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ideationip · 2 years ago
Patent Validity and Invalidity Search
We provide the complete service for Intellectual Property Rights, helping clients from start-ups to MNCs across various industries in Patent Search and Design Search to file or claim patent for their innovation globally. Our search and analytics methodology to conduct assignments is a fine combination of manual efforts by skilled and trained resources and automated efforts by proprietary artificial intelligence systems.
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ideationip · 2 years ago
What to do if you are condemned for Patent Infringement?
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Patent Infringement is a serious issue and if you are condemned by it then you have to face the consequences. If you are infringing someone’s innovation or idea then you are responsible for the damages, loss or profit, attorney fees and also there are high chances to ban.
What should you do?
It is always wise to speak with a patent attorney if you are condemned for infringing someone’s patent. Since the attorneys are experts and guide you make a proper response to the party making the accusation.
Let the Patent owner know that you have approached your attorney with respect to the claim made by them and also you have taken the claim seriously.
Patent Infringement Analysis:                      
Patent Infringement analysis is directed to decide whether the invention or idea infringes upon an existing patent claim. The possibility should be determined first to conduct a patent infringement analysis and secondly should check whether the entire claim is adjacent to the Invention.
There are two types of patent Infringement:
·         Literal Infringement
·         Doctrine of equivalence
Literal Infringement is done when all the elements of the claim are found in condemned invention; this will help you to get a better understanding of the outcome of the infringement of a patent.
When the condemned invention or idea does not exactly infringe on the claims, Doctrine of equivalence is done.
We, IdeationIP carry out an intensive analysis with the claim chart of a patent and recognize the elements of the claims with our experts to identify infringement of a invention in reference to the patent claim.
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ideationip · 2 years ago
Procure marketable useful patents for AI in Europe:
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If the AI invention is not famous and cannot be determined then it’s obvious to think that the AI invention isn’t marketable and filing patents for this invention won’t be useful. It’s not surprising that the invention made may be improvised and results as the most beneficial patent.
There are certain domains and sectors in which filing a patent will be easier and will be helpful in acquiring market standards such as public sectors in UK, Healthcare and safety systems.
If you plan not to file patent for your invention then start understanding how EPO grants permission. The EPO generally considers applied inventions than core AI inventions.
The invention can only be patented if the application is “sufficient”. It is a legal requirement that the patent application must be skilled enough to reinvent the invention, so the inventor should make sure that the application contains all the necessary details.
A complete prototype should be given like example, architecture of the model, parameters. You can also denote to an open source dataset.
If a normal connection isn’t promptly transparent, it can be added if any information supports the present one and here the academic papers can also be used as reference.
Speculative data can also be added illustrating that it can be achieved. Comparative data can be added to an application regarding to the improved model.
The conclusion is, commercially useful patents for AI applications can be obtained now in Europe. This can also be an act which can help in selecting the inventions which are appreciable and patentable. If you find an application which competes the act, then the patent application will be expected as an best outcome.
Patent Filing in Europe
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ideationip · 2 years ago
Quick Prior Art Search
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We give the best reports with our automated and manual search process within a short period of time. Connect with us for Quick Prior Art Searches and load of results for your further analysis
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ideationip · 2 years ago
Why patent search is very much important?
Patent Search is a process which has to be done at different  stages for protecting your invention or idea and patent search is done several times to know whether the invention is already existed and whether it can be patented or not. Patent Search should be completed before filing for the protection and later exclusive search will be done by the USPTO. The inventor with patent rights for his invention can stop others from copying their invention or patented idea
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Benefits of Patent Search:
• Patent Search should be done before applying for patent filing to check whether the invention can be patented or not.
• Patent Search must be done by highly experienced patent analyst since the patent protection is completely based on the end results of patent Search
• The main benefit of patent search is to know the uniqueness of the invention and also helps you to know the cost to be spent on your invention
• Patent Search will cost money but it’s worth spending it and it helps you save money because patent filing is expensive.
