iamtamikah-blog · 6 years
My New Media Journalism Final Project: Mastery Journal
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My Mastery Journey is to become an Entertainment Journalist. My mission is to provide an online platform that features entertainment-related issues such as celebrity updates, drama, and reality television. In addition to that, my goal is to someday be able to share my journalistic content on a television network.
Anyways, the New Media Journalism Final Project class has taught me the elements on how to establish a website that includes multimedia pieces that documents my project. I was also taught how to write a professional supported thesis paper.
Throughout my year at Full Sail University, I have learned how to plan and structure my ideas, write and design compelling characters, and how to understand the mechanics of hypertext, and the importance of being innovative. The program has taught me how to identify essential research, investigative methodologies, analyze & develop my communication, and introduction skills that commensurate with the preparation and presentation of my formal research and or investigative reports. I was taught to shoot on a professional level video camera and edit on industry standard software. I was trained to identify newsworthy stories, how to effectively interview subjects, and how to film compelling sequences and scenes. I was taught how to report, script, and edit compelling audio stories suited for podcasting and or broadcast, as well as being coached on how to identify newsworthy stories.
Now I have the techniques and skills to distribute my journalistic content in a form of a newscast or news report. I understand how to utilize my social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and popular video sites like YouTube or Vimeo to expose my creative content. I know the importance of knowing how to effectively combine my audios, videos, and photographs appropriately to create compelling stories for my audience, and how to effectively communicate and engage with my audience on different types of social media platforms.
The New Media Journalism Final Project class has helped me to develop a strong foundation for telling compelling stories across different platforms, using current and emerging technologies, with a goal to graduate with a business savvy, technical skills, and knowledge of media in society for me to become a successful journalist. I plan to continue to take what I was taught and turn it into a habit so that it will become second nature to me. I plan to make sure my website is consistently current and to always interact with my audience.
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iamtamikah-blog · 6 years
New Media Publishing and Distribution: Mastery Journal
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My Mastery Journey is to become an Entertainment Journalist. My mission is to provide an online platform that features entertainment-related issues such as celebrity updates, drama, and reality television. In addition to that, my goal is to someday be able to share my journalistic content on a television network. The New Media Publishing and Distribution class has prepared me for that and more by helping me understand the importance of relevant information, comprehensive research, and the creation of a distribution plan that can potentially help me generate money and a following for my content. This program has taught me structure to meet the needs as a working professional, gain hands on industry experience, and develop relationships with valuable professional contacts.
My expectations of my next course New Media Journalism Final Project is combining everything I learned throughout my year here at Full Sail. I honestly think I might have to do another capstone kind of project and prepare me for graduation. What I think this course’s expectation of me is to produce content at a thesis level and a second chance at producing a creative capstone project with quality multimedia elements.
The most helpful content for me through my learning experience was learning how to complement my cover stories using multimedia elements, how to effectively combine text, video, audio, and still photographs for my Capstone project, and last but not least developing the skills necessary to distribute my content across different multimedia platforms.
So, this class has taught me so much that I plan to continue to follow by in order to have a successful career in Journalism. I am so thankful for being introduce to the essential writing skills and professional habits needed to succeed in the 21st century of media careers, while highlighting which writing tools and techniques are most effective for specific media and formats.  I am going to truly have what it takes to be unique and original in my craft.
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iamtamikah-blog · 6 years
Public Relations and Reputation Management: Mastery Journal
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My Mastery Journey is to become an Entertainment Journalist. My mission is to provide an online platform that features entertainment-related issues such as celebrity updates, drama, and reality television. In addition to that, my goal is to someday be able to share my journalistic content on a television network.
The Public Relations and Reputation Management class has prepared me for my goals by helping me understand the mechanics of storytelling, how to use my work to draw human interest, and audience reaction. Not only did I learned how to do those things, but most importantly I learned how to be innovative and creative. This class has also taught me how to become a “news gatherer and content creators for the purpose of generating revenue from my content.” – (Full Sail University)
This course has definitely met my expectations which was how to build a robust sustainable online reputation, how to build a strong culture, and how to respond appropriately across multiple platforms. The P.R & R.M course taught me the importance of knowing how to effectively market, promote, advertise, and engage with my audience.
Anyways, what I expect out of my next course: New Media Publishing and Distribution, is kind of what I learn from my PR & RM course; to learn how to publish, market, and distribute my work in more details.
The most helpful content that I learned from this course that I plan on applying personally and professionally is the importance of my “About Me” page, knowing how to producing persuasive publications, learning to work with PR professionals, branding myself, and how to create a great public service announcement videos. I plan to continue to take what I was taught and turn it into a habit so that it will become second nature to me. I plan to not only be a successful journalist but to also have a successful career in journalism.
To conclude, this course has prepared me for production and distribution of my stories on the interaction of events, facts, ideas, and creating “news of the day” stories that impacts my society.
