ican-protect-myself · 11 years
He noticed how she licked her lips dry and wondered why her heart was thumping madly in her chest. Was she okay? What was she so nervous about? “Alright, you know I’m here for you Allison. So, talk to me, what’s up?” He asked her gently, looking at her. “Breathe Allison.” He chuckled as she ranted about the others. “I know that, so tell me, what’s wrong?” His heart stopped for a second when she said that she trusted him.
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She knew she was rambling, and she knew she sounded like an idiot, randomly speaking to him and talking to him as if all he had to do in his spare time was talk to her, which in her mind, was a ridiculous thought, She took a breath when commanded which calmed herself down quite a bit. "Sorry." The word slipped from her like her saneness was doing. "I... I think I'm crazy." That word also slipped, she wanted to re-word it when she had thought about it but it seemed her lips were working faster than her brain was doing. "I-I'm sorry it wasn't meant to come out that way. I just think, what's happening to me, Scott and Stiles is creating my head to spin. I just don't know what I'm meant to do - I can't help anyone. I can't help myself."
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~ frozenchildhood ~
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
Watching her take a step back hurt him. It was like she was afraid of him and his nightmare – he didn’t want that. “—You just do.” He mumbled, reluctant to share more “You’re in front of me. You call my name and you’re scared. When I move forward to try and help you… You’re not there anymore.” 
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She felt like he was attempting to pull back his explanation, clearly he had noticed her shift backwards, figured it was something more than just shock. Allison took a breath, recalled the last few seconds and stayed calm - something she hadn't been able to do for a while now. "Isaac, listen to me." Despite her shock, Allison took a step forward, closer to him than she had been before her shock, "I know you won't believe this or- you do, but some part of you still believes your dreams are real, but they're not. I'm not fading away, I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that, okay?"
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
"Let me go." Her accidental whimper slipped from her glossed lips. She stood there, her arms fallen down to her sides, her dark eyes focused on the town below - the wind blew across the woods, leaves rustling loud enough to take Allison from her focus and look up at them. "Why won't anyone just let me go?" Allison just didn't understand anymore; she was sick to her stomach of seeing her Aunt everywhere she turned, she was sick to death of people still trusting her with dangerous objects - why were people still here? Still standing with her? She was utterly confused. No,
She was afraid.
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
Lydia felt like the walls were separating from their corners; Allison was pushing her away, as was Stiles — Scott was having problems too, so wouldn’t that mean… she was alone? It was true, Allison almost killed her. Almost. That counts for something doesn’t it? “Almost Allison… you didn’t know what you were doing, but if you’re asking me to go away, I’m not going to. So if I die, I die for my own lack of not listening to you.” she replied as she watched the brunette fall  apart. Of course there was no logic in her answer, but she liked to think something explainable would show itself soon. “Because I do. Maybe someone will stop it next time, maybe they won’t. But I’m not going to abandon my best friend when she’s going insane. You certainly didn’t do that to me.”
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'Almost Allison' Allison shuddered at the words, how could she have allowed that to happen? Lydia was the first person who stayed with Allison, if any of her other friends found out she was a werewolf hunter, they sure would have sprinted away. Allison's mind kept repeating the strawberry blondes facial expression when Allison's arrow was caught right by her forehead by Isaac. It turned her stomach and forced ever fibre in her body to burn. "Almost..." A hushed whisper repeated from the girls lips. "How...How are you not afraid of me?" Allison studied the girl in front of her, her blood boiling and her throat choking up at ever word. "I couldn't abandon you. You had no one to help you, it was my duty as a best friend." A small smile stretched across the perfectly glossed lips of the brunette. "Thank you."
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{Open to anyone?}
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
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Allison Argent - 3x14
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
Lydia was brushing her hair in the mirror as she waited for Allison. God with everything going on, she needed a damn drink and some girl talk. 
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Hearing the knocks on the door, she rushed down the stairs and opened the door. “Finally. You’re going to need a few drinks before you understand what I have to tell you.
