ianmonts · 3 days
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The Broken Hearts Gallery (2020) | dir. Natalie Krinsky
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ianmonts · 1 month
This entire interaction was proving to be Ian's worst nightmare come to life -- well, one of many, at least -- getting berated by his ex-girlfriend in a public place for crimes that he wasn't able to weasel himself out of. He wasn't proud of his decision to disappear from Georgie's life, but after a certain point he thought it would be the only way he wouldn't come running back into the chaos that was their relationship. "Gi -- Georgie, wait!" He called after her, a pit forming in his stomach then when he thought about her music, the songs -- the album -- dedicated to him and his shitty behavior. "Georgie..." For a moment he considered running after her, suddenly desperate to explain himself, but then remembered all the eyes on them at that moment. No, Ian wouldn't make a spectacle out of this -- he couldn't not for his own sanity. So, instead, he took a steadying breath and shamefully began to walk in the other direction, avoiding the gazes of strangers that curiously looked on.
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One of Georgie's hands covered her mouth as an incredulous laugh left her at Ian's objection. Throughout their entire relationship, it felt like Iris had stuck her nose into their business -- or at least Ian had brought her into it by venting any frustration he had to her rather than working it out with Georgie -- but now he had a problem with her being brought into it? "Thank you for that. I needed a good laugh," she said with a sigh once her laughter subsided. She took a step forward towards him and shrugged. "I guess that's just my luck, isn't it?" She offered him a small smile, one that appeared kind unless one saw her stony gaze. It took everything in her to hold it when all she wanted to do was drink herself into a stupor and cry herself to sleep. "And you lost the privilege of calling me Gi when you blocked me on everything." She stepped around him towards the exit, calling over her shoulder. "You can hear what I have to say about it if you stick around for my set on Sunday."
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ianmonts · 1 month
"Please, I completely understand and sympathize with the struggle. I too have been hot and had to go before." He joked, already brightening up a bit in his friend's presence. Fliss had a way of making him feel at ease that he didn't get with many other people -- and, no, it wasn't entirely because she usually made him fun cocktails when he was over. "That good, huh? Well, the fact that it looks all fancy and shit makes me inclined to believe you." Ian took the drink from the blonde's grasp, a low chuckle falling from his lips at her next question. "Uh -- define 'fun'." The words were out before he could stop himself, deflating slightly as he brought the drink to his lips. "I ran into an ex I haven't seen in a while. Zero out of ten, would not reccomment -- oh, this is delicious, by the way." He wanted to get that compliment out there before they got too in the weeds. "What about you? I see you're still alive, unharmed as far as the naked eye can see."
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Fliss' apartment with Ian Montgomery @ianmonts
"I'm sorry I lost you the other day but Chappell came on and I just couldn't help myself. I embraced the whole 'Hot To Go' mentality - I'm hot, I had to go." Words were called through to her friend from the kitchen, the laugh that followed echoing in through her small, bright apartment. "Hopefully my prize winning sangria will make up for it." The grin on her face might give away that it had won no such prizes but she'd received enough compliments on it through the years it felt as though it might as well have. Two glasses were poured and she passed one to him before her expression turned to one of genuine interest mingled with just a hint of concern. "You had fun the rest of it though, right? - storm aside of course." Sheepish smile rested on her lips, mouth getting ahead of brain once again. As if she could forget the way the sandstorm had whipped around her just days earlier.
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ianmonts · 1 month
"You think that sounds kinky? Try 'Mr. Puts His Shopping Cart Away After Using It'." He remarked sarcastically, brows arched then as he caught her drift. "Yeah, I suppose it does, doesn't it?" Suddenly he was all the more thankful for his last minute decision to come to the festival, the look in Kathryn's eye unmistakable and tempting enough to not call it quits any time soon. Plus, by the end of the night he'd be released from any work obligations -- if he made it that long without his phone going off, that is.
He let out a laugh, waving a hand dismissively. "Listen, I may be talented at many things, but dancing is not one of them. I'll leave that part to you." Ian had as much rhythm in his hips as a large metal pole -- which was to say, absolutely none. "Your inner Brit? Aren't you an outer Brit? How does that work?" He teased, simply poking fun just because he could. "Well, if you feel like having a very handsome and very responsible chaperone to watch his performance, I'd be happy to fill the spot. Plus, I've got decently strong shoulders if we get a shit spot and you need a boost -- just sayin'."
