my specialty is ice
762 posts
Sofia Ramirez. The Ice Queen. Superhuman Strength. A 24 year old navigating this fucked up world just like everyone else. Rosendale
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
Nodding, Emily carefully moved to pick the sleeping child up despite knowing that Lucy slept like a rock. Making sure the little girl’s head was on her shoulder, still fast asleep, Emily looked back at Sofia. She could tell she was nervous and excited and who wouldn’t be with such a big change coming. “I think you’re going to have a village raising your baby whether you want them to or not.”
“I don’t think I’ll be too opposed. It’ll be nice not having to carry her around all the time. I think that’s the worst part about all of this.” Sofia replied, chuckling a bit more as she looked to the sleeping figure in her mom’s arms. “Someone is always going to want to hold the baby, which I am entirely unopposed to. I’ll have carried her for 9 months once she’s born. It’ll be my excuse for not wanting to hold her at all!”
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
Sofia had vastly outgrown all of her clothes by now, and with just a little over 3 months left, she still had plenty of time left for her bump to overtake her frame. With setting up a day to get out of town, she was happy to invite Kendall and Emily along for the ride, and potentially start buying the smaller items for the nursery that she and Brooks still had to find a house for. There were so many things on the upcoming docket that Sofia needed a day away from it all. After picking up her friends, she started their drive towards the larger city for their day out. “They better have cute maternity clothes, because I still need to have my summer fashion.” Sofia stated with a bit of a cheeky grin. “Thanks for coming with me you two. I don’t think I’d have the energy to go by myself.”
@kendallharrington @smokewallssolitarymirrors
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
It was hard to imagine giving up something that had gotten them both through some ups and downs, yet one day it would have to happen. Kendall just hoped she was prepared, but having Sofia there would make it easier. Especially since she was going through it now. “I can?” Kendall’s eyes were wide in shock, not expecting that in the slightest. “I mean of course I’ll be there. I wouldn’t want to miss that. Plus, it’ll be a lot harder to break my hand than his.” She chuckled, still stunned that she was going to be there in the first place to witness it. “A year ago, I wouldn’t have pictured you being a mom, or even both of us being in stable relationships. But, they’ll be shocked when she’s born and you’ll out for maternity leave. Maybe then they’ll actually believe you, or they’ll think you’re still faking it and just want an extended vacation.” The vacation would be nice, but it was bound to be anything but. Kendall just imagined the lack of sleep that was going to happen for her friend. “How many do you think will back out when she’s crying her head off?” She shook her head, knowing she’d still babysit, but the crying would have to be something to get used too. “Sleuthing might as well be our middle name, they’re going to learn that pretty quickly. It is pretty cute, though. Maybe they shouldn’t learn that all too quickly, then.”
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“Oh my god, I didn’t even think of that. I’ve already broken his wrist, I really don’t need to break his hand.” Sofia added with a slight nod. “Well, not that I’m looking forward to child birth, but I am glad you’ll be in there.” She chuckled. “An extended vacation would be nice. I would say we should go somewhere this summer, but chances are I probably won’t want to move.” Her grin grew as she continued to chuckle. “Oh god, I’m sure there will still be some that want to take care of her. I just hope she’s not a screaming crier.” Sofia was more of a silent crier herself, and she could only hope that was passed down to her daughter. “Well, they’re pretty cute, so everything they do is pretty cute.” Sofia added with a hint of a smirk, before standing from her chair and looking to Kendall before looking to her watch. It was nearing 11:45, but she also knew nobody would stop her from taking an early lunch. “Want to grab some lunch? I’m starving.”
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
Emily spotted her daughter asleep and let out a relieved little sigh, happy she wasn’t still awake. “You’ll be fine, Sofia. I have total faith in you. And you have Brooks too. Sometimes he doesn’t seem like it but I know he’ll be a good dad.” Walking over to Lucy, Emily brushed some hair out of the toddler’s face before picking her up. “I’ll be here to help too. I already did it once, I’ll happily help you guys with anything you could need. That reminds me, my mom mailed more baby stuff to give you.”
