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In Love with these scene ***
177K notes · View notes
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22K notes · View notes
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125K notes · View notes
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I will consider this suggestion
112K notes · View notes
bucky barnes accidentally tearing doors off their hinges, discretely wedging them back into place and hoping nobody notices
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I live to serve my love
Play pretend
A/N: Exam season is ON, my loves, and despite my love for writing and my WIPS, I need to focus on those darn exams. So, instead, you’re getting a week of one-shots, because I need my creative outlet.
You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble (500-1000 words), one-shot (1500-5000 words) or a multichapter fic (5500-??? Words) with what you’ve always wanted. Want Henry to be homeless and a starving artist? Sure thing, babes. Want a BDSM relationship with Steve Rogers? Anytime. Fluffy love with August Walter? Yup. 40’s professor Bucky? YES.
I love y’all so much and thank you for your OUTPOUR of support. I can’t tell you how much it means to me. Remember, feedback feeds the soul (mine, in particular), and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits, because I am me and I have none.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x female reader (Best friends to lovers)
Contains: Fluff, slight angst, please-pretend-to-be-my-boyfriend-to-make-my-ex-jealous-trope, smut (18+ MINORS DNI), fingering, p in v, oral (f and m recieving), unprotected sex, slight cum-play, cream-pie, praise-kink, slight voyerism, slight exhibitionism, language 
W.C.: 4.378
Play pretend
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Fuck. Fucking fuck, fuck, fuck. You pace your room, trying to decide if you should just call and tell Abby you’d gotten sick, maybe fell and broke your leg, or if you should admit defeat and show up – there was nothing you’d want less than show up, single and still seething over your breakup, at a party where your damn ex was. Apparently, it had been a last-minute decision on his part, and Abby had been really sorry about it – she had invited him to her end-of-summer bash months ago, when you were still dating, and now he wanted to come.
With his new girlfriend. Who just so happened to be the same girl, he had cheated on you with. Classic.
582 notes · View notes
RUIN ME 😭😭 I think I have an unhealthy obsession with your writing
Sweeter Than Honey • 2
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Pairing: Mechanic!Bucky x Fem!Personal Assistant!Reader
WC: 5.4k
Summary: It all started with a failed attempt to buy your boss a new phone, and then suddenly you're in the middle of nowhere crying your eyes out in front of a handsome mechanic who would do just about anything to make you smile again...
Note: No warnings for this one except I'm pretty sure I've lost my damn mind LOL
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Once the event had ended, Sarah brought her two sons over to meet Tony, and the light in their eyes as they met their favorite author caused you to completely melt.
Seeing the look on Bucky’s face witnessing their joy was the only thing that could top it.
As the group was still mingling, you handed the new phone over to Tony, and his mouth hung open for a second before he gave you an impressed look.
“I’ll be damned, Y/n,” he said, opening up the box and taking out the phone, “You managed to do the impossible.” He checked his watch and smiled. “I bet if I set this up as soon as we get back to the hotel I can call Pepper and Morgan in the next hour or so.” He looked up at you again. “Thank you. You really outdid yourself with this.”
You beamed. “Thanks, boss, but I gotta say, Bucky was the one to really pull through with this.” You looked over to the tall Irishman at your side and your smile grew. “I wouldn’t have been able to survive this day without him.”
Bucky gave you a side smile and a quick wink, the two of you completely forgetting that you were surrounded by others for a few seconds. 
But then you looked back at Tony whose eyes were now narrow, gaze flickering between the two of you and you felt heat rise to your face. Looking over at Bucky, you saw that he was blushing.
“Right…” Tony said, nodding his head slowly. “Well Bucky,” he held out his hand and Bucky shook it, “Thank you for all of your help today. You and Y/n sure make a great team.” He paused for a second, then said, “You know, we’re hosting a big fundraiser dinner tomorrow night. Great food, expensive drinks, stupidly rich people to mildly poke fun at. I’d love for you to attend as one of my guests as a thank you for getting us through today.”
Bucky’s eyebrows shot up and he cleared his throat, looking over at you for approval. 
You bit your lip, giving him a sure, why not look. Of course, you would love to have him go for a multitude of reasons. The only other person you would know at this event besides Tony was Quentin, and there was no way you were going to get stuck with his grumpy ass for the night. 
It was more than that, though. You really wanted any excuse to spend more time with Bucky before you had to go back home. And the idea of seeing him in a suit? Yes..yes, he could come.
So with that, Bucky looked back to Tony and shrugged. “I mean, if it’s no trouble….and for a good cause-”
“Great!” Tony said, clapping his hands together. “It’s settled. I’m sure Y/n can fill you in on the details and arrange a seat next to her at our table. Sound good?”
You bobbed your head up and down. “Great.”
Just like that, you had two upcoming dates with Bucky in the books.
Now, it was time to get the first one in motion. You and Tony drove back to the hotel in the newly-repaired rental. Bucky said he would pick you up in an hour or so to give both of you time to freshen up.
You ran to the shower as soon as you got to your room, washing off the sweat from running around Dublin and beyond all day.
Bucky said that the pub was a casual spot filled with regulars, so you figured you didn’t need to dress to the nines like you would for tomorrow evening. Instead, you went with jeans, an army-green crop top tee and black leather jacket. The shirt left a bit of your midsection exposed, something that you hardly ever felt comfortable allowing.
But hell, you were in Europe going on a date with a man you’d probably never see again, so if he for some reason was repulsed by your stomach, it wouldn't really matter in the end. Why not further put yourself out of your comfort zone and have a little bit of fun?
Plus, in the short time you knew Bucky, you had a strong feeling that this was the farthest thing from an issue.  
Said dashing Irishman was waiting at the entrance of the hotel as soon as you stepped out onto the cobblestone sidewalk, leaning against the door of his truck with both of his hands in his pockets, smiling at you sheepishly. His smile grew tenfold as he looked you up and down, taking in your outfit and you felt heat coursing through your body from his gaze.
You also felt a sense of jealousy that he had something to lean on as you took in his appearance. No longer in the henley, Bucky had thrown on a pair of dark blue jeans and a black knit sweater that clung to his body in all the right places. His baseball hat was gone, allowing his wavy chestnut locks freedom to flow around his smiling face, and all you wanted to do was rake your fingers through them.
After standing there a few moments too long, both ogling one another, Bucky stood straight and walked toward you. You figured he was just going to just escort you to his car, which is why you let out a surprised gasp when he enveloped you into his arms and hugged you.
His sweater was so soft, so warm, and he smelled faintly of sandalwood. It worked out with your height difference that your cheek rested perfectly against his chest, and his chin landed right on the crown of your head.
He held onto you, not too tightly to make you feel like you were suffocating, but with enough strength to bring a sense of safety, as if nothing could touch you while you were in his arms.
When he pulled back, you gave him a wide-eyed grin.
“Three hugs in one night, Buck? People are gonna start talking…” you joked, feigning nonchalance as if your heart weren’t beating out of your chest.
He shrugged, running his fingers through his hair. “Look, love, ye started it with the first one earlier. And I gotta admit, it was so grand, I don’t know if I can ever get enough.”
You bit your bottom lip, rolling your eyes at the level of charm. “Oh really now?”
He chuckled. “Yes. Really.” His arm reached out and you grabbed his hand as he led you to the passenger side, opening the door and closing it once you were settled.
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The Golden Elixir Tavern basically fit every bar sitcom stereotype you had ever seen on television. The tiny establishment was completely packed, and yet it seemed like everyone there was each other’s best friend.
As soon as you and Bucky walked in, everyone turned and erupted into cheers, beer glasses sloshing around in the air.
They - for obvious reasons - spotted the massive man that had walked in first, but when they saw your shorter form following behind, hand in his, the place went eerily quiet, and suddenly there was a sea of confused, inquisitive faces before you.
You could have sworn you heard a cricket chirp somewhere in the building.