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"Mr. Designated Driver, it sounds so...kinky,” she teased, sounding nothing of the sort as she flashed a wide, cheeky grin in response. "Suppose that means I can enjoy an extra marg or two..." it was subtle, a hint towards the fact that he was driving home. And, if he was available — and not running off to save the world, the seed was planted. "It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it.” She added for good measure, just in case he didn't quite catch her drift. Kathryn realised, quite recently, that her ability to talk to men outside of trying to con them...was zero.
"I could think of worse things than being an international woman of mystery.” Kathryn wasn't drunk, but she could feel the buzz from the drinks she'd had when she arrived. "Solid Brat summer vibes for sure. Charli has been killing it this year." brow raising, as her lips tilting into one of complete and utter amusement, barking a playful laugh. "I hope to god you know the dance everyone was doing on TikTok to the song, because if so, I expect to see it, and you...in your full performance era." Kathryn expected him to do nothing close to that, but it was playful and that was something she'd always enjoyed about Ian's company. It was lighter, freer. "I'm big on Stormzy, call it my inner Brit." and the fact that she'd been crushing on him for a long while now. "It's my inner gangsta." Throwing up a sign she was 95% sure was wrong.
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ianmonts · 1 month
Ian bit the inside of his cheek, shaking his head. "It was everything." He clarified, not about to lie to her about the part she played but not willing to place it all on that. Yes, Georgie's lifestyle and it's aftershocks were draining, and they'd affected him mentally, physically, but after a certain point Los Angeles became to much for him to bear. Perhaps she was the catalyst, but there's always a chain reaction that follows. "Yeah, well, she and Lance are getting older." Not that he owed her an explanation as to why Tonopah Valley -- no, he really only owed her the 'why' part, the closure that neither of them had ever gotten because of his need to turn around and not look back. His face faltered at Georgie's next words, unable to help the frustrated sigh that fell from his lips. "Come on, don't bring my sister into this," Ian protested, "I wasn't even planning on coming, Gi. I didn't even see your name on the list of performers until a few hours ago, and even then I -- I mean, what the hell are the chances we'd run into one another, huh?"
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"Was it California? I remember you saying it was my life that was too much. It's hard to keep up," she responded. She should have been more understanding -- after all, it wasn't like everyone was equipped to deal with the sort of exposure that came with her lifestyle -- but they had been together for so long that she had hoped he would've gotten used to it after a short break. Then that break turned into complete disconnection, and apparently an out-of-state move. "I'm sure she appreciated that. She always wanted you to visit more." She was aware of the whispers that started up around them the longer they stood there, and she sighed. "Since I'm sure she'll convince you that I'm stalking you or something by being here, you can assure Iris when you tell her about this later, I had no idea you moved here. If I'd known, I wouldn't have agreed to do the festival."
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ianmonts · 1 month
Ian smirked lightly, looking down at his drink with a nod. "Feels like someone should have told us this shit a long time ago." Or, perhaps, he should have simply listened to the friends he had, the exes, who would call him out for the way he handled (or wouldn't handle) his emotions. Now, he was in his late thirties, still constantly at war with himself, and only recently had he come to the conclusion that he needed to make some big changes. Brows piqued as Will spoke of meeting his birth mom and the events surrounding it, a laugh of his own bubbling from. "That's -- wow. That's some big stuff." Much more of an excuse than Ian's self-inflicted, weeks-long temper tantrum. "So --- how did it go? Meeting your mom, I mean, not the sperm -- well, I mean, we can talk about that, too, if you want."
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Will nodded as he listened to Ian's words, understanding more than he could probably verbalize. "Yeah well trying to like properly process all of your emotions as a grown man with a lot of shit to work through is apparently not as easy as it seems. At least I'm learning," he admitted with a laugh and followed it with another sip for his drink. Ian had said that he trusted him and Will wanted to try to do the same. He cleared his throat before looking at him again. "Uh, so, I met my birth mom. In Seattle. And it all kind of happened because I wanted to donate sperm and they needed my medical history. So yeah, I met her..and I donated sperm," he said with a laugh, blushing a bit as he realized he had been a little loud. "There's other stuff too but those are like the main things that have been going on with me. In the vein of honest communication."