“He will be a wonderful dad.” Sofia remarked, knowing just how much he took care of the both of them, despite not telling him that enough. Giving a glance back towards the girl on the couch, she smiled faintly, a soft exhale escaping her as she only wondered what life would be like in just a few months time when they had their own little person in their lives. “Oh, that’s so sweet! We have so many people offering to help, it’s gonna take a village to raise a baby.” She joked with a sly chuckle.
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
“Thank you for watching Lucy again, I didn’t think I’d be working this late.” Emily said, exhaustion pulling at her body. Her chefs coat was unbuttoned and covered in stains, her ponytail was half undone. Work had been long and hard today and she was so relieved that Sofia was available to watch her daughter. She was extremely grateful that Sofia would even consider watching her, as she was sure the woman was probably feeling exhausted herself with a baby coming. That was at least how Emily felt around that time when she was in the same situation. “I really hope she wasn’t too much trouble tonight.”
“It helps to prepare.” Sofia mused quietly, the toddler asleep on the couch as she gestured towards her. She turned to meet Emily again as she shrugged off. Her simple smile had broken through, despite a tiredness that ran deep within her. “She was wonderful. Really. I can only hope that things are that easy for us, though, it is always different when it’s your own kid I’m sure.” The young woman had been daydreaming away about the possibility of her future and what it would all look like. It was frightening, and left her with far more anxiety than need be, and she only wanted to crawl into bed after that, exhausted but excited. “Brooks always learns something new when she comes over, so any teaching moment before ours arrives is worth it.”
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
Kendall only had Sofia to thank for that. If she hadn’t set up the date in the first place, Kendall would still be at her old routine of picking up guys in a bar. Although, it would have made the Henley situation a bit easier to deal with. Now she had two people to worry about disappointing if she couldn’t get a hold of the situation. And knowing Henley, that wasn’t going to happen, but telling Sofia wasn’t going to happen right now either. “I’ll be there with multiple bottles of wine when that day comes. Until then…just think of the baby. Honestly, it’s such an interesting experience thinking about how there’s a literal human growing inside you. I mean I understand the concept, but witnessing it makes it special.” It was something she could, yet couldn’t, wait to experience herself. “A bet? Really?” Kendall rolled her eyes, “Who would go through all the trouble of putting on a fake baby bump every morning? That’s too much work.” She chuckled, “Yet, that’s the key word.” Hopefully, it would never get that far, but people here didn’t listen well either. Kendall smiled at knowing they were staying close. The last thing she wanted was to lose her best friend when both of their lives were starting to pan out for the better. “It’d be dumb to move too far away. There’s an endless supply of babysitters here that you don’t have to pay. Think of all the money you’re saving.” Kendall’s head nodded slightly, thinking of the guys watching the show by themselves. “You know…you’re probably right. When it comes back, we should wait a day or two to find out. Their fake surprise faces will be comical to watch.”
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“I know she’ll be worth the whole hassle.” Sofia muttered off, but she also knew how much wine had gotten through to her over the course of her life, especially in Rosendale. Her hand went to the flutters in her stomach as Kendall brought up the literal human growing inside of there. “Well you’ve been here every step of the way. You might as well see this whole thing through.” Sofia chuckled with a brief look in her direction. “You’re more than welcome to be in the delivery room if you really want to witness it.” She added confidently with a smirk. “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. But, who knows? I think they’d much rather believe that than believe that I’m gonna be a mom. They’re both pretty unbelievable if you ask me.” She teased still, though she knew there was truth in her words. “Endless supply of babysitters, I like that. I’ll make sure to remind everyone of their babysitting duties once the baby is here.” As Sofia continued to look at her best friend she only rolled her eyes. “They’re so adorable, thinking they can keep things like that from us. Don’t they know what we do for a living? They can’t hide anything from us.”
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
“Especially in Rosendale?” she repeated in a questioning tone. “I guess I don’t quite know what lurks in the alleyway of this town quite yet.” She shrugged nonchalantly. “I think some things that people regret they will never move on from because it’s life changing.” She was talking about herself, but she didn’t want to let Sofia know that. “Seems like we do. Perhaps we’ll be friends someday.”
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“Well clearly you don’t.” Sofia gathered after a moment, almost rolling her eyes, but sustaining the ability to have at least one decent thing to say. “This place is a safe haven. That’s what it’s kind of known for. Escape. Everyone has their demons.” Shrugging back in reflection she looked to the young woman. “Perhaps. And, you might be right. Some people just refuse to grow from their mistakes.” After another moment she added, “I’m Sofia. Just in case we do end up becoming friends.”
