Just a blog showcasing new terms coined for various identities. Taking submissions!
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So I noticed that there’s no terms to represent nonbinary “same” gender attraction and “opposite” gender attraction, so I decided to coin some!
Contraic: “Opposite” gender attraction for nonbinaries, using the prefix “contra” as in “contradict”, meaning “opposite”
The colors in contraic are purples tinged in blue and pink, to represent masculinity and femininity. Uses yellow to represent nonbinary attraction.
Symmaic: “Same” gender attraction for nonbinaries, using the prefix “sym” as in “symmetry”, meaning “same”
Uses the same shade of purple to represent the median between masculinity and femininity. Uses yellow and white to represent nonbinary attraction.
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Antheic Gender
Antheic (an-thay-ick) is a gender characterized with beauty, love and aesthetics being an integral part of one's identity. It is named after an epithet of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, Antheia, which means "The Blooming" and "Friend of Flowers".

Red and pink represent love, yellow and white represent the nonbinary nature of the gender, blue is a nod to Aphrodite, who this gender was inspired by, and green represents aesthetics.
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Hey I heard you guys like readable guides so I made some readable guides for some alignment/gender/presentation systems.
IN THIS ORDER: Galaxy Gender Alignment, which is meant to be replacements for the typical ‘___-aligned’ description. Made by @temp-nb-blog
Celestial System, which is for nonbinary genders that have a soft “energy” to them – not a gender or gender alignment in and of itself. Made by @juparian
Xenic Alignment System, which is for xenic genders. Made by @uncommongenders
Aesthetic Alignment, which is for gender expression. Made by @elfiot
Exemgenders System, which is for xenogenders that have wild and animalistic traits, following the Pokemon types as a theme. Made by @coiningblog
Gender Element System, which is for a gender’s essence, not necessarily its associated alignment. Made by @genderelementarchive
WARNING: When you see the word “Neutral,” THAT DOES NOT MEAN “IN BETWEEN” OR “ANDROGYNOUS.” In most contexts here it actually means “gendered, but not binary,” which is similar to “nonbinary” but since all of these genders are nonbinary to begin with, think of it as the unnamed, but still resonant, feeling of having gender that has no masculine or feminine feelings within it. In the case of the Aesthetic Alignment, “Andro” is short for Androgynous, or rather mixed (or in between) gender expression.
The terms “masc” and “fem” are short for “masculine” and “feminine,” not really masculine or feminine genders, but masculine or feminine feelings.
The Element System has a secondary colorblind-friendly chart, since I know the color choices I picked for the first chart may not be viewable for some people with visual disabilities (yellow-blue color blindness, for example). Hopefully, for those it applies to, the colorblind version’s easier to see.
And for the love of god, please, open these in another tab/window. Do not view them inside tumblr’s image preview, I will die inside.
If you have any other gender alignment systems that you want made into a viewable, broken down graph, please let me know. I’ll do what I can. I need sources for ALL CONTRIBUTORS and ALL POSTS should there be multiple posts/contributors involved in the alignment system.
Terfs, swerfs, MAPs, anti-MOGAI and other gender gatekeepers keep your filthy hands off.
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Many people are doing this survey just to troll, but really, all they're doing is hurting people for a short term laugh or putting other people down in order to promote "equality" for themselves. If you're LGBT+ and are one of the people to send in fake entries or send hateful anon messages, shame on you. You are only making yourself look hateful.
"MOGAI" is, admitedly, not without its flaws. However, a majority of people identifying under said term are doing so in a respectful way, and if a MOGAI term is disrespectful or harmful, people can generally recognize that.
MOGAI, in general, is not hurting anyone. People who identify this way do not deserve the treatment they receive. You do not have to support it, you do not have to like it, to be a good person and just move on. These death threats, these insults, they only serve to add more LGBT+ deaths, most of which were minors, to the count. Grow up and learn to be tolerant.
Thank you for such kind words, @chasingthestaaars! It got taken down due to having 50+ suicide bait responses and death threats when I’m already struggling with physical, mental, and emotional abuse at home and trying to escape at any possible time while struggling in school, dysphoria, ptsd, and the surprisingly major will to end my own life.
Please stop calling others lives bullshit. You are not original nor funny. This pushes a lot of people to attempt suicide and those deaths stain your hands. I know sick fucks like you sleep happy knowing that, but it’s nice to reflect every now and then.