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ianmonts · 1 month
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Raymond Ablack as Nate | Maid (2021)
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ianmonts · 2 months
Ian couldn't help the laugh that escaped him in response to her kind words, the moniker of 'hero' tickling him slightly. "I don't know about that. More likely a guy who wasn't repulsed by the sight of blood and guts and figured it'd make a good career." Sure, he wasn't giving himself enough credit -- but whenever did he? "Yeah, well, it's a testament to how much fun I can be sober. You thought drunk Ian was a good time? Try me playin' designated driver." He remarked sarcastically, wiggling his brows for good measure.
"What? Kim Possible is the GOAT of hot cartoons. Well, aside from She-Go, that is. Obviously I have a thing for dark hair." The male pointed out. "Wow, the spitting image. How's it feel being an international woman of mystery?" He grinned, a chuckle escaping him. "Could be worse, cartoons are dope." Ian and his sister used to spend hours in front of the television (the moment their mother was actually able to afford one, that is), memories that he looked back on fondly. "Anyone you're lookin' forward to seeing? I personally am looking forward to solidifying my Brat summer by bumpin' it to Charli." Y'know, without the cocaine and what not.
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An arch of her brow, hands raising as she gave him exactly what he asked for — a slow, sarcastic clap as her lips pulled into a wide grin. "You get what you ask for, especially when you're a comedic genius." All playful jabs, her eyes finding themselves crinkling in the corners. The only tell of her age. "But that spin, Ian," hand finding itself on her chest, laughter threatening to break free. "Ever think about getting into ballet? Beautiful posture."
However, for a just a moment, she tuned in. On call, which meant he could be called away at any minute. Pouting further, her head cocked to the side. Ian had chosen a profession so vastly different from the life she led. "You're a real life, everyday hero." gesturing towards him. "You should get awards...a beautiful day like today, margs in a fingers reach and you have to abstain..." a slow whistle from between her lips. "Impressive." To most, she was a bookstore owner...but the reality wasn't something she could openly share with him. No matter how much it crossed her mind -- still, she stuffed it to the back of her mind as she looked down at her outfit.
"Kim Possible? Really?" an impressed pout of her lip, arms crossing over her midsection as she gave a nod. "I was going for this festival kick-ass chic vibe, so I’ll take it." Striking a pose, one hand on her hip, before dropping it with a grin. Kathryn could be silly, at times. In anything, she liked to play into the moment. Enjoy herself and let loose. And, in Ian's presence, she could do exactly that. "thought I might blend in, now I find out I'm a walkin', talkin' cartoon character."
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ianmonts · 2 months
"Shit, guess I better make the most of the next two years, then. What exactly happens after forty? Should I start taking vitamins or something?" Honestly, aging didn't scare him as much as one would think. Sure, he had an existential crisis around every birthday for the last twenty years, but that was less of an age thing and more of a holy shit what the fuck am I doing with my life thing. For as much as Ian had going for him -- a great career, steady income, an array of friendships -- there had always been something so deeply and innately broken inside of him that begged constant inner crisis'. "Amen to that." Ian chuckled, brow arched then at Nelle's question. For whatever reason, she'd mastered the art of cutting straight through the bullshit in a way that would have been almost unsettling had he not found her so insanely attractive. "Ain't wanting to sleep with a beautiful woman reason enough? And not just a beautiful woman, but one that actually wants to sleep with me, too?" He responded, in a bit of a round about way. "Why, you got reasons beyond that? Or you think I should?"
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"Use it while you got it, Kid, it all goes down hill after 40 for you guys. Whereas us women only get better." She always thought it was gross, how women would talk about their 'sexual prime', but, well...Fuck, they weren't wrong. The fact that she was fucking someone 10 years her junior proof to that point. She was living a the midlife crisis dream of some mediocre white man, and she was going to fucking enjoy it until her heart finally settled enough to go after what, or who it truly wanted. "Well where's the fucking fun, no pun intended, in that? I prefer eating alone but fucking with company." She said with a shrug as she accepted the lighter from Ian, bringing the glowing flame to the end of her own cigarette. One good draw before she responded. "Don't need a crystal ball to know who it is for me. I'm just not ready for him yet, which is why I'm here. Just like you, I got my reasons for--" she motioned between the two of them. "What's the name of your reason?"
