ifenourish-blog · 5 years
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"Rainbow River" 🎨 | calibreus
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ifenourish-blog · 5 years
People who believe that small children are proof that gender roles are natural are really on a whole other level.
A young child, using words she learned purely by mimicking the way others speak: I want to be a mommy when I grow up.
Y’all absolute Mensa candidates: Wow. This child is a blank slate. Completely unaffected by society. Guess lady-brains truly are the only explanation here, science deniers. 
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ifenourish-blog · 6 years
I think we need to talk about the under appreciated Window Seat fandom
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I mean really? With the book shelves?
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It’s like an alcove of happiness.
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You want a whole row of individual seats? Fine, here you go. 
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Or how about a whole window bed for those snugglers out there.
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Curtains.. Guys this one has curtains.
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Seriously? This is basically a glass cube of bliss.
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 You can even get them with corners! Not enough corners? Okay.
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Ba-BAM!! Corners for cocooning. 
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There’s also the Roman-esque themed seat for the historians out there. 
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 If you don’t want to snuggle up in blankets with hot cocoa in this then I don’t even know why you’re on this planet. I mean dat stonework. 
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This one’s an entire rectangle. Just imagine all the cuddling that could happen in there. It’s practically a fortress.
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This one’s fucking curved okay? it’s just chillin, up of the ground, and curved for your lounging convenience. 
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don’t like rectangles or square? Okay. Have a fucking trapezoid seat.
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ifenourish-blog · 6 years
random thing but i realized it might be helpful for some people so uh. theres this thingy where you can upload an image and it gives you a color palette based on it ! 
heres an example
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and it also gives you the hex code values for them too its p neat !
here’s the link to the website !
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ifenourish-blog · 6 years
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ifenourish-blog · 6 years
“The world is overpopulated.”
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“Well, that’s just carbon emissions. What about places for all those people to live?”
If the world’s population all lived in one city that was as densely populated as Manhattan, that city would be the size of Ecuador. The space taken up by ourselves and our toys is actually rather insignificant next to that taken up by our farmland.
“Ah-hah! Farmland! We’re not producing enough food for all those people!”
The problem here is we are insanely wasteful with our food.
Firstly, half of all food grown in the US goes straight into the dumpster.
Secondly, we grow it very inefficiently. We could very easily increase the food yield of a given area of land by building a greenhouse on it (which also reduces water loss) and using poly-cultures instead of mono-cultures; the reason our preferred method is open-air mono-culture farms, which are susceptible to erosion and blight and requires a god-awful amount of water to stay hydrated, is that labor is expensive and land is cheap.
In fact, if we took it even further–growing our food in carbon dioxide-rich environments lit with artificial lighting 24 hours a day (or at least at night)–you only need 1-2000 square feet of farmland per person. Admittedly, you pretty much have to have fusion power for this to be an environmentally and economically viable option, but still; the point is, we could easily condense our environmental footprint by a shit-ton (and even more options will be available in the future) without decreasing our population one iota.
“There is still a maximum carrying capacity the planet has.”
Indeed there is. And do you know what that carrying capacity is? It’s ten trillion. And the cut off isn’t space or resources–it’s waste heat. The things we’d have to do to get there aren’t exactly the sort of things we could do overnight–hell, we don’t actually know how to fusion yet–but they’re all well within the realm of the physically possible.
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ifenourish-blog · 7 years
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The Ngorongoro Crater Lodge // Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha, Tanzania
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ifenourish-blog · 7 years
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Armed with rifles suitable for close-quarter combat (yet with enough precision to bring down enemies at 500 meters), the group operate in Zimbabwe’s lower Zambezi Valley- Africa’s poaching frontline. The goal is to provide a “solution to the end of hunting”, as reported by the Guardian, as well as solving social problems on a local level. The Guardian explain that “these women are a growing squad of environmental shock troops for a new type of community development offensive”.
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ifenourish-blog · 7 years
I vant.
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Minty green
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ifenourish-blog · 7 years
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ifenourish-blog · 7 years
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Jupiter and 4 of her moons peaking out from behind our moon! 
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ifenourish-blog · 7 years
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Cordial is so photogenic
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ifenourish-blog · 7 years
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ifenourish-blog · 7 years
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ifenourish-blog · 7 years
this is adorable
You need.. you need to unmute…
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ifenourish-blog · 7 years
Millenials don’t believe in democracy because we have never experienced it. In the United States, Democracy was repealed in 1976 with the Buckley v. Valeo Supreme Court decision. This contended that giving money to political parties was “free speech” and could not be infringed. In the stroke of a pen, American Democracy was dead and replaced with plutocracy. The ability to vote can be powerful, but not nearly as powerful as the ability to bribe, and this decision legalized bribery and called it “campaign contributions”. Since then, virtually none of the after-inflation economic gains have been shared by Americans who are not high-earners and opinions of voters have had zero effect on policy. By contrast, opinions of donors have a very high correlation. Democracy has been dead since before any millennial was born, and every year the corpse that bears its name redistributes more wealth from the middle and lower classes to the corrupt. Can you blame us for disdaining a system that has done nothing but steal from us?
Justin Flynn (via sosungalittleclodofclay)
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ifenourish-blog · 7 years
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Technology is impressive
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