just imagine🌎
406 posts
main is @thefanbasewhore
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ifandomalot · 4 years ago
Hi everyone,
This blog will be moved to @thefanbasewhore , this was my main and it's just easier to use for me, I will be revising all the fics I did on this account to the older one and this one will be deleted soon after. If you want to follow me @thefanbasewhore !
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ifandomalot · 4 years ago
EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinions on whether they want to read/write for Arvin Russell or even other concepts (such as mob etc) please stop judging others for either writing ONE or THE OTHER, BOTH, or NONE
We all have different values and opinions on characters we create or write about and it’s okay for anything you feel comfortable about.
Stop shaming others for what makes them happy and/or comfortable!!!
You also don’t have to read or interact with the content of it makes you uncomfortable, nor do you have to feel forced into writing it! This should be your safe space to freely dive into content that makes you happy and feel safe, and to create content that makes you happy and feel safe!!!
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter blacklivesmatter
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
Part 2 hopefully coming tonight!
Baby, Baby. | part 1.
Part 1 -Telling him.
Summary: Your typical, ‘original’ fic about a one-night stand with the newest avenger, Steve finds himself to be a daddy. Being pregnant is not easy, especially when the father is a super soldier that will do anything to protect his own.
Paring: Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: This fic contains pregnant!reader, Steve being steve. Cursing, violence, injuries and smut. 
If you want to be tagged, comment below!
Part 2. - The First Appointment | Masterlist.
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 It probably wasn’t the best time, but between finding the news out two weeks ago and countless missions it was hard finding the right moment to tell Captain America he was going to be a daddy. It’s not like you didn’t try, once you met him at his office but found yourself unable to talk, not about that especially. You blame those baby blues, that charming smile, those plump lips distracting you by bringing you back to the memories of him laying them against your skin, claiming your neck, lips and legs. One time in the kitchen you almost blurted it out, but Bucky had walked up the stairs and it just seemed wrong to say something so private. Every time you did find yourself knocking on his door he was on a mission, or in the hall way, leaving for one.
This moment probably the worst of all, but you felt like you were going to explode. The extraction point was only five minutes away, the whole team suited including you. Steve’s eyes kept meeting yours, a small smirk with gentle eyes. Ever since that night he’s been nothing but flirty. The jet let out a loud ring, to warn the doors were soon dropping. You debated on telling him after, but just in case something happened he needed to know. “Steve, Can I talk to you?”
“Of course you can sweetheart.” Steve was waiting for you to speak, and met your eyes when he heard silence to realize you meant alone, away from everyone. A confused look smooths his face but nonetheless he follows. 
The feeling of his eyes against your skin made it burn, head grow hot, it suddenly became to hot concentrate. He must have noticed your discomfort at his hand cupped your arm, hand rubbing from your elbow to the skin of your forearm. “Are you okay?”
“I- uh.” You pause, words jumbling inside your brain. His warm touch wasn’t helping the fact either. The alarms sounded loudly, Vision mumbles something about two minutes until point of extraction. “I’m pregnant.”
Keep reading
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
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From Sebastian's recent IG story
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
Baby, Baby. | part 1.
Part 1 -Telling him.
Summary: Your typical, ‘original’ fic about a one-night stand with the newest avenger, Steve finds himself to be a daddy. Being pregnant is not easy, especially when the father is a super soldier that will do anything to protect his own.
Paring: Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: This fic contains pregnant!reader, Steve being steve. Cursing, violence, injuries and smut. 
If you want to be tagged, comment below!
Part 2. - The First Appointment | Masterlist.
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 It probably wasn’t the best time, but between finding the news out two weeks ago and countless missions it was hard finding the right moment to tell Captain America he was going to be a daddy. It’s not like you didn’t try, once you met him at his office but found yourself unable to talk, not about that especially. You blame those baby blues, that charming smile, those plump lips distracting you by bringing you back to the memories of him laying them against your skin, claiming your neck, lips and legs. One time in the kitchen you almost blurted it out, but Bucky had walked up the stairs and it just seemed wrong to say something so private. Every time you did find yourself knocking on his door he was on a mission, or in the hall way, leaving for one.
This moment probably the worst of all, but you felt like you were going to explode. The extraction point was only five minutes away, the whole team suited including you. Steve’s eyes kept meeting yours, a small smirk with gentle eyes. Ever since that night he’s been nothing but flirty. The jet let out a loud ring, to warn the doors were soon dropping. You debated on telling him after, but just in case something happened he needed to know. “Steve, Can I talk to you?”
“Of course you can sweetheart.” Steve was waiting for you to speak, and met your eyes when he heard silence to realize you meant alone, away from everyone. A confused look smooths his face but nonetheless he follows. 
The feeling of his eyes against your skin made it burn, head grow hot, it suddenly became to hot concentrate. He must have noticed your discomfort at his hand cupped your arm, hand rubbing from your elbow to the skin of your forearm. “Are you okay?”
“I- uh.” You pause, words jumbling inside your brain. His warm touch wasn’t helping the fact either. The alarms sounded loudly, Vision mumbles something about two minutes until point of extraction. “I’m pregnant.”