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ianmonts · 2 months
A soft chuckle fall from his lips, an immediate sense of discomfort washing over him at the mention of him being alive. "Has it's pros and cons, I guess." He tossed back, finding it hard to meet Georgie's gaze even as they came face to face for the first time in, well, too long. God, of all the times he wished he wasn't on call, now would definitely take the cake because dear lord did he want a drink to wash this down. "I, uh --" a pause, and his gaze flickered towards the security guard, then to the scattered amount of people around silently vying for her to turn and face them, to say hello, to entertain... "I live here. Well, not on the campgrounds. That would be too outdoorsy for me -- you know much I hate the great outdoors." He cleared his throat. "I moved here to be closer to my mom. A few years back, when we...when I decided California was too much for me."
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Georgie had never enjoyed the VIP treatment. She understood why her team insisted on it, but she hated viewing herself as anything less than normal, which was why she'd been wandering around the crowd like any other concert goer, enjoying the performances and not bringing any attention to herself. The first time she realized she'd been recognized was when she'd entered the hydration tent to refill her water bottle, the whispers trailing behind her. As she turned, she fully intended to give a simple wave to others on her way out, but she'd hardly taken a step when her eyes landed on a ghost from her past.
A wave of mixed emotions crashed over her: relief at knowing he was okay, joy at seeing her old best friend, pain knowing he no longer was, and below all of that simmered an anger she would never allow herself to show. "Ian. I see you're still alive," she replied with a polite smile, nervous hands fidgeting with the bottle. Her gaze flickered outside of the tent where her security guard lingered before back to him. "What are you doing here?"
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ianmonts · 2 months
tonopahella w/ @georgiebanks
She was unmistakable, even without the dozens of people littering the hydration area at that moment pointing and staring, waving hello as she filled her cup with water from the cooler -- and he himself was no better as he stood at the edge of the tent, suddenly struck with intense immobility as he looked on. It had only been a few short years since he'd seen Georgie last, and in that time he'd tried (and mostly failed, admittedly) to make great strides to overcome the scars that'd been left in the wake of their relationship. But seeing her now, well, it was if no time had passed, and boy was he pissed he couldn't run to the bar.
Speaking of running, he thought about making a break for it, thought about turning around and pretending like he'd never seen her -- but then they locked eyes, and although Ian had blocked her number and essentially ghosted in a desperate attempt to move on with his life, he knew this was a situation he couldn't just abandon. Clearing his throat, Ian lifted a hand and offered a small wave in the brunette's direction. "...hey, Georgie."
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ianmonts · 2 months
Ian let out a smirk, holding up his plastic cup. "You see this? Diet coke. I'm on call all weekend." Admittedly, he'd volunteered given he wasn't originally planning on going to the festival until he learned that literally everyone in town was fucking going. Among the many diagnoses' the male could probably use, one he knew for sure he had was a constant, severe case of FOMO. "I promise I'm just as fun sober as I am shit-faced. And less messy, both with carrying my drinks and my behavior in general." He joked. "You workin' security or somethin'? What exactly are you supposed to be 'on the clock' doin' anyway?"
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Location: Music Festival
Hayden shot Ian a smirk as she caught sight of him coming her way. "Sorry, Doc," she said, "they've got me on the clock." She shrugged, slipping her hands into her back pockets. "So yeah, I'm sober and no fun right now. Give me a couple of hours to get shit-faced I'll be alot more fun."
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ianmonts · 2 months
It took him a few moments to reconcile Kathryn's words once he'd turned around to face her, breaking out into a laugh only moments later. "Please, don't everyone clap at once..." he responded, playing into her quip and doing a little twirl for good measure. Admittedly, he was feeling a bit tense after learning that a particular ex of his was one of the performers that weekend, having decided last minute to attend the music festival as a simple way to get out of the house. Alas, he was suddenly feeling very, very grateful to see Kathryn, if for no other reason than she was particularly easy for him to give his full attention to.
"Well, I'm on call this weekend so I could be doing a little better, if I'm bein' honest, but only because I am literally craving one of those enormous frozen margs I keep seein' everywhere." He smirked, giving her a once over. "I am seriously diggin' the outfit. I mean -- shit, you're like if Kim Possible grew up and became a brunette."
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FOR: @ianmonts WHERE: Tonopahella Music Festival.
Spotting Ian across the field, her features erupted into one of genuine delight. At first, the idea of coming here alone had felt awkward, and she hadn't enjoyed it until, as the day progressed, she realised it gave her the ability to jump around and talk to more people without the pressure that she was leaving someone out, or behind. It was why she spotted him, closing the space in all but a few footsteps, reaching up to tap him on the shoulder.
