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20161116 - everytime *repeat*
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the unknown distance to the great beyond, stares back at my grieving frame
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Listen up. There is literally an app that can help you avoid self harm and I don’t know why we aren’t talking about it.
Calm Harm can be tailored to your needs and will provide strategies to help you get past those crucial moments of wanting to harm.
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It’s also totally FREE.
once again, it’s called CALM HARM
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Flaming June by Frederic Leighton / Hamlet by William Shakespeare / Jane Eyre (2011) dir. Cary Joji Fukunaga / A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin / The Dream of Saint Helena by Paolo Veronese / “Tulips” by Sylvia Plath / The Dream (The Bed) by Frida Kahlo / Uncle Vanya by Anton Chekhov
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truly the end goal is not "my close friends aren't annoyed by me and it's all in my head, they're my friends and they love me", it's "sometimes I do annoy my close friends, just as the people I love most will also annoy me sometimes, because this is normal, and we will continue to stay friends, and they're not going to want to immediately cut me out of their life if I do something annoying once in a while"
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I love….. adding unnecessary e’s to words like spicey or babey. ……. it makes the words pop
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Winterfell shenanigans with Theon Greyjoy
3. Meeting his namesake
4. First time at the Godswood
5. I cried drawing this
6. I don’t know what they’d done but that day is marked in history as Theon’s realization of his MILFsexual awakening
7.Theon “is this how it feels like to be the oldest sibling” Greyjoy.
8. Arya is impressed by the swordfight training, Jeyne crushing on every good looking young man with a sword, Sansa rooting for Robb
9.One year old Rickon being introduced to an arrow (theon probably names his bow and arrows but is too embarassed to admit it in his POVs)
10. Bran + Theon version of that “into the spider-verse” meme
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the noldolante ..... or: maglors youtube apology video .... inspired by these two tweets by @thishour and @crownlessliestheking <3
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Resources For Writing Deaf, Mute, or Blind Characters
 Despite the fact that I am not deaf, mute, or blind myself, one of the most common questions I receive is how to portray characters with these disabilities in fiction.
As such, I’ve compiled the resources I’ve accumulated (from real life Deaf, mute, or blind people) into a handy masterlist.
Deaf Characters:
Deaf characters masterpost
Deaf dialogue thread
Dialogue with signing characters (also applies to mute characters.)
A Deaf author’s advice on deaf characters
Dialogue between Deaf characters
“The Month I Suddenly Went Deaf”
What It’s Like Going Deaf In Your Thirties
9 Women Share What It Feels Like To Lose Your Hearing
What It’s Like Being a Deaf Teenager (video)
Parenting With Sign Language (video)
Deaf Teen Talks About Losing His Hearing To Meningitis (video)
Things Not To Say To A Deaf Person (video)
Deaf Kids Shining in High School (video)
I recently discovered the youtube channel of the amazing Jessica Kellgren-Fozard, a vintage-loving, lesbian, happily married queen, who talks about her deafness in many of her videos.  I can’t recommend her enough.
Black Deaf Culture Through the Lens of Black Deaf History
Black Deaf History
Video: How to Sign in BASL (Black American Sign Language)
Mute Characters
Life as a Mute
My Silent Summer:  Life as a Mute
What It’s Like Being Mute
21 People Reveal What It’s Really Like To Be Mute
I am a 20 year old Mute, ask me anything at all!
Blind Characters:
Things Not To Say To A Blind Person (video)
What It’s Like to Go Blind (video)
The 33 Worst Mistakes Writers Make About Blind Characters.
@referenceforwriters masterpost of resources for writing/playing blind characters.
The youtube channel of the wonderful Tommy Edison, a man blind from birth with great insight into the depiction of blind people and their lives.
As does Molly Burke, “a typical sushi and makeup loving millennial girl who just so happens to be blind.”
And Alyssa Irene, who talks about her experience going blind and life as a blind person.
An Absolute Write thread on the depiction of blind characters, with lots of different viewpoints and some great tips.
And finally, this short, handy masterpost of resources for writing blind characters.