I am replying here because @uncommongenders deserves to stay free of bullshit like yours. We are not hurting any one. Please kindly fuck off and just keep to your bigoted thoughts if you can not do anything of use. -Sincerely, Admin Kyle
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Nocis- alternative terms
I've noticed that the terms nocis-, nocisma- and nociswoma- have came into existence to describe orientation, but some view those to be too clunky and prefer a monolexic term to describe their attraction, so @ask-pride-color-schemes and I came up with some monolexic terms!
Noctic: Not being attracted to cis people. Named so for the lunar theme of the other two nocis- terms.
Syncoric: Not being attracted to cis women. Named for being a moon of Uranus, as Syncoric is a subterm of Uranic.
Nesoic: Not being attracted to cis men. Named for being a moon of Neptune, as Nesoic is a subterm of Neptunic.
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Took a shot at creating some Nonbinary options for sex labels today. I don’t much care for having to crush myself into the female or male checkboxes, being as I am an intersex & nonbinary person.
So here’s what I brainstormed:
Xeumel: a non-binary person.
A generic umbrella term, used as a separate option for NBs instead of male and/or female.
[ ‘xe’ stands for xenogenders, ‘eu’ represents neutral genders, ‘mel’ mimics the pattern from female & male to make the term sound like it fits with the other options; ‘mel’ can also be switched with ‘male’ to keep even more ‘in-theme’ with the other existing terms, if that’s more preferable to someone. ]
More specific options:
Xeamel: feminine nonbinary person.
Xaimel: masculine nonbinary person.
Xaemel: simultaneously masc & fem nonbinary person.
Neumel: gender-neutral nonbinary person.
Xomel: completely genderless person.
All of these can also be shortened to their prefix to be used instead of Man / Woman • boy / girl.
Xeu = general nonbinary person ( obviously you can just say ‘person’ though )
Xea = nb person who considers themself to be ( somewhat, or quite ) feminine
Xai= nb person who considers themself to be ( somewhat, or quite ) masculine
Xae: a nonbinary person who considers themself to be simultaneously masc & fem.
Neu: a gender-neutral nonbinary person.
Xo = genderless person ( ‘person’ also works by itself of course ).
Ex: “I am not male or female, I am Xeumel / Xeamel / Xaimel / Xomel / Xaemel / Neumel.”
“I met a very sweet xea today, they helped pick up my book when I dropped it.”
“What’s up, xu?” ( “what’s up, man?” )
Note: All X’s are pronounced as Z’s for these words.
‘Zoo-mel’ ( Xeumel )
‘Zee-mel’ ( Xeamel )
These terms are in deliberate opposition to the sex binary as a rigid structure. As an intersex person, I am greatly displeased with coercive & assigned sex labels altogether, so– I’ve decided to tamper with the rigidity that they falsely hold.
This is a simple strive to gain distance away from the idea that “male” and “female” are the only two sexes that have ever, will ever, or do exist. The aforementioned concept harms intersex people, non-intersex people, as well as those who exist apart from the two Western sexes.
While these terms do spawn from my being intersex, the labels are free to use by any Non-binary person who’s fed-up with the sex binary as well.
@genderlist @transgalaxies @uncommongenders @pride-color-schemes @temp-nb-blog @juparian @ultergender
Any thoughts or improvements that could be made to this idea?
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Ok so what if we went with SUPER basic, easy to remember terminology?
emsexual (and romantic) - nonbinary/agender/GQ/genderfluid attraction to men
mascsexual (and romantic,) - nonbinary/agender/GQ/genderfluid attraction to masculine people
efsexual (and romantic,) - nonbinary/agender/GQ/genderfluid attraction to women
femsexual (and romantic,) - nonbinary/agender/GQ/genderfluid attraction to feminine people
parosexual (and romantic,) - nonbinary/agender/GQ/genderfluid attraction to similar identifying people
neusexual (and romantic) - attraction to neutral/agender people (not coined by me )
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Epicene Greygender Abrogender pastel and stuffed animal moodboard for @cuteaus
Sources: https://pastebin.com/m158eLDk
Epicene: An adjective that indicates a lack of gender distinction. The Order of the Epicene website includes a definition of epicene that they credit to the Oxford English Dictionary; ‘that which exhibits characteristics of both genders, yet is neither’.
Greygender: Describes a person who is ambivalent about their gender identity/expression, but who identifies at least partially with a gender (defined or not) outside of the binary.
Abrogender: A gender that changes so fast that it can not be pinned down and/or having so many tiny aspects that you feel like you are continuously discovering your gender.
- Mod Merc

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Wanna be a mod for uncommongenders?