Bucky turned his head to you with an apologetic expression and huffed before turning back to the crowd and shouting, “Aye! Fuck off ye nosy lot!”
And just like that, the silence ended as everyone else yelled profanities back at him, and returned their attention back to one another.
He squeezed your hand and gave you a wink. “Come on, let’s get ye a drink.”
The two women running the bar had to be the most gorgeous people you had ever laid eyes on (aside from Bucky, obviously). They both had their own uniquely fierce, fiery red hair that glistened under the soft glow of the bar, and though they were smaller than most, you could tell by the way they carried themselves that they were not to be messed with.
One of them walked up to the end of the wooden bar as the two of you approached, looking at you up and down and then giving Bucky a narrow-eyed smile.
“Barnes,” she said, her voice smooth as butter, causing your immediate girl crush to increase tenfold. Her accent was American, you noted.
Bucky nodded. “Romanoff.” He looked down at you and smiled. “What’ll ye have?”
You pursed your lips, contemplating. “Whiskey?”
His brows shot up, but then he let out a small laugh before turning back to the redhead. “Ye heard the lady. Two.”
Romanoff grinned, moving her gaze to you with an impressed look. “Coming right up.”
Your eyes swept the pub as she poured the amber liquid. The walls were lined with high top tables and massive wooden barrels to sit on, with various random art pieces, signets, and photos covering every square inch above. In one corner, a small stage was set up with a few mic stands, piano, and an acoustic guitar.
“Do they have live performances?” you asked Bucky.
He shrugged, clearing his throat. “Every once in a while. Ye like music?”
“I mean, I’m not a stellar performer, but I was a music and theatre geek in high school. That’s one thing I love about New York. They have live music practically everywhere. It’s great when it’s intimate like this.”
Bucky was about to speak when the redhead returned. “You’re from New York?” You nodded and she looked to Bucky. “Barnes, that’s-”
“Thank you, Natasha,” Bucky interrupted, grabbing the glasses and handing one to you. Before you would wonder what had just happened, he was giving you another dazzling, boyish smile, tilting his whiskey toward yours. “Cheers, love.”
You gently tapped your glass to his. “Cheers, Buck.”
With a wink, he knocked his glass back in one gulp, no trace of a wince on his beautiful face as he swallowed it down.
Alright, tough guy, you thought. Two can play this game.
You sent a silent thanks to your grandma in the U.S. for introducing you to scotch and whiskey the moment you turned 21, then mimicked Bucky’s movement as you downed the glass in one go.
When you brought your eyes from the ceiling back to his ocean irises, his mouth hung open in shock.
You winked back.
“I like her,” you both turned your head to Natasha, who was giving you a side smile as she wiped off a glass. Then she extended a hand to you for a formal introduction. “I’m Nat.”
You shook it. “Y/n. Sorry if this is, like, super rude to ask, but are you American?”
Her grin widened and she cocked her head to the side, eyes flickering up to the ceiling for a second before returning to you. “Technically I’m Russian. My family and I moved around a lot, and I spent a lot of time in D.C.” Suddenly, she switched to an Irish brogue out of nowhere as she said, “I can basically speak in any accent. I guess it would be easier to talk like this while I live here, especially with the hair and everything making it so easy to fit in.” She switched to American again. “But I just love keeping people on their toes.”
You shook your head in awe. “I think I’m in love with you.”
She blew you a kiss before sliding over two newly filled glasses in front of you. When had she even refilled those? “Most people are.”
“Alright, alright,” Bucky groaned out, hooking an arm around your waist to guide you to the other end of the bar. “Let’s go meet the much less flirtatious Wanda.”
Nat smirked as you were whisked off. “Let me know if you need anything,” she joked, shaking her head in amusement as Bucky’s feigned annoyance.
Wanda was the other redhead behind the bar, who was surprisingly also Eastern European, her accent more pronounced than Nat’s. One smile from her made you feel like she was the type of person who was really good at hugging and listening to others. Like you could unload all of your problems on her and she would happily take them with open arms.
The next person you met was Steve, the one you recalled Bucky speaking on the phone to earlier that day when you were dealing with the flat tire - had that really only been today? Feels like it was weeks ago, you thought.
Up until now, you were positive that there was no one on this earth larger than Bucky Barnes. Steve Rogers was the exception, and you took a step back as the giant blond man barreled into the bar, wrapping Bucky’s neck into a headlock that seemed to be an affectionate greeting between the two.
“Alright, ye blimey bastard,” Steve said, blue eyes glistening, “I was promised all the pints in the world, so let’s get goin’.” His eyes shot over to you and then he grinned. “And who’s this?”
Bucky groaned, removing himself from Steve’s hold and moving to your side. “Steve, this is Y/n. Y/n, Steve.”
Steve’s eyes bounced between the two of you, grin widening. Then, he extended out his hand, which you took thinking he was just going to shake it. But then, he was leaning down, bringing your hand up until his lips softly pressed against your skin.
“Pleasure to meet you, Y/n,” he said smoothly, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to laugh or roll your eyes.
“Jesus, Steve,” Bucky muttered, taking your hand out of his best friend’s hold and bringing it to his side. He didn’t let go, just interlaced his fingers with yours. “Can ye not be an arse for like, five seconds?”
“Perhaps if I had a pint in my hand, I could consider it,” Steve said, and you giggled.
Bucky just shook his head, looking over at Wanda. “Wan, can ye please help me out?”
“On it,” she responded with a smile, giving you a knowing look as she grabbed a glass and worked on getting Steve a drink.
More people followed in after that, all of them dying to meet the person Bucky refused to stay more than a few inches away from. 
During that time, they opened the stage to performers, and various members took their turns singing, reciting poetry, playing piano, guitar, everything. Some songs were jovial tunes, others more somber, all of it was beautiful, and there were moments that you found yourself lost in the performance. Then you’d come to and see Bucky smiling at your dreamlike expression.
Eventually, two of them were introduced to you as Sam and Becca. Becca, as in Bucky’s sister.
You lept forward and pulled the short woman with unruly brown curls in for a tight hug and she let out a small laugh.
“Well hello to ye too, darlin’,” she said, returning the hug.
You pulled away, hands on her shoulders and staring into the blue eyes that almost matched her brother’s to a T. “You saved my ass today,” you said. “Both you and Bucky. Thank you.”
She smiled. “Of course. I’m glad things went…” she looked and Bucky, “...so well.”
“Apparently she’s namin’ her first child after ye,” he grumbled. “Even though I was the one to actually rescue her from BHOD.”
You nudged his stomach with your elbow. “Second kid. I’ll name my second kid after you, okay?”
He let out a huff in response and Becca cackled. “God, yer so dramatic, brother.”
Bucky opened his mouth, ready with some sassy retort when Natasha called out to him, “Oy! Barnes!” He turned to the redhead and she pointed to one corner of the bar. “You’re up, buddy.”
He turned to your confused expression and blushed, giving you a small grin. “I’ll be back, love.” Before leaving, he placed a hand at the small of your back and leaned forward until his lips brushed along your cheek for a soft kiss. You clenched your jaw to prevent a noise from escaping you, and then next thing you knew your blue-eyed mechanic was heading over to the microphone.
You turned to Becca, gaping.
She raised her brows in a just you wait expression, nodding her head to Bucky and you watched him grab the guitar by the wall and a stool. He sat down, positioning himself so that the guitar rested on his leg and he raised the mic stand to reach his tall form. The whole room started whooping and hollering as he got himself settled and he blushed.
“Um,” he said in a deep, low voice, tuning the guitar. He cleared his throat. “Haven’t played this one yet. But it seems like a grand enough night to do so.” His eyes met yours and he gave you a small smile before his fingers started strumming.
You knew it before he even started singing, and it brought an unfamiliar ache to your chest. 
“I had a thought, dear
However scary
About that night
The bugs and the dirt”
His voice was, of course, perfect. Sweet like sugar with just a bit of a grizzly bite to it. Hozier usually sang the song in a higher key, but you could tell that Bucky transposed it to fit within the range of his grizzly baritone voice.
