sam ♡
224 posts
my art journey ( •̀ ᴗ - ) and S×F 💫
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ideksams · 2 days ago
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spy city 🌃
(when my two interests crossover lmao... artwork inspired by +82 pressin' mv. if you don't know, here's the context: they're both top assassins and partners. one day, the one dressed as loid finds out the agency they work for had been surpressing their emotions. he goes AWOL, and the one dressed as yor goes out to assassinate him, but he can't do it in the end (i mean, they were partners after all...) yeah i was hooked by that story and instantly wanted to draw twiyor lol)
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ideksams · 3 days ago
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idk why in this scenario he would still be lying to her about being anya's bio dad, but anyways 😹😹😹
the other comic
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ideksams · 5 days ago
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ideksams · 7 days ago
then what - final collaborative comic
it only took... 8 months (i can explain i swear) but it's finally finished! its extremely long, so i'm putting it under a read more. enjoy :D
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page 2 - @unhappy-sometimes
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page 3- @neapenning
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page 4 - @missedthememo
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page 5 - @chimken-nugget
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page 6 - @spencer-is-someone
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page 7 - @shrimparmy
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page 8 - @missflufffanfics
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page 9 & 10 - @nightviator
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page 11 & 12 - @awesomedurraworld
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page 13 - @spacemichelle
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page 14 - rough by @quinonoid, final by me
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page 15 - @izzy-draws05
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page 16 - @cresneta
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page 17 & 18 - @dipothebookworm
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page 19 - rough by @cat-copnt, final by me
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page 20 - @gijipaw
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page 21 - @tinypaperstar
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page 22 - @esomq
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page 23 - @kittyshy123
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page 24 - @peanutseagle
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and pages 25-30 by @buf309 / @buf309-art-binder :)
Oh boy. a project like this was gonna take a long time already because of the scope and sheer number of people, but add in a bunch of technicalities + extra work in the end + the few extra pages i had to draw + finals week and... yeah. 8 months later. its funny bc this was supposed to be to celebrate hitting 25k, and im at 27.7k now 😭
BUT IT'S FINISHED! i'm so proud and so in awe of all the talent that exists in this fandom. i have definitely learned a lot from managing a project like this. I would love to do it again in the future (but maybe on a smaller scale, LOL).
special shoutout to @buf309 for all that legwork you put in the end with SIX PAGES, that also managed to bring the story together. I honestly did not know how the heck you would bring it all together, but you knocked it out of the park.
this was lots of fun. thank you everyone and i hope you enjoyed :D
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ideksams · 10 days ago
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accompaniment to this
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ideksams · 11 days ago
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the painters 🎨
i wanted to portray "the art of deception" or rather "to paint a lie" along with the theme of "artist" because of xppen (a drawing tablet company! haha, shoutout to that... i'm hosting giveaways on instagram and twitter for a free tablet + free commission if you want to check it out!) OMG thank gosh tumblr actually saves the quality of the drawing 😭
anywho, my brain could not come up with a creative-enough theme and was too afraid to experiment with anything else (even though i had 30 ideas) so i went ahead with this! i tried to delve into making my own 3d references and this is probably the first time i've ever tried to draw a full scene! 🤔 totally my gateway into figuring out perspective. i'm glad that i've been inspired to try painting/illustrating again lately after almost giving up... 🥹
and here is a youtube speedpaint of the whole process if you're interested! 😄 (because i love making these and picking the music HAHA)
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ideksams · 11 days ago
how de fuq do u manage having THREE different socials and being (fairly) active on ALL of them??? WITH a job AND an ongoing degree?????
HAHAHA first of all i find this really sweet even though you sound angry 😭
anyways, i used to think that i was just a good planner or whatever... but, it turns out that IT'S MY PERSONALITY 😭?!
i never knew that the J in your MBTI stood for the organizedness and how much you prefer structure 😭 people tend to compare me to loid and that probably sums up why...
like, how can loid manage the things that he does when he's doing missions 😭 keeping track of 8378 bits of knowledge and 9192 back-up plans-?? i digress...