Steve looks confused, mouth opening but closing again but realization hitting him like a ton of bricks as his face morphs into a stern look. “Mine?”
“There’s been no one else. I’m seven weeks.” You don’t meet his eyes, only the shifting of your boots. 
“But you said you were on the pill, and I’m pretty sure I can’t have kids.” He talking more to himself than you, letting the truth out in the open for his ears to hear, to repeat himself again.
“Well if your cells regenerate every four seconds I can’t imagine what -.” Your cheeks light up, blush filling them. “And you were frozen, you didn’t age, I imagine your body didn’t either.”
Steve’s remained the same, not managing to show one emotion which worried you. His hands tighten into fist as he drew in a long breath, “You’re staying here.”
With only seconds left until the extraction, his finger points at Vision. “You stay here, and protect her.”
“Steve, the plan, I can still be back up.” Steve tensed his shoulders with a crinkled nose, his arms cross across his chest. “You stay here.”
His eyes meet Vision, “She stays on the jet at all cost, understand?”
“Yes Captain.” Steve takes one last look at you before extending his arm, wrapping it into the shield and out the opening of the cargo doors in seconds, without a parachute. 
The whole time had managed to make it out okay, despite a few cuts and bruises. No one spoke a word despite how odd Steve was acting and that he made you stay behind, but no one would dare ask with a face like that. He didn’t say much to you on the way back but you understood. You had two weeks to process this, while he had a few clear minutes before jumping into a war zone.
The load roar of the engine plane rumbled inside of your ears, feeling your heart thump in an regular pattern. It was a mix or anxiety and nerves that made your stomach sick, actually for the past week you’ve been feeling very sick. Morning sickness is what your doctor said, which you didn’t understand because it hits you every time of day?
“Are you okay? You don’t look too good Y/N.” Buck noticed the change in Steve’s behavior, and loomed closer to him. Trying to ask whats wrong but Steve rolled his shoulders away from him despite his wring hands folded on his lap. 
“I’m okay.” You spluttered clutching the seat underneath you tightly, knuckles white with the amount of strength used. Bucky or Steve didn’t seem to believe you as both stalked towards you. Both peering down with arms crossed against their chests. “I’m fine, I feel a little sick is all.”
Finally you were home, and all you wanted to do was go to sleep but Steve had stopped you with a hand against the small of your back as you walked through the door of the house, “I’ll meet you back down here in ten, we have to talk,”
His tone was soft, the heat of his breath against your neck, your body reacts with small bumps breaking through smooth skin, hairs sticking up as chills run through you. All you can do is nod, nervousness making you feel sick again. Steve was there before you, small peaks of blonde hair dipping from the baseball cap he used to mask his dirty hair, a comfy flannel unbuttoned and under that a tight henley shirt that stretched over his chest beautiful. A pair of comfy sweats hung lowly on his waist, and a simple hair of black socks that kept him warm after being wet for the whole ride home. He was reaching for two mugs, “Coffee?”
It was a little strange for the time, it had to be past twelve but Steve figured he wasn’t going to sleep much anyways. “I’ll take a tea, I’m not allowed to drink too much coffee.” Your eyes drift down to your stomach, Steve’s following yours as well with a sigh.
Steve places the mug in front of you, and takes a seat directly across from you. His hand rubs the nap of his neck in distress, opens his mouth but closes it, looking for the right words to say. “I don’t want you to think I’m pushing, but what do you plan on doing?”
Your eyes met his as a hand nervously knots your hair and twirling it between your fingers. “I, ugh.”
Words didn’t come easy, especially in such a messy situation like this. Steve’s soft hand presses against your arm, comforting you in his own way. As if he was letting you know he was here, it was okay. 
“My parents never wanted me. I was only four years old when they abandoned me.” You say in a dry tone, “I want it, I could never do that to another person.”
Steve nods, blue eyes calming you. “I never thought I would be a father. Sure ninety years ago it was a dream of mine but I’m here for you but that’s my baby. I will be here for you and the baby.”
Suddenly tears filled your eyes, breathing trembling with the release of your chest. “I’m sorry, I’m just very emotional. I don’t know who I am anymore.” You joke, with an unsure smile but the sweetest smile with no teeth is returned. 
“You’re pregnant?” The raspy voice behind you makes you jump. Bucky leans against the wall lips twisting into a half smile, his eyes shinning with slight entertainment. “I knew it!”
“Buck this really isn’t the ti-.” Steve is cut off as Sam enters the kitchen. His eyes raise in confusion at your tears and the seriousness sketched across Steve’s face. “What’s going on here?”
“Y/N’s pregnant!” Bucky exclaims with crinkled eyes and nose.
“Bucky!” Steve narrows his eyes, running his hands over his face in annoyance. 
Bucky rolls his eyes, “What? You always wanted to be a dad Steve. What’s so wrong everyone knowing?” 
“And Steve is the dad?” Sam shakes his head, “I guess you aren’t infertile then man, congratulations. A drink for Steve’s spunk!”