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iamtamikah-blog · 6 years
Social Media & Online Community Engagement: Mastery Journal
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My Mastery Journey is to become an Entertainment Journalist. My mission is to provide an online platform that features entertainment-related issues such as celebrity updates, drama, health, and reality television. In addition to that, my goal is to someday be able to share my journalistic content on a television network. The Social Media & Online Community Engagement (SME) class has taught me additional elements I need to achieve those goals. This class has taught me how to effectively communicate and engage with my audience on different types of social media platforms, I have learned how to discover story ideas through social media, and I have also learned the best ways to promote my work on social media.
I believe SME expectation of me was to develop a strategy that I can use to engage and encourage my audience on social media to read my compelling stories, build trust with my audience by providing credible links to resources to support my stories, and understand appropriate distribution techniques when publishing my content on all my social media platforms.
This course has definitely met my expectations which was to learn how to better engage with my audience on social media and understand the importance of effective hashtags and attractive headlines. However, my personal objective for this class was to learn how to use social media for potential revenue, learn the statistics about how people utilize social media, and learn necessary delivery strategies for my content. The most helpful content that I did learned from SME was Google Analytics & Hootsuite, newsworthiness through social media, and (again like in all my other classes) techniques for developing rich multimedia stories.
To conclude, SME has helped me to develop a strong foundation for telling compelling stories across different platforms, using current and emerging technologies, with a goal to graduate with the technical skills and knowledge of social media in today's society in effort to become a successful journalist.
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iamtamikah-blog · 6 years
My Multimedia Reporting: Mastery Journal
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My mission also known as my Mastery Journey is to become an Entertainment Journalist. My goal is to have an online platform that features entertainment-related issues like celebrity updates, films, and reality television. I am also on a mission to be a part of a television network where I can share my journalistic content to people all over the world. The Multimedia Reporting class has prepared me for my goals by helping me understand how to identify different multimedia types of stories, how to use my work to draw human interest, and how to write with proper story structure. Not only did I learned how to do those things, but most importantly I learned how to be innovative and creative. Multimedia Reporting also taught me how to enhance my journalistic content through the use of adding media elements such as video, audio, images, and infographics. 
This course has definitely met my expectations which was to learn how to complement my cover stories using multimedia elements. And even though this course did not require me to be on video reporting my stories like a news anchor (which I also expected from this course), MRT still taught me the importance of knowing how to effectively combine my audios, videos, and photographs appropriately to create compelling stories for my audience. Anyways, what I expect out of my next course: Social Media and Online Community Engagement is exactly what the title implies- learning how to better engage with my audience on social media platforms, and understanding the effectiveness of hashtags and attractive head lines. 
The most helpful content that I learned from this course that I plan on applying personally and professionally is to always credit my sources appropriately,  make sure I always provide credible facts to support my stories, and of course to make sure that I try to incorporate some multimedia elements to bring my stories to life.
To conclude, I like to thank professor Lee for showing me the skills needed to succeed in the wonderful world of journalism, and for giving me a 2nd chance to prove myself worthy. MRT has prepared me to develop a strong foundation for telling my stories by utilizing other elements other than just text, especially since I want to be an entertainment journalist. This class has taught me so much that I plan to follow in order to have a successful career. Because of the knowledge that I have now, I will truly have what it takes to be original and unique. 
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iamtamikah-blog · 7 years
Digital News Production: Mastery Journal
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My goal in life after FSU is to become an Entertainment Journalist. I want to establish an online platform that features related issues and updates on things like celebrity drama and reality television. I also hope to have my own television network one day where I can entertain my audience with my journalistic content on T.V.  The Digital News Production class is another class that has definitely prepared me for that by helping me understand how to gather, write, report, and edit my stories effectively. I was taught how to capture footage of compelling sequences and scenes, as well as being coached on how to identify newsworthy stories. I was able to develop the techniques and skills to distribute my journalistic content in a form of a newscast or news report. I was taught how to utilize my social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and popular video sites like YouTube or Vimeo to expose my creative content to hundreds of millions of viewers around the world.
What I expect from my next course Multimedia Reporting is to learn how to complement my cover stories using multimedia elements a lot better. I also expect that some of my assignments will require me to be on video reporting my stories like a news anchor. I believe the course’s expectations of me is to learn how to effectively combine text, video, audio, and still photographs for my Capstone project.
The most helpful content for me through my learning experience was learning to develop the skills necessary to distribute my content across different multimedia platforms. I plan to continue to take what I was taught and turn it into a habit so that it will become second nature to me. I plan to not only be a successful journalist but to also have a successful career in journalism. I want to be a famous journalist just like my idol Barbara Walters.
To conclude, this course has prepared me for production and distribution of my stories on the interaction of events, facts, ideas, and creating “news of the day” stories that impacts my society.