"It's the man of the hour, comedic genius, the one, the only, ladies and gentleman, I give you, Ian Montgomery." A mimick of the man who compared at the comedy nights they had their first meeting at. "How you doing?"
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ianmonts · 2 months
Ian let out a somewhat bashful chuckle, a finger lazily tracing the lip of his wine glass. "I thought we could just continue on like no time has passed, but if you insist..." He teased, letting out a quiet sigh. His mind had honestly been a mess for some time now, ever since the one night he'd opened up to Will about his past and, subsequently, had a somewhat dramatic (yet very on brand) existential crisis about what he was feeling for the male. And ultimately? What he landed on was that he was far too fucked up still from his last relationship, and maybe he'd been lying to himself about his intentions. Either way, though, Will had grown to become a very important part of his life, one that he wasn't keen on losing. "Don't even -- seriously. I feel like shit probably just hit the fan with us both and..." Ian trailed off, shoulders lifting in a shrug. "You've got nothin' to apologize for, alright? I mean, shit, talk about bein' stuck in your own head, I was in the same boat." He paused, shifting in his seat. "But, uh, if we're talkin' about getting our of our heads and talking to each other, well, I think I might have...freaked myself out a little. Got scared of my own shadow and hid away for six more weeks of winter." A chuckle. "I don't, uh, open up to people. Like I did with you. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret it -- and I meant what I said, I do...trust you, I just -- there's a lot of fuckery that goes on in here." Ian gestured to his head, grinning softly. "Maybe you can relate. Hope not, but, the average person ain't always so lucky."
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"So is this where we both apologize for being shit at communication?" Will's smile grew slowly as he sat across from Ian at dinner. Their dinner was long gone and their drink glasses took up most of the table at that point. It had felt good to catch up and the small talk had felt easy but it was hitting Will now how much time had seemed to fly by between them. They had both clearly been dealing with different things, family and not but Will knew for a fact he was still grateful to have him in his life. He rest one hand on his cheek and the other on his glass. "Cause I am sorry. For not being more communicative or even just a bit more open about what's been going on with me lately. Guess I just needed to figure it out a bit myself. Kind of had my head all over the place but," he took a deep breath and shook his head. "Feel like I should've just talked to you more about it instead of I don't know, hiding in my own head. I'm just really good at that." @ianmonts
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ianmonts · 2 months
"Great question. Second options sounds kinkier, maybe I'll give that a shot after my refractory period ends." He joked, sitting further up against the headboard whilst a leg poked out from underneath the sheets, sticking the cigarette between his lips. Anyone who'd been around Ian for more than five seconds knew that these braggadocios quips of his were nothing more than a farce, all in good fun. What some didn't realize, however, was how they were essentially a means to overcompensate, to distract from his internal strife. "Well, yeah, technically nothing needs to be done together. Sex barely needs to be done with someone else, that's why they invented the Rabbit." The male sparked up the end of the cigarette, the flame catching before handing the lighter over to Nellie. "Be still my heart." Ian remarked wryly, exhaling a plume of smoke. "I dunno, I'm a fan of a good cuddle, whether or not any of it turns into anything. 'Sides, how are you supposed to know when you're gonna spend the rest of your life with someone? You got a crystal ball I don't know about?" His lips spread into a wide grin. "Deal. Seems like a win-win situation either way, don't you think? Promise I won't disappoint."
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"That and blowing smoke up your own ass, wonder which one will do you in first?" she asked in response to the glowing reviews on himself, she deftly moved herself towards the edge of the bed, eyes roaming the floor, looking for wherever her clothes ended up. "You're not wrong, but it doesn't mean it has to be done together." Ah! She scooped up her slip and slid it up over her legs. --- Taking the cigarette, she raised a brow at him both as she waited for him to give her a light and both at his prodding. "You're a good fuck, Montgomery, I'll give you that, but the only person I'll cuddle with is someone I'm going to be with for the rest of my life, and that certainly ain't you." She reached down once more for her bra, only for a head rush to almost take her off her feet. Maybe her aforementioned diet wasn't the best. "Okay, one chicken parm. But if it's shit, we play it my way. You come, you fuck, you come in a different type of way, and then you leave. --- Deal?"
