igiveup · 5 months
“We are not immediately present to ourselves. Self-knowledge requires a semiotic-material technology to link meanings and bodies. SELF-IDENTITY IS A BAD VISUAL SYSTEM.” - Donna Haraway
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igiveup · 6 months
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My cat Elliott.
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igiveup · 6 months
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Adam Rouhana. Before Freedom, 2022.
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igiveup · 6 months
"It is at this level that we should also locate the phenomenon of misinterpellation elaborated by James Martel.[5] Misinterpellation works in two directions: a subject recognizes him/herself in an interpellation that wasn’t even effectively enunciated but just imagined by him/her, like the fundamentalist who recognizes himself in a call of god (however, one can argue that this case is universal—does the interpellated subject generally not imagine the big Other [god, country, etc.] which addresses him/her?); and a subject recognizes him/herself in an interpellation which didn’t target him, as in the well-known anecdote about how Che Guevara became minister of economy (at an inner circle meeting immediately after the victory of the revolution, Fidel asked “Is there an economist here among you?” and Che quickly replied “Yes!” confusing “economist” with “Communist”). A more pertinent example here is the interpellation of individuals into subjects of human rights: when black slaves in Haiti recognized themselves as the subjects of human rights declared by the French Revolution, they of course in some sense “missed the point”—the fact that, although universal in their form (“all men”), human rights effectively privileged white men of property; however, this very “misreading” had explosive emancipatory consequences. This is what Hegel’s Cunning of Reason is about: human rights were “really meant” to be accepted only by white men of property, but their universal form was their truth. It was thus the first interpellation which was wrong, but the true interpellation could only actualize itself through the false one, as its secondary misreading." - Slavoj Zizek (Bureaucracy as a Machine of Jouissance)
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igiveup · 7 months
3 pts for Liverpool and this gift as well: 🍑
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igiveup · 7 months
this is literally smut
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igiveup · 7 months
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Photo by Lance Mercer
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igiveup · 7 months
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igiveup · 8 months
Empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty
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igiveup · 8 months
The very moment I set eyes on him, I loathed his ingratiating smile, his soothing voice, his way of demonstrating how reasonable and rational he was, everything about him that displayed his bourgeois ethos of decorum and propriety, of ideological moderation. - Didier Eribon (Returning to Reims)
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igiveup · 8 months
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igiveup · 8 months
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She’s grown. ❤️
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igiveup · 8 months
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Chloë Sevigny photographed by Katja Rahlwes, 2007
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igiveup · 8 months
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igiveup · 8 months
"It is fortunate that achieving meaningful equality does not depend much at all on 'knowing' the true nature of desire or identity.[...]But while thwarting political foes oftentimes does call for evidence of what sexual orientation and gender identity are not -- that is, injurious or infectious -- we need not pin down their elusive origins and ontology to be politically or personally liberated." - Joanna Wuest (Born This Way: Science, Citizenship, and Inequality in the American LGBTQ+ Movement)
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igiveup · 8 months
RIP 🥺🥺
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igiveup · 8 months
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