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iamtamikah-blog · 7 years
Multimedia Development & Editing Mastery Journal
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My Mastery Journey is to become an Entertainment Journalist. My mission is to provide an online platform that features entertainment-related issues such as celebrity updates, drama, and reality television. In addition to that, my goal is to someday be able to share my journalistic content on a television network. The Multimedia Development and Editing class has prepared me for that by helping me develop better storytelling skills through video, audio, and photos. I was taught to shoot on a professional level video camera and edit on industry standard software. I was trained to identify newsworthy stories, effectively interview subjects, and to film compelling sequences and scenes. I was taught how to report, script, and edit compelling audio stories suited for podcasting and or broadcast.
My expectations of my next course Digital News Production is pretty much the same things I learned in my multimedia development class, but more advance. I believe the course expectations of me is to fully grasp the concept of storytelling techniques as a news reporter. The most helpful content for me through my learning experience was learning how to utilize my social medias to distribute my stories, so that I can gain fan base support that will hopefully lead me to a successful career. So, this class has taught me so much that I plan on continuing to follow by in order to have a successful career in Journalism. I am going to truly have what it takes to be original and unique.
To conclude, this course has prepared me to develop a strong foundation for telling compelling stories across different platforms, using current and emerging technologies, with a goal to graduate with business savvy, technical skills, and knowledge of media in my society.  I am so thankful for being introduce to the essential writing skills and professional habits needed to succeed in the 21st century of media careers, while highlighting which writing tools and techniques are most effective for specific media and formats.
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iamtamikah-blog · 7 years
Research and Investigation Skills Development Mastery Journal
This Research and Investigation Skills Development class had to honestly be my least favorite class, however, it did teach me the necessary steps needed to become a successful journalist. My personal objective for this class was to ideally learn why research and investigating for your stories are important. It is important to support your articles and stories with credible information because your viewers would feel sure that what they are reading is true. I have learned how to plan and structure my ideas, write and design compelling characters, and I’ve learned how to understand the mechanics of hypertext, and the importance of being innovative. This class has taught me how to identify essential research and investigative methodologies, analyze, and develop my communication and introduction skills that commensurate with the preparation and presentation of my formal research and or investigative reports.  My three goals are to continue to learn how to produce investigative stories, understand the difference between a credible source and a “fake,” and understand how to locate public records that can support my opinions in my stories or articles.  My goal is to also support my stories by using hyperlinks that link directly to a reputable source. Overall, I am thankful for being introduce to the essential writing skills and professional habits needed to succeed in the 21st century of media careers, while highlighting which writing tools and techniques are most effective for specific media and formats. So, this class has taught me so much that I plan to continue to follow by in order to have a successful career in Journalism. I am going to truly have what it takes to be unique and original in my craft.
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iamtamikah-blog · 7 years
Mastery Journey (legal Aspects of Media class)
My Mastery Journey is to become an Entertainment Journalist. My plan is to build an online platform that features entertainment-related issues like celebrity updates, new films, and reality T.V. With all the limitless possibilities, I hope to one day be able to also express my journalist content on a television Network. I would love to be the host of my own talk show. The Legal Aspects of Media class that I completed at Full Sail University has definitely shown me all the steps needed to be a successful journalist. My personal objective for this course was to understand how media laws and regulations applied to the internet. My favorite assignment in this course was the Publication- Outline assignment because I had the opportunity to prepare my own news story and was able to demonstrate essential elements of my own news story successfully. Out of all the topics covered this month, the one that I think will be most helpful to me as a communication professional is the Intrusion Case Analysis. My reason why is because it helped me understand how to appropriately prepare video, photos, and audio releases to protect myself from being sued. The knowledge that I required this month have prepared me to handle potential legal issues in the communications industry by being able to identify the legal issues at hand such as privacy, libel, and slander. I now have a better understanding on how to deal with certain dilemmas that I may be faced with throughout my career. My Legal Aspects of Media class has helped me to develop a strong foundation for protecting myself across different platforms, using current and emerging technologies, with a goal to graduate with a business savvy, technical skills, and knowledge of legal aspects in society for me to become a successful journalist in the media industry.
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iamtamikah-blog · 7 years
WIM Mastery Journey Entry
My Mastery Journey is to become an Entertainment Journalist. My plan is to build an online platform that features entertainment-related issues like celebrity updates, new films, and reality T.V. With all the limitless possibilities, I hope to one day be able to also express my journalist content on a television Network. I would love to be the host of my own talk show one day. The Writing for Interactive Media class that I completed at Full Sail University has definitely shown me all the steps needed to be a successful journalist. “Ah, where do I start?” My personal objective for this course was to understand the key skills and concepts that I will need to master the art of interactive storytelling. What I got out of this class is the importance of being innovative. I have learned how to plan and structure my ideas, write and design compelling characters, and I’ve learned how to understand the mechanics of hypertext. My Writing for Interactive Media class has helped me to develop critical and applied skills for creative process, structure and editing, client and audience needs, social media engagement, community building, and content strategy. So, this class has taught me so much that I plan to continue to follow by in order to have a successful career in Journalism. I am going to truly have what it take to be unique and original in my craft.