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
“I wouldn’t quite say dabble. Everyone has done things they’re not proud of. I’ll just leave it at that for now.”
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“Especially in Rosendale.” Sofia muttered softly before adding a short nod. “That’s fair though. If you want to get down to the nitty-grittiness of it all. We’ve all done things that we probably regret too. Maybe some more than others, but still, we can move on or we can linger. Who gives a shit that you tripped. Seems like we have a bit more in common than I initially thought.”
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
Her shoulders shrugged, “Sometimes I do, but Evan makes it pretty easy not to freak out over things. He’s rather calm, which keeps me calmer.” Maybe not completely, there were still plenty of things she was going to get upset over, but if he was there it made it easier to keep her emotions in check. “I’m not knocking it. And just think of all the bottomless mimosas for both of us when you’re able to drink again.” That seemed forever away, but Kendall would drink for the both of them until she didn’t have to anymore. “I don’t understand. People know there’s a baby in there, so what’s with the fascination?” She paused, “Okay, I get the fascination because that’s me too. But, at least they could ask first. Who knows where their hands have been.” There was a look of disgust on her face as the images flashed through her head. Kendall sighed, “I know, I know. Well, not about the breaking in part, but it will be better for you too. It’s the natural next step. Plus, it’s not like you’re moving to another state, right?” The would be the only problem with the move if they were. “It’ll be a sad day when the cancel the shows, but then it just let’s us find a new one to watch. I’m determined to make Evan a fan when the new season starts next month.”
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“That’s good. It’s always reassuring to hear you two are still happy together. It’s nice.” Sofia had been proud of both Evan and Kendall, and even if things got tough every once in a while, she knew relationships had their ups and downs. The important thing was being able to work through them. “Who knew all you needed was a little bit of calm in your life.” She teased. “I can’t stop thinking about it actually. I won’t stop thinking about it until I can drink again. You know, you don’t realize how much you miss something until it’s taken away from you.” Sofia looked to her friend, smile gravitating across her expression. “I overheard one lady claim that it was fake. Maybe there’s an office bet going on.” She shrugged, with her teasing grin still pulling at her lips. “Thankfully it’s not their bare hands on my bare stomach. And, nobody’s lost a hand or finger yet.” She chuckled at Kendall’s expression. “Nope. We’re staying local. He has his parents nearby. Plus, you and Evan are my only family. Why would we leave all of that behind?” She gave a more serious look on her face after that. “There are too many desperate people out there for them to cancel it. Evan can say all that he wants about it. I think he and Brooks secretly watch it together when we’re not around.”
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
“Alright, I should have believed you when you told me that in the first place. You know me well enough, though, I was always going to have my doubts until I actually did it.” And would continue to do now that she had moved in. “Of course there’s work, who else is going to protect you from the people here trying to touch the bump? But, now when we go out it won’t be to bars anymore, it’ll be like…brunch.” Her head nodding at the thought, a change of pace but a good one nonetheless. A frown came upon her features, “What? You’re going to move?” Kendall sighed, “I should have known that was going to happen soon, but we always have Bachelor and Bachelorette nights.”
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“I’m sure you still have your doubts about everything else to come. But...I promise, it’s worth it.” Sofia nodded back easily, feeling rather accomplished with how her life had began to turn out. It was certainly a turn of events. “Hey, don’t knock brunch. At least there’s still bottomless mimosas for you.” She grinned with a short laugh. “But seriously, thank god you’re here to protect me from all the hands. It’s like, the bigger I get, the stronger the magnetic pull is for people to just touch me.” She shivered with an eye roll. As she sat back into her chair, no longer able to sit up straight for a long time, she saw the expression on Kendall’s face. “K, we have to move. There’s not enough room for three of us in that apartment. Plus...Brooks’ place got broken into, and a house is just a smart move at this point.” God, she really was sounding domestic. “We will always have Bachelor and Bachelorette nights, so long as they continue to air it!”