“I will not as you where you where you came from
I will not ask you, neither should you.”
His eyes locked on yours once again.
“Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips
We should just kiss like real people do.”
You chugged the rest of your whiskey, placing the empty glass on the bar and Wanda refilled it.
Suddenly, you felt a large presence behind you. You turned to see Steve smiling down at you. 
“He sure is somethin’, isn’t he?” he asked, eyebrows wiggling up and down.
You bit back a smile, shaking your head. “Is this his move? He rescues people from a ditch in the road and then brings them to a pub to sweep them off their feet with his ridiculous charm?”
Steve sighs, shaking his head. “Nope. He’s never brought anyone here. Ever.”
Your eyes narrow, the ache in your chest growing. “Ever?”
“Ever. He knows if he did everyone here would give him so much shite for it and rag on him for bein’ sweet on someone.” He lifted his glass to his lips and murmured, “Guess he thought ye were worth it.”
You turned back to Bucky, noticing that his focus was still on you as he sang.
There was absolutely no fucking way that this was actually your life. It had to be a dream. The best damn dream of your life.
Your eyes looked down at his fingers, moving effortlessly across the strings. Then, to his hair, how the dark brown color seemed to glow underneath the lights. His eyes once more, trained on you and sparkling, as if looking into your very soul.
“I will not ask you where you came from”
Little did he know, he was claiming it for himself with each word he sang.
“I will not ask you, neither should you.”
As stupid as that was for you to do. To allow your heart to drift its way over to this man who you would never see after tomorrow. His life was here, and yours was in America.
“Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips”
It was going to hurt like a motherfucker. But you had officially decided that until then…
“We should just kiss like real people do”
You were going to spend whatever time you had enjoying every single moment of it to the fullest.
Everyone began cheering again as Bucky played the final note, and he nodded at them in thanks. You took another large swig of whiskey while he put the guitar away, allowing the warmth of the liquid to give you courage as he walked toward you.
He only had a second to narrow his eyes in confusion before your hands cupped his face, pulling him down until his lips met yours.
If he was caught off guard at all, he didn’t show it. Instead, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled your body flush to his, completely enveloping you within his form. You opened your mouth to allow his tongue to slip in and as soon as he got a taste of you, Bucky let out a low, guttural moan.
Meanwhile, you were going feral, hands moving up to take hold of his hair, which was even more soft than you imagined. Everything about Bucky was better than you could have imagined. The way his scruff lightly scratched your skin, the sweetness of his lips, his large hands desperate to touch every part of you.
Sure, there were probably dozens of eyes on you, and you could hear the whistles and cheers and a way to go, Buck from Steve, but you didn’t give a damn. None of them mattered in this moment. Only Bucky.
You were the first to pull away, only because you were on the verge of passing out. The two of you were breathless, his eyes were scanning your face, licking his lips as if trying to hold onto the taste of you.
“Hope I didn’t read the situation wrong,” you joked, one hand moving a strand of hair out of his face. “I mean, it seemed like you were practically begging for it with that song.”
His face broke out into a wide grin and he let out a low chuckle. “Believe me, love, if ye weren’t gonna kiss me in the next hour I was actually goin’ to start beggin’.”
Your left eyebrow shot up. “Now that is something I’d like to see.”
He chuckled again and then pulled you in for another kiss, less hungry but still intense enough for you to have to lean on him for support because your legs were about to buckle.
“Okay,” Steve groaned, “Will you two get a room already?”
Bucky moved back and glared at his best friend. But there was a lightness in his crystalline irises as he looked back at you. “Wanna get out of here?”
You nodded. “Absolutely-”
“Wait! Ye can’t leave yet!” Becca exclaimed. You turned to see her staring, arms crossed over her. “Y/n still hasn’t performed.”
Bucky shook his head. “Becs, she doesn’t need to-”
“Um, yes she does,” his sister cuts off. “Them’s the Elixir’s rules. Newbies have to get up there and do somethin’.”
You gave a panicked look to Bucky and he shook his head again. “Ye don’t have to…”
“Sorry Barnes,” Natasha called out. “If Y/n ever wants to come back, she’s gotta pay her dues.”
If she ever wants to come back.
Back to Ireland, back to the Golden Elixir, back to Bucky.
You sighed, then wiggled your way out of Bucky’s strong hold and downed your whiskey. Natasha filled it one last time and then you were walking slowly to the mic.
You bit your bottom lip, eyes scanning the pub until they landed on a very anxious looking Bucky. He looked as if he thought you would never want to talk to him again after going through with this.
Obviously you were going to talk to him, and nothing was going to stop you from kissing his pretty face when you were done. So you gave him a reassuring smile and a wink, which seemed to relax his shoulders.
“Hello everyone,” you started, “I’m Y/n…”
“Hi Y/n,” everyone said in unison and you laughed.
“It’s been great meeting you all and drinking your whiskey. I gotta say, it tastes a lot better than most of the shit I drink back home in the states.” That was met with loud cheering, even from Bucky. “I do know part of a song that I feel y’all will know, and I have to admit I found it on TikTok being performed by the beloved Hozier.” Bucky’s brows shot up and his smile widened. “Hopefully I don’t butcher it too much, but if I do, I just ask that you’ll help me out.”
More cheers. And then you cleared your throat.
“Come guess me this riddle, what beats pipe and fiddle,”
The whole pub erupted, and Bucky was whooping and clapping his hands.
“What’s hotter than mustard and milder than cream?
What best wets your whistle, what’s clearer than crystal,
Sweeter than honey and stronger than steam?”
You lifted up your whiskey glass and took a sip as everyone kept cheering. As you continued with the song, everyone sang along with you, until the entirety of the Golden Elixir was swaying side to side, waving their glasses in the air as they belted out the classic and well-beloved tune. Even Natasha was smiling, singing her heart out.
Bucky sang along as well, the entire time looking at you like you were the damn sun and he was all of the planets orbiting around you. He was enraptured, smitten, completely lost in everything that made up you.
“And, boys, I’d half wonder if lighting and thunder
Was made from the plunder of whiskey, me boys.” 
With the last words sung, you downed the rest of your glass, raising it all the way up as you giggled at the riot happening before you. Swarms of people ran up to hug you and pat you on the back, calling you a true Irish lass and telling you that you were welcome any time you wanted.
Eventually, a path cleared for Bucky to get through to you, and now it was his turn to cage your face in his hands and kiss you senseless, and everything around you seemed to go quiet as you lost yourself in his lips.
When he pulled away, he whispered into your lips, “Ready for another adventure, love?”
You nodded, brushing the tip of your nose with his. “Lead the way, Buck.”
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It was a 30 minute drive to your destination, most of it surrounded by fields. It was too dark to really make out anything, but you were more than content with looking out the window at the stars.
The stars and, well, Bucky’s smiling face. 
His hand remained on your leg the entire trip.
After a few miles, he veered off the main road and onto the grass, driving a little bit further until you were a couple hundred feet from the main road.
“Stay here, love,” he said as turned the ignition off.
“Is this the moment you tell me that you are actually a serial killer and you’re about to murder me in the middle of nowhere, Ireland?” you remarked, unable to fight back a smile.
Bucky shook his head with a chuckle, moving to get out of the truck. “Nah,” he said, grabbing a lantern from the back seat. “I mean, that was the original plan, but now I like yer voice too much. Can’t get enough of it, really.”
Your breath hitched as you watched him close the door of the back seat and move to the bed of the truck.
A few minutes later, he was opening your door, taking your hand to help you out to lead you to the back of the truck.
A small gasp escaped you as you took in the display. Bucky had lain out a blanket with a few pillows and had unknowingly created your literal dream date.
“I come out here every once in a while when the sky is clear,” he said, jumping up onto the bed and turning to help you. “Ye said yer from New York, and I feel like ye don’t get to see the stars like ye can here in a big city like that.”