Characters Who Are Blind in One Eye
4 Ways Life Looks Shockingly Different With One Eye
Learning to Live With One Eye
Adapting to the Loss of an Eye
Adapting to Eye Loss and Monocular Vision
Monocular Depth Perception
Deaf-Blind Characters
What Is It Like To Be Deafblind?
Going Deaf and Blind in a City of Noise and Lights
Deaf and Blind by 30
Sarita is Blind, Deaf, and Employed (video)
Deaf and Blind:  Being Me (video)
Born Deaf and Blind, This Eritrean American Graduated Harvard Law School (video)
A Day of a Deaf Blind Person
Lesser Known Things About Being Deafblind
How the Deaf-Blind Communicate
Early Interactions With Children Who Are Deaf-Blind
Raising a DeafBlind Baby
If you have any more resources to add, let me know!  I’ll be adding to this post as I find more resources.
I hope this helps, and happy writing!  <3
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Some first age Men/Elf relationships
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What are your thoughts on cultural appropriation?
I think it’s often exaggerated to hell as I’ve seen it on tumblr. That’s not to say it doesn’t exist, though.
A white person wearing a kimono won’t singlehandedly kill the Japanese population, and is in fact often seen (with good reason) to be respectful. A lot of Japanese people like foreigners wearing their clothing - they’ll give them as gifts, help them put them on and be delighted that someone is embracing this little part of their culture.
You know what’s cultural appropriation? Taking something of historical or religious significance and making fun of it or outright desecrating it (looking at YOU, j-law in hawaii), simplifying something to an outright offensive portrayal of what it actually is instead of looking into the significance of it (see: geisha, who have slowly become to be associated with ‘comfort women’ or courtesans because of how ‘exotic’ they were perceived to be), racism (wearing a sombrero hat is all in good fun, but when it accompanies blackface / racist remarks, stereotypes + accents, not so much ), and lumping cultures with a common signifier (native american reservations, asian countries, african countries) and heavily misattributing things to them based on assumptions and rumors, which are often racist, especially things that might be practiced or be more common than your average American state, but absolutely do not represent them in any way and sometimes aren’t even a cultural thing at all. (China and eating dog; Indians being scam callers and/or inherently misogynistic, etc)
There is no reason for culture not to be shared and embraced in a respectful way – even ignorant, if the person is willing to listen and learn – and there is nothing inherently wrong, in my opinion, if culture just happens to be a tourist attraction, sometimes. Take pictures to your delight, so long as you’re not banned from doing so. Do yoga and find inner peace or whatever. Participate in tradition and be amazed, amused, poke a little fun because culture is bound to be different from what you’re used to and it’s not always considered good, it’s not always awe-inspiring, sometimes it’ll be a little silly and you’re not obligated to fully immerse yourself into appreciating it - sometimes you just experience it and move on with your life. 
We are what we are because of the way culture has evolved, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to take some random user’s icy take on gatekeeping at face value. 
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so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what
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Quick sketch of Maedhros
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“what happens in a show or fandom doesn’t affect real life” yeah that’s easy to say, but it’s naive. no, this isn���t about shipping, this is about bad lgbt+ representation and some fans not listening to genderfluid voices and not accepting they can ship something and like a show and still see yeah there’s things that aren’t so good and could be better.
because i already know people who’ve cried and had a breakdown, hi i’m one of them, over seeing lots of comments from fans being fluidphobic and biphobic/panphobic. i know multiple people who were watching the loki series with their parents as a way of prepping them to come out as genderfluid or bi and now feel like they can’t because their parents are already sprouting bad ideas about fluid and bi people that they’ve gotten from the show. i know people who have been harassed enough by fans who are telling them they’re a biphobe for not shipping sylki and even though they’re not genderfluid say that there’s nothing fluidphobic about the fandom or show that they’ve deleted all their socials. i sadly know a couple of people who have had this, both the bad rep and the fandom being fluidphobic, cause a relapse in their depression and suicidal ideation and have had to spend time in-between trying to tell people my gender isn’t made-up, to try and talk these people down.
so just in case you were wondering how bad things can get when a show does a piss poor attempt at lgbt+ rep. when a show writes “sexfluid” instead of “genderfluid” and creates a new breed of fluidphobes how have a whole new argument and use it to hound fluid people into silence.
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I love this song
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seduce me with ur history knowledge 
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