Steve’s cheeks are red, crimson blotting his chest. “Can we not cheers on my sperm? Besides me or Buck can’t get drunk.”
It’s too late, all the classes are poured and put in front of everyone. Sam downs his quickly, before wincing. “Oops, sorry mama forgot bun in the oven.” And downs yours too.
Bucky shrugs downing the contents despite the fact. Steve’s eyes met yours with a sigh, mouthing a small ‘sorry’ but honestly you were used to it now. You may have been the newest Avenger but it’s been close to seven months of living here with everyone. Steve looks at Buck, scratching his beard. “Well you can take Bucky’s room. It’s next to mine.”
Buck’s mouth drops but before he could say a word you cut him off. “My room is fine.”
“It wasn’t a question. I would feel safer with you close to me.” Steve leaves no room for an argument, tapping his fingers against the table. 
“I can take care of myself.” You argue, “I don’t need you babysitting me.”
“I’m not baby sitting you. I’m baby sitting the baby in you.” Steve said with  firm persistence. “And you’ll switch rooms with Bucky.”
“As if!” With a flush face you raise your finger into the area, “I will not.”
“Can you stop being stubborn for a second and understand why?!” Steve was ignored as you turn your back to him, hoping to get some help from Sam and Bucky who raise their palms up, wanting to part of this. It was unjustified, the claim he thought he suddenly had on you, the world was a dangerous place and with the line of enemies he’s made, he couldn’t trust anyone but himself to look after you. “You’re going to Bucky’s room and that’s final.”
“You can’t make me.”
Steve chuckles, but it holds no humor as he stands and crosses his arms across his chest. “I am your captain and as leader of this team I said you are moving to the room next to me. And from this moment on no more missions.”
Your mouth drops in shock, he doesn’t bother to stay letting his words sink in. “Can you believe him?”
Sam and Bucky met eyes, “This is going to be a long nine months.”
You narrow your eyes at them with a scowl, wrapping your cardigan closer to your body as you debate whether to follow Steve and give him a peace of your mind but honestly your feet hurt to much to move at the moment and the cup of now cold tea smells amazing.
Steve was no where to be found for the rest of the night, you decided to try and sleep but there was no use. Between the sickness, thoughts running a million miles a minute and there was no way in this world you could get comfortable you found yourself walked towards the kitchen, the taste of pickles is all you craved. 
That was interpreted by the tall, shirtless blonde who had been the reason you couldn’t sleep, and in his hand the jar of pickles. Your lips press together to form a tight line, tugging the hem of your pajama shorts down lower, even though he’s seen it all before.
Steve has had a lot of time to think as well, maybe he was a little pushy earlier. Maybe he could have sat down and talked in out more before exploding like he did but he didn’t usual have this problem, it was all new. His eyes roam over the redness of your skin, lines from the bed morphing into your flesh. He drew in a long breath, tilting the pickle jar in your direction. A peace offering for his behavior. His eyes watch every movement of your small fingers reaching towards the jar and up until the crunchiness of it is heard from your mouth. 
“Couldn’t sleep?” He breaks the silence, kneading his shoulder, a tight pinch making it uncomfortable. You shake your head, “It’s hard to sleep now.”
He shrugs, “Why?”
“I either have to puke or can’t get comfortable.” It’s the truth, there was no sugar-coating the way you feel right now.
“I’m sorry about earlier, I’m just..” He pauses, looking for the right words to say. “I want you to be safe, It would make me feel better if you were close to me.”
You wrap the blanket tightly around you. “I understand but I’m not helpless.”
Steve sighs, “I know you’re not, I’ve worked with you for months now. I know that we didn’t mean for this to happen and that you probably wish it wasn’t with me but it is. I will do everything to make sure I take care of you.”
“Fine I’ll move into the room.” Steve nods, his hand resting against the small of your back guiding you to sit down on the stool next to him. He takes a pickle, biting it quickly before offering you another one, you shake your head as he opens the fridge to put them away. “Thank you, I’ll feel better.”
“Are you going to go back to bed?” Steve questions shyly, extending his arm to rub the back of his neck, your slightly distracted by the movement of his biceps straining. “I’ll walk you back to your room.”
“I don’t even know if I can sleep. It’s cold, and I just can’t get comfortable.” You sigh.
“I can stay with you if you want.” Steve’s mouth moves before he can even process what he is saying. His skin burns red in embarrassment, “Forget I even said anything, I -.”
“Yes.” It’s a soft pause, but he gives a closed mouth smile as if he was asking if you were sure. Honestly the warmth of another body next to yours was calming, and if it was anything like the night you two spent all those weeks ago, listening to his chest rise and fall would put you right to sleep. Steve followed you without a word, tucking himself into the other side of your bed. 
Steve’s body next to yours left you in a small daze, the smell of fresh soap filled and lotion made you slightly dizzy, but in a good way. A finger slowly stokes your jaw, then the outline of your cheek, ocean eyes gazing into yours. “Goodnight sweetheart. Thank you for agreeing to switch rooms."