You nodded slowly, looking up at the infinite number of stars above you in awe.
It only took seconds for the two of you to entangle yourselves together on the blanket, your head resting on Bucky’s chest, arm wrapped around his abdomen while his held you close to him, fingers running along the side of your body. A chorus of crickets was the only sound aside from the heartbeat against your cheek.
“Have you been to New York before?” you asked, eyes still looking up at the glowing constellations. 
You felt him nod. “Me mum was from there. Met my da when she was travelin’ and then the rest was history. We’ve gone a couple of times to see family.”
“Do you still go?” You tried to remove any sense of hope in your voice.
His hand stopped moving along your side for a fraction of a second, and then continued traveling down to your waist. “Not as often, but yes.” He let out a long sigh. “Not gonna have much time to travel soon with school and all.”
You looked up at him. “You’re going to school? For what?”
“Engineering, hopefully,” his lips curved upward in excitement and you felt your heart almost burst. “Wasn’t able to go to uni when I turned 18 cause we couldn’t afford it. Started workin’ at the shop instead, but I’ve been savin’ and studyin’.”
“That’s amazing, Buck. Do you know where you’re going?”
He opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again and said, “Not sure. Still waitin’ to hear back from a few places for the fall.”
You cupped his cheek and turned it to face you. “Any place would be lucky enough to have you.”
He beamed then, eyes drifting down to your lips as he moved forward to kiss you. It was slow, lazy, more intoxicating than any of the whiskey you had consumed that evening. It was as if you were both taking the time to memorize the feel of one another, desperately trying to permanently etch the feeling of each other’s lips in your minds.
Suddenly, you were giggling into his lips, and Bucky pulled away, eyes narrowed in confusion though he was still smiling.
“Sorry,” you said, still laughing. “It’s just…I can’t believe that this is my life right now.” Your pointer finger traced his brow bone. “I mean, I’m making out with the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on, who casually lifts cars and can sing, but also makes me laugh and is genuinely so sweet and kind….and I get to KISS him? Like, how is any of this even real-”
Your words were cut off by Bucky’s lips crashing into yours. Gone was the slow, lazy movements. This time was harder, desperate, dizzying as he crushed your body to his.
You weren’t laughing this time when he pulled away, both of you panting. 
“Does it feel real yet, love?” He stroked a finger along your hairline.
Still unable to speak from the lack of air in your lungs, you simply nodded. 
“Good, because I don’t ever want ye to ever think ye can’t exist in a world where I wouldn’t want an angel with a smile brighter than the stars above to kiss me ‘til I’m blue in the face, ye hear? These lips are yers for as long as ye’ll have them.”
It amazed you that in just the few hours you had known Bucky, your heart had managed to swell to sizes you didn’t think possible.
Yet here you were, a pulsing ache in your chest that threatened to crush you or transform you. 
Bucky was yours….whether that was just for a few more hours or something beyond the time you had left here.
“I’d have them forever, if you let me,” you breathed out. 
It was a bold statement, intense, binding, but as Bucky’s smile threatened to split his face in two, you knew he felt the same.
He shifted his body then, gently guiding you until your back was on the bed of the truck and he was leaning on his elbows on top of you, caging you in. His thumb grazed your bottom lip.
“Sounds like a plan, love,” he murmured before his lips found their way to yours once more.
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Chapter 3
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Y/N: Oh, are you done writing your speech for Steve and Bucky’s wedding?
Sam: Yep.
Y/N: That’s just one sentence.
Sam: It’s perfect.
Y/N, reading aloud: “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”
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We’ll never die
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Please add me to your tag list or I might die
Sweeter Than Honey • 1
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Pairing: Mechanic!Bucky x Fem!Personal Assistant!Reader
WC: 6.4k
Summary: It all started with a failed attempt to buy your boss a new phone, and then suddenly you're in the middle of nowhere crying your eyes out in front of a handsome mechanic who would do just about anything to make you smile again...
Note: This scene was loosely based on a very real moment from a few months ago when my boss asked me to buy him a new phone and Best Buy said no <3 And then I said okay what about this but in Ireland lol. No warnings for this one. Enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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“I’m sorry,” you said, pinching the bridge of your nose as your brain tried to form one coherent thought through the force of stress radiating through your body. “I can’t just, like, buy a phone from you guys?”
The customer service rep, Seamus, shook his head. “Sorry darlin’,” enunciating his r’s so harshly with his thick, Irish brogue in a way you would have found charming had he not been making your day especially difficult. “We can’t set up international lines on the fly like that, especially for business accounts. Takes a wee bit of time to contact the right prodivers. We can get things started and have it for ye in the next five business days.”
You nodded, understanding and yet totally not understanding what the kind man was saying. After waiting for almost an hour just to have a fruitless conversation with him for 30 minutes to try to get sorted, you knew it was time to give in and call it quits. He had already put in a bunch of effort and you couldn’t let the line behind you build up any further in fear of them acting on their very apparent frustration.
So with one last, weak smile, you thanked Seamus and headed out the door onto the cobblestone sidewalk, face pointing up to the sky as the light rain gently kissed your skin. You took a few deep breaths, then made your way to your car.
The original plan for today was to spend your afternoon off exploring Dublin on your own before the book event that evening. You were going to go to the different shops, find the rowdiest pub and treat yourself to some stupidly expensive whiskey, do all the fun touristy things to celebrate your first visit to the place you had always dreamed of traveling to.
And then your boss's phone shattered into a million pieces as it cascaded down the Cliffs of Moher, and you were back on the clock before the destroyed device had even made its way into the Atlantic.
Tony had of course offered to go buy the phone himself, seeing that he was the one who had tried to hold it at a weird angle to try to get ‘the best shot possible,’ but you insisted you go. You were his personal assistant, after all, and it had only been about a month since you took the job, and since you were on an all-expenses paid trip to Ireland thanks to your new boss, you wanted to work your ass off to make sure he didn’t regret hiring you.
Besides, you had thought this task would only take 20 minutes tops, and then you’d be on your way to having a protagonist, P.S. I Love You moment with Gerard Butler.
But here you were, already failing your new boss with what theoretically should have been an easy task.
Once in the car, you took a deep breath, holding your phone to your ear as it rang.
“What’s taking you so long?” Quentin’s voice aggressively whispered into your ear. 
Rolling your eyes, you rested your head on the steering wheel. Quentin Beck was Tony’s former PA, but recently got promoted to his Brand Manager, which shocked you because ever since you started working for the international bestselling author Tony Stark, the guy had been nothing but rude to you. That was his trick, though. As soon as Tony or anyone else important was in the room it was all charm and smiles. “Can I talk to Tony, please?” you asked.
You heard a loud, dramatic sigh, then a few sounds of shuffling before the familiar, ridiculously charismatic voice came through.
“Hey, Y/n,” Tony said in his bright, careless way, “Any luck?”
You felt tears prick your eyes in disappointment. Tony was such a nice person, and you hated that you had messed this up for him. “Sorry boss, apparently international phone purchases are a lot more complicated than we thought.”
“Damn,” he breathed out, but his voice remained the same. “No worries, it’s just another week. Pepper and Morgan will be fine.”
Your stomach sank. Of course that’s why he wanted the phone so bad. Not for work, but so he could talk to his freaking wife and daughter. “No no, let me just give you my phone so you can talk to them. I feel awful.”
“Don’t feel bad, Y/n. I’m the one who dropped it off the damn cliff while taking photos. Had you slapped it out of my hands, that would have been another story.”
You laughed softly. “Still, I’ll head back now so you can call them once Morgan gets back from school. And you can use it after dinner. We’ll make it work.”
“That’s very thoughtful of you, but I promise I won’t need my phone that much. I’m sure you and Beck can alternate nights so I can at least call them before bed. That’s all I’ll need to get through the rest of the tour.”
You grimaced, picturing Quentin’s classic scowl perfectly.
