Psychism & Mediumship in the Modern West
33 posts
by Leah Hart (ANTH-211-HYB01)
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
An imagined day in the life of a psychic..
Stacey herself said that when she wakes up in the morning, she asks Spirit and her soul family, 'what am I going to do today?' And they will guide her. It is important to note that Hinduist and Buddhist elements and inspirations are tied into this subculture.
After going to bed, asking my body to heal itself of any ailments and injuries, I would wake up feeling refreshed and ready for Spirit to guide me. I would ask to be led to wherever I needed to be that day, and to realize things that were meant for me to see. I would also ask that things that were not meant for me are to be diminished. I may also write down any dreams that I had, good or bad, in a journal so those messages can be interpreted. Because the body is the vessel for the mind and spirit, I ensure that I eat well and exercise. Everything after would likely appear similar to my regular day-to-day life now, because psychics are normal people. Some have regular day jobs, they attend social gatherings with their friends, they have other hobbies and obligations, many are probably parents and have responsibilities involving their children. So, the rest is likely your average day with frequent or infrequent bursts of clarity, visits from people who are trying to connect, or hearing what your spirit guides have to tell you about today, tomorrow, this person, and that person. A lot of psychics are prone to absent-mindedness due to the influx of activity being channeled through their mind and spirit, so forgetting a few things here and there or letting the laundry pile up would be easily understood as well. At the end of the day, I would clear my mind and further ensure that no judgement, no ill-will, and no victim mentalities existed in my mind and soul. Everything is as it should be because it is all in my path, and I have power over my path with the help of Spirit and my soul family.
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
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Stacey and I after our reading at the Virgo Room, Fenton.
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
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Spirit Guide- Synthetic
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
#8. What is Spirit, and what does Spirit mean to you?
"Spirit is God, the universe, and all living things. There are spirit guides which guide you through life. They can be passed relatives, et cetera, but many have not lived on Earth. Some have been with you for many lives. Also, there is a higher self which is your soul team that guides you."
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
#7. Do you draw any influence from non-Western cultures?
"Oh yeah, obviously with like chakras and things- that's all from like Hinduism and there's so many beliefs and honestly, all of the beliefs from every different religion and non-Western cultures all combine into one. We're all, it's all one. It's all the same, and we're all working for source, we're all working for the greater good. So, yes. Even crystals, like when people wear crystals or look at rocks. I mean it's nothing different when you're picking up, you know, seashells from the beach and you're doing a collection of seashells. Those are magical, but people don't look at them like that. Sand, everything. If you're walking on the grass, you're grounding yourself. That's all a part of the spiritual world." Me: "Magnetic energy, and all that." "Exactly, it's all a part of Earth. And if you go and touch a tree, that's all a part of, you know, grounding yourself and being a part of Earth. So, that's all spiritual. So yes, I do take all of that- we eat bread too. Catholics eat bread and drink wine. I don't drink, but yeah." :)
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
#6. What is your response to people who don't believe in Spirit or psychics?
"They don't have to believe. I have had skeptics come and try to trip me up and stuff. I had this one guy and he's like, 'my daughter sent me here' and 'you don't know!' I go, 'listen, I'll take your money. I don't care, we'll sit here and shoot the sh*t all day,' like, I don't care. It's your beliefs, I'm not ever going to try to make anybody be on my path. I know it's mine, just as a Catholic knows what theirs is, what their belief system is, or a Lutheran, or whomever. And honestly, we're not here to judge. Take it, if it makes you a better person and makes you feel good about yourself, I am one hundred percent behind you for that. I just don't like when people come and judge me for my stuff because people will come in and challenge or go, 'oh, well what do you know- what am I thinking right now?' and I'm like 'I don't know, I'm not a mind reader!' I don't have to be. If you want me in your energy, I'll get in your energy. But I can usually tell them something about themselves and then they cry, or they walk out because they know. And those are the ones that really believe, they just don't want anybody else to know that they believe. So, yeah... you can't judge anybody. I don't care, you can pray to whomever as long as it makes you a better person. The ones I'm concerned about are the ones that go to church or act like they're holier than thou and then treat people like crap on the street. That's when I have a big issue because we're all one, we're all supposed to be all together, working for the better for the good of the world."
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
#5. Did you feel a difference in energy between myself and Keegan?
