idreamwithdemons · 3 years
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januarychild, Misty mountains cold. 2014
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idreamwithdemons · 3 years
Energy Manipulation Guide: Sensing Energy
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Hello lovely followers! Recently I’ve gotten an influx of questions about energy manipulation and decided to get around and do a manual about it. Disclaimer, these are all based on my experiences!
What is energy manipulation and why is it so important:
Energy manipulation is just what it sounds like. The manipulation of energy both in you and around you. It’s important because it is a fundamental key in the practice of magic. At its core, magic is energy. It becomes magic when it is manipulated by the castor, witch, or practitioners to do their bidding. 
The first part in this guide will deal with sensing energy. We won’t necessarily be manipulating it today. Sensing energy is perhaps the first step of actually working with energy, as you must sense it to be able to manipulate it. Here, i’ll be going through several different techniques. 
First and foremost, I want to go through a general technique that can be used for both meditations and centering yourself.  
Deep Breathing: 
This is simply a technique that combines both meditation and moving the energy around in your body. In my experience, I am drawing from both energy from the universe, and bringing it into my body, while also expelling negative energy within me. 
This is a simple way to get your energies moving while also cleansing yourself of negative energy. 
You will need to either sit up or lay down. let your palms lay upward, and close your eyes. 
Now, all you have to do is breathe.  As you inhale deeply, envision pure, golden light from the universe coming into your body. This is pure, cleansing energy, Energy that will help and cleanse you. Feel it going in through your nose, down your throat and into your lungs. Feel the warmth. 
On your exhale, envision dark energy leaving your body. This is negative energy, the energy that is weighing you down. These are your anxieties, stresses, and insecurities. Give them to the universe, and let the universe cleanse you. 
Focus on breathing in the energy, and breathing it out. Focus on your breathing. Occasionally you’ll have other thoughts, but that’s fine. Just gradually return to your breathing. 
The Hand Technique:
This technique will be good for those of us who are good at visualization. For beginners, i recommend you get into your deep breathing state. You don’t have to be in a deep meditative state, simply calm your mind, and prepare to focus on something. 
Step one: Sit down. If you have back trouble, then you can also do this laying down. All it requires is that your palms are upright. 
Step two: Hold your hand out forward, palm facing upward. If you have trouble supporting your arm for long periods of time like i do, simply let your elbow rest on your knee, the arm of your chair, etc. Allow your arm to be supported. 
Step three: Look at your arm. Really look at it. Find a focal point that you’ll allow your energy can stem from. When you find this place, I want you to imagine a stream of energy flowing from this focal point into your palm. Envision it like water dripping down your arms, and pooling into your palm.  After a while of doing this, you should either feel tingling, pressure, or warmth. Keep in mind, these are things that I felt, but usually, you can take any abnormal situation as a sign of energy being felt and moved. 
 The Crystal Technique: 
This technique is especially good for those of us who have trouble visualizing things. You will be using aid in order to do this technique, and while I suggest a gemstone, any living thing will suffice. 
 Find a gemstone of your choice. My go-to for high energy is typically smoky quartz and amethyst. After you have centered yourself (use the deep breathing technique), place the gemstone in your palm, and begin applying the deep breathing technique again. In this instance, you won’t have to visualize, just breath and feel the crystal in your hand. Be aware of its presence.  For some, you will begin to feel a tingling right away, or a warmth. The gemstone will typically give off its vibrations. 
If you’re having trouble feeling this, I would consider rubbing your hands together. This sounds funny, but it will get the energy in your hands working. 
*Typically, when I do this, I envision a swirl underneath the gemstone, like a whirlpool, and allow my energy to interact with the gemstones energy. 
*make sure the gemstone is cleansed, especially if it is clear quartz. I’ve done this technique before with one that wasn’t, and my arm was in pain for an hour. 
And that’s the basics of sensing energy, or how it was for me! Please share this around, and feel free to ask any questions if you have them. Next time I’ll be posting ways to actually manipulate energy. 
 Also, if you liked my content feel free to: 
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idreamwithdemons · 3 years
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Isle of Skye - September 2020 Rolleicord Vb on Fuji Provia 100F
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idreamwithdemons · 4 years
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Sullivantia sullivantii 
Sullivant’s Coolwort
We see this plant only in dolostone glacial outwash cut gorge along refugial lines away from browse lines. It is considered to be  a product of symptomatic relictualism only preserved due to cold microclimates.in these locations. This species is a a true calcicole,( also known as calciphyte or calciphile) that requires high ph mineral soil as well. They are more overall chasmophytes, growing in cracks and choss pockets in mineral dust, vs direct rock aka lithophytic sensu-lato. They are very close to being true saxafrage and were even put into the genera Saxafraga at one point with many others like Micranthes ect. before a split. Either way, a true classic of dolostone gorge habitat and one that is very unique. 
Highland Co. Gorge, Ohio. 
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idreamwithdemons · 4 years
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