iboring-blog · 11 years
“What's the point in being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? How very odd, to believe God gave you life, and yet not think that life asks more of you than watching TV.”
John Green, An Abundance of Katherines
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iboring-blog · 12 years
I am a deeply flawed person. Please believe me when I say this is not to grab attention. This in it’s entirety is an apology and a promise. I apologise to everyone who I have failed and I promise that from this moment on I will do my best to be the man who you all deserve. There are some of you who to whom this is directed at more than others, but this is also a public proclamation. A public proclamation of a pledge to do more and to be better. To be who I was called to be. Hold me to it.
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iboring-blog · 12 years
The plan is finding someone of enchanting beauty and marrying the crap out of her.
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iboring-blog · 13 years
Satisfying your innate thirst for adventure by living vicariously through tumblr without actually achieving anything - while complaining about being lonely.
The definition of wasted youth
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iboring-blog · 13 years
that winning moment when you realise you have done a good guy greg thing
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iboring-blog · 13 years
I don't know why, but it's actually very very nice to see her smiling and happy.
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Resident Evil: Afterlife Outtakes
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iboring-blog · 13 years
We are all in agreement
time to move back to Brisbane I think. 
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iboring-blog · 13 years
Hipster Rules:
1. Never try. Never put effort into anything
2. Only like things ironically 
3. Never show to much enthusiasm  
4. Everything is dumb. If you don’t understand something you just go “I’m over it.” 
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iboring-blog · 13 years
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iboring-blog · 13 years
HERE’S HOW: 1. Wrap a mens button down around you like a towl. 2. Button it from the bottom up, to where it fits right. 3. Take the sleaves and use them to secure the shirt around you in a bow.   THE BIGGEST TIP: A lot of girls have tried this and it didnt work because the shirt wasnt big enough. You probably wont be able to use on of your own botton downs- i think it has to be a dads or boyfriends or older brothers
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iboring-blog · 13 years
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iboring-blog · 13 years
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iboring-blog · 13 years
Vengeance won't bring you peace
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Not that I'm heavily into vengeance, I just couldn't let this go.
You hurt my friend, I hurt you. I pray for your sake that I don't snap fully...
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iboring-blog · 13 years
I love how JD says it. It rings in my ears when i look at this gif
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iboring-blog · 13 years
Played nfl yesterday - well tried. Then i slept for 12 hours
wait, what?
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iboring-blog · 13 years
Adventure time is amazing
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iboring-blog · 13 years
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