ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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Best of Chris Evans at San Diego Comic Con 2014
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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pop culture was in art
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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Happy birthday Fany ya~!!!!!!!!!
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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super late upload
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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ay, wait a minute!
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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because I miss chanbaek :(
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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"Indestructible" FB cover photo :)
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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Marvel’s greatest extras. 
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
what if age of ultron is like introducing wanda and pietro and it’s like
"the maximoff twins are mu[cut to another scene]"
and then later there’s a fight and someone goes
"oh god she’s a m[LOUD EXPLOSIONS]"
and then in the aftermath someone’s like
"so you guys are [CAR HORN]ts huh?"
and it just keeps going through the whole movie
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ihatesmtown-blog · 10 years
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While HYDRA is a threat, it’s not the only one. We’ve seen a terrorist group, Ten Rings, since Iron Man. There are big plans brewing for both, but what if they were heading for a collision course? HYDRA’s favorite slogan, besides “Hail HYDRA,” is “Cut off one head and two more shall take its place.” It never dies; the organization evolves. Not every branch was committed to Alexander Pierce’s goal of undermining SHIELD, so we can expect future movies to reveal more “heads.” Baron Zemo is a likely candidate since he’s the most significant Captain America villain after Red Skull. Viper could also be primed for her debut; she currently leads HYDRA in the comics. The question is whether Marvel would have access to her; Viper appeared in The Wolverine, and it remains to be seen if she’s confined to the X-Men franchise or, like Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, is able to be used outside of Fox. Iron Man 3 presented two different takes on Mandarin: Trevor Slattery played a character designed to strike fear while Aldrich Killian transformed his frail body with the power of Extremis. Neither shared much resemblance with comic-Mandarin, but both spoke to the idea that Mandarin is a character whose reality doesn’t always mesh with the image he conjures up. There may be a third operating in the shadows. This is the one Ten Rings members have been serving, and he may fall more in line with the version fans know: a tyrant who hates the West and wields ten rings of seemingly magical origin. The goals of Ten Rings and HYDRA aren’t so different. They’re devoted to tearing down traditional power structures and making life as difficult as possible for men like Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. And since Bucky Barnes’s killing career is over, maybe HYDRA will see Mandarin as someone who can get the job done. One of the big mysteries is the fate of Red Skull. He was beamed away by the Hypercube, but unless it left him floating in space, we doubt he’s actually dead. What if he’s Mandarin? It would make sense considering how fascinated he is with alien weaponry. Mandarin’s rings are an example of the old saying, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” They’re artifacts containing a different intelligence and capable of bestowing unique powers. It stands to reason that the Tesseract transported Skull to some other part of the galaxy, and he claimed the rings, which he used to plan his revenge.
Captain America, by Xiling Chen.
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