How to get best patent search results?
• Go for the best Patent Search Firm who is skilled in patent filing, before hiring their service you have to reputation and quality of their service.
• Use the same keyword like the competitor which will help you to get the best patent search result
• Google patents is a free tool which is widely used by the analyst but there are some paid tools which are costly and Patent Search firm will be using it to produce the best tools.
• Brainstorm the keywords
Types of Patent Search:
• Patentability Search or Novelty Assessment
• Invalidity or Validity study
• State of art
• Product clearance search
• Patent Landscape Search
• Prior Art Search
• Design Search
• Infringement Search
Many top companies go to the patent search firms which can produce the best patent search result.
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ideationip · 2 years ago
Top 5 reasons why a patent is important for any innovation?
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·         Patent gives complete right
Owning a Patent will give you the complete rights to protect it from others taking advantage of your Idea or innovation. It provides the Patent owner the right to prohibit others from using the invention which has the patent rights and also prevents our innovation from our competitors, only the respective person who owns the patent rights can decide whether the necessary person or company can use his invention.
 ·         Patent supports your business to enrich
A Patent can help your business to grow and gain more profit but it can be done only if you own a patent for the invention. When you own a patent for an invention which has high demand in the market you can make a lot of money and other person competitors can use it only with your permission. If the inventor cannot produce the resources needed for his invention then he has to buy the technology from the registered patent owner.
·         Technology Transfer
 Technology process is a complicated process which includes several non-scientific and non-technological factors. There are so many factors for a successful technology transfer, Successful and quality research results alone cannot make the technology transfer successful, other factors like skills, awareness, and access to fear finance and IP management are also necessary for successful technology transfer.
 ·         Easy to get investors
 Many Inventions are stopped in between due to the lack of capital or funding needed for the inventions. If you have a patent for your invention securing an investor like venture capital or angel investors will be easy. Investors will trust if they see your invention is having patent and the innovation is something new which going to create an impact.
 ·         New Market Exposure
 A Patent may also business value to enter in to new markets using merger, joint venture and partnership. Portfolio will give additional advantage to the company which will be useful for start-ups and investors    to get in to new markets with new business partner
 File Patent for your innovation easily (Patent Filing in India)
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ideationip · 2 years ago
Indian developers hold a list of patents for 6G:
Union Minister for Communication, Electronics, and Information Technology said that Indian developers have the technology required for the development of 6G.
The IIT Hyderabad Institute has displayed a 6G technology model and stated that they have succeeded it 2 to 3 times with more spectral efficiency and speed when compared to 5G.
Vaishnaw has said that India has to take the lead in the development and classification of 6G. Many of the Developments for 6G have already happened and Indian developers hold the patent for it, also said that India’s goal is to be leaders in 6G and we are working to achieve it.
5G technology waited to come up with greater speed than 4G and three times greater spectrum efficiency.
Professor Kiran Kuchi from IIT Hyderabad who is leading the 6G development project said that the Institute is already having some patents that will help in the innovation of 6G standards.
The professor has said that it will take up to 10 years for a technology to grow-up and also has started patenting the technologies which play a key factor in developing the 6G standards.
IIT Hyderabad was one of the institutes that played a major role in inventing the Indian 5G standards. The 5Gi is already implemented in new smartphones and the final release of 5Gi will be out soon.