Once the door had whipped open, a smooth smile slipped up the corners of the brunette’s mouth - shoulders back, yet her posture calm. She allowed a chuckle to escape her smiling lips before replying, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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Bringing the bubbly | Lydia & Allison
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
Lydia was slightly taken back by the shooting down of her best friend’s voice.But her explanation was something she really understood; It was… strangely understanding. The strawberry blonde realized that she only advised Allison towards that because there was no one to help Lydia when she felt insane. “…Right” she was at a loss of words, for the very first time. In her? Lydia stared back at the brunette in attempt to try and make some sense out of this, but she was having a hard time grasping the fact. “You..you see her in me?” Lydia fumbled for words, but she knew that after her friend died and came back, things would never be the same. “Yeah… but Allison I know you wouldn’t kill me.. I trust you.” she voiced, knowing that there was a part of Allison that didn’t even trust herself.
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Even Allison had been a little breathless after her explanation, shocked that she had even admitted it - of course, Lydia must have known about Allison aiming almost ever weapon the brunette had at Lydia, only if she was with her though, of course. It wasn't just her this extremely dangerous occurrence had been brought out - she had pointed a gun at Isaac once, but she was able to snap out of it before she had pressed down the trigger. But unfortunately, through her experience with Lydia, she hadn't been so fortunate - the only luck she had on her side was Isaac catching the arrow before it had hit Lydia. "...You shouldn't." Her leaky voice spilled out, she was surprised she had even spoke those two words, "Lydia, you almost died because of me. If Isaac hadn't been there..." A salty tear strolled down her cheek once again, peering down at the floor unable to look the strawberry blonde in the eyes, "I would have killed you." A sharper, more stronger voice was coming out now - regaining her strength to push out the power in her words, her head steadied up once more. "How can you trust that I wouldn't kill you, if I don't even know where I am half the time, let alone know what I'm doing."
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{Open to anyone?}
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
Righty-o Elle.
Elle deleted her kik and like I can't even explain to you how much I miss her.
- Elle was amazingly talented at writing; she was my first ever Isaac Lahey I really got rping with and then we made friends and then like I got kik, she had kik and we roleplayed with it but also OOC spoke on it and - IS2G IF FROZEN AND RISE OF THE GUARDIANS WAS OUR LAST EVER CONVICTION I WILL FIND HER - HOPE ON A PLANE, GET A BOAT, PAY FOR A CAR AND DRIVE WHEREVER SHE LIVES AND JUMP ON HER AND SAY "GET YO ASS BACK OF TUMBLR GURL" AND CRY UNTIL SHE GIVES IN.
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
Lydia tilted her head in a slight confusion, but she knew better than to pretend that she didn’t know who exactly Allison had been talking about. Allison’s dead aunt Kate. So her aunt was haunting her in more ways then one; as much of an opening Lydia could use against this, she decided to be comforting rather than call her friend crazy. 
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"We need to regroup with Stiles and Scott.. just so they know it’s been happening to you too. Just — don’t cry. I know it’s hard not to right now, but it’s better to be strong than let her know that she’s breaking you. Where have you been seeing her?"
"No." A shot reply spat from the brunette, her hands shaking as much as her words did. She stared into her best friends eyes with plead, "I couldn't do that to them. Why should I make them aware of the shit I'm going through when they're going through their own? And besides, I couldn't let Scott know how frequently I'm seeing Kate...He'd worry. I don't want him to do that." 
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"I can't let her break me. But I just keep pretending that I'm not living in fear, but I am Lydia, and it hurts. A lot." Allison attempted to explain, her heart crushing under her tight chest. "Everywhere. I can't explain it - a lot of times I see her in my dreams. My nightmares. Then, everywhere, out my window, at the edge of my bed. I even see her in you. Or on you. When I walk around the woods, or with a gun, I'm somewhere else. I'm not in that location, where I was before and she comes running towards me, I go to shoot at her in reality - and I'm aiming...at you."
{Open to anyone?}
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
After a brief moment of silence, he ended up sighing and running his hand through his hair “I’ve been having nightmares.” He admitted, biting on his lip “You… fade in front of me. You just vanish. It’s – It’s scary.”