“Goodnight Cap, you can leave after I fall asleep if you want.” He nods with nothing else said you found yourself finally being able to drift into sleep. While you slept soundly, Steve was wide awake. Not daring to move, seeing it was quite obvious the only reason for the sleeping beauty next to him was the fact he was there. How could he sleep at a time like this?
Dreams now were filled with the echo of small feet running towards him, babbles of a baby that called him daddy, piercing blue eyes that were too identical of his own. The pit inside his stomach made him feel sick, it was so unexpected and happened so quick Steve felt as if he didn’t have time to register what was happening. He was going to be a father, he was going to be in charge of another human for the rest of his life. 
Missions suddenly meant he had something to risk, there was no more risking himself for the life of another. His gaze gravitates from the ceiling to the wild-haired beauty next to him. Actually two lives depended on him now. Usually he would be shy with a girl like you, the memories of the night shared come flooding back to him. 
Steve buries his face deeper into a pillow with a sigh. It was a few shots of Thor’s mead that had gotten him risky, as well as you, a drunken haze. Steve never thought it would be a father, and pushed it so deep in his subconscious he didn’t bother to consider that he was fertile. Steve takes one more look at you, the softness of skin, redness of your cheeks from the irritation of the cotton sheet and lastly to your stomach, letting his mind wonder. He gets up from the bed slowly before leaving the room, shutting the door quietly, trying to escape his problems at the moment. 
A/N: Sorry it started out slow but it’ll get better promise! :)
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
So you're telling me he faught this hard for Bucky just to leave him... 🙄
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Steve Rogers + Buck
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
Send marvel prompts ❤️
Drabble Challenge!
Repost this. Followers/Readers send numbers to your Ask. You write a fic/drabble using that line in your piece. Have fun! Expect a ton of requests!! 
“That’s starting to get annoying”
“Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
“You can’t just sit there all day.”
“I’m too sober for this.”
“I’m not here to make friends.”
“I need a place to stay.”
“Well, that’s tragic.”
“You’re seriously like a man-child.”
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
“The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
“Dear Diary, …”
“She’s hiding behind the sofa.”
“I lost our baby.”
“They’re so cute when they’re asleep.”
“I’d kill for a coffee…literally.”
“You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.”
“Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
“What’s the matter, sweetie?”
“You’re Satan.”
“I don��t want to hear your excuse. You can’t just give me wet-willies.”
“I’m bulletproof…but please, don’t shoot me.”
“Did you just hiss at me?”
“Do you really need all that candy?”
“It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”
“I swear, I’m not crazy!!!”
“The diamond in your engagement ring is fake.”
“No. Regrets.”
“How drunk was I?”
“How is my wife more badass than me?”
“Be you. No one else can.”
“I haven’t slept in ages.”
“I locked the keys in the car.”
“Are you sure that’s the decision you want to make?”
“You work for me. You are my slave.”
“Take your medicine.”
“They’re monsters.”
“Welcome to fatherhood.”
“Why can’t you appreciate my sense of humor?”
“It’s your turn to make dinner.”
“The kids, they ambushed me.”
“Sorry isn’t going to help when I kick your ass!!!”
“Stop being so cute.”
“I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“You need to see a doctor.”
“You’re getting a vasectomy. That’s final.”
“I was a joke, baby. I swear.”
“Dogs don’t wear clothes!”
“I didn’t think you could get any less romantic…”
“Safety first. What are you? FIVE?”
“This is girl talk, so leave.”
“Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?”
“There’s a herd of them!”
“Do you think I’m scared of a woman?”
“They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off.”
“You’re a nerd.”
“I’m late.”
“Just get home as soon as possible, okay?!”
“You smell like a wet dog.”
“I could punch you right now.”
“Are you going to talk to me?”
“Welcome back. Now fucking help me.”
“If you can’t sleep…we could have sex?”
“Flea markets don’t carry fleas, you know?”
“Here, take my blanket.”
“I don’t want you to stop.”
“How could I ever forget about you?”
“You’re bleeding all over my carpet.”
“Run for it!”
“We need to talk.”
“Not everyone is out to get you. Stop thinking that. It’s annoying.”
“I want a pet.”
“Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.”
“I’m not wearing a dress.”
“I’m not wearing a tie.”
“Quit beating me up!”
“Please put your penis away.”
“It’s a Texas thing.”
“Don’t argue. Just do it.”
“I hope I’m never stuck with you on a deserted island.”
“Does he know about the baby?”
“Hold still.”
“I just ironed these pants!”
“Enough with the sass!”
“Show me what’s behind your back.”
“I’m not going to be sympathetic until you go to a doctor.”
“Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry.”
“Stay awake.”
“You’re not interested, are you?”
“I’m not buying ikea furniture again.”
“Tell me you need me.”
“Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you.”
“I’m telling you. I’m haunted.”
“I had a bad dream again.”
“Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.”
“It’s Christmas, don’t be mad at me.”
“You’re not going to starve yourself on Thanksgiving.”
“The store ran out of Easter eggs.”
“How could you forget your son’s birthday?”
