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ihatefffgg · 3 years ago
Irish Government Scrounging for cash
As we all know by now the Government have gone on a propaganda campaign to so called give money back to the poor people and the vulnerable. But what is painfully clear is that in the back ground is that the revenue are going around back dating taxes that they 'forgot' to charge and removing allowances from the vulnerable.
Another element of the real government plan is to catch as many people as they possibly can for anything they can and that includes people working in companies.
Revenue are actively going into companies all over the country and auditing employees for every benefit, stock and share they have and every other investment to tax them.
Yes in the back ground they are systematically targeting employees for anything they are worth, producing advisories of what they owe and back dating it over the years.
The old adage of giving with one hand and taking with the other is certainly true but doing it behind the public's back is another issue.
Again we see a failure of the national media to report this underhanded behaviour while our services are imploding and this is what out Government are vested in. I have never heard of an under staffed or resourced revenue service and this is certainly not true for the likes of health, passport services and mental heath services to name a few.
Below is a letter obtained from one of the many companies where this is occurring.
The corrupt government continues to screw the public at every turn which is why they need to be removed.
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ihatefffgg · 3 years ago
The real Irish homeless stats
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We recieved the report recently in the media that the homeless figures have increased.
Looking at the report I can see that there are 1385 families that are showing as homeless .
Now the confusing thing to me is when I look at the social housing report it shows over 5k houses build.
So the question I have been asking myself is where are all these homes and why are there still this staggering amount homeless when there are clearly according to the governments own report more than enough houses to put them in.
None of this seems to make any sense on these reports.
When I look at the detailed breakdown of people leaving emergency accomidation, its only a fraction of the housing built.
This is bolstered by the letting figures which are even lower.
The government are also letting a proportion go back into rented accommodation and also rejecting people from getting assistance.
Looking at the above figures for q1 qnd q2, nearly 1300 people were rejected for emergency accommodation which indicates the report as being inaccurate and the figure is actually more than the government states. It is also concerning that people who lose their rented accommodation are being rejected for emergency accommodation which is catastrophic behaviour taking into consideration that the renting crisis is caused by the government. In the dire circumstances, nobody would be rejected. But as we have come to expect from our government, they turn their backs on the vulnerable.
What I also find staggering is the report finds that the numbers of people being entered is down and is does not give any correlation to the people being rejected. If we include the figures of the rejections, the number of homeless is actually over 11.5k and way worse than what is being presented in the report.
Also I find that the number of social houses in the housing report cant be true or the number would be in the hundreds at worst.
The reports clearly show they are incredibly slow to house people, not building in the right areas or the houses simply dont exist.
Up to June, 301 families were rejected for emergency accommodation.
Either way the government are failing and the propaganda that they present are misrepresentation of the true scale of the problem and trying to mask things by rejecting applicants. The figures are essentially a lie to cover the true scale, the media are also not reporting the failure.
It is pointless having a load of new houses, advertising it and not filling them.
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ihatefffgg · 3 years ago
The Dark Side of Reddit
When we think of Reddit, we think of places to get information, have discussions with the online community and see what's happening in the world. Like most other sites Reddit has had to deal with its share of trolls and spam. As a result they have put in rules and karma to make things more difficult for the trolls to post abusive comments. This has made the site pretty unusable for a number of reasons because in most subreddits you cannot comment due to this Karma as it has to be a certain level before you are allowed to post no matter how long you have been a member.
The flip side of this is that the existing users who have good karma can post but in those are bullies who natively have a chip on their shoulder for different reasons and will respond in a derogatory manner and downvote making it harder to get the karma to post. This is actively ignored by reddit who do nothing really to deter this behaviour. The irony is that you have old trolls who have no respect for anyone and because they are tenured and careful, they are allowed to roam free and wide.
Another measure which for some reason was put in as a bug is the fact that reddit have put in measures for detecting vpn users and restricting their posting abilities because they consider anyone who posts from a vpn is up to no good and does not factor in professionals who are posting from work that have no choice but to use their vpns.