Okay so while I can not do traditional mods for the server, I CAN work a system via google drive and discord (must have access to both!) I am looking for mods since I have a hard time answering everything and finishing all of the aesthetics (I can only do 5 at a time)! So, I will open up to mods who want to help out! Read more for all details
Keep reading
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Desires for relations based on types of attraction
Smush - (based on sexual attraction) a strong desire to be sexually close to or have a sexual relationship with a specific person; ex. of usage: “They’re so smushable”/“i’m in complete smush for you”/“Who’s your current smush?”
Crush - (based on romantic attraction) a strong desire to be romantically close to or have a romantic relationship with a specfic person; ex. of usage: “I have a crush on you”/“I’m currently crushing on [x]”
Squish - (based on platonic attraction) a strong desire to be platonically close to or have an intimate friendship with a specific person; ex. of usage: “I have a squish on [x]”/“I’m squishing so hard for you”
Lush - (based on sensual attraction) a strong desire to be sensually close to or engage in sensual activities with a specific person; ex. of usage: “I have a lush for you”/“I’m in total lush with you”/“Who are you currently lushing for?”
Swish - (based on aesthetic attraction) a strong desire to be aesthetically close to or have freedom to continue aesthetic appreciation of a specific person; ex. of usage: “I have such a swish for [x]”/“Who are your top five swishes?”
*Available for use by persons of any race, sexuality, or gender identity
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lavendrous would be a good adjective to describe any trait related to being non-straight or even non-cis tbh. or obviously anything else we could derive from the term lavender.
as it’s a colour that has historically been associated with sapphicism, bisexuality, genderqueerness, and the more radical (as in directly political) aspects of our community too…
i think it’s quite fitting, it’s a gentle smell, a beautiful flower too, so i think using the term more actively would be pretty neat. i think you could even say a lot of poetic things in relation to our experiences too tbh.
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Nonlexic & Semilexic
It recently came to my attention that there was a gap in the language we had to talk about our experiences in the autistic community. We have nonverbal and semiverbal to discuss our ability to speak with our mouth parts, but not our use of language itself.
So I created a few possible options, and sent out a poll, so that we could coin a new pair of terms to allow us to discuss our experiences. An overwhelming majority (73.3%) of responses liked nonlexic and semilexic. So, to help us discuss our experiences, I give to you:
Lexic: Root Origin - Greek; Definition- of or related to words, speech, and language.
Nonlexic - The total loss of ability to comprehend, process, and produce language.
Semilexic - The partial loss of ability to comprehend, process, and produce language.
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Weregender: (pronounced wear-gender) a subset of demigender where you are ususally one gender (or multiple) but are another under specific circumstances. For example, a person is usually maverique, but during storms they are neutrois. Can be combined with other genders, e.g. wereboy, wereagender, etc. Made with werewolves in mind, who are usually human except at the full moon.
coined by me (@xeno-aligned)
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Cenrell (pronounced sen-rell): a gender identity where one feels most comfortable within the gender neutral spectrum, but still feels a strong attachment to masculinity. This is similar to the idea of “manugender” (nonbinary with emphasis on masculinity). This is the “masculine” version of faesari.
The colors of the flag are based loosely on the different skin tones found in the drell species in the Mass effect games (since we’re mostly exposed to the boys of the race in the mass effect series).
People have been requesting a masculine equivalent (at least around different tumblrs and where the faesari flag has been posted on social media), so here you go!
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More of a submission but pride-flags on deviantart have the gender flags and description of deifigender (including deifiboy, deifigirl and deifinonbinary) and I haven't seen them on tumblr yet!
I’m sure they’ll post in on their own blog eventually, but I can post them here if you’d like!
Deifigender: Feeling like a gender that is something more, something divine and deific, impossibly powerful yet difficult to explain.
Deifigirl: Feeling like a girl, but also something more, something divine and deific, impossibly powerful yet difficult to explain.
Deifiboy: Feeling like a boy, but also something more, something divine and deific, impossibly powerful yet difficult to explain.
Deifinonbinary/Deifienby : Feeling like a nonbinary gender, but also something more, something divine and deific, impossibly powerful yet difficult to explain.
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Sex and Romance Positive/Favorable Pride Flags
Sex-Positive/Sex-Favorable: a person who enjoys sex or participates in sexual acts for other reasons, regardless of sexual orientation
Romance-Positive/Romance-Favorable: a person who enjoys romance or participates in romantic acts for other reasons, regardless of romantic orientation
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