“You can only suffer through my whining for so long until you get up and make me a sandwich.”
Visit @prompt-bank for more prompts!!
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
Found this and thought I would share it with everyone 😂
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
Hi, I love your writing!!!!! Can you do a 'plz don't die." with steve and reader doesn't want him to go on a mission
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Hii, thank you sm!
Steve’s eyebrows were furred in frustration that creasing his forehead. “I knew you were gonna act like this.” he mumbles, resting his head against your shoulder, holding you close by your waist. “I didn’t even wanna tell you. I don’t want you worried.”
It was true, Steve knew about this for a few weeks now, everything in him wanted to say no the moment Bucky asked him to come back, and of course would do anything for his brother, especially being is backup on a particularity dangerous mission. Of course he thought at first to lie to you, maybe say it was a boys weekend or something but it just didn’t feel right, made the back on his mouth taste weird at the thought.
“You don’t listen to me Steve! I thought moving out here would keep you away from all of this.” Glossy eyes meeting his light one as Steve sucks in a tight breath, hating to see his girl so upset. “Steve you’re going to die one day because of this, and leave me husband-less.”
“I do listen to you sweetheart.” Reaching out as you escape his grasp to bring you back but it’s not use. He decides to take a seat next to you, looking at his fiddling fingers. “I try not to get angry at you, I understand why you get so upset, but I was made to help people, I can’t just sit around while people are in trouble. I promised you I would take a break, which I did for more then enough time.. the team can’t do it without me forever.”
Nervous fingers grasp the thick fabric that made up your bed sheets. “Steve you were hospitalized two months ago, you broke everything, were bleeding from everywhere and almost got your arm cut off.”
“It was just my arm.” He tries to make a joke, “Buck does just fine.”
The look on your face makes him close his mouth quickly but decides to kneels on the ground, his eyes on yours as his hands reach up to hold your lap. His stance is submissive, on his knees in front of you, hands squeezing yours with a gentle but firm grasp but his words are forward, demanding. “Sweetheart, I don’t want to leave with you upset with me but I am going. Two months is long enough.”
Tears of fear slid past your eye lids, the cold liquid meeting cheeks. “Not the tears angel.” His voice is just over a whisper, “No tears, please stop.” 
Steve’s thumb soaks them up before they can roll past your chin, “Baby, don’t cry. Everything is going to be fine.”
It was fear, paranoia that slipped past your eyes. Loosing Steve would be to loose everything, it wasn’t always like this. You never had a problem, you understood it was his job but watching how lifeless he looked two months ago in that hospital bed stirred something inside of you. 
His lips find you pressing soft kisses against your cheeks. “I love you, and I’ll come back home, I’ll be here. I promise.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” your voice cracks despite trying to hold your ground.
“Hey, look at me.” Ocean eyes meet tearful ones, his knuckle soaking in the softness of her jaw, a gentle touch. “ I swear baby.”
Nodding, you take his hand into yours, laying a soft kiss against his knuckle, “You can’t die, don’t die.”  Steve sighs, but the moment you pressed your lips against his he knew there would be no more said about the subject. You just wanted as much time with him as you could get. His hands brush your hair from your face, now standing to get a good look at you, messy hair, blotched face but the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. A sweet but unsure smile is sent his way, he returns it, showing to teeth but then pressing is lips to yours.
“I love you Steve, Come home to me.”
“I always will sweet girl, you are my home.”
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
falling asleep with steve on the sofa but he wakes up and brings you to be because he can not sleep with you!!!!
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Sorry this is short, im tired!!
Steve’s nose twitches as he feels a small tickle waking him from his slumber, his arm pinched in pain as the feeling of pins and needles ran through it. The heavy weight against it let him know his girl was close. As his vision unblurred, the angel in front of his hear thump, chest warm with love.
Hair disheveled, strands in any other direction then it should be, face blotched with redness , along with sleep lines showing just how good you were sleeping. Lips parted slightly as small breaths come from your raising and falling chest to out your mouth.
Steve was almost off the couch, with his size he barely fit to begin with, with you tucked inside his arm and against the inside of the couch he desperately tried to hold on, mostly because he didn’t want to sleep without you but also didn’t want to take you from the peaceful slumber that had small pools of drool gathering in the corner of your lips.
He couldn’t take it though, body aching from the extra strength it took to stay on, so instead he gets up, strong arms wrapping underneath your legs and supporting your neck lift you effortlessly.
“Hmmm.” The small sound came from you, which was supposed to be a question but you were just too tired to form sentences.
“Go back to bed angel, I’m just bringing you to bed.” It was the truth, it would be more comfortable there, but most importantly Steve could actually sleep, as he found it hard any other night without you. Call him a sap but you were made for him. Just the feeling of your chest moving, breaths calming him but most of all just the feeling of comfort and love that came with the heat of your body.
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
"you deserve to be loved" with Bucky 🥺🥺
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Prompt: "you deserved to be loved." This takes place while Bucky is still trying to get himself straight with the guidance of Steve.