The darkest issue concerning reddits policies are that it is fuelling a porn industry and the exploitation of women. Women are actively exposing the private parts or men posting women in nude compromising positions exposing themselves to get up votes and therefore gaining Karma. Now the upsetting thing about this is that the women in these posts might not even know that their pics are appearing online and it can be construed as a different form of revenge porn as neither the moderator or reddit have verified that the individual posting the image is the person in the pic but either way, both the moderators and reddit are condoning the exploitation of women for this illusive karma.
Example can be seen here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeKarma4U/ 
The reality is that with the release of the The most hated man on the internet, revenge porn is still very much alive and well without hunter moore and even the biggest companies are advocating it.
Reddit has created a monster with karma, lets sit tight and see what they do about it.
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ihatefffgg · 3 years ago
The Great Irish Climate Con
There have been many cons in Ireland in vein attempts to sway the Irish people into doing what the Government want but the one that comes to mind right now is the climate initiative that  has been sweeping across the country.
At this time the green party are in power and they agreed to go into government on the premise that they would get their climate initiatives done. The reality is that in the grand scheme of things there is not much support for these initiatives which has the effect of creating anger with the Irish people. It has also developed a cultish attitude that is forcing the initiatives on the people of Ireland. When we look at the demographic and for this I will refer to politico, only about 3 to 5 pc of the Irish population actually support these incentives.
Adding t this is the darker underside which consists of a strong propaganda which is being led by the media. Ireland is one of the places in the world where the free media is no longer free and is being bought behind peoples backs. This is backed up by the fact that the so called green initiatives being pushed are not actually green at all. This to my knowledge has never been publish by the Irish media due to the government agenda and is either completely ignored by the green party in Ireland or strongly rebuked as nonsense even though some of it is heart breaking and extremely concerning.
The first initiative I will cover is electric vehicles:  https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/force-new-forecourts-to-have-more-electric-vehicle-charging-points-than-petrol-and-diesel-pumps-green-td-41859319.html
Now there are alot of issues with electric vehicles and the first is that we simply dont have the charging infrastructure for these, not to mention the fast charging. This means forcing people to evs is not actually sustainable. The second issue is that they cost considerably more than a standard car which means that it is out of reach for most. This is a pattern that continues through out the green policies, people cant afford it.
The most concerning thing is what they are not telling people and the media are also not publishing it either in Ireland because it is not in the governments favour and that is the battery components and their origin. 80 pc of the worlds batteries are made from materials taken from the Congo in Africa which include lithium and cobalt. There are a number os issues with this as there are very little safety measures put in place for this resulting in radiation exposure during the mining process. This results in deformities and poisonings of the population who work in these mines. Additionally its not just adults who do these jobs but children as well and they are either paid very little or not at all. 
These cars are number one, simply not sustainable as there is not enough for future processing and there are strong ethical reasons not to peruse this avenue as they are not ethically sourced. This is not the only example where the motor industry is exploiting children. The Hyundai motor company which is a huge player was also found to be using child labour in one of its subsidiaries.
The combination of the openly radioactive components at source along with the mining practises and the obvious manufacture of the vehicles would seem to me as completely unethical and green washing.
Another element of the green revolution is the wind turbine. It is sold to the public as the go to for renewable energy but yet again the irish media seem to be hiding more facts such as a large portion of the components in these wear out within a few years and actually cant be recycled.
Again we have another green washing situation here and this is a huge problem in the future such as the blades that are a plastic composite and cant break down. Because they are composite, they cant be recycled either. Again the Irish media have not reported this because it does not fit into the green party agenda.
The last thing I will cover is solar panels, now they have been around now for quite some time and were seen as another go to solution for renewable energy. People are installing in existing a new new houses thinking they are doing a good thing but what if I told you that solar panels are actually manufactured and contain arsenic. Yes that Victorian substance that was used to kill people.
In reality the green party in Ireland are pushing initiatives that are not at all green and are going to lead to a worse problem that we already have. They are lying to the Irish public and they are getting the media to lie through propaganda.