Patent Filing in Chennai 
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ideationip · 2 years ago
6 Easy steps to file a patent:
If you are an inventor having a new product or invention then filing a patent is necessary, it is a lengthy process and for the people who are claiming it for the first time it looks complicated and confusing. There are 5 easy steps which could take you to the entire patent process. Complete your invention: Any invention can be protected if the purpose of the invention is clearly understood, what and how it is helpful for the people. If the invention is still an idea we have to know that it cannot be protected. The Invention strength plays a major role in a filing a patent and this will make you to complete the invention. Decide whether the invention is patentable: The two main things you must know is the invention must be novel and non-obvious to obtain a patent. Any abstract ideas, natural phenomena and natural laws cannot be patented. Novelty Search helps you understand is there any invention existing similar to our idea or invention. There are different types of patent searches like Novelty assessment, Prior Art Search, Quick Search, Invalidity Search etc... These searches will help us to file a patent. File preparation: The most common type’s patent applications are design patents and utility patents. There are two types of utility Patent. • Provisional • Non-provisional Provisional patent is valid for one year where as Non- provisional patent is valid up to 20 years and to protect the design of an invention design patent application will be the best option. Submitting the first application: You will enter the patent process when you submit your patent application. While filing your patent you have to pay the patent filing fees and you cannot proceed if you fail to pay the fees and if you don’t have the proper documentation. Examination Process: After the completion your patent application will be assigned for examination. The examiner will review and go for in-depth patent search. If the examiner feels that the invention is not novel or any claims, you can go through a process called patent prosecution. The further most important step is to maintain your patent after the approval. Maintenance fees are to paid from the patent issue date.
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ideationip · 2 years ago
How do patents help innovation?
Patent is one of the most significant business tools which allow the inventors to gather the individuality over the newly invented product or process, to build a top position in the market and get further income through the patent license. Any invention which was invented to find a solution and to help the man kind must be recognized and rewarded. Patent acknowledges and honors the inventor’s foe their successful inventions. Patent promotes your invention and economic growths as well as the most powerful tool designed for disseminate and technology transfer. Invention is important for the development and deployment of technologies. The most commonly used prototype to recognize the technology created from the life cycle of the technology. The lifecycle of technology has been classified into 5 stages • Invention • Research • Research and Development • Market Development • Commercial distribution Why should you protect your invention? The successful inventions from the past tells us how essential is to protect an invention at the correct time. According to patent law, the one who files the patent first gets the authority, so the efforts don’t become useless and its better go with patent search as soon as possible. Another important reason to protect your invention is to protect your invention from the imitators. When there is a big impact or your invention seems to promising, the imitator’s plans to make revenue with your Idea and it cannot be violated unless you file a patent.
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ideationip · 2 years ago
Patentability Search India
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Frame a strategic innovation road map with our comprehensive analysis of patent information.(Patentability Search)
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ideationip · 2 years ago
Patentability Search in India
We provide the complete service for Intellectual Property Rights, helping clients from start-ups to MNCs across various industries in Patent Search and Design Search to file or claim patent for their innovation globally.  Our search and analytics methodology to conduct assignments is a fine combination of manual efforts by skilled and trained resources and automated efforts by proprietary artificial intelligence systems.
Patentability Search in India
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ideationip · 3 years ago
Patent Landscape Study
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Frame a strategic innovation roadmap with our comprehensive analysis of patent information. We perform rigorous data mining, data analysis, and visualization to provide an accurate picture of the patent landscape in identifying the emerging technology and innovation trends, latest prior-art, active competitors, and more. . . Patent Landscape Study | Patentability Search in India . .
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ideationip · 3 years ago
AI systems cannot patent inventions confirmed by US federal circuit court.
Patent can be given only for the inventions invented by human being and AI cannot do it since they are not human confirmed by US federal circuit court.
Computer Scientist Stephen Thaler was about to Copyright and patent the multiple software tools he created and he was not able to copyright an image for an AI system. US Patent office announced that the Thaler AI system DABUS cannot be a legal inventor because the invention was not done by the Natural human. The federal circuit court has confirmed the decision again.
The Patent Act explains that only invention made by human being can hold a patent and inventors must be a natural person i.e human being.
Thaler appeals the court ruling with his attorney and the outcome was the AI generated inventions can be patented in the United States.
Filing patent for an innovation is a real struggle for all the inventors and every inventors dream is to hold patent for their invention and it collapses the entire process when the final step is declined or we don’t get approval for their invention.