"Bucky where are you going?" The sweet chattering of congratulations and hands against the swell of a new life felt wrong. Bucky's whole presence felt wrong. His gaze gravitated towards Steve, looking for him for guidance in this situation but he was too busy with smiling widley, with joy.
"I, uh." He's uncomfortable, shifting nervously on his feet. Eyes are trained on the floor, not meeting the eyes that called upon him. The beautiful blend of lights and darks, almost breath taking. It makes him nervous, the eyes of a pretty girl against his skin, he could almost feel her pitty.
The stare of sadness, almost made him feel pathetic. He narrows his eyes, for a quick glance of the soft, flushed skin. Beautiful, breath taking. "I need to go."
Of course she couldn't leave it at just that, "Why Buck?"
"I need to." She catches his arm, skin flushes skin, almost makes him dizzy with the touch. "Stay."
"no one wants me here." Bucky mumbles just above a whisper, she presses a hand against his solid chest, a wall of a man. "I want you here."
"why?" His eyes direct towards the group of people who don't take notice to them, champagne is popped in celebration.
"because I enjoy your company."
"not once you realize what I've done." Bucky tries to step but she's doesn't allow him. The unfamiliar feeling of love fills him as her arms wrap around his neck, he feels heat. Warmness numbs him, suffocates him like a hand against his throat. Wetness begins to gather in the corner of his eyes, but to hide it nuzzles his face into the long locks of softness. "You deserved to be loved."
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
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James Rogers is Natasha Romanoff’s son.
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
Getting hurt on a mission like really really hurt and Steve being an absolute wreck
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Warnings: angst, wounds, blood and all that jaz.
It was complete static, the useless piece in Steve’s ear made them ring. A high-pitch squeal when the missals shot into the ground and in it’s wake. The loud cracking of tress, sharp rock shards cutting his face, the ground beneath the Captain exploding throwing his body across the land. He let out a loud groan, holding his tender ribs but struggles to stand. “Is everyone okay?”
It was still static, but pieces of words such as “Good,” and “All good Cap,” began to puzzle together all except one. “Agent Y/N, can you hear me?”
Breathing soft and slow with his hand finger hold the ear piece, maybe hoping it wasn’t close enough but nothing. His eyebrows move up, creasing the line of his cupid’s bow in confusion. “Y/N?”
It’s hard to focus on the bullets that wiz past but he’s quick to react shield protecting him as well as his speed as he takes shelter behind a tree, still standing but barely. “Someone check on Y/N.”
“On it.” Sam could be heard, the wings above creating a low swish but it doesn’t last long as he quickly lands. Sam takes a few breaths, his hand slide underneath her body, muscles strong but lifeless. Hooded eyes meet his, barely awake, a hiss falling from her mouth as Sam mumbles, “It’s alright just relax for me.”
“Got her Cap, it’s not good.” Steve’s heart thumped roughly at those words as if someone reached deep inside his chest, and squeezing it roughly-toying with him. “Where are you? I’m coming.”
Steve’s finger slip under her neck, softly creasing the notch of her vertebrae. “Stay awake for me honey.” Voice is warm, soft making her lean into his touch more.
Blood soaks his hands, small ridges of his finger fill with it. The smell of metallic makes him almost sick to his stomach, eyes watering lightly at the reality of the situation. His girl, almost lifeless, his finger following the trail of smeared blood across her face, blood spurting from her hip through her suit. The Captain is quick to rip a piece of small cloth from her leg, pressing it against her wound to keep pressure against it. Her chest fell, breaths shallow as her eyes start to close, she tries her best to keep them open but fails up until Steve grasp her cheeks into his hands. Her skin feels cold as he rest her head on his lap. “Keep your eyes open for me doll, look at me.”
He uses his palm to brush hair away from her face, smearing the blood across her face but he doesn’t care as he leans his head against hers. “Keep your eyes open, please.”
“Sweetheart, look at me.” It’s a lost plea that had to affect on her, too lost in the subconscious filled with no pain. Tears break up the blood on his own face as he watches her chest fall. Eyes flash against the smooth skin of her face so lost he doesn’t even notice Sam’s presence once again, “I’ll take her to safety, I’ll get help.”
The Cap nods, pressing one more soft kiss against her forehead before she’s lifted into the air and out of his grasp. 
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
fighting with steve rogers?
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Summary: Fighting with Steve was never easy.
Warnings: some cursing, that’s about it.
Steve’s eye wouldn’t meet her gaze, with the fear of when he did he would suddenly forget why he was mad. To meet those eyes would only end in touching her, stroking the soft skin of her cheeks while hopefully kissing those soft lips, but he didn’t want that.
Steve wanted her to know why he was mad, actually she deserved to see just how much she made him scared, he thought he lost her forever. Instead he focuses on the light of sunshine that broke through the parted curtains, his jaw flexing with how hard his teeth were clenched. Piercing baby blues makes her breathing still, chest not daring to move under his daunting gaze. “I told you to stay.”
Steve hadn’t even bothered to change out of his suit, his large arms flexing across the star on his chest. She also was dressed in a tight suit, one he would love to rip of her if he wasn’t so angry. 