OK enough rambling
the short answer is that i really love what i'm doing so it motivates me! i love drawing the most, interacting, keeping up with the socials (mostly twitter these days) and etc...
when it comes to my job and school, i feel like i've perfected the art of "planning"... i prefer to plan my days/weeks so that i can make sure i have time for the things that need to be done and plan for the things that i want to do- because if i don't plan, i subconsciously feel like i'll never have the time to do the things i love :( and planning keeps me motivated because it'll be like "oh, i won't have time to draw today unless i finish this project at all costs"!
but yeah! that's how i get by- but also, these days i've been slacking a little because i'm graduating soon so i've had more time to do stuff... i also sleep far less than i used to, but somehow i manage to balance it out 😂 working night shifts helped with that!
but what was the cost? all my years up 'til now have been intense hours of studying, all-nighters, writing countless scholarship essays to be able to afford school, working part-time jobs, summer courses, and writing notes with barely any free time ...
so if you're worried about not having enough time now- that's probably normal 😔 i went through that in the past but i'm fortunate that things have eased up for me due to my previous hard work 😆
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ideksams · 11 days ago
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✧ soaring high above, watching over you ✧
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ideksams · 11 days ago
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they r best friends
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ideksams · 11 days ago
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i can't resist the cute trends ✨️
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ideksams · 12 days ago
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i really liked @briefhottubcoffee’s fic we were together in the rain
thanks for your wonderful contributions to the fandom :)
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ideksams · 14 days ago
i wish there was a way to send a like to the hashtags that people put when they reblog your art... is there? i really don't know what the etiquette is, but i want everyone to know that i read the reblogs and they always make me happy and/or laugh... thank you... 🥹
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ideksams · 14 days ago
love your art SO MUCH!! do you have any oddly specific twiyor hcs?
THANK YOU!! and ooh! this is very interesting, I don't think I've been asked about oddly specific hcs before 🤔
1) I've def mentioned this before but I think loid would braid yor's hair in the future, esp if they're at a stage where they're comfortable with each other but not super physically affectionate yet (prpr anyone). but even after they're physical it's like a routine! i think loid would do the most complex crazy braids imaginable and yors hair is the perfect length and texture for it (and she has the patience to sit there unlike Anya LMAO) so he just gets to go ham
2) idk if this is oddly specific, but i don't see them using nicknames/endearment terms 😳😳 in my head the sweetest thing they can call each other by is their names :] and i think names have significance in sxf (code names, anya and bond being referred to with numbers when they were subjects, the mystery of redacted) so yeah
3) this is totally inspired by a comic @buf309 made, but loid is a workaholic who doesn't know how to stop working and go to sleep. if yor tries to get him to sleep he'll try to charm her into letting him stay up but it doesnt work LMAO. nothing is hotter to yor than a well rested husband...
4) they continuously learn from each other, whether it's loid teaching Yor a new dish, or them trading combat tips. I think esp in loids case, Yor provides a lot of wisdom and advice that completely changes his outlook on life every single time
5) loid totally dresses the family up and buys new sparkly outfits for them, but Yor just has a penchant for thrifting, ESPECIALLY when it comes to finding stuff for loid. he's a sweater/jumper/cardigan guy but will hardly buy casual clothing for himself so that's where Yor jumps in. actually I bet they fill each other's closets lol
6) one of loid's favorite flavors is apple because it's yor's favorite and makes her happy (pretend this one's original and not from my comic)
these are all for now, maybe I will reblog w more/if anyone has any additions :D
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ideksams · 15 days ago
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waiting 📔
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ideksams · 16 days ago
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Papa and mama are flirting 😳🌹
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ideksams · 17 days ago
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ideksams · 17 days ago
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HI long time no post 😭 i got a new tablet and i wanna be more active again wahhh so have this drawing i did last night!!
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