Ah, the look on your coworker's face when you bring them a chocolate milkshake 👌
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Netflix is life
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If you're ever feeling down about your life, read the Mouse the Bird and the Sausage by the Grimm brothers.
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Life is too short to worry about mistakes. Always impulse buy yourself a Jared Padalecki.
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Cats lick their butts in front of everyone. They have no shame and aren't afraid to be themselves. We must learn from the cats.
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Me: I need my glasses
Strange family member: OH YOU FINALLY POPPED YOUR BACK ZIT?!?!
Love when people hear things wrong.
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Valentine candy hearts are made of chalk and soap, but people buy them every year. Why are we like this? The human race is very disappointing at times.
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"Your belly button is just your old mouth."
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"When life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars."
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"Be a froot loop in a world full of cheerios."
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Is this how you roll?
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After hearing my whole life "write the story you want to read" I finally realized it's not just writing WHAT you want to read, but HOW you want to read.
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Ugh, ok, never had a blog before, so I’m just gonna go for it.....that is all carry on
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