questions? If you do can you tell us how long Homelander can go for?
I do take questions.
Warning: Rated M
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Honestly, Homelander’s stamina is so big that he can go at it for hours. Even if you have powers you’d end up passing out. Not that it matters, this man is so dirty he would fuck you even after you pass out. So damn dedicated that he brought you to that point. He’s relentless and pushes you past the point of begging 💕
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ihave-noexcuse · 1 year
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Not proof read so there might be some mistakes.
Yandere!Homelander who keeps you locked up claiming that the world is so fucked up and dangerous and you’ll never be safe out there.
“You don’t understand, i have so many enemies out there and realistically i can always protect you but this city counts on me and i can’t be everywhere at once.” He whispers as he presses a kiss to your rib cage.
Gets annoyed if you keep asking him to let you go out. Calls you ‘selfish’ and ‘inconsiderate’.
Is not above physically restraining you.
“You wanna act like a caged animal, I’ll treat you like one.”
Comes back later apologizing and telling you ‘you made him do it.’
There’s more but i can’t write anything right now. Terribly tired 🥱
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ihave-noexcuse · 1 year
Damn he is beautiful 🥰
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ihave-noexcuse · 1 year
Homelander NSFW Alphabet HC's
NSFW Alphabet Post here.
Please feel free to make your requests.
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Homelander x fem!reader. Reader is a supe mainly but there is a human!reader mention.
18+, Smut under the cut.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
Homelander doesn't believe in finishing anywhere but inside of you, (for wasting purposes), be it inside your mouth, ass, or pussy. If he's fucking your mouth he will give you a warning before just so you're ready. If some slips out of your mouth he will gather it with the pad of his thumb and push the finger past your lips so you could suck on it. When he cums inside your pussy; he'll pull out and push the cum back inside with his fingers and fuck you with them.
This man/god, cums a lot and if he isn't satisfied with the amount he'll keep fucking you until he's happy with the result.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
Doesn't take much to get him going. A guy flirting with you, a mission, seeing you do housework, you sitting on his lap or him with his head on yours, or watching your tits bounce as you run/workout.
There is not a time when he's not watching you. Whether you two are in the same room or not. If you are in the same room his eyes never leave you and when your eyes meet his you know exactly what he's thinking. He'll always smirk at you when you walk up to him in the halls. Let's just say there better be a broom closet near by cause he can't wait to get his hands on you.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
Since you're a supe he likes to use a bit more force than he would've if you were human. Your body can take it so he loses control more often than not. Sometimes he'll start out with slow rough thrusts only to pick up the pace somewhere along the way but never enough to hurt you. His way of fucking you is always rough but that doesn't mean he can't be gentle...
...you just need to behave.
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