“I promise it’s fine, Y/n. This is just the universe’s way of telling me I should have studied tech instead of becoming a writer. Just enjoy the rest of your afternoon and I’ll see you later for the event, okay? You’re in Ireland. As your boss I order you to have some fun.”
You breathed out a small laugh. “Alright, boss man. If you insist.”
“I do. See you in a bit.”
“See you in a bit!” you said, then hung up the phone.
Okay, that could have gone way worse, you thought. Maybe I’m not a total screw up. 
All you had to do was get Tony to the event and make sure that nothing else went wrong.
And until then….
You checked the time on your phone and smiled. Though you didn’t have enough time to have a true protagonist-adventure, you could take a slightly longer detour to get back to the hotel and still get your P.S. I Love You moment. 
With that, you opened your GPS and turned on the ignition, determined to salvage this day.
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The Wicklow Mountains were even more glorious than you could have ever imagined; its vast, green landscape peppered with gorgeous wildflowers. It was still cloudy with a tiny bit of rainfall, but in the far off distance the sunshine peaked through, illuminating pieces of the hillside like a beacon. You blasted your favorite Irish Folk instrumental music with your hand out the window, letting the rain dance along your skin.
You didn’t know if you wanted to laugh or cry from this beautiful moment. It ended up doing a bit of both. As you sat on a part of the stone wall lined along the road for a quick stop to soak in the views, taking photos of the stunning scenery, tears welled in your eyes as a smile threatened to split your face in two.
It was perfect.
Until…..the pothole came out of nowhere.
Well, technically it didn’t come out of nowhere. That crater looked as if it had taken up permanent residency there for years, almost perfectly centered in the middle of the narrow road. There were crevices within its crevices. A seemingly endless pit that laughed at you as you noticed it too late, and you tried to slow down and turn away. This had, apparently, been the worst thing to do because as your right wheel went into it at too slow a pace and turned too much to the side, you managed to wedge it snuggly within the pothole.
And then….the car slammed to a stop.
Heart pounding from the sudden adrenaline rush, you sat there for a few seconds replaying what just occurred in your head. 
Then, looking up to the hood of the car in a silent prayer before looking back to the road ahead, you pressed on the gas pedal.
The engine revved, trying its hardest to go foreward, but you weren’t moving.
You were stuck.
“Are…you…fucking….KIDDING ME,” you wailed, slamming your palms on the steering wheel between each word. You checked the clock, which showed that you had about an hour before you had to pick up Tony for the event, and Tony was about 40 minutes away.
Tears burned your eyes as you took a few deep breaths, willing yourself to get your shit together. This was your job; you had to be the problem solver. You had to find a way to get Tony to the event.
Or else you might not have a job by the end of the day…especially if Quentin had anything to say about it.
Scrunching your face in frustration at the image of your coworker's smug expression as he watched you fail for the second time today, you pulled out your phone and tried to google a nearby garage. 
No internet connection. 
You bit your bottom lip, fighting back a scream when you looked out at the road ahead. There was a sign about 15 feet away that read:
Stuck in BHOD?
Confusion made you furrow your brows until you noticed the slightly small text below:
Car problems? With a phone number listed.
You jumped into action, dialing the number and muttering, “Pleaseee come on come on come on…”
“Wilson’s, how can I help ye?” a woman asked on the other line and you let out a sigh of relief.
“Hi,” you said, “I’m…I’m hoping I can get some help? I’m at the Wicklow-”
“Did the Black Hole of Death get ye?” the woman cut you off.
Ah….BHOD: Black Hole of Death. Funny, you thought, not laughing.
“Yeah,” you muttered, embarrassed.
“That thing is a beast. Hold on. I think I can get a car to ye in ‘bout an hour..”
“I’m sorry,” you said, voice raising a few octaves as you fought back tears, word vomiting to this kind Irish lady who had no idea who you were, “It’s just…I’m supposed to pick up my boss in an hour and I already couldn’t get him a new phone and the asshole I work with is going to probably get me fired if I can’t get there in time and I just-”
“Calm down, darlin’,” the woman said, her voice soft and soothing. Then, she let out a long breath. “Let me give my brother a call. He should be finished up with a job nearby…”
“Oh my God, thank you. Thank you thank you thank you,” you replied, wishing this lady was in front of you so you could give her the biggest hug.
She chuckled. “Can’t let yer asshole coworker win, can we?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Hell no.”
“That’s what I like to hear. Alright, keep a lookout for a blue truck. And don’t mind Bucky. He does know how to talk, he’s just weird with new folk.”
You narrowed your eyes but nodded. “Gotcha, I think.”
After you hung up, you decided to step outside and at least enjoy some more of the fresh air. The rain had stopped, leaving behind your favorite smell. It always amazed you how a bit of rainfall could heighten the scent of nature, and standing here surrounded by green fields in Ireland….it made it that much more amazing.
So amazing, that you were able to forget all of your stresses for a few moments, and just be.
Now all I need is for a gorgeous Irishman to sweep me off my fee-
The distant sound of an engine pulled you from your daydreams as you looked over to your right.
It had only been five minutes since you got off the phone with the woman at Wilson’s, and already here was the blue truck to come to your rescue.
You were going to have to call her back and get her name so you could name your first child after her.
The person in the car - Bucky, you recalled her saying - had on a black baseball cap, obscuring his face from you as the car pulled to a stop.
You stood up from leaning against the car to prepare to greet your rescuer, but as soon as he stepped onto the pavement, your body seemed to have lost any sense of balance and you found yourself leaning back against it for support.
He was the most gorgeous man you had ever seen.
Though his body was covered by a red henley and brown leather jacket, you could tell by his frame that underneath all of that material was a strong, muscular body. A black hat covered the  brown wavy hair that rested right at his shoulders.
The worst part about this ridiculously good-looking giant man was his jaw. You knew in an instant that it was one of those sharp jaws that Hollywood searched high and low for to get those swoon-worthy profile shots of a kissing scene, covered in a thin layer of stubble that you found yourself wishing you could scrape your fingers over.  
And he was so tall. The closer he got the more he towered over you. He gave you a quick up and down, that glorious jaw clenching almost imperceptibly, then moved his attention to the rental car.
You had expected him to say something when he approached, but even when he was only feet away from you, he remained silent. Apparently his sister wasn’t kidding…
The silence made you so uncomfortable that you decided to fill it.
“Hi,” you started in a light, drawn out tone, before immediately shifting to rambling, “You must be from Wilson’s. Gosh, that was fast. I just got off the phone with your sister and she said you’d be able to help. Thank you so much for coming out here so quickly. I have to go pick up my boss before he’s late for an event-”
“Can ye put the car in neutral?” Bucky finally said in a low, grizzly voice. You had yet to hear the accent from such a deep baritone and it caused you to have to take a beat and swallow as you gathered your composure.
You nodded, opening the door and sliding into the driver’s seat as you followed his request, continuing your nervous rambling, “I guess it was dumb of me to come all the way out here, but I didn’t think I would get stuck in a massive pothole-”
Your words died in your throat, mouth hanging agape as you watched Bucky positioned himself at the front of the car, squat down, clench his jaw once more, and lift it.
With you still inside. 
You let out a soft oh as he pushed the car back and out of the hole, standing up straight and wiping his hands in front of him as if nothing out of the ordinary just happened.
As if he hadn’t just lifted a car without breaking a sweat.
You sat there for a few seconds, gaping at him as he made eye contact with you. As soon as he saw your awestruck expression, the corner of his mouth twitched up and he let out a soft chuckle.
And then your insides turned to mush as the beautiful man became infinitely more beautiful.
Finally, you cleared your throat and got back out of the car, feeling both elated by the fact that you weren’t going to be late to grab Tony and from being rescued by the literal man of your dreams whom you would probably never see again.
Of course, had this been P.S. I Love You, you’d both instantly fall madly in love and kiss at the bridge and he’d move back to America with you and you’d both live happily ever after until he got sick and-
Yeah, maybe it was best that you just left it here.