“Steve..” She mumbles softly, “I’m sorry baby. I’ve been training for months now, everyone thinks I’m ready.”
“I gave a direct order.” His laser eyes felt as if they were piercing her skin. Her throat felt tight, never had Steve been this angry with her. “I don’t care what anyone else thinks. You and everyone else follow my orders.”
Steve’s stand tall, height towering over her. The thump of his boots as he approaches echoes throughout the small bedroom. She stands tall, slightly annoyed with his words. “If it was up to you, I would never go.”
“Because you are not ready.”
She scoffs, face twisted in annoyance. “I’m really getting sick of hearing you talk Steve or should I say captain since you’re acting more like a boss then my boyfriend?”
“Captain will do just fine sweetheart.” She wanted to punch the snug smirk off his face. 
“Well Captain, when will I finally be good enough for you?” She tried to be strong, standing tall, chest puffed out but her voice betrayed her, cracking the words slightly.
Steve had reached an internal incline, wanting to get his point across, which meant continuing to stand his ground but watching his girl almost in tears because of the fact she was stuck at home alone, and wanted to be useful didn’t sit right in his chest. It suddenly felt heavy, squeezing his heart with guilt. She tried to hide it, always so strong but he didn’t miss the glossy piercing eyes. 
He decides to take a second to himself, to think carefully about his next words. Steve wanted to re-insure her that she will always be more than enough for him, but how do you exactly say what you did scared me, and I’m selfish and want you to stay home because I’m scared to loose you.
“You are always good enough for me.” Steve tone has softened as if he was talking to a fragile person, as if she was afraid of him.
Long locks were now slipping from the messy up-do thrown back in a hurry, curling to frame her delicate face. Her words stung his face, “I will never be good enough for you.”
This was his own fault, he’s always been attracted to bad-ass, independent, ass-kicking women. Filled with so much fire, he couldn’t help but get burned. She was so close, inches away but so far away. Fingers twitched to comfort her, to let her know he will love her always but that little voice told him to stand his ground, let her know he means it when he says stay.
What he least expected was her to walk away, not fight him like she usually does until blue in the face. Two of the most stubborn people alive but she had enough. His fingers reach to touch her arm, wrap around her waist from behind, stopping her from exiting their room. “Stop.”
“Leave me alone.” She turns, but only to push against his chest, trying to free the iron grip, but it is no use, his strength superior. Steve doesn’t waste any time, he wants to fix this. Gentle hands with rough calluses cup the soft skin of her cheeks, knuckles sucking in the touch. “I’m sorry.”
“Look at me.” Finger slipping underneath her chin, lifting eyes to his ocean blues. “Don’t you ever doubt you are no good enough for me. I...”
He continues, “I’m not good enough for you. I’m selfish, I don’t want you risking your life out there. I want you here with me.”
“I am here Steve.”
He sucks in a soft breath, emotion filling his throat. “You won’t be if you keep going on these missions. You are good but someone is always better.”
“I know that but -.”
Steve cuts her off by pressing his lips against her open mouth, but soon feel the softness of her pretty pinks. “I’m selfish, it’s not you. I can’t live without you, I can’t loose you.”
“Babe, I can’t just sit here. I want to help people just as much as you do,”
Steve felt as if his chest was going to pop, all the pressure making it hard to breath, mostly due to the thought of loosing her. He couldn’t loose another woman he loved, and especially with love this strong.  Steve ignores her words, wrapping his arms around across her back, hugging her tightly. 
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry but you’re not going.”
Her mouth drops, “You can’t do that!”
“I am in charge of every mission, they do not happen unless the run through me. You are not going unless I deem it appropriate.” He holds her despite her struggling, soft lips meeting her shoulder gently. “You can hate me all you want, but I am keeping you safe.”
“You are so ridiculous. Fucking let go of me!” Steve follows her wishes despite how much it killed him to. 
“Don’t talk to me. I’m leaving.” He knew she wouldn’t go far, only find a different room in the tower until this fit is over, eventually she would forgive him but it didn’t feel right, it hurt, a betray against her. 
“Angel, it’s for the best.” He wants to stop her as she walks away but what is done is done. 
“You said it yourself Steve. You are selfish, you want me all to yourself so you deprive the people of help that could save their lives. You’re just as bad as the men you kill.” The words sting, but his chest even more as he watches her grab her things, and exit without another word. He sighs loudly, falling to the bed with a thump. Hand pressing against his chest, above his heart, wondering if she knows she’s the reason for it’s beating. 
Chris Evans(and characters) blurb week, request here!
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
fighting with steve rogers?
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Summary: Fighting with Steve was never easy.
Warnings: some cursing, that’s about it.
Steve’s eye wouldn’t meet her gaze, with the fear of when he did he would suddenly forget why he was mad. To meet those eyes would only end in touching her, stroking the soft skin of her cheeks while hopefully kissing those soft lips, but he didn’t want that.
