idputthemonaboat · 5 months
re: jon bernthal
I like him. I support him. Are there things about him I don't agree with? Sure. But I possess the critical thinking skills to be able to think about someone else's perspective.
He's a Jewish man. I'm sure the decision for him to support Israel (if he does, I haven't seen any definitive evidence except that he had an Israeli soldier on his podcast at some point) comes from a really complicated place. One of my closest friends from 5th grade to graduation is Jewish. Her parents even met at a kibbutz. She works for an organization to help Jewish people in America take trips to Israel. While her FB is private (and I left FB a long time ago), I wouldn't doubt for a second she supports Israel. But she was always one of the kindest and most generous people I ever knew, and I don't think she'd support anything blindly. I think Jewish people in the US are in a really rough spot right now and we need to recognize that as much as we recognize that the country of Israel is committing genocide. It's not as black and white for them as we non-Jewish folks want it to be.
Jon gave a domestic abuser a platform on his podcast. Yeah. A guy who he was friends with who was terrible and went through rehab and therapy and came out with a different perspective. I personally don't like that actor but I didn't enjoy him much after Transformers anyway. If we're close to someone and they do something bad, we usually give them a second chance, maybe more. We're supposed to support growth and change especially with those close to us. In my own life I still spoke to my abusive father for a time after my parents divorced and was at his bedside the day he passed. Another person close to me was accused of SA but I'd known them their whole life and couldn't fathom it being true so I stood by them. That's just life. Life is so fucking complicated.
Jon supports the police and the military. Of course he does, most of the country does and he's played a cop/detective/soldier like a dozen times in his career and spent a ton of time with them to learn about the jobs and the cultures within them. I'm pretty sure that's the first thing people got on his ass for -- not being all ACAB from the start and then later featuring police on his podcast etc. AGAIN, when you KNOW people, it's a lot harder to draw those black and white lines. I'm for defunding the police and reallocating the money for more productive services, I'm against police violence, I'm against the mass incarceration of minorities for minor infractions, I'm against prison slavery, all that shit, and I hate that stupid "thin blue line" nonsense. But I'm not gonna go up to every cop I know and tell them they're a piece of shit. I'm not gonna NOT call the cops when the local addicts go on a B&E spree to steal shit to pay their dealers (true story, we only didn't get robbed because someone is always home).
PLEASE fucking think critically and PLEASE realize that not everything is black and white and PLEASE let people enjoy shit that brings them happiness in this shitty fucking world.
And I'm not looking for arguments or debates on this, thanks.
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idputthemonaboat · 6 months
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guys we are so back. like in actual reality. we are so back
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idputthemonaboat · 7 months
attention schmelly shippers
I suck at writing fanfiction but what if someone did a mike x vanessa flipped au? Like the movie flipped?
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idputthemonaboat · 8 months
I made an account for my OC on twitter, and if you want you can follow her @karma_RMC! I’m also looking for Karen and Frank roleplayer accounts to possibly roleplay as her parents! Thank you and CANT WAIT FOR BORN AGAIN!!!,
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idputthemonaboat · 8 months
I made an account for my OC on twitter, and if you want you can follow her @karma_RMC! I’m also looking for Karen and Frank roleplayer accounts to possibly roleplay as her parents! Thank you and CANT WAIT FOR BORN AGAIN!!!,
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idputthemonaboat · 9 months
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Instead of another war
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idputthemonaboat · 9 months
“We need more morally grey female characters” we absolutely do but some of y’all can’t even handle Vanessa afton
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idputthemonaboat · 9 months
Unpopular opinion about tbosas: I think that Coriolanus Snow loves Lucy Gray Baird.
A more unpopular opinion: I think that Lucy Gray Baird loves Coriolanus Snow.
That's the real tragedy. Their feelings were true. Always.
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idputthemonaboat · 11 months
The Vanessa x Mike ship needs more fics and I'm not that talented PLEASE GUYS HELP ME OUT
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