“Thank you,” you said breathlessly, eyes locked on his. They were a bright, cerulean blue; a shade you were certain you had never seen before. “This was a huge help. I cannot express how grateful I am.” You checked your phone and once you saw the time your eyes widened. “Shit, I really need to get going… Um, thanks again. I’ll call your sister and have her bill me if that’s okay?”
As soon as you were about to turn to get back in the car, Bucky’s glorious jaw clenched again and he shook his head, causing you to stop in your tracks.
“That’s not gonna happen,” he said.
Your eyes narrowed, and you realized that his lack of talking was getting kind of annoying. “I’m not going to call your sister for the bill or…” or are you about to kidnap and murder me?
He shook his head again, then cocked it over to the right side of the car. “Tire’s flat. We gotta tow it back to the shop.”
You felt all of the blood drain from your body as you walked over to the tire.
Which didn’t have a single ounce of air in it.
And then, all of the composure you had been desperately holding onto crumbled as your bottom lip began to tremble.
“Great,” you said, tears welling in your eyes. Your body sagged against the hood of the car. “So I officially, totally fucked up then,” your voice broke and you breathed out a wet sob. “Literally my first big work gig and I’m going to get fired after only a month because Quentin will finally have proof that I can’t do anything right-” 
That was when your weeping totally overcame you, and speaking was no longer something you were capable of.
It was almost poetic, sitting here in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the most beautiful scenery you had ever laid eyes on standing next to an even more beautiful man while you cried into your hands.
What wasn’t poetic was the snot that was starting to build up your nose and threatening to leak out.
You quickly moved a hand to wipe it away, horrified by the scene you were displaying in front of an innocent bystander. But you were completely overcome, powerless to your emotional breakdown.
Suddenly, you felt something touch your hand.
A thin, soft, paperlike material.
A tissue.
You looked up at Bucky, his hand extended out to you with the offering, a small sympathetic smile on his face.
Grabbing the tissue and wiping your nose, you grimaced as you regained composure. “Sorry,” you muttered out, “I’m sure witnessing a crazed pathetic woman having a breakdown wasn’t on your bingo card for today.”
He shrugged. “Not a huge deal. Besides, I’ve witnessed way worse from Becs.”
Your brows knit together questioningly. “Becs?”
“Becca, my sister.”
You nodded, brows relaxing. “Looks like I’m naming my first child Becca.” Bucky’s head cocked to the side questioningly and you continued, “I decided that’s the debt I must pay for her doing me such a solid.”
The corner of his mouth twitched again as he fought back a smile. There was a mischievous light in his eyes, and he looked like he was debating whether he wanted to say something else or go back to being his mysterious, quiet self. He thankfully chose the former and responded, “But I’m the one who actually came to yer rescue. Shouldn’t ye name your kid after me?”
There is no fucking way this guy is flirting with me right now. But if - by some glorious chance - he is let’s do this.
You feigned innocence and shrugged. “I could, but the problem with that is I don’t actually know your name.” A lie, but he didn’t need to know that.
Then the universe decided to finally gift you something good today as Bucky’s mouth pulled back into a full-on grin, and it felt like you were looking at the sun.
He extended his hand out for you to shake. “James.”
You frowned as you shook his hand, speaking before you could control yourself, “I thought your name was Bucky.” 
All he did was chuckle. “Thought ye didn’t know my name.”
Your right eye twitched in horror and he bit his bottom lip, smile still plastered to his face.
“Bucky is my nickname,” he continued. “Friends, family, and those who have gone head to head with the Black Hole of Death and lived to tell the tale can call me Bucky.”
Giggling, you rolled your eyes, taking mental note of the way Bucky’s face brightened at the sound of your laugh. “Well then, nice to meet you, Bucky.”
You both realized that you were still holding hands, and you thought that you felt him squeeze yours the tiniest bit before letting go.
“So,” he said, clearing his throat, “And what do they call the soon-to-be mother of mah namesake?”
Damn, he’s smooth, you thought as heat rose to your face. “I’m Y/n.”
He nodded, still smiling. “Y/n.”
That was the moment you decided you never wanted to hear your name unless it was spoken with a husky Irish accent. Bucky’s husky Irish accent, really.
Unfortunately, the romcom moment you were experiencing was ruined as you remembered the reason that the beautiful Irishman was here, and you let out a long sigh as you grappled with the inevitable.
“Well, Bucky, I guess I gotta go meet my fate. Any chance your shop is hiring? I have very little skill with cars, but I make killer itineraries,” you said with a half-hearted laugh.
Bucky puckered his lips, then switched his gaze between you and the rental. When he locked his eyes on you once more, they narrowed. “How much time till ye have to pick up yer boss for the event?”
You checked your phone. “Forty minutes. There’s no way-”
“Grab yer stuff,” Bucky said, pulling out his own phone.
“What do you-”
“I can get ye there in thirty.” He tapped a few buttons then held the device to his ear. “We can grab yer boss, take him to the event-”
“But what about the car?”
“I’ll take care of it. We gotta move though or else I won’t be able to stop him from sacking ye.”
He walked back toward the truck and you stood there for a second, shaking your head. “Bucky!” you whined out.
“Y/n!” he whined back before muttering into his phone, and you found yourself laughing incredulously as you moved to the trunk to grab your ‘Oh Shit Kit’ work duffel and purse.
“Listen Stevie,” you overheard Bucky grumble, “Please just do me this solid and I’ll buy ye all the pints in the world tonight. Right…thanks, ye daft brute.” He hung up, opening the door to the passenger side and turning to you. As you approached, he reached out to grab your things to load them into the back seat.
“Dare I ask again about the car?” you asked skeptically.
He wiggled his eyebrows once. “It’s taken care of. All I need are the car keys and we’ll be good to go.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, still smiling. “This isn’t actually some plan for you to kidnap and murder me is it?”
He shrugged. “Guess you’re gonna have to find out, love.”
It was then that you knew that - even though it seemed like your job was no longer in jeopardy - you were totally fucked.
All you could do was shake your head, eyes glued to those beautiful blues before you as you handed Bucky the keys.
He gave you a small wink as he closed the door for you, then walked over to the Stuck in BHOD? sign and hung them against the other side.
Once Bucky was in the car, you told him the name of the hotel you were staying at and the two of you hit the road. 
You only lasted about a minute before the silence made you uncomfortable again and you looked over at Bucky and asked, “So…how long has the Black Hole of De-”
“Ye can call it BHOD-” Bucky pronounced it like bod, smirking at you, “Makes it easier.”
You nodded. “Okay, well, how long has BHOD been terrorizing the good people of Dublin?”
“Long as I can remember,” Bucky said and you scoffed.
“Why hasn’t anyone done anything about it?” you accused.
He rolled his eyes, glancing over at you for a moment before focusing back on the road. “Well isn’t that an idea,” he said sarcastically. “Listen, love, that beast cannot be tamed. We’ve tried many, many times. Each time we try to fill the hole, it comes back bigger and stronger than ever. Eventually we gave up trying to mess with the forces of nature and instead decided to spend the money on putting up the sign.”
Couldn’t argue with that.
The silence had returned, but before you had the chance to end it, Bucky beat you to the punch. “So, yer boss is…?”
“Tony Stark,” you answered. “He’s a children’s author.”
Bucky smiled to himself. “Oh, I know who Tony is. Sarah’s kids are obsessed.”
Ah, so he was with someone. You felt your stomach turn to knots as you asked, “Sarah?”
“In-law. Her brother is married to my sister,” he said.
The knots unraveled and you bit back a smile. “Are they going to the event tonight?”
He shook his head. “Nah. Sold out in seconds, apparently. The boys were gutted.”
“I’m sure I can get them in!” you said. “Tonight would be the only night I could, probably, since I’ll most likely be unemployed by tomorrow.”
Bucky furrowed his brows. “Why are ye still saying you’re going to get fired when I’m drivin’ ye to pick him up right now? Ye should be fine now.”
