icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
//i feel like i cannot connect with this blog anymore, it's really hard for me, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that elsa is a female. sorry for my shitty gender dysphoria, pretty sure this blog is gonna be inactive though. im really really sorry.
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
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emma & elsa + hands
#look at these two beautiful magical beings #who used to (& to an extent still do) have such issues w/ hands #touching #physical intimacy #you name it #& since white out when elsa w/o a second thought grabbed emma’s hands when the latter was freezing #& held on & on to reassure her & share if not much physical warmth #but at least emotional - all that she had #holding hands has become such a thing w/ these two #helping each other #reassuring each other w/o their usual restraint #e.g. elsa helping emma w/ MAGIC & telling her to love herself #& then you see them constantly touching in the last ep bc they both know it’s coming to an end #the support they’ve given each other is ENDING #& they need to hold on for just a few seconds longer #bc neither has had such a beautiful fulfilling friendship before #such understanding #THEY’RE GONNA MEET AGAIN BC I’M IN DENIAL #bye
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
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In which Emma and Elsa meet when they are teenagers struggling with their magic. Their curse (or gift, they argue about which one it is a lot) brings them closer and together they learn to control it. When Elsa’s sister Anna is to be married, she invites Emma to the wedding and when Emma takes her hand as she arrives and doesn’t let go until the end of the night, many drinks and (somewhat reluctant but exhilarating) dances later, her magic only hums in contentment. 
(And when she presses a shy kiss to Emma’s lips as they stand in the gardens under the stars, her magic feels like it is aflame.)
For emmasneverland​ with much love
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
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"You'll always be like a sister to me"
Anna & Elsa + hugging
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
"Love is a fairytale told to children."
"Oh, I don't think so. Especially when there's all different kinds of love. You know, romantic, friendship, family," Elsa shrugged, then sighed, trying to think of ways to comfort Belle.
"Would you like me to get you something from Granny's?"
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
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#i’m not crying
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
send one for my muse's reaction;
"What are you doing here?"
"Of course I moved on!"
"I can’t wait for you."
"Why didn’t you wait for me?"
"Aren’t sunrises a little cliche?"
"As long as it doesn’t require me pants, I’m in."
"It’s your time to shine."
"And we’re sure that’s not illegal?"
"And if I say yes?"
"Dude, what the hell?"
"Wait, since when are you gay?"
"What the hell did I miss?"
"I was gone for for five minutes!"
"She/he’s been my bed for the last twenty four hours, and I can’t remember their name. Think it would be rude to ask for it again?"
"I don’t see anything wrong with a shotgun Vegas wedding."
"If you don’t shut up, I will personally stab you in the eye with a spork."
"Is that really your version of an apology?"
"I hope you step on a lego every day for the rest of your life."
"Now that’s just stupid."
"I’m prepared, I think."
"We finally got it right."
"I choose you. No one else. You."
"I gave up a long time ago."
"In what world was that okay?"
"This is not a bad vampire romance novel, please shut up with the dramatics."
"Kinda wanna have sex, but also kinda wanna eat pizza."
"We could always just run away."
"I’m dying. How’s that for a dinner conversation starter?"
"Please stop asking me out."
"Love is a fairytale told to children."
"That wasn’t me."
"I didn’t do it!"
"That may have been my fault."
"Is this your first date?"
"You’re the biggest wimp."
"You’re pretty shy."
"Are you trying to hold my hand?"
"Let me sleep."
"There’s no way that I’ll say no."
"I don’t want to get up."
"Why don’t you love me?"
"I don’t want to live in a world without you."
"There’s a fire inside of you."
"I don’t think I can do this anymore."
"Oh good. Just what I needed to hear."
"Tonight as perfect."
"It’s just for the night!"
"I didn’t steal it. I borrowed it. Possibly for a long time."
"It hurts."
"We could go backpacking?"
"What do you mean you want to go home?"
"You don’t know me!"
"I skipped class today."
"I bought you a ring even."
"You bought me flowers?"
"What are you doing home so late?"
"Sorry I’m not what you expected."
"I burned my tongue."
"What a fake smile."
"Did you just laugh at me?"
"I can do it!"
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
Did we forget to tell her?
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
Age Difference Starter Sentences
"Are you even old enough to be here?"
"What did I tell you about coming here? You're too young."
"Age is but a number."
"Will you just drop my age and go on one measly date?"
"If I was just a few years older, I'd marry you."
"You can't tell anyone about this."
