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"I can defend myself---? Thank you for the advice?"
"You shouldn’t be alone this late at night."
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        "Did you need something? You could've asked."
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Cobra Starship (feat. Leighton Meester) - Good Girls Go Bad
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M!A: Werewolf for four days! Better be glad the full moon isn't soon!
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     "Excuse me? Oh hell no, that's not happening."
          - p o o f. - 
                With what she now felt, she dropped her bow in a panic, falling to her knees on the forest floor. Her knees colliding with dirt and rock as she thought of what was to come. 
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    Remaining silent, she was staying on point. Standing confident, her arrow still being held in place. The huntress quirked a brow, not liking the aura of confidence that surrounded the other. Cockiness was usually accompanied by a decent power source, unless you were all talk and no bite. The grin on the other's face made her slightly uncomfortable. "Sneaking was what you were doing," she jolted.
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    Paranoid? Sometimes. Right now? In a way, yes. She was unsure of what she was dealing with, which was the only thing giving her a smidge of paranoia. Letting him talk, her eyes remained on his figure.  "None of those, now what is your business here---?"
❝And trust me..your little arrow is no threat. So by all means..shoot me.❞ Such an unsuspecting face of Death - one stolen from his own creations. Grin better seen on the face of a handsome boy at school more so than on the being who dealt in death. ❝And what a nasty word. Sneaking?❞ He laughed as if in complete ease of the situation and the truth was….he is. ❝Your not paranoid are you? Looking over your shoulder all the time? They say such things speak to a guilty conscious or…fear of something. So which is it? ❞
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          The huntress quirked a brow, keeping her arrow held tight as she eyed the figure by the bushes. Her head tilted slightly back as she curved her lips to speak. “If you have something to say, sneaking up on me isn’t the way to go. Trust me, we could have done this ten times easier. —-Now what do you want?”
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"Ex-cuse me?"
"You’ve been pretty stupid."
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Honesty hour! Any questions my character(s) are asked, they will answer honestly!
Submitted by: Anonymous
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          The huntress quirked a brow, keeping her arrow held tight as she eyed the figure by the bushes. Her head tilted slightly back as she curved her lips to speak. "If you have something to say, sneaking up on me isn't the way to go. Trust me, we could have done this ten times easier. ---Now what do you want?"
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Send ♋ for our muses to swap bodies!
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Looking good Ian.
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      "Is there actually -----anything entertaining in this town? It seems pretty boring to me."
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new school, new rules.
Transferring schools in some dumb program for a semester probably wasn't the best idea considering what goes on in Beacon Hills, but maybe a break was what she needed. When the exchange came open, she jumped on the opportunity. She and Scott obviously had problems, so maybe the time apart was good on a relationship front as well. Chris wasn't exactly keen on letting her go for a semester, it was a reluctant switch to say the least. 
The day was going slow, especially with her keeping to herself. Introducing herself to a few people might have helped, it was the first day after all. As soon as the bell rang for lunch, she jetted out of the classroom, immediately bumping into someone and dropping her books. 
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  "I am so, so terribly sorry. I really need to watch myself," she laughed, scrambling to the floor to grab her assortment of notebooks.
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  "Really? Come on, that's technically cheating on birthday gifts! That's not a surprise at all," she laughed, slightly slipping her paper a little closer. "Do't even go there," Allison remarked, smile remaining while he kissed her forehead. "Now hurry, wouldn't want Harris to start as soon as he gets in the door, would you?"
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"You just gave me a birthday idea. Thank you." He pulled her paper closer to him so he could get it copied before class started, "Now what would give you that idea? I’m severely hurt right now." He leaned over and kissed her forehead with a smile. 
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