Steve wanted her to know why he was mad, actually she deserved to see just how much she made him scared, he thought he lost her forever. Instead he focuses on the light of sunshine that broke through the parted curtains, his jaw flexing with how hard his teeth were clenched. Piercing baby blues makes her breathing still, chest not daring to move under his daunting gaze. “I told you to stay.”
Steve hadn’t even bothered to change out of his suit, his large arms flexing across the star on his chest. She also was dressed in a tight suit, one he would love to rip of her if he wasn’t so angry. 
“Steve..” She mumbles softly, “I’m sorry baby. I’ve been training for months now, everyone thinks I’m ready.”
“I gave a direct order.” His laser eyes felt as if they were piercing her skin. Her throat felt tight, never had Steve been this angry with her. “I don’t care what anyone else thinks. You and everyone else follow my orders.”
Steve’s stand tall, height towering over her. The thump of his boots as he approaches echoes throughout the small bedroom. She stands tall, slightly annoyed with his words. “If it was up to you, I would never go.”
“Because you are not ready.”
She scoffs, face twisted in annoyance. “I’m really getting sick of hearing you talk Steve or should I say captain since you’re acting more like a boss then my boyfriend?”
“Captain will do just fine sweetheart.” She wanted to punch the snug smirk off his face. 
“Well Captain, when will I finally be good enough for you?” She tried to be strong, standing tall, chest puffed out but her voice betrayed her, cracking the words slightly.
Steve had reached an internal incline, wanting to get his point across, which meant continuing to stand his ground but watching his girl almost in tears because of the fact she was stuck at home alone, and wanted to be useful didn’t sit right in his chest. It suddenly felt heavy, squeezing his heart with guilt. She tried to hide it, always so strong but he didn’t miss the glossy piercing eyes. 
He decides to take a second to himself, to think carefully about his next words. Steve wanted to re-insure her that she will always be more than enough for him, but how do you exactly say what you did scared me, and I’m selfish and want you to stay home because I’m scared to loose you.
“You are always good enough for me.” Steve tone has softened as if he was talking to a fragile person, as if she was afraid of him.
Long locks were now slipping from the messy up-do thrown back in a hurry, curling to frame her delicate face. Her words stung his face, “I will never be good enough for you.”
This was his own fault, he’s always been attracted to bad-ass, independent, ass-kicking women. Filled with so much fire, he couldn’t help but get burned. She was so close, inches away but so far away. Fingers twitched to comfort her, to let her know he will love her always but that little voice told him to stand his ground, let her know he means it when he says stay.
What he least expected was her to walk away, not fight him like she usually does until blue in the face. Two of the most stubborn people alive but she had enough. His fingers reach to touch her arm, wrap around her waist from behind, stopping her from exiting their room. “Stop.”
“Leave me alone.” She turns, but only to push against his chest, trying to free the iron grip, but it is no use, his strength superior. Steve doesn’t waste any time, he wants to fix this. Gentle hands with rough calluses cup the soft skin of her cheeks, knuckles sucking in the touch. “I’m sorry.”
“Look at me.” Finger slipping underneath her chin, lifting eyes to his ocean blues. “Don’t you ever doubt you are no good enough for me. I...”
He continues, “I’m not good enough for you. I’m selfish, I don’t want you risking your life out there. I want you here with me.”
“I am here Steve.”
He sucks in a soft breath, emotion filling his throat. “You won’t be if you keep going on these missions. You are good but someone is always better.”
“I know that but -.”
Steve cuts her off by pressing his lips against her open mouth, but soon feel the softness of her pretty pinks. “I’m selfish, it’s not you. I can’t live without you, I can’t loose you.”
“Babe, I can’t just sit here. I want to help people just as much as you do,”
Steve felt as if his chest was going to pop, all the pressure making it hard to breath, mostly due to the thought of loosing her. He couldn’t loose another woman he loved, and especially with love this strong.  Steve ignores her words, wrapping his arms around across her back, hugging her tightly. 
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry but you’re not going.”
Her mouth drops, “You can’t do that!”
“I am in charge of every mission, they do not happen unless the run through me. You are not going unless I deem it appropriate.” He holds her despite her struggling, soft lips meeting her shoulder gently. “You can hate me all you want, but I am keeping you safe.”
“You are so ridiculous. Fucking let go of me!” Steve follows her wishes despite how much it killed him to. 
“Don’t talk to me. I’m leaving.” He knew she wouldn’t go far, only find a different room in the tower until this fit is over, eventually she would forgive him but it didn’t feel right, it hurt, a betray against her. 
“Angel, it’s for the best.” He wants to stop her as she walks away but what is done is done. 
“You said it yourself Steve. You are selfish, you want me all to yourself so you deprive the people of help that could save their lives. You’re just as bad as the men you kill.” The words sting, but his chest even more as he watches her grab her things, and exit without another word. He sighs loudly, falling to the bed with a thump. Hand pressing against his chest, above his heart, wondering if she knows she’s the reason for it’s beating. 
Chris Evans(and characters) blurb week, request here!
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ifandomalot · 5 years ago
You should do a Chris Evans blurbs
Better yet how about we have a Chris evans and character blurb week 🤗 request away
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