“Maybe, and I cannot begin to express how much I appreciate you doing this for me,” you instinctively reached out to rest a hand on his forearm. He flinched, bringing you back to your senses and you pulled it back immediately as if you had been burned. Well, in a way, you had.
But then you saw the redness rise up his neck and into his cheeks, and you realized that the giant, gorgeous Irishman was blushing.
It was a delightful sight.
“Anyways,” you continued, thumb rubbing over the palm that had just touched Bucky, “Hopefully I’m in the clear, but not likely. How am I supposed to explain his ride to the event being a pickup truck rather than the rental he’s been paying for these past few days? And then there was the whole phone shitshow-”
“What’s the phone shitshow?”
You groaned. “Tony dropped his phone off a cliff and I tried to get him a new one but because of international reasons and shit that a very nice tech person tried to explain but went right over my head, they couldn’t do it. And Tony seems like a really nice, super understanding guy, but I’m so new and have already shown I can’t handle the tasks I’ve been hired for and Quentin is definitely going to fight for me to get fired.”
“And who the fuck is this Quentin?” Bucky asked, annoyance in his voice.
You groaned louder. “He sucks. Ugh he sucks so much. He’s basically the PR/brand guy, so he’s really good at being two-faced and pleasant to the people that matter. Then he turns around and treats booksellers and me like shit. But Tony’s never seen it and Quentin has worked with him for years, so it’s my word against his.”
Bucky scrunched his face in disgust. “What a dick.” But when he said dick, it sounded like deck, which pulled you out of your grouchy mood and you giggled.
“Yes, a real deck,” you said.
Bucky scoffed. “I’m sorry, love, but are ye making fun of my accent while I’m going out of my way to save your arse?”
You kept laughing. “I know, I know, I’m sorry. I promise I think your accent is amazing.”
“Really now?” he said cheekily.
“Are you kidding? If you say my name or call me love one more time I’m pretty sure my heart is just going to give out.”
It was silent after that, and you were worried you crossed a line. But after a few seconds, Bucky responded.
“Whatever you say, Y/n.”
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Bucky pulled up to the entrance of the hotel, and you jumped out to go grab Tony. Thankfully, Quentin wasn’t able to go to the event because he was handling preparations for the fundraiser dinner tomorrow night, so you didn’t need to deal with his dramatic ass for the rest of the night.
Your boss was a bit confused when you led him to the blue pickup truck and saw a giant man in a black baseball cap and a red henley in the driver’s seat waving to him with an awkward smile, but he got into the passenger’s seat nonetheless as you climbed into the back. 
You noticed that Bucky had been on the phone with someone as you approached, quickly putting his cell away when he caught sight of you.
He kept his gaze on Bucky as he buckled his seatbelt and said, “Uh…Y/n, who is this?”
“Tony, this is Bucky. Bucky, this is Tony.”
Bucky nodded, holding out his hand. “Pleasure, sir.”
Tony shook it. “Likewise.” Then he turned around to face you. “It thought we were taking the rental?”
You opened your mouth, ready to tell him about the situation with the flat and bracing yourself for his reaction, but Bucky spoke before you had the chance.
“Turns out there was an electrical issue with the car. It broke down while Y/n was on her way and she called our shop. We offered to tow it and call her a cab but she was quite insistent that she needed to get ye to the event. She’s very persuasive, that one.” You stared at Bucky in the rearview mirror and he winked at you.
Tony nodded. “Alright then. Well, good job thinking on your feet, Y/n. I’ll be sure to call the rental company to make sure they cover the charge of the work seeing that it wasn’t our fault-”
“Already taken care of, sir,” Bucky responded. “We have this thing called BHOD Warranty that’ll cover everythin’.”
Tony gave you an impressed look then turned back around, murmuring to himself about never hearing about a BHOD Warranty and allowing you a moment to gape at Bucky’s reflection. He just shook his head.
The hotel was about 15 minutes away from the venue, and Tony spent the entirety of the trip  chatting with Bucky. He asked about his job, his family, this awesome truck he was driving, and, of course, if he had ever heard of Tony’s books.
“I have, actually. Got two nephews who are big fans.”
“Are they coming tonight?” Tony asked.
Bucky nodded. “Originally no because tickets sold out so fast. But Y/n said she’d be able to get them in.”
“Good,” Tony said. “If they’re willing, they’re welcome to hang out for a bit afterwards to chat and take some photos.”
Bucky beamed, a sense of boyish excitement painted across his features as he looked at Tony with a smile. “That would be absolutely grand, sir. Thank ye.”
Tony shook his head. “It’s the least I can do for your help today. I might even get to an event early for the first time in ages.” He turned over to you and wiggled his brows, and you felt a sense of ease wash over your whole body. 
Maybe you’d still have a job tomorrow after all.
Once you got to the venue, Bucky got out to help you with the work bag and escorted you inside.
“Will you stay for the event?” you asked once you got to the green room, eyes wide and hopeful. Normally you would have cared way more about the desperation in your voice. But you knew that your time with Bucky was limited, and you didn’t seem to care all that much how obvious it was that you didn’t want him to leave.
And based on the look on his face, he felt the same way as he smiled. “What, and miss an opportunity to hear a bigshot author speak? Not a chance, love.” 
You beamed, smiling to the point that you almost split your face in two. “Good.”
He smiled back, ocean blue eyes piercing yours. Tony was out in the hallway talking to the event coordinator, so it was just the two of you in the room. Not that you would have been able to notice anyone or anything else that existed in this moment aside from the man before you.
You felt your pulse quicken as Bucky’s pupils began to dilate, and you realized that the distance between you was beginning to close in. And then his eyes flashed down to your lips…
And then his phone started ringing, causing the two of you to jump back in surprise.
Bucky swallowed, eyes still on yours as he pulled out his phone. When he finally looked down to see who was calling, he groaned, pulling the phone to his ear.
“Stevie,” he said, annoyed, “Have I ever told ye your timin’s shite?”
“All the time,” you overheard the mysterious Stevie say on the other end. “Just letting yer ungrateful arse know I’ll be there in twenty.”
“Fine,” Bucky responded.
“You’re welcome, jerk.”
“Thanks, punk,” he said, hanging up the phone. “That was Steve. He’ll be here with the car soon.”
Your head hung back as you looked up at the ceiling, letting out a huge sigh of relief before looking back at him. “Thank fucking God. Thank you Bucky. You really didn’t have to do all of this.”
He shrugged, giving you a side smile. “What can I say, love? I hate seeing a pretty lass cry. Gotta do whatever it takes to see her smilin’ as much as possible.”
Just as you were about to respond to that stupidly romantic statement, Tony walked in and it was time to get the show on the road. Bucky excused himself, saying he was going to wait by the entrance for Sarah and the boys.
You spent the next half hour helping Tony get ready, touching base with the bookstore staff running the event, and making sure everything went according to plan. This was the part of the job you loved, the rush right before a big event where everything was chaotic and you were hyper-focused on smoothing any issues out.
Then, it was time for Tony to get on stage. Before he did, though, he turned to you with a small smile.
“I’m really glad you’re on this team, Y/n. Couldn’t have gotten a better hire.” He rested a hand on your shoulder and squeezed it, then turned around and walked out to greet the crowd, leaving you with a fresh sheen of tears in your eyes.
Once you were convinced that Tony was all settled and the event was in full swing, you moved from backstage to the very back of the venue hall, leaning against the wall as you watched your boss do his thing. He was so charismatic, and the audience couldn’t stop laughing as he spoke, yourself included.
A few minutes into his talk, you felt a large, muscular arm brush against yours and you turned to see Bucky standing next to you. 
You smiled, cocking your head to the side questioningly and you whispered. “Are Sarah and the boys here?”
He nodded, leaning over to whisper into your ear, and the heat of his breath made you have to fight back a shiver. “Just got in and sat down.”
