The Pleiades
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iamthpleiades-blog · 8 years ago
2.21.17 - Consciousness
The answer to every single problem you will ever face in life is consciousness.
I say this, and many of you will have no idea why I’m saying this. How can that improve my life? What does that even mean?
Consciousness is your overall awareness. However, the word awareness is broad for a reason. There are so many things you can be conscious that you take for granted.
The vast majority of people operate 99% from the subconscious mind. They are practically robots. It is not their fault. I was once like this. We all start here really, but it is up to you to make the choice to expand your consciousness.
I can emphasize the importance of consciousness all I want, but you will not truly understand the impact until you experience it yourself. I could try to tell you how much of what you do is subconscious, but you would not be able to understand until you became conscious of what is subconscious.
Look around. People aren’t even themselves anymore. They walk around, living a false reality. 
Every. Single. Problem. Consciousness.
All of our collective problems can only be solved with an expansion of consciousness. This is the only way.
It is up to you, to look within, and find that consciousness that transcends this reality.
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iamthpleiades-blog · 8 years ago
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I have been feeling an urge that I need to talk to someone about the world and the way things are going along this current timeline of Earthly being. But I don't know who so my higher self has lead me to leave this message where anyone can come across it. I ask whoever is reading now to put all judgement aside, all fear aside, and let this message speak to the heart and the soul. After you read, and as, think deeply of the words. People of Earth, We are at a very pivotal point in human existence. The world around you used to once be a land of beauty, love, harmony, peace, magic and a place beyond your wildest dreams. Today it is destroyed, the people are controlled and live in fear enducing environments. I see that many are in a daze with presidential election of the U.S. Let it go. Do not focus on that, now is the time for you to step onto your path and soul calling. Do not pay attention to the media, the people must focus on one thing. Being the change we wish to see. WE MUST UNITE If we do not unite then this world as we know it will become in a sense hell. It may feel like it is already hell but it is not. There is still hope. But it lies in the hands of the people, not the government. The children are our hope as well. Those who have gotten this far in the reading were meant to hear what is about to be said next. As the lightworkers, earth angels, crystal children, indigos, rainbow children, star seeds, we are all the answered prayers of the many suffering generations. We are the light and way of the law of one. And we must raise the younger generations we come in contact with, and guide those we can through the many means available. But this you already know. Now is a pivitol point in our path as lightworkers. I have seen that money has been clouding our vision on how to heal the earth and its people. Dont focus on the money. Focus on how you can serve earth. So those making crystal jewlery, start to give for free, or at a very cheap cost. Go on the streets sit with homeless people, heal them, leave them with the crystal as it will aid them. Trust your intuition. To the healers, nature healers, faith healers, reiki healers, do not charge to heal. As the world is in need of our energy, money affects that energy in negative ways. We must not focus on what things can do for us, but what we can do for others. Also i am calling for a unification of all lightworkers. We leave behind material possessions, our houses, everything. Take what you need to supply of the earth and travel. We all meet in a certain location, on a certain day and we begin a very deep spiritual journey. Where we meet you can either walk to or take some sort of transportation. Once we are all in this place decided we meet we will no longer be using vehicles. We will be with eachother and Gaia. This journey will be difficult and unlike anything. May be scary at times, and put our souls to the test and lives on the line, but through this we will really get to know ourselves, we will travel and heal many souls together. We will show people that we do not need the material we are told that we do. That money is irrelevant and keeping us from truly living. This is a calling for us to unite and begin bringing back an age of love and oneness. If we do not act soon we may miss our chance. The world is suffering. It needs us to awaken and transcend this Earthly plane and bring Gaia back to the higher dimensions. We have all been a caterpillar in a cocoon, we have created this dream to undergo a process of evolution. Awake now, spread your wings and fly free.
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iamthpleiades-blog · 8 years ago
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"Her eyes lead you to galaxies With beauty and love A place free of tragedies She got me falling hard Love like hers heals all your misery My pain has abandoned me She makes me feel alive If i died tonight I'd protect her soul Until I could find her in our next life" ' Ἀστραῖα '
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iamthpleiades-blog · 8 years ago
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take me to an art museum and kiss me between the paintings
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iamthpleiades-blog · 9 years ago
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The true DNA of humanity lies within the cells of your body. The ability to recreate, regerate yourself in the simplicity of a conscious & subconscious thought. These cells function off of energy recieved from the breath of Aether. Meditation activates the crystalline cell DNA of humanity, breathing in the breath of Aether and allowing it to energize your cells while consciously and subconsciously creating the YOUniverse inside you.
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iamthpleiades-blog · 9 years ago
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"According to an adopted theory, every ponderable atom is differentiated from a tenuous (fragile, vague) fluid, filling all space merely by spinning motion, as a whirl of water in a calm lake. By being set in movement this fluid, the ether, becomes gross matter. Its movement arrested (halted), the primary substance reverts to its normal state. It appears, then, possible for man through harnessed energy of the medium and suitable agencies for starting and stopping ether whirls to cause matter to form and disappear. At his command, almost without effort on his part, old worlds would vanish and new ones would spring into being. He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, adjust its distance from the sun, guide it on its eternal journey along any path he might choose, through the depths of the universe. He could make planets collide and produce his suns and stars, his heat and light; he could originate life in all its infinite forms. To cause at will the birth and death of matter would be man's grandest deed, which would give him the mastery of physical creation, make him fulfill his ultimate destiny." - Nikola Tesla Mans understanding of Aether (Akasha/ Energy) Isn't extraordinary or myatical enough to be true. Mankind were created to be Gods and Goddesses of creation far beyond the capablities of the beings that created this beautiful species of light. These beings did not like this and manipulated the DNA of humans and gave false ideologies of the higher realms. Earth was created as a cosmic living library where one could come and experience life in a more physical sense and explore the wonders of the consciousness and material way of life. To explore how life could be stored through various frequencies and the genetic process. Through this one could find their true and highest self, conquer darkness by radiating the light channeling through their physical vessel recieved from the prime creator. Humanity is entering a beautiful mark in their existence. We are in the times of evolution, where we remember the gift of Aether and his breath that flows throughout our galaxy. Humanity will start to use the aether the way it is meant to be, through this your true DNA begins to activate. Humanity is evolving, connecting to their roots and remebering the truth of their soul. We have been living in turmoil, chaos and darkness for too long. It is time that we let the light shine within our beautiful species and flow harmonically with the rest of creation. This evolution will affect many worlds, this is the catalyst to a infinite chain of ascension and evolution of all creation.
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iamthpleiades-blog · 9 years ago
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“Every interaction between people involves an exchange of energy, and sex involves the fullest exchange possible. S.E.X. an acronym for “soul energy x-change.”
- Unknown 
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.“
- Carl Jung
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iamthpleiades-blog · 9 years ago
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Soulmates & Twinflames - Soulmates are here for your soul’s growth, and through the Law of Attraction, you meet various soulmates in divine timing for the specific lessons to be learned.  If you don’t learn the intended lesson, you repeat the course, so-to-speak, with the next soulmate. A twin flame’s vibration is different. It is both the same and the polar opposite of yours, like the solid and the void existing at once to create the Zero Point.  I liken it to the heat and cold coming together to create the perfect climate for growth, like the fiery sun warming the cool earth to sustain life.
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iamthpleiades-blog · 9 years ago
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Counterparts // Tragedy 
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iamthpleiades-blog · 9 years ago
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New piece, hope you like it! xo Lang 
My NEW book Memories is now available via Amazon, BN.com + The Book Depository
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