icflowers 5 years
A Series: A Figure of My Imagination
To Speak
I keep coming out here to speak to you. Lighting up way too many cigs just to look at you. I hear you speaking, to everyone else, But me. Every word you speak is truth. The way you talk with your hands, Put your hands in mine. I始m tied up, Way too tied up, To even approach. Be my baby, my coach. I始m inspired to write on my phone, Because that始s what I see you do. I hear you say from afar, Actions speak for themselves. And the way I want to act, Is to kiss you And watch you react. I don始t know you, but it始s a fact, That, I始m into you. Don始t know if It始s true, But I始m into you.
No Denial
I wanna call you baby, Make you my lady. I want your eyes to smile, As if there始s no denial. Cotton candy skies, Always catching me by surprise, Her eyes. Please take me on a ride. Love drunk, It始s got me in a funk. Foolish I am, To want to hold hands.
Ride or Die
Beauty begins with the inside, In whom do you confide? A ride or die Or a stranger in disguise. I始m having trouble recognizing The misleading eyes And the big man in the sky. In which where do I reside? Hidden notes we keep, Hidden beneath wet sinks. Your words I seek, I open the note and sneak a quick peek. A smile arises, What lies underneath the pen, A disguise. You can始t run, You can始t hide... I始m on your side.
And when the morning comes, I watch you run. Damnit, I can始t handle it. You始re way too caught up, When I thought I was. Maybe we will talk again, Probably when we始re buzzed. All I want is for you to come to my house, I need not a spouse, I need to simply show you what I始m about. I want to share space with you, And not when you始re on cue. I want you to see me in a different hue, I始m not kneeling at your pue, Just want to be hanging out with you. I don始t want to be one of those possessive people, Just want to invite you into my steeple. Backing off, No hard feelings. This heart is going to need some healing.
Dear god, I始m in love with someone who doesn始t know who I am. So here I stand, Or here I drink, To stop think.
I don始t want the limelight or the fame, And I don始t wanna play the game. I just wanna write and not feel insane, I don始t want to point fingers or have anyone to blame. I guess I want to be plain. But what始s plain when your soul shines in kaleidoscopic colors? It始s like, I want my soul to be discovered and at the same time I want it to be covered. I want to be in the background on the stage. I want to be let out of this attractive cage, And I wish always to turn the page. But my pages have run out, And I始m stuck wondering what this life is all about. I始ve been fighting with myself, And therefore, I始m left in ill health. I feel like a drug addict, Going thru a detox. Screaming and crying in pain.
I swear I始m sane.
I Wish
I wish I didn始t tell you that I love you. I wish I didn始t tell you that I love you because when my heart turns blue it始s not you that loves me too. And when you make your way into my head, when I始m lying alone in my bed, I wish I didn始t touch myself. I wish the idea of you didn始t make me cum, I wish I didn始t tell you that I wanted some because all I do is watch you run. I wish I didn始t invite you over to my home, You thought all I was trying to do was make you moan, When in reality i wasn始t trying to bone, I was just looking to get to know you And not over texting on the phone. It doesn始t matter too much because you never came over anyway And all I wanted to do was toss a football and play or maybe even pray, And what you do not realize is the weight of the words you say. That I始m special, that you miss me, that you want me, But forget about it all that, I始ll see you on Monday. I wish I didn始t get you a present for Christmas. It始s like, I didn始t realize in between you and I was an abyss. And maybe I始m reading too much into this, But you get the jist. I始m just in line waiting wondering where I am on your list. And I promise you this, I don始t have resentment and I don始t have clenched fists. It始s just I love you And I wish you never knew.
I gave up everything for you And I now realize you始re not worth giving everything up for. I wish so badly I could have taken your tongue on a tour But it seems as tho your heart may be at war In my head, I始m wondering if only I wanted to score, And it seems as if I wanted more, But what for? What for? You始ve had my heart on a lure. And what you do not know is that it始s you that I始ve given up everything for. I始ll miss you..at every bit of my core. Because it始s you that i adore. I始ll miss you and what stand for. I wish you had wanted more. I wish you hadn始t been so unsure. I thought you were my cure. And I question why you didn始t want to explore. I hope you know that you始re the last person that I would want to ignore..
But it seems like the time to let you go so I can soar. Didn始t want to slam the door I wanted more, I wanted more.
Say so
And if you cared so much why didn始t you say so? Why didn始t you say so before I had to go? You never gave me a chance to know you and little did you know that broke my heart in two. Was I supposed to stay around? When you didn始t answer my calls did you just expect that we would create a relationship banking on seeing each other around town? It was never my intention to let you down, You quickly became my queen with a crown, I adored you. The way you stared and the way you pretended to care. And I question Was it genuine? In this case, I guess neither of us win.
The Curb
Throw me on the curb, Watch me be disturbed. Feelin like I始m misunderstood, Got my heart perturbed. Got to starin at everyone else but me. Hope you鈥檙e free. With this fame, I始m not the one to blame, Hope you始re free, hope you始re free And with a lack of vulnerability And with an ego as big as the sea With your whisky and tea It始s never me you始ll see, Hope you始re free, hope you始re free Forever you始ll remain a mystery And it始s not something that I envy It始s you that holds the key And it始s me who pays the heart fee I始ll probably never be Who you want to see, For I am me, And therefore we will never be we.