“Don’t you want to sit with them?” you asked, though you wished he would stay with you for the rest of forever.
“Had to get something to ye,” he said, and he leaned back, hand extended out to you.
He was holding out a small shrink wrapped box with the image of a phone on it.
You stared at it, eyes wide.
“Did I mention earlier that Sarah works in tech?” he asked.
You shook your head, eyes still glued to the phone.
“I guess her company keeps stock of American devices, because - shockingly enough - yer boss isn’t the only one to lose or break his phone while traveling abroad. It’s all legit, all he needs to do is log into his plan and everything should be set up in less than 20 minute-”
Bucky let out a soft oof as you hurled your body into his, wrapping your arms around his neck. He only froze for a few seconds before wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closely to him.
“Thank you,” you whispered into his shoulder.
He chuckled. “Anytime, love.” He pulled away to look at you. “Unfortunately, phones are expensive as shit so I can’t necessarily waive this charge like with the tire…”
“Absolutely,” you said. “I’ll give Sarah my number and I’ll cover that bill. Though that still doesn’t feel like I’m adequately making up for all of the miracles you’ve pulled off today.”
Then, for the second time today, Bucky blushed, and he scratched the back of his neck. “Well, actually. I was wonderin’ if ye might be willin’ to make it up to me by, erm….goin’ out with me tonight?”
Your jaw dropped, and Bucky’s eyes widened in panic as he frantically whispered, “It’s not a big deal. Ye can say no. It’s just, I figured it’s yer first time in Dublin and my friends and I always go to the pub on weekends and I thought it might be fun for ye to get a real taste of Ireland-”
His eyebrows rose. “Yes?”
You nodded, biting your bottom lip. “I’d love that, Buck.”
His chest rose and fell as he let out a sigh of relief. “Excellent,” he said, and then the two of you turned your smiling faces around to watch Tony speak.
For the rest of the event, you both stood side by side against the back wall, your cheek leaning against his arm.
After all the shit you had gone through today and all the stress that had previously consumed your body, you couldn’t help but feel grateful that you had accidently driven your car straight into a ditch.
Sure, you could have easily gotten fired, but even if you had, at least you got to meet Bucky.
Hillary Swank would be proud.
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Chapter 2
Header image taken by the woman who requested this magical fic, @w0nderw0mansw0rld <3
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HELLO?!? HELOIOOOOOOOIIIIUIIO 😭😭😭 IM DECEASED. I expect you to write a very beautiful eulogy about how your words and the way you string them together to paint perfect pictures of love and joy and sorrow KILLED me!!!
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Don’t Give Up On Me
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: You stole his plum one spring day. Then his heart. You can keep both as long as you promise to love him and not give up on him.
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Gif courtesy of @geezumarts
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: TFAWS Bucky Barnes X Reader
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 2.5K
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Smidge of Angst, Heaping of fluff
𝘉𝘦𝘵𝘢’𝘥 by the talented @ sweeterthanthis and @whisperlullaby but 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘰𝘸𝘯
Written for @book-dragon-13
Do not copy, rewrite, translate or post my work anywhere. No permission given to copy, translate, rewrite or post any parts of my stories.𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵, 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 (𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵)
Check out my Masterlist and Taglist! Requests are closed
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You stole the last plum.
You met the man of your dreams because you stole the last plum.
A brisk spring breeze had picked up around the small, noisy marketplace, flyers fluttering as the wind moved around you, people chatting and laughing as they held down loose items.
Bringing your hood over your head, you tucked your phone between your ear and shoulder. Distracted by your best friend asking when you were coming home, you had inadvertently snatched the slightly bruised purple fruit from his gloved hand.
Bucky coughed, clearing his throat to ask for it back, his words fizzling in his throat when you turned to him. His mouth parted in shock and wonder when his mesmerizing blue eyes connected with yours.
The world stopped, faded into the background. For a second, all you could hear was his quiet breathing. All you could see were his eyes, guarded under the rim of his black cap. Hauntingly beautiful, full of secrets that only you would uncover.
Then your phone slipped to the pavement with a clatter, and the world spun again, the spell broken. You held out your arm, his eyes dropping to the little fruit wobbling on your open palm.
“Keep it.” He spoke, his tone gravelly, a slight hesitation as if he hadn’t spoken in a while, “I can come back tomorrow.” His voice deepened with each word. You knew then his voice would become one of your favorite sounds.
“No, no, you had it first. I’m sorry, I can come back tomorrow,“ you insist.
After a few more minutes of both of you each trying to get the other to take the overripe fruit, the vendor leaned over her cart with a knowing grin. “Son, why don’t you share it with the pretty girl and you both come back tomorrow, I’ll hide my best ones for you.”
When you started to shake your head, she stopped you with a look that said ‘shut up I’m trying to help you,’ her eyes cutting from your face to him. “And I won’t sell to either of you unless you show up together.”
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#when your entire portfolio consists of fucked up characters 💀
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Just in case you need a little thirst this fine day @cooldreamlandsandwich
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Good morning everybody and I hope you all enjoy your off day on this Friday as much as you can.
And as always: " Life is not always perfect. Like a road, it has many bends, ups and down, but that’s its beauty."
~ Amit Ray ~
@youbloodymadgenius @inforapound @readsalot73 @waiting4inspiration @heavenly1927 @therealcalicali @car-karaoke @tgrrose @geekandbooknerd @gearhead66 @naaladareia @naaladareias-fic-reblogs @flowers-in-your-hayr @alexoddities @fantasygirl1864 @the-greenestofbeans @alexhandersenx @peakygroupie @greeny-kitten @the-shieldmaiden-sword @hecohansen31 @xbellaxcarolinax @alexhoghdaily @alexhogh7137 @5secondsofsomerhalder @didiintheblog @shannygoatgruff @youaremyfamiliar @peachyboneless @nukyster-blog @xceafh @amy8220 @blueyed-one @pieces-by-me @al-lwiisa @angelofthorr @assassinsasha23 @ivarsgoddess @zuxiezendler @alexhandersenblog @punkrocknpearls @fuchsiagrasshopper @cocovikings23 @oceansodeep
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Exes and Oh’s
A/N: I fully blame @buckyshattergirl​ for this idea and for making my brain even hornier than usual – which is a feat in and of itself – but it’s okay because I love you and I’m really damn thankful that you’re such a cheerleader, my little pastry chef!
You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll make you a personalized drabble, oneshot or multichapter fic – anything you want, with anyone you want, the sky is the limit!
I love y’all. Remember, feedback feeds the soul and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits, because I am me and I have none.
Pairing: AU!Beefy!Bucky Barnes x Ex!Female Reader x Steve Rogers (mentioned)
Warnings: sort of enemies to lovers, ex-lovers, language, Beefy!Bucky, smut (minors DNI) p in v, unprotected sex, dirty talk, spitting, fingering, oral (m and f receiving), degradation, choking, spanking, slapping, praise-kink, daddy-kink, pet-names, more dirty talk, cream pie, slight cum-play, probably something else too
Wordcount: 3.123
Exes and Oh’s
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The door opened with the sound of Steve’s voice, boisterous and loud – Bucky stood up from the couch of their shared apartment and plastered a smile on his face; Steve had brought his girlfriend home for the first time, while Bucky was there, and the normal niceties were required of him, or – according to Steve – Bucky would get his ass handed to him. He could damn well try.
“Stevie, I’m in the living room!” He shouted out and adjusted his posture, doing his best to not look so… Intimidating. Steve came into the room first, his smile wide and happy. “Behave, Buck.” He quickly shot out, before pulling a very familiar face out.
Y/N. Fucking Y/N.
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also i think it's funny how tumblr was like "you can pay to see someone's posts" and we were all like FUCK you and they were like "... pay to... inflict your own posts... on others?" and we were like
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rereading my own writing is just a constant fluctuation between "damn, girl, you wrote this? (affectionate)" and "damn, girl, you wrote this? (derogatory)"
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