"You're too young for me."
"You're too old for me."
"Hey, I'm over 18. It's perfectly legal."
"My feelings for you mean more to me than your age."
"Ask me again when you're done with high school/college."
"I'm old enough to be your mother/father--okay, maybe not THAT old, but still!"
"This isn't a lifetime movie, I could get into some serious trouble."
"I didn't know you were that young!"
"So I may have lied a bit about my age.."
"This never happened."
"You're not being professional."
"I'm not a kid, you know. Stop treating me like one."
"So you like older men/women, huh?"
"Go home, your parents are probably wondering where you are."
"I'm a lot more mature than you think."
"I don't know if I can handle this."
"But think about it, in ten years it won't even look like that big of an age difference!"
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
Parenting/Pregnancy Starters
"What do you mean there’s ____ of them!" 
"You may want to sit down for this…" 
"We used a condom, right?" 
"I don’t think it’s mine."
"It’s not yours." 
"We need to get to the hospital. Now.” 
"We’re too young."
"I don’t want you anywhere near this baby when it’s born." 
"Should we keep it?" 
"He/She’s so beautiful…" 
”_____ is sick.” 
"Did you leave Mr. Twinkles in the car again?" 
"Don’t yell at me in front of the kid." 
"I’m taking _____ out for ice cream, wanna join?"
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
[text]idk it's just like, a doorknob
[text] should we put up posters like you do for stray dogs
[text] well lots of people touch doorknobs, I don’t think scent would work. 
[text] does it look different from other doorknobs? Like one that would be easy to find the house of?
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
[text] oh god what if it's regina's
[text] or anyones really i feel bad.
[text] can you tell by scent whose it is i feel like it needs to be returned immediately
[text] I found a door knob in my purse this morning, I hope whoever it belonged to doesn’t need it today. (icequeenmonster)
[text] a doorknob?[text] oh my god Elsa that’s hilarious[text] let’s just hope it didn’t belong to anyone important.
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
2014 RP Appreciation List
For theoldestjones, therunawayscarlett, and icequeenmonster
Those whom have been around from almost the beginning of Liam’s blog:
belletheoutsider | brokenthimbles | craftycraftsman | crumblingdisposition | evillmajesty | finding-milah | goldenspire | justcallmejolly | princessxbookworm | redcloaksredlips | rightfullordoflocksley | robin-of-the-kings-guard | shadow-of-sherwood | thecharmingprincessemma | ticktock-killthecroc |
Those whom I’ve really appreciated & enjoyed rping with:
adarlingwendy | anastasiaxscarlet | arendellesxanna | awolfinleather | bestsuitedstag | bewarethecreature | captainxkillianxjones | chosentobexgood | devilishly-handsome-hook | dxrliiing | frankensteinmd | hiscaptivebeauty | imnotacharacter | ivegothalfaplan | knightonwatchman | masterofgoodform | motherofabeauty | minaharkerdailymirror | noheartgrinch | notyourxsaviour | ofcrossbowsandbravery | pan-the-demon | praeteriitus | thepiratesson | theyoungestjones | txnkerbell | tyrellsgoldenson | wasnearlycalledbaelfire | youngcorsair | youngswanling | yourexgreen |
Those whom I haven’t interacted much with yet, but enjoy seeing on my dash:
alphamother | avicuula | dalmatiansnightmare | devilindragonhide | dutycallsx | friendofsven | goodformed | heartofthekxng | hearttodust | herunfailingkindness | higherformofbravery | iannaofarendelle | imagineadragonlord | imnotthesavior | lonelyduckling | maidmarianknighton | meridaxchangingfate | mistressemmaswan | mistressmxleficent | muchthemillersson | mxternus | nastyhxbit | nxverlanders | oceansxmelody | ofdeals | ofheroics | onlyslightlylost | overcomingallpossibilities | piratequeenhook | princessandreaofnaos | primumreginam | prxncecharming | rufiofalls | saviorxcomplex | swxmpy | talesofflowersandknives | tea-and-madness | themxdhatter | thepromiseofredemption | thatdxrlinggirl | therealpendragon | therealswann | threatenxandxadore | txnkerfairy | vixlunaortus | wardenforaking | white-as-snxw | youre-myland-ahoy |
Bolded are those who have really helped me with my transition and have been excellent friends I’ve grown close to.
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icequeenmonster-blog · 10 years
My muse has been slipped a love potion. Send "Hey There" for your muse to be the object of their affections.
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