"Yup. Yeah, you can always feel different energies. I usually don't remember names very well, but I do remember energy. So, it's one of those things where if people come in, and I also can feel good and bad energy, so- and I'm sure you guys can too. Everybody's psychic, trust your gut. If somebody comes up to you and you're like 'meh,' then get away from them. That's being psychic. Everybody, if you let yourself thoroughly go and just say 'I am going to listen to everything that you tell me, I am open as a channel,' everybody can see dead people too. Maybe not see them, but they can feel them or hear from them. They come in dreams and then we wipe it away and go 'oh, it was just a dream about my grandpa, that was really cool. I miss him...' no! That was your grandpa coming to tell you something, or your grandmother... or your dog." :)
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
#4. What does it feel like when people who have passed on approach you? How can you tell that someone is trying to get through?
"First, its always different. I usually get, I usually feel different energy where I feel it more in my chest. I'll get goosebumps from top to bottom and then I kind of play a video screen in the back. Your grandfather, when he came it was like right forefront, like I could see a man's outline so I knew it was a man. I couldn't see his face per se because sometimes people are like, "describe them!" and I'm like, "I don't know!" You know? I mean, I keep working with my guides saying 'okay, I want to see it,' and sometimes I can. Say, like, I feel like your grandpa, he was a jolly guy, like he had kind of.. I don't want to say chubbier cheeks, just like bigger, heavy set, everybody liked him but he did have that persona with some that he would put on a mask where he would be like 'I'm not playing,' and that's okay. But I feel that some of them will pop words in my head. Or, I just start talking and I don't even know what I'm saying and, I mean, I know what I'm saying but I'll just start talking really fast and then I'm like 'okay!' and then they're crying and I'm like 'oh crap! Sorry!' Or I know that I hold back sometimes because if I see, say, a rose, in my head. And I'm like holding it and they're asking me questions and I'm like, at the end I'll go "what is a rose?" And the rose is usually the most significant thing like, "oh, my daughter's name is Rose," or "all of our middle names are Rose," or "oh, she used to garden roses," and that's how they speak. Again, I'm still kind of learning all of the different things of what they tell me but kind of like the heart and the heart attack when you put your hands together, make a heart, it's either heart attack, broken heart, love.. yeah."
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
#2/3. How did you know that you were able to do this? How does this reflect your beliefs?
"Everybody can do it. Everybody. I, when I was really little, I always used to hear voices and then I kind of would shut it down because it was like one of those things, I mean in the '70s, people... you know what I mean. And I was the only one but I would see people, I would hear things, and I just didn't know what it was, so I'd get nervous because I was Catholic, so it was like a bad thing, you know? They'd burn me at the stake now. And I always knew that when I went to church they would talk about the, you know, the readings and things. I'm like, 'that's- this is not right. This is not what it's supposed to be.' And I'll tell you, my beliefs is like all the religions, they try to take control and power and they try to make us scared. And when you take away that fear and that religion, like 'you're going to Hell,' I will be the first person to tell you- there is no Hell. No Hell. Everybody goes to the other side, everybody, and they're all welcome with open arms and we have to watch our life after we experience it and see and feel all the pain that we endured or all the joy and everything. And then we have to figure out, 'okay, well I want to go back, and I want to experience empathy this time, and I want you to be my abuser,' which sounds batsh*t crazy and I know it, but if somebody comes back that's what we're learning and that's - we're just learning for source, and that's all we're doing. It's like a repetitive event. And you can decide whether you want to come to Earth or not, you can also go to other planets." Me: "I should be on Mars right now."
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
#1. What made you decide to perform this service for your community?
"Oh, because I want to help people. That's my journey. After losing my husband, like, that's all I can think about is I've always wanted to help people but now I can help them so much more by giving them messages from passed loved ones, or helping them better their life because this life is supposed to be about fun and love and we make it too chaotic. And we make all of the focus be about everything that we're doing and all the chaos and honestly, in this life it's literally a dot on a piece of paper. Because then, when we die we're with our soul family and then when we come back, we have to do it all over but we volunteered to do this, we volunteered to learn all these life lessons. So, its all about making sure that people understand that and life is what you make of it, literal meaning, and we just have to make it happy."