They are even getting the farmers to reduce their herds to minimise c02 and methane but have not told the public that the loss will be replaced by Brazilian meat which was negotiated by the EU resulting in more rain forest being cut down and the same emissions existing somewhere else.
These are not solutions which makes the green initiative a complete lie and we need to find better solutions.
Its not change that needs to stop, its the lies and propaganda that needs to stop.
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ihatefffgg · 3 years ago
Now one of Ireland's biggest attractions is it's destination for EMEA headquarters for the likes of Google, Twitter, VMware etc and as we all know they are avidly supported by our government. However these companies are harbouring some dark secrets that are in plain site that are disguised under there seemingly fabulous diversity and exclusion policies.
When you actually lift the lid on these companies you will see that the diversity an inclusion is just a blanket policy to actually harbour discrimination because nobody in these companies can openly talk about these issues of discrimination. So what is the the discrimination and how does the policy work.
Well its actually very simple. As most of you dont probably know the worlds tech industry has been taken over by Indian or individuals of Indian decent.  Below are examples of a few.
Now you might think that this is a pure accident but its not, this happened due to the large human trade of Hindus travelling state side through two main methods. It started when these companies wanted cheap labour and opened offices in india in hubs like Bangalore and the indian population started working in these offices including some of the directorship of these companies started. Because of the demand was so high, the tech companies worked with the us government on the now infamous L1 program which was a method to provide visas for Indians to work in the USA for these companies. So it began the mass migration as these companies began importing Indians to the tech companies in the us. Now this is not a problem in itself but the issue that has arisen is that they brought their caste culture with them meaning on people of high caste would ever succeed in these companies and you end up with all the ceo's being Indian.
The other method is to get a job in Canada and work there for a few years, then apply for citizenship in which case they can go to the US because Canadians work visa free in the US.
This has two consequences in the tech industry, the first being that these companies develop a thing known as a brain drain and the genuinely talented individuals dont develop resulting in innovation dying as a result. The upper caste individuals that are put in their place are put their because of their region or name relating to the caste system. The caste system for those who dont know is a racist, xenophobic and sexist 3000 year old system of discrimination.
The second consequence is that because innovation is dead, you end up with a go to market attitude for existing products such as the recent Microsoft windows 11 which has not received much fanfare for its new innovation and is essentially windows 10 with a new skin. This results in these multinationals buying smaller genuinely innovative companies and incorporating them into their business but they inevitably suffer the same problem as the original products which we have seen with googles acquisition of nest which has so far been poorly integrated in with the google home app. There are many examples where this has happened.
The 737 max crashes were alleged reported by Boeing the responsibility of Indian developers.
Caste is costing lives and to what point are these tech companies going to clean up the inferior qa practices.
But the more worrying effect of this is that open thinking which once was the core of the industry is now dead to protect the political caste narrative and as a result people are suffering. Over the past few years we have seen more stories emerge of this discrimination and shutting down of the issue. Most recently google blocked an open forum talk about it.
This is becoming a real issue and our governments active support for these companies creates an ethics conflict of interest with the population supporting companies that are actively discriminating in nature.
Now I mentioned that these industries developed diversity and inclusion to counter act complaints about the caste takeover.  People who work in these companies raise any complaint about the clear lack of diversity are either told to shut up or removed completely.
Also and engineer in Bangalore would earn one fifth of an engineer in Ireland and one tenth of a US engineer. This is also coupled with other obvious conflicts of policy such as no gay pride in Cairo offices, the companies in in Ireland having only white management and companies in Bangalore only having Indian managers.
These policies actively protect discrimination rather than deter it as is evident in the tech companies around the world. I had the good fortune to speak to one of these Indian managers who advised that it it would be near impossible to have diversity in Bangalore. If you are a woman you can be sexually harassed on a daily basis in that particular office because it is caste culture to do that.
This is what our government are supporting and again another example of money is more important than the ethics of the company who is providing it.
Our government supports discrimination which is actually against the law here but if it aint written down, then it does not exist which is the philosophy of our government.
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