To conclude, I am so thankful for being introduce to the essential writing skills and professional habits needed to succeed in the 21st century of media careers, while highlighting which writing tools and techniques are most effective for specific media and formats. Anyways, thank you Prof. Cochie again for your all your wonderful and encouraging feedback.
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iamtamikah-blog · 7 years
NMC Mastery Journal Entry
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My Mastery Journey is to become an Entertainment Journalist. My plan is to build an online platform that features entertainment-related issues like celebrity updates, new films, and reality T.V. With all the limitless possibilities, I hope to one day be able to also express my journalistic content on a television Network. I would love to be the host of my own talk show one day. The New Media Communications class that I completed at Full Sail University has definitely shown me all the steps needed to be a successful journalist. My personal objective for this course was to understand how to design multimedia and online content systems that I could use to upload my content about my thoughts and facts on the entertainment industry, but I got that and so much more! This class has open my mind to so many different concepts and ideas. What I got out of this class is the importance of being innovative. I have learned how to create, Interpret, and manage change in the media, I explored the way technology is transforming the field of communication, and how to communicate to my audience in a professional manner. My New Media Communications class has helped me to develop a strong foundation for telling compelling stories across different platforms, using current and emerging technologies, with a goal to graduate with a business savvy, technical skills, and knowledge of media in society for me to become a successful journalist in the media industry.
To conclude, I want to personally thank my Professor for all of the incredible feedback she has giving me, and for helping me to narrow down exactly what I want to do as a journalist. Thank you Prof. Meredith Cochie for showing me that I have what it takes to be unique and original.
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iamtamikah-blog · 7 years
The inspiration behind becoming a successful artist
I choose Beyonce to blog about today because I am a huge fan of hers and I feel like we share a lot of similarities in our early lives towards our careers.
Beyoncé Knowles is a multi-platinum, Grammy Award-winning recording artist who's acclaimed for her thrilling vocals, videos and live shows. Just like me she also started singing at an early age, competing in local talent shows and winning many of these events by impressing audiences with her singing and dancing abilities. I am also an actress, dancer, host, writer, and an independent solo R&B and Pop recording artist since a young age, and I have always had a passion for the entertainment & music industry.
One of my goals after attending Full Sail University is to strive to success being an independent artist just like Beyoncé. She use to be part of a group named “Destiny Child” and after leaving the group she became successful immediately. She was already famous when she was a part of the group, but she gained even more fame going solo. Her second studio album, 2006's B’Day that featured such hits as "Irreplaceable" and "Deja Vu” captivated so many people.
She then went on to the big screen, and starred opposite of Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Fox, and Eddie Murphy in Dreamgirls. The film was adapted from the hit Broadway musical of the same name. Another mission I hope someday to accomplish.
At the 2010 Grammy Awards, Beyoncé walked away with six honors—the most wins in a single night by a female artist. In 2010, she also tied the record for most No. 1 hits on Billboard’s Pop Songs chart, which is based on radio airplay. In 2011, she made the Forbes Top 10 list of entertainment's highest-earning women. By 2013, Beyoncé had won 16 Grammys.
In Conclusion, I am so inspired by her and all of her accomplishments. I hope to one day to accomplish just as much as she has and even more. I have 2 smashing hits and she had two smashing hits. I write songs and she writes songs, she a solo artist and composer and I am an inspired solo artist and composer, and last but not least she’s a great actress and I hope one day to be as well.
Beyoncé Knowles. (2017, April 28). Retrieved May 28, 2017, from https://www.biography.com/people/beyonce-knowles-39230 
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iamtamikah-blog · 7 years
Mastery Journey Timeline
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iamtamikah-blog · 7 years
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My logo is inspired by my love for music. My friends and family calls me the “Queen of Music,” and I am also a DJ.
Logo Design • Create a Logo - The Custom Logo Designer. (n.d.). Retrieved May 20, 2017, from https://www.logogarden.com/
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iamtamikah-blog · 7 years
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My Feedly Account
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iamtamikah-blog · 7 years
This is my favorite inspirational video. It is a mashup video of different movie clips with inspirational quotes and statements. This video keeps me motivated, alive, and always reminds me to never give up. 
Carter, D. (2015, August 26). Key To Success In Life. Retrieved May 20, 2017, from https://youtu.be/KnT2VKT2gCcNvision Studios
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iamtamikah-blog · 7 years
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My Linked in Account
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