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ianmonts · 3 months
"You sure he didn't just, like, not speak English? I find a lot of misunderstandings and goofy hijinks happen that way -- I'm sure there's an episode of Seinfeld about just that." Obviously he wasn't actually giving this guy, whoever he was, the benefit of the doubt; he was just giving Blake a hard time because he could. "Alright, killer, let's try to prevent your entire hand from swelling up like a balloon tomorrow morning." Though he doubted a bag of peas was going to do that much at the end of the day. "Eh, none taken. I can't disagree with you there; some of my worst interactions have been with men." The male smirked, shaking his head at the blonde's comment. "I'll have you know I paid a lot of money for these hands. They better be good for somethin'." Brows arched when she moved to anther aisle, following close behind. "Yeah, just bunch 'em up if they're too thin. Ha -- something like that. I've somehow stumbled into her good graces after all of this time, though, so it's pretty fuckin' sweet for me. I think it's 'cause I finally got her coffee order right."
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Blake, surprisingly, wasn't a violent person by nature. At least when it came to things outside of the Sons. When it came to things for the Sons she would get as violent as she needed to, thrived in those moments. Not sadistic but she did have a love of knives. Outside of that though? She tended to use her words before fists... unless it was like the date she'd been on. Shrugging her shoulders she pulled the peas away frowning slightly at the bruise there. "Some jackass who apparently doesn't understand what the words, 'Don't fucking touch me' means. Honestly, I was just swinging to get him away and he was the dumbass who stepped closer. He's lucky I didn't pin his hand to the nearest table with whatever pointy thing was closest." Blake shook her head, turning so she could lean back against the glass of the freezer door. Her eyes closing as her head gently hit door. "God men suck... no offense." Her eyes flicked towards Ian before looking at the aisle across from her, a small smirk dancing along her lips, "Although, ending up in a nearly empty store with someone who's clearly very good with his hands, isn't the worst way to end the night." The words were low and sultry before Blake pushed off the doors with a laugh before heading for a different aisle, "Napkins should work yes? So is the Mrs. Doctor Lancaster still running the surgical floor like a dictator on a power trip?" It seemed like the most accuret descriptioin of her mother.
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ianmonts · 3 months
Ian chuckled, miming a playful tip of an imaginary hat. "Well, me and my comedic wit appreciate your patience and never ending support." Honestly, the man didn't really consider himself that funny, but apparently he exuded enough chaos to make up for that. Either that, or he was just really good at insulting people behind their backs. "It is a pretty nice booth, though, ain't it? Glad to hear you haven't had someone else's ass warming it up for me. Unless you're just a real good liar."
His cheeks turned a subtle shade of pink, an endearing grin curling at his lips. "No, no, that's -- definitely not the case." Ian assured. "I left, uh, very full. Stuffed, actually. Just the thought of going back for seconds..." He trailed off, figuring he'd gotten his point across and then some. "Little bit of this, little bit of that -- but, yeah, I didn't want to leave without making a plan. I'll do you one better than a comedy show, even," the surgeon whipped out his phone, pulling up a screenshot he'd taken off of Facebook.
"What's more fun than watching a bunch of cringy comics tell jokes? Watching them do karaoke. Might be harder to stifle our laughs, though." He smirked, nodding. "I think I have little room on the calendar."
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Kathryn cautiously eyed him for a moment over the rim of the take-away cup. Waiting to hear bad news that could be crippling, because it seemed to be the norm in this town. However, his allude to work had her shoulders lightening up, un-tensing.
"Replace you?" Kathryn echoed, a perfectly plucked brow arching as a small smirk curled the corner of her lip. "Are you kidding?" tone teasing, eyes alight. "No one can fill your shoes, Ian. No one has the....comedic wit to do so. Your spot is secure. That booth at that awful comedy hour is ours for the time being." She took another sip of her coffee, savouring the absolutely god-awful taste that was drenching the inside of her mouth. She was being polite because she was dumping it the second his back was turned. She appreciated it, even if it was god-awful, but there was only so much torture her taste buds could endure.
"I'm glad to hear things are getting back to normal, though. No one heckles quite like you do when there's a bad joke. And I mean, a girl couldn't help but wonder at the time if the meal hadn't been quite...so satisfying." A tease, easy, referring back to the comment that had led them to leave early and find the same bed together. "It’s not the same without your laugh echoing through the room. "So, did you come here to simply say hello, or are we planning something? Because I heard there's a comedy show at the end of the week..." she knew work might keep him from doing so, but if she didn't offer, she might've been closing a door.
"If you can fit me in, of course." She added for good measure.
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