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Without her head telling them to do so, her legs took a small step back once she head him. An expression of confusion spread over her pale face as her cheeks awkwardly began to warm. Despite how weird it sounded and her moment of shock, Allison made sure Isaac didn't feel any regret from telling her this. "I fade?" The questioned, "Can you elaborate?"
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
Scott looked at her, “Let me help you.. That will give me something to focus on.” He said, reaching over to take her hand and squeezing it softly, “I’ll make you a deal Allison.” He paused, “You keep me grounded.. Help me remember who I really am.” He began, “And I’ll help you remember that what you see isn’t real, okay?” He kissed her forehead to comfort her, “We’ll keep each other safe because all we have is each other.”
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As soon as his hand touched hers, Allison's body ran cold - after all this time, Scott still had the power to made her body cold and her heart race by just one touch. Allison shut her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath in and adjusting to his touch like she used to. "But I'm fine, Scott," The brunette lied through a small mumble, "I'm more worried about you." Her eyelids lifted open as his lips touched her forehead, a small smile placed over her lips. Despite her current attempts to make him believe that she was fine, she allowed a "Thank you." Whisper slip from her perfectly glossed lips.
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~ sarcasmandthewolf ~
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
Scott hesitated before answering, “No.. no just um.” He looked down before walking over to his dresser and pulling out a set of clothes, blushing a little when his towel slipped a little and he rushed to keep it from falling. “Just give me a couple minutes.”
He disappeared back into the bathroom and, five minutes later, reappeared wearing a white undershirt that exposed his arms and a pair of jeans. 
"I’m.. fine." He lied finally, "Are you doing okay?"
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Allison felt the boys hesitation which created her eyes to drift on the his wall, awkwardly shifting awaiting his answer. Once she heard his answer, a small smile landed on her lips. Once his hand acted in a fast motion in catching his towel, Allison concealed the laugh that was forcing it's way from her. "Okay." Allison gave her small reply, almost squeaking as she hi her grin and laughter.
Under the five minutes she had to spare in waiting for Scott, Allison walked around a little, not snooping, just looking around at his posters on his walls and the group pictures. Allison turned once she heard the boy, she chewed the inside of her cheek a little. 
"Yeah, totally." Returning his lie with her own, Allison clasped her hands together, "I think Stiles is having a really rough time, though."
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
Isaac had really just been wondering about the halls, thank to his father’s pressure about school and being great at everything, he had a majority of his credits already done and a ton of free periods. So would use the time to sit in the library and study, a habit he remained even if his father wasn’t around anymore. Isaac turned around when he heard the familiar voice of Allison and a smile appeared on his face. “Yeah, of course. What did we need to talk about?”
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Allison licked her dry lips as she approached Isaac a little more, her heart in her chest thumped madly in fear but she didn't allow it to express through her features on her face. "It's a little...I just need to talk to someone." She explained, clutching onto her History books. "I can't speak to Lydia, Scott or Stiles because Scott and Stiles are going through difficult things too, and Lydia-Lydia's already tried to help me out way too much." Her eyes had fallen to the ground beneath her boots. "So, that leaves the only person I can trust with things," Her dark eyes lifted up and fell on Isaac's, "You."
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~ actualpuppy-isaaclahey ~
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
Send me anons as my kid.
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
"It wasn’t.." Scott paused and then looked down, suddenly realizing he wasn’t wearing anything but a towel, "My Mom must have been in here looking for.. dirty clothes." He sighed and moved over to his dresser, "So uh, what’re you…. Um, doing here?" he asked, "Not that I’m not happy to see you because I am I’m just, confused?"
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A chuckle escaped her lips at the boy's reply, her brows lowered as she smiled slightly. She awkwardly shifted at his question, folding her slender arms over her chest. "Just wanted to see how you are. With everything happening, I just wanted to ask how you're coping."
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Her eyes slipped towards the floor, "I didn't mean to confuse you - I'd be confused too, though if you turned up out of the blue in my room." Allison stood up, her arms falling back to her sides. "I could leave if you want?"
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ican-protect-myself · 11 years
Great! Should I start then? :3
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callmefirst said: // Any ideas for the plotting plots then dearie?
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