Patent Search like Novelty Assessment, Validity and Invalidity Searches, Patent Landscape Study etc... Will help you to file patent for your inventions and enrich the invention.
Patent Search India 
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ideationip · 3 years ago
Xiaomi files patent for developing Block chain virtual characters using genetic Sequences.
Xiaomi is one of the world’s biggest mobile and technology enterprise and they have filed patent for an application which uses Block-chain Technology to ease the creation of its original digital characters. Block chains disperse nature unchangeable properties have led lot of businesses to integrate into their new product designs. As per the announcement the patent can generate virtual characters with different images related to different sequence. Xiaomi is popular for its mobile technology and other electronic devices and they have made it public that the patent application which describes the use of Block chain technology to create its virtual characters. It is not a public announcement but expecting that Xiaomi may also use this technology to develop their own metaverse experience. No official remarks till now from Xiaomi, but some people proposed that Xiaomi will use these virtual characters for their metaverse platform.
Patent Filing in Chennai 
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ideationip · 3 years ago
Indian Army Seeks Patent for their new combat dress
The Indian Army has applied for a patent which will prevent selling their combat dress outside. They have applied for patent in April at the office of controller General of patents, Designs and Trade Marks. Other shops cannot sell their new combat uniform and it will be available through the central procurement and canteen stores department. The Patent, IPR (Intellectual Property rights will be out soon) and the Army plans to switch the new design by 2025 in checking the stock of current uniform. As a step of creating awareness about this, the military Police have joined their hands with Delhi Police and created awareness campaign at Delhi cantonment among the shopkeepers to stop selling the new combat dress. Protect all your innovations with a Patent and Design Search that will help you to ease your decision making in protection by legal means.
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ideationip · 3 years ago
Future iPhone's can be used underwater, says a Patent revealed by Apple
Amazed to see the growth of technology and imagine how it would be texting or taking pictures underwater. Apple files a patent at USPTO which reveals that iPhones can be used underwater in the future. How does it work? This is an unimaginable vision but adjusting the iPhone to the conditions at hand made us think that anything can be done if you have the proper vision and team. Using an iPhone underwater might be possible with the right display, Control Buttons, and Sensors. Sensors would be accountable to make sure that the water drops do not enter the phone and cause any damage to the other parts. The report of the patent filed by Apple clearly says that the screen of the iPhone would also be pressure sensitive when used underwater. None of the Mobile Phones are waterproof, even iPhones are water-resistant but still, they can be damaged. The patent also reveals that iPhone will indicate to you with a notification if we are going deep inside the water to prevent damage. The filing reveals that when the iPhone recognizes heavy moisture and is dipped in water it will get a Pop up on the screen and then the regular touch will stop working, but users can take pictures, video, or make a call by using the hotkeys. We know this is interesting but don’t get the hype up because it takes years to come and Patents tell the aim of the company but doesn’t guarantee the improvisation. Filing a Patent for any technology will allow you to protect others to steal your idea or innovation and Patent Filing in India is made easy with us!!
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ideationip · 3 years ago
Huawei gets patent for removable electronic device.
Huawei has claimed a patent for a removable electronic device, till now the Chinese manufacturer is putting their Sweat to dispense the patch and new updates related to the device. At the same time, they are also investigating other new technologies.
WIPO clearly says that Huawei can use the removable electronic device for the products like Laptops, added the technical aspects work with two dock structure mechanisms and these will support the first part of the system with the first docking structure and a second part with a second docking structure.
According to the reports, the first docking contains components, with the first base having a base, gear, hook, and two racks and the Second base with a magnetic member and an elastic element scaled over the first base.
Finally, the rack from the first part occupies one side of the gear and the hook reclines on one side of the second rack which is facing the second docking structure with no difference the magnetic element is placed over one side of the rack and facing the second dock structure. Other than that the second dock structure gives space for both the second base and second magnetic element.
Patent Design Search in Chennai 
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