iamrootusr · 2 days
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Or as Strunk and White said in Elements of Style (to the best of my memory), "Feel free to ignore everything in this book rather than write something inelegant."
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iamrootusr · 2 days
You run a Bakery, just a normal bakery, the only problem is that your customers at midnight to 6AM are mythical creatures who pay with gemstones and ancient gold and silver coins
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iamrootusr · 2 days
oftentimes when you look back on media you enjoyed as a child it's like hello why did they let a 14 year old fight a dragon? but star wars holds up. luke is 19. his reaction to losing his whole family is to say "alright, let's do this. I'm gonna learn to meditate and hire a sexy drug dealer and his friend who's a furry to be my uber across the galaxy so I can blow up a fascist government" that's something only a 19 y/o would do
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iamrootusr · 2 days
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RUPERT GILES + text posts
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iamrootusr · 7 days
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Workout For Daily Life
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iamrootusr · 8 days
The one single most absolute force preventing homosexual activity from happening is the absence of other homosexuals to do gay shit with. The more gay people accumulate in one place, the more gay shit is happening there. So therefore, if one wanted to prevent gay activities from happening, the literally worst thing one could do would be gathering them all in one place.
...I have an above zero suspicion that we had an inside agent at the table when shit like monasteries were invented.
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iamrootusr · 8 days
While a rat with a desire to cook is one thing, whatever the deal was with the guy who can be operated like a mech suit by pulling his hair was never explained in any way nor connected to anything. I'm not going to call it a "plot hole" because I'm not boring like that, but I am fascinated by it, and the potential it has. Like could he be trained to do other tricks?
What if the mean purple-haired lady decided to pull his hair while pegging him, and as an involuntary reflex he pulls the fitted sheet from under them in that way you do that tablecloth trick, and then proceeds to fold it perfectly.
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iamrootusr · 11 days
Clearly at this point we just need to find you a vintage typewriter and AN OCR scanner 😂
Okay I know you don't need anyone else giving you unsolicited advice but about a year ago I accidentally figured out how to hook my wireless keyboard up to my phone. It was very silly. iirc you have a special ergonomic one, but do you suppose you could also hook your keyboard up to your phone somehow? If you can't fix the computer screen, maybe you can fix the typing situation?
My keyboard is hooked up to my phone, it’s how I’ve been managing to get my Pennyworth fic done.
It just lags terribly which also creates a fun flicker effect.
Essentially when I need to type at this point I’m touch typing with my eyes closed and then going back and doing edits in small increments.
Makes me glad my mother trained me to touch type on her old 1970s typewriter when I was a kid 😅
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iamrootusr · 12 days
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Death approaches *aggressively*
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iamrootusr · 12 days
I have the remarkable. text typing is a bit weird on it but for writing it’s great.
They just came out with a color model. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I will say it ONLY does writing and note taking and reading of nonDRM Files. So it can be limited but works for a very specific purpose.
you might be able to thrift an LCD monitor, they're bigger and a lil clunkier than modern LED monitors but if the LEDs are hurting your eyes LCD may be viable as they're not as intensely bright and saturated as LEDs
The LCD is also unfortunately hurting me (my spouse has one)
I don’t know what about the OLED isn’t triggering my migraines. I just know that my phone is fine.
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iamrootusr · 12 days
Frankenstein enters into a body building competition and finds he has seriously misunderstood the objective
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iamrootusr · 12 days
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kinda in love with the author of this chicken recipe and her love of garlic. karina if you’re single call me
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iamrootusr · 12 days
I need to know who names the pets at the Anne Arundel, Maryland Animal Control
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I know you're on tumblr. Come out with your hands up. I just want to talk.
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iamrootusr · 13 days
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iamrootusr · 13 days
A while back my pharmacist saw my deadname on my profile and accidentially called it out, he corrected and deleted my deadname from the system so only my preferred name shows up now. There was a crowd of people behind me, so as he hands over the pills he apologized, in equal tone and volume as when he called my deadname and lied saying it's been a long day and he didn't mean to call out -his own- name. I quietly told him it was fine and he didn't need to do that for my sake.
His response: "No, it's my name now."
I went to the pharmacist yesterday, his nametag is my deadname. He informed me he's immigrating and in the process he's changed his first name to my deadname to have an English sounding name. That's why he's now able to get a reprint of his nametag to be my deadname. And repeated, with the intense seriousness of someone who is going to die on this hill: "It's mine now. Not yours. I'm taking." His tone indicated that decision is final.
Bro literally deadnamed me once, and has committed to flat out stealing my deadname. It's his now. Legally. Officially. I over heard his co-workers call him by the name.
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iamrootusr · 13 days
I was explaining to my family over dinner the unhinged pacing of the Sailor Moon manga: "by the end, they're just introducing characters and killing them off on the same page. it's almost as if Naoko Takeuchi just wanted to design new outfits without writing new characters to wear them..." it was at that moment, mid-joke, that I realized with perfect clarity. this is EXACTY what happened
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iamrootusr · 13 days
I’ve been mesmerized by this. I love all the details each artist put in. I highly recommend watching the full video. It really inspires me to write.
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