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Reblog if you’re determined to lose 15-20lbs by Halloween.
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I’m a mess. I can’t even fast for 24 h. In the last days I’ve binged a lot. I mean, I think I’ve eaten normal, but for me it’s not normal, it’s a lot of food that now it’s in my body and I feel so gross. I’ve not gained too much but I feel so fat.
Every single fucking day I swear to my self that today I’m gonna fast and I end up eating with some excuse, like “oh my mom bought me this thing, I can’t not eat that” or “I’ve this product that it’s gonna be bad tomorrow if I don’t eat it today”. I just wanna close my fuckin mouth and lay in my bed all day.
I really need to lose this last 10 kilos asap. I hate my body. I hate my face. I hate myself for being so weak.
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Someone who hasn’t seen me in a while: oh you lost weight! i hope you haven’t been starving yourself!
Me: haha yeah right
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Body goals
I’d love to have
A narrow face with a clear skin, high and defined cheekbones and big eyes with full lips
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A thin neck, narrow shoulders and clearly visible collarbones
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Medium titties
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A flat stomach
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and visible ribs poking out
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AND a slim waist
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Also poking out hipbones
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Long, skinny legs with a thigh gap and no cellulitis/ hair
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Skinny arms with no hair
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Bony wrists and hands/ fingers
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Ultimate body goal: a petite, skinny and cute body with flawless skin
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In these days I ate normally, maybe too much, but this morning I weighed myself and I haven’t gained weight so that’s ok. Now I’ll try to turn back to my daily 500 calories.
Atm I have a terrible stomachache so I think I won’t eat too much.
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snacks for 50 calories!
🍉🍌🍓fruit🍓🍌🍉 1. half a mango 2. 25 red grapes (i like to freeze them- it’s like having ice lollies!) 3. one apple (if it’s a big one maybe only half) 4. two clementines (or satsumas!) 5. half a banana (a whole banana is 90) 6. 13 strawberries 7. 2/3 cup of blueberries 8. 1 cup watermelon (this is my fav!!) 9. 134g honeydew melon 10. 1 cup of cantaloupe melon 11. 1 medium pear (conference pear) 12. 1 large dog (this is especially useful if you’re having any digestive issues!! ie constipation lol) 13. 100g pineapple 14. 2 prunes (again for the bowel issues these are wonderful) 15. 50 blackberries!!! 16. 30 cherries 17. 2 apricots 18. half a grapefruit 19. 2 nectarines 20. 2 plums 21. 10 raisins 22. 40 raspberries 23. 25 cherry tomatoes! 24. 8 olives (AMAZING FOR WHEN CRAVING CRISPS/CHIPS) 25. one large fig (super high in fibre)
🌽🌶🍆veggies🍆🌶🌽 1. two medium carrots 2. cucumber - there’s only 16 calories in 100 grams of this stuff so eat up!! 3. bell peppers (25 each) 4. steamed broccoli (35 calories per 100g) - i like to do this with one tbsp of soy sauce! (9 cals) 5. 100g artichokes (i actually really like these lol) 6. 1 cup of asparagus is only 30 calories! 7. 1 cup brussel sprouts (40) 8. celery is only 16 cals per 100g! 9. half an eggplant (these are super yummy baked) 10. 2 tomatoes (40) 11. whole courgette/zucchini (if u dry fry one of these on a medium heat then a few cherry tomatoes or a whole tomato (chopped) this is a super super amazing snack!!!) 12. 2 ½ cups of turnip (bake this or mash with some parsnips it’s gr8) 13. ½ cup parsnip 14. 200g cauliflower 15. 20 pickled onions (tho i reckon you would get sick of that many lol!) 16. ½ cup pickled beetroot 17. 1 cup mushrooms is only 20 cals so u could fry them in a little oil 18. 60g sweet potato (a little under half a large potato) 19. 60g sweetcorn 20. 65g peas 21. 45g yams 22. 100g butternut squash 23. 150g green beans 24. 100g celery is only 16 calories! 25. 40g edamame
🍪🍩🍭treats🍭🍩🍪 1. one oreo 2. 1 ½ cups air-popped salted popcorn 3. 5 pickles 4. 50g fat free yogurt with either: 1)half an apple, 2) 5 strawberries, 3) 25 blackberries, 4) a few raisins, 5) 15 cherries, (the list goes on- jut use half a portion of whatever fruit is listed above!! :) ) 5) 1 teaspoon peanut butter with either 1) half an apple, 2) 1 medium carrot, 3) 100g celery, etc! 6) 2 breadsticks
don’t forget that water and green tea are 0 calories 😆
hope this helps anyone out there craving!! good luck guys 💕🌿
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Everyday I wake up and weigh myself and then spend the rest of the day waiting to go to sleep so I can wake up and weigh myself again.
reblogging again bc so fucking true
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I’m so angry. I’ve done a fast of 24h, I have eaten nothing, I drank water and coffee (without sugar) and I haven’t lost nothing. Maybe my scale is broken, but I hate it. For the first hours of the day it said like 61/62 then in the afternoon it said 64.
I hate my self. Why I can’t just loose weight.
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“Screw skinny. Screw being obsessed with counting calories. Screw destroying your metabolism. Screw the scale. Screw negative self talk. This is not what life should be about. Please choose happiness, please choose health. I beg you - please choose life.”
— (via anna-learns-to-love-herself)
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People with eating disorders do not hate food. People with eating disorders absolutely adore food, they spend half their day staring at food pictures, recipes, videos, dreaming of food. Food is in their every thought. It is not that people with eating disorders do not want food, they really do. They would love to be able to eat whatever they wanted, but due to their eating disorder, they physically cannot. Their eating disorder is controlling their mind. 
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9 million people fucking love dogs
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Please reblog if you are a girl and have ever been made to feel ashamed of one or more of these things (wanting to prove a point to some asshole):
-your weight
-your clothing choice
-your amount of make up
-having sex
-not having sex
-breast size
-having your period
-saying no
-not appreciating catcalls 
-body hair
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Covered-up thinspo
Please feel free to request a thinspo board
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Good morning
Today I woke up and I had breakfast, I ate a little of oatmeal with some fruit inside and a slice of bread with some butter.
For lunch I’ll have some pasta, I think I’ll do my self 50 g with vegetarian ragù.
I’m not vegetarian, not yet, I’ve just stopped eating meat, but I still eat fish. My target is to become vegetarian and maybe one day vegan.
I’ve just finished working out, I have this app and I follow its program. Today was the last day of the 3 weeks program and I’m literally dead, it was so hard, also I skipped all the pauses that I was supposed to do.
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When you’re hungry
Clean your room (wipe the floors, wipe the dust, vacuum, clean the Windows)
Reorganize/clean your desk, closet.
Shave/wax your legs/armpits and tweeze your eyebrows.
Put on a face mask
Do a pedicure or manicure
Fill your bathtub and just take a long bath
Make yourself an aesthetic notebook (to motivate yourself to lose weight or something like that)
Update your Tumblr(make a new header, change the colour…)
Draw or paint something
If you play an instrument, play all the songs you know 3 times
Draw something on your body with paint or pens
Drink 3 teas
Drink 3 cups of hot water
Drink 1 liter of water
Go for a walk
Go to the library and take a good book for reading or read there if you can do that
Read 50 pages of some book
Watch 5 youtube videos
Listen to some music (I recommend some lofi music, my favourite is lophee)
Watch some k-pop (all girls there are really skinny it will motivate you)
Watch some vine/meme compilations
Watch some fat acceptance cringe or something like that
Play with some make-up
You still hungry?
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black&white thinspo cos look how pretty 🌼 🌙
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