ibubobubo · 3 months
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oceanic prisms 🌈✨ buy a wallpaper or leave a tip / twitter / instagram / shop 
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ibubobubo · 8 months
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For that one ask before, some of my Humanstuck headcanons! I tend to encompass a lot of different ones since people have such great ideas, so a lot of them are pretty interchangeable. A lot of my main hcs revolve around the characters I play, which I'll probably be making more posts involving them later! For now there's the Vantases.
One of the hcs I adore are the family ones, like where the Signless and Disciple meet each other after Kankri and Meulin are born. They have Nepeta and Karkat together! The Maryams also act like siblings to the Vantases and Leijons, but are more like childhood friends due to the found family aspect the Dolorosa and Signless have.
There's so much to discuss though! I love love love Humanstuck stuff
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ibubobubo · 8 months
EEEEE!! ur art look like how I feel the tricksters would feel like!!!! I would love to see some tricker art from you eventually! Xp
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Pov you just woke up what are your last words
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ibubobubo · 9 months
hiii if anyone has made it here from my table at armageddon, i don't actually have most of my recent art posted yet, i was gonna do it before the con started but im too tired :,) i will when i can though!! this isn't a dead account :D
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ibubobubo · 11 months
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“something else” [part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
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ibubobubo · 1 year
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ibubobubo · 1 year
so that meteor trip huh
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ibubobubo · 1 year
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i finally have time to complete the design!!
i call it as finishtale
there is no specific pe or ge route and frisk don't have the power of reset
i will do detailed design later but i won't draw long serial comics to tell the story about them, it's not my style, i'm a lazy guy hehe. probably drop some short comics and doodles
and here are some characters relationships
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ibubobubo · 1 year
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ibubobubo · 1 year
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ibubobubo · 1 year
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ibubobubo · 1 year
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ibubobubo · 1 year
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sona/oc drawn for my 2-yearly improvement meme
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ibubobubo · 1 year
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it’s a me
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ibubobubo · 1 year
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ok time to catch up on unposted art >:)
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ibubobubo · 2 years
Does anyone remember the name of the tumblr artist who had a really Don Bluth/90s Disney -like art style, and who always drew themselves as this tall, lanky skinny figure with dark bags under their eyes and long-fingered expressive hands, every single character design detail just OOZING that extremely clear and distinct "90s cartoon queercoded villain" vibe.
And then someone sent them an anon asking "why do you draw yourself looking like that.", and the artist actually posts a picture of themselves. and they literally just look like that. Like a distinct IRL version of the cartoon self-portrait OC, like Disney did a reboot of the original cartoon but in 3D animation, and leaned in slightly too deep into some hyper-realistic art style. And put the villain in a hoodie in front of a shitty webcam.
Also they were posing like THIS
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ibubobubo · 2 years
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Rock study
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