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
There was still plenty to do before the baby arrived, the due date creeping up faster than he realized. They were already halfway through, and the two of them still had to figure out where they would be leaving. Plus, the decorating, a task with which he was ready for and hopefully agree on quick enough to have it ready. Brooks pecked the tip of her nose, “Good.” His thumb rubbed at her stomach, feeling just a hint of movement, something that still fascinated him. “I’d love that. Plus, this one is going to be here before we know it and we probably should have somewhere for her to sleep.” He chuckled, running his hand over her side to rest on her ass, pulling her closer. “Are there tubs too? Big ones. Showering is nice, but baths would be much better.”
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Sofia knew moving wouldn’t take too much time, and while she actually wasn’t the most eager to decorate herself, she had come to the conclusion that Brooks liked to, which made things easier on her. It was just finding the right place to live in that was a challenge for them now. Her grin pulled across her lips as they continued to snuggle, the slight movement in her stomach feeling more fluttery with each passing day. And while she continually had to see herself becoming more whale-like every time she looked in the mirror, Brooks was always there to remind her of the purpose. “You mean she won’t be able to sleep between you and me?” Sofia teased before letting her arms snake around his neck as she pressed closer into him, their lazy day turning into a full day of rest. His touch sent electricity through her body, as he always seemed to know what she liked, as she seemed to flaunt off for him too. “How about a jacuzzi tub in the master bathroom?”
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
Kendall sat across from Sofia’s desk, somewhat getting back into a regular routine now that things had calmed down a bit. “I think I’ve officially become domestic. It’s pretty fucking weird, but not as bad as I was expecting.” She chuckled, remembering how worried she was about it before. “And, now we’re neighbors! Although, that’s strange too since we don’t actually see each other there often.”
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With the news cycle having gotten back it’s normal habits, Sofia was still on the hunt for any weird things happening, but that didn’t stop her from seeing her best friend whom she felt like she never had any time with anymore. “Domesticity isn’t all that bad.” She chuckled, seeing how it fit her friend. It was strange, but she couldn’t help but think back to when she never thought either of them would be in committed relationships. “I see you often enough at work anyways.” Sofia teased her before folding her arms across her desk. “Actually, now that you mention it...we...might not be neighbors for too much longer...”
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
Brooks stared down at her, wondering how he’d gotten so lucky. He’d put himself through hell for weeks trying to hold all of this in when he should have just told her. It would have been easier than the scene he was causing now at a public event. He chuckled dryly, “I sound like a shitty son for not being happy for them.” A small part of him was, how could he not when that’s how they should be? It was just the part he played into all of this. “I don’t think so.” They didn’t remember the institute, and he didn’t know which memories were there’s to try and put them back if they wanted. “Plus, they have so much to worry about already. I don’t want to add that to the mix. And, they’re excited to be grandparents. How can I take that away too?” His hand went to her cheek, kissing her softly. “Thank you, for everything. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
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“You’re not a shitty son.” She reassured the hell out of him, continually stroking at his hair in her own comfort of the situation. Sofia wanted him to know that at the very least, she was there for him, and her expression only pulled lower. “That’s okay. don’t have to tell them anything. You can...just...please talk to me.” Placing a hand on his cheek, she looked to him as she shook her head. “I just want to know when you’re not okay. Or else...we’re just going to keep fighting.” Sofia sighed. “You want them to be happy, and they are happy Brooks. They’re happy for you and...they’re living happy and fulfilled lives.” She kissed him back with another short nod, before a slight pink tinged her cheeks. “I don’t know what I’d do without you either.” She slowly grabbed at both his hands and added, “Let’s get out of here. I want to go home, maybe take a nice warm shower...” She murmured softly as her grin perked, trying to entice him.
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
Emmaryn smirked. “Is that so?” she asked rhetorically. “It’s okay to go a little dark side every now and then. Not that I’m saying you should knock me out, but sometimes you have to.”
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“Yeah. Actually. If you had asked me 6 or 7 months ago, I might have had a different answer. Now, I don’t want anything to do with this dark side. But, it seems like you might dabble in it yourself?”