People like attention, I get it, You始re one of them. I don始t mind too much, Except that you use me as a crutch. Honestly, It leads me into a fuss. I始m into you and all you do is turn my heart blue. I know, I鈥檓 only one and for you there is more than a few. One plus one is two And I guess I始m not what you始re into. People like attention, I get it. We may not fit. I get it, I get it. But Jesus, you make my heart lit. So here i sit, Waiting in anticipation, All I want you to feel is emancipation. But without communication, There始s hesitation. Don始t keep me waiting, Don始t keep me waiting.
But Shit
I始m into you, but shit, I始m nothing but background music. You like me around but I始m not someone that始s going to make a large sound So, I始ll continue to be into you; But I don始t know if it始s you that feels oh so brand new Because it始s getting old, The connection without the follow thru Maybe it始s me that you始re simply not into. Wish you would tell me instead of making me sit on this bench and wait for you. I thought I grew but being into you only makes me grow backwards.. it始s okay, I始m used to this, it feels like something I始ve always knew. That love isn始t enough And to me that breaks my heart, It just doesn始t feel just.
When 2am hits, It始s only you I think about. I resist reaching out, It始s you that has the clout. And I miss you. And I don始t know you. And it doesn始t make sense. All these men are fools. And all these women... Yeah, I play it cool, But it始s you I want. I love that I don始t play a front. It始s you I want. And I wish I could reach out to you. But for what? I want to strut. But you crack my heart, You crack my heart. You始re tearing me apart. But why? I始m fucked up because you don始t give me shit back, Only when you have to play. And fuck, I want to stay, But I始m done with the play baby. Just wanted to be your lady.
Baby, Go Crazy
Why is it you that I始m into? Leaving the ones I love and Pursuing you. But why must I choose for love to die. When you don鈥檛 give a fuck if i cry. 聽
Always ready to love, But baby, You始ve made me go crazy.
Throw me a bone You始re the only one who makes me feel pretty much unknown. And I want to call you over the phone, But you leave me with nothing, Feeling alone. And so I tell you I miss you, And you say you miss me too, But let me down harder, Don始t get back to me Especially if you know you have the key, To my heart. Throw me a bone And watch me fetch, If I throw it back, Is it my heart you始ll catch?
Not sure why I始m into you, In person we vibe. Outside. You hide.
Give me your hand Or let me slip. I始m tired of all this in between, Bullshit. If you have feelings for me And me with you, Why are we separated in two? I hope this isn始t about color. And my mind feels like it始s becoming covered Painted And tainted With emotional abuse For every I love you Comes with crumbled up notes With no antidote. And although it始s warm baby, You始re going to need a coat. Because your heart is so cold And this feeling is getting old, I始m appreciative that you don始t do what you始re told. But in the relationship role, I don始t want you to fall in this hole, To me (and to most) you are gold And I know your heart isn始t here to be sold, And I始m trying to be bold,
But cards are all in, Don始t want to fold. Give me your hand, Or let me slip. What is it that you don始t get?
So sometimes, I think about you. The way you look at me, The way I want some. I始m not out here just for a run, And maybe, I see you as magic But really you始re just a crush Because I can始t have it. And you ask me what you can do, And I think that始s so very sweet of you, But what始s best is if you let me know, You始re not about it, So I can lay my head down to rest Instead of dreaming of your touch and caress. I must confess You make my heart beat out of my chest And you make my head a mess And if this is all just a test..I won始t think of you any less.. I始ll continue to hold you high, And I始ll think about you every night, And when I have to, I始ll fight off the thoughts of you, And it始ll make my heart turn deep,
dark purple and royal blue. Just like a disease, Tunnel vision, The heart has no choice, no decision All it can see Is you and me and ...you and me... I hope this lust will not be mistaken for love. And if it turns out to be love, You know I thank god above.. Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust. It is a must, To turn this heart into a vehicle for trust.
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icflowers 5 years
She asked me to write a poem about her falling asleep with melting ice cream in her hands. This is the poem.
charlie everett
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icflowers 5 years
My question is...Is it called stealing if you pick flowers from other peoples yards and set them in a vase on your living room table? I call it beauty.
charlie everett
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icflowers 5 years
I asked her about her favorite thing in life. She said, "flowers." I asked her what her favorite flower was. She responded, "Ice Cream Flowers."
charlie everett
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icflowers 5 years
My mom got me pink roses for my 27th birthday. And of course, they were beautiful. I couldn't wait for them to open their petals, undress and show me their heart. Instead, they died before they ever got the chance to bloom. As I looked at them, I decided to peel open their layers with my hands. Each petal was incredibly soft and I'm not exaggerating when i say, they were silkier than silk. When i finished opening the last rose, I stared in awe as a miracle was created.聽 The seemingly dead roses lived...just for a couple of days longer, but they opened up long enough to see the light.聽 My point is...some people just need a little guidance to blossom into the fullest expression of themselves.
charlie everett
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