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
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Girolamo Bonsignori - The Annunciation. 1510
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
Stacey made her way to talking about Keegan's grandfather; she told him that he rides with him in his vehicle all the time. This was very touching for us because Keegan's afterwork ritual is that he talks to his grandpa in his truck. She suggested that he could try to turn on the radio and wait for his grandpa to put on a song that will remind Keegan of him. This made my heart feel very full, and I was already very emotional at this point after talking about Winnie.
Stacey then told us that there was some significance about two boys, but it likely meant that we would have two boys when we have children. (I knew I'd be a boy mom!) She also complimented us by saying that we have a good connection with one another, which I happily agreed with. Then she asked if we got along for the most part... and Keegan and I said yes, then burst out in laughter as soon as we looked at each other, because while we do get along very well we are both incredibly stubborn so we butt heads a bit. Stacey asked this of us so she could dive into our zodiac signs and their compatibility which I am a bit more familiar with. Keegan is a Leo and I am an Aquarius, and she gave us some resources for the further exploration of our zodiac signs.
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
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Domenico Ghirlanadaio detail art
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
It was at this point where sh*t started to get real. We were finally approaching the moment of truth when Stacey asked me if I had a grandpa who has passed away and if he had passed away from something to do with the heart because she was seeing a heart made with hands. I do have a grandfather who passed away, and my boyfriend does as well... he was actually who we were hoping to speak with. My stomach dropped upon hearing this, as I was feeling very eager... maybe even a little bit scared? She told us that she was sensing the letter D, though neither of our grandfathers have the letter D in their first or last names. (We will come to realize later that it had to have been Keegan's paternal biological grandfather, Dewayne, whom he never met.) She described the characteristics of this mystery grandpa, and he wanted to tell my boyfriend that he was fine, and that it was time for marriage and babies, which made me laugh.
Then, Stacey said something that shook me to my core.
"Did you have a dog?" Our dog, Winnie, passed away this past Tuesday and we are still in the process of grieving her. She told us that she was seeing a dog, and that mystery grandpa was with this dog. I immediately started crying because the thought of my girl wagging her tail next to one of our loved ones who has passed away made me extremely emotional, that wound is still very fresh. Mystery grandpa wanted to tell us that after death, there is more life. I cannot describe how this made me feel, other than reassured as I already believe in life after death. Stacey took this opportunity to tell us about our soul families and the soul tree; that because our bodies are made of energy, our soul and its energy are not gone but transferred elsewhere...
Stacey explained to us that because we, in our modern-day society, make ourselves so busy with work, school, chores, and other responsibilities and aspirations that we disconnect from our soul family: our guides, our angels, our higher selves. We don't listen anymore. She explained that if we open the channel to communicate with them and open our minds and souls to listen and receive then they will guide us. My spirit understood this very well, because I have always been aware of our society's intolerance for the otherworldly and it saddens me.
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
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ihartanthro · 10 months ago
*this perspective will not be told in real time* After we closed the initial spirit prayer to open up our energy, we sat in silence in order to allow Stacey to listen to Spirit. I will admit, sitting in silence and watching someone with their eyes closed made me feel slightly awkward but my Anthropology hat is fully on at this point, so I tried to shake it off. Immediately, she noticed that there was anxious energy in the room (which 100% belonged to me) and asked if I was a perfectionist, to which I agreed. Honestly, her read of me was very accurate to my personality and the way I live my life.
Another aspect of myself she nailed was my neck pain that I frequently have. She asked if this was a problem that I experience and upon learning that it was, she told me that it is because I don't feel supported. To remedy this, she suggested that I tell my body to heal itself before I go to bed, and my body will listen. I believe this has something to do with affirmations.
Additionally, she enlightened us about chakras. I had a little bit of basic knowledge about the placement of chakras, but Stacey provided much more information than what I already had. She told me that my sacral chakra was out of whack but this was not something that couldn't be fixed. Next, she told me that Spirit was telling her that I needed to work with children because of my rough childhood, that this was my calling so to speak, so that I may help them. She then told me that I had really good energy, though I beat myself up and overthink a lot which makes me terrified of everything. This part was very accurate to my life and actually made me a bit emotional, as I do feel scared of life and the uncertainty of the future which is not an uncommon fear. Also, helping kids to work through issues that I went through in my childhood was and is a major goal of mine no matter the career path I choose.
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