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
Brooks took a deep breathe, trying to stop himself from being a complete mess. But, it was the exact reasoning all of this had happened in the first place. He was finally realizing that he needed to be open with her, for his own sake. She’d be around forever, as long as if she wanted to be around for that long. His arms wrapped around her, holding her close before the floodgates opened up, sobbing lightly into her hair. All he wanted now was to leave, to forget about ruining a night that should have been fun. Brooks wanted to believe what she was saying because it was true. They were happy and he contributed to that, but at what cost? His parents might have been okay after he did, but he wasn’t. He hadn’t started getting to the root of why all of this was bothering him this much, not being able to stop the emotions that were being poured out. “Then why do I feel so terrible about this?” He looked down at her, eyes blurry from the tears that were there. “I should just be happy that they’re happy.”
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She let her hands hold him, nearly cradling his head as she felt the onset of tears against her. There was an underlying awful feeling about all of this, and Sofia only wanted to be able to protect Brooks from all of this, though she knew she couldn’t just do that. These were deeply engrained into him, and the memories were a part of him. As she held him, she nodded slowly against him, more upset that he felt like he couldn’t tell her all of this before. She clutched him softly, her fingers running through his hair while she let him take all the time he needed. “Because it’s not who they were.” She softly stated, looking up at him to see his tear stained cheeks. She wiped away at his face with her thumb slowly while giving him a look full of remorse. “I’m sorry that you’re not happy about them being happy. you think talking to them would help?”
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
Brooks kissed the top of her head softly. He couldn’t blame her for any of this, and for not knowing how it important it was. And now she never would, losing hope that it’d turn up somewhere. The corner of his mouth upturned slightly, fully taking in what he had said. “Yeah, I am.” It only made sense that it would be the next step. They practically already were with how much time they spent together, but she still had a place and he had his. It just didn’t make sense with them starting a life together, baby and all. “Of course. Where would be keep our little girl if we stuck with one of our places?” As much as he was okay with occasionally having the baby in their bed, that couldn’t be a permanent solution. “How about we get a house? For the three of us?” Brooks surprised himself by suggesting it, the commitment feeling greater than proposing to her. 
As Sofia heard his words, it seemed like somehow the universe had aligned for just a moment, and despite the chaos they were surrounded by, things were looking up, in her perspective. She pulled him in closely, the hug all there in comfort and happiness and she whispered back, “A house sounds like a wonderful idea. We’re starting our family.” Breathing out slowly, she pulled away to look up at him before kissing him. “We’re gonna figure all of this out.” She tried to reassure after a moment, “We’re gonna figure everything out.”
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icequeensofia-blog · 7 years ago
Brooks could hear her talking to him, ignoring the question to continue rummaging through his things. “Dammit,” he muttered, sitting on a free section of his bed and resting his head in his hands. He couldn’t just outright tell her what it was, that would have defeated the purpose of hiding it in the first place. “The insurance can’t cover it, Sofia. Everything else, maybe. But not this.” Brooks sighed, looking up at her. “It was something of my grandmother’s. Besides the shop, it’s the only thing I have of hers.” Honestly, it was more important than even the bakery at this point. “There’s no way for me to just buy it back. Unless, some shit decides to sell it to a pawn shop, then I guess I could.” Brooks nodded his head, agreeing because he knew it was the right thing. He’d much rather stay, clean everything up. Hold out some sort of hope that the ring was still somewhere in his apartment. But, it’d been a long day and he couldn’t add on to make it a long night too. That wasn’t fair to her when he could tell she was tired. “Okay,” he said getting up to walk over to where she was. Brooks kissed the top of her head, a thought coming to mind. “Why do we even have two places still?”
Sofia watched him, as he sat on the corner of the bed, her eyes searching his face and seeing the true exasperation that seemed to come with this stolen mystery item. She could only assume it was irreplaceable, by the way he spoke of it, and that was enough to put a short frown on her face. “I’m sorry.” She spoke slowly, before she heard that it was his grandmother’s. “I know how close you two were. If this was hers...maybe...” She shook her head, not wanting to make false promises of a returned item, but she wanted to remain hopeful for him. Sighing instead, she pulled herself off from the doorframe and grabbed at his hands to bring him in close. “I’m sorry about all of this.” She muttered again, before falling into his chest. “We’ll figure it all out.” She was consumed by her own thoughts for a moment, before Brooks’ words came out. “Are you asking if we can move in together?” She pulled up, grin slightly pulling at her lips. “Because we should probably get a bigger place if that’s the case.”
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