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iamnotgoodatnames · 4 hours ago
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iamnotgoodatnames · 11 hours ago
*gripping my hands so hard on a young trans persons shoulders that their bones are about to break*
do not log on to 4chan.com. do not get involved in passing olympics. you will always lose. do not put afab/amab/tma/tme, that is cisgender society trying to know your “real” gender. you do not exist to please cisgender people. there is no ‘right’ way to be trans. learn your goddamn history, listen to your elders. listen to other disenfranchised groups. listen to intersex people and check yourself for intersexism. listen to trans poc and check yourself for racism. listen to disabled people and check yourself for ableism. be open to learning always. labels are meant to fit you, not the other way around. you are not weird or predatory for simply being attracted to others. you’re fine if you’re not a skinny white twink or a barbie doll. you’re fine if your body is ‘weird’. you’re fine if you don’t have heavy or any dysphoria. it’s okay if you actually don’t want to transition or anything like that. life is worth living at any stage, you deserve to be happy. I SWEAR THAT YOU ARE OKAY!!!!!
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iamnotgoodatnames · 12 hours ago
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hi there, for this post im gonna need some help with clarification. i am absolutely anti-terf and pro trans rights but theres also sort of something i understand about this particularly about the afab only part, but could you clarify to me why this is also hurtful to trans women because im kinda having a hard time figuring it out myself. i mean no harm by this and thank you so much, the work you do for queer people is invaluable :]
This is a good question.
The reason "AFAB only spaces" are transphobic is because of the fact this request;
Assumes that everyone AMAB is inherently predisposed to being dangerous — this is predicated on the bioessentialist TERF idea that A.) People AMAB always have higher testosterone than people AFAB; and B.) Testosterone makes a person more dangerous, violent, or predisposed to abuse. All of this is untrue and disproven. When trans women and other trans people AMAB are excluded from "trans inclusive" spaces for the sake of "safety", this is playing into the transmisogynistic idea that trans women are a subset of (cis) men. Trans women and cis men are two distinct groups of people, even TERFs intrinsically recognize this and reflect it in the way they treat trans women (with a level of hate they NEVER direct towards cis men); but they will attribute all violence committed by cis men to trans women for the sake of creating a "valid reason" to exclude them from occupying a space alongside other women. People AMAB do not statistically enact more violence, cis men do. Do not equate being AMAB with a cis man.
Alternatively, this request could be founded on the idea that people AMAB were simply 'socialized' to be more violent due to having been raised as a boy and potentially lived as a closeted trans woman being percieved as a man somehow instilling inherently violent tendencies in an individual. Truth be told the gender essentialist idea of "male socialization" is flawed for the simple fact that everyone receives these messages about gender roles during our socialization process, and (generally speaking) people internalize & reflect the roles placed on the gender they conceptualize themselves as being rather than the one imposed on them by society. I would strongly recommend this video which goes into far more detail about this.
Is made by people who view AFAB as being equal to a perisex cis woman, or a trans person close enough to a cis woman in appearance that they can be easily thought of as a woman by the requester.
Operates on the idea that people who were AFAB are inherently safer or less capable of harm — which, when we take into account the fact the previous point — is plainly clear this is just "women are weaker and more submissive and docile" style misogyny, with the additional transandrophobia of infantilizing transmascs.
Makes the assumption that everyone AFAB has the same sort of body type or appearance — ignoring intersex people AFAB who may literally just look (for lack of better wording) 'like men', along with Transmascs & nonbinary people on HRT. Most of these "AFAB only" spaces are not inclusive to people with bodies seen as 'too masculine' regardless of their birth gender assignment. So functionally, spaces like this will ultimately devolve into cis women (+ easily misgendered nonbinary people) only.
And, if a person truly does have some sort of legitimate trigger related to being around people with facial hair or deep voices, or any other bodily traits, that is something they need to work through in therapy. I say this as someone who had a trigger relating to nudity/partial nudity of specifically 'feminine' bodies due to CSA at the hands of cis women. It is a problem to be triggered by other people's bodies.
You cannot expect other human beings to just not be in the world with you because of your own trauma. This sort of justification would not fly with any other bodily trait, why would it have merit here? If someone is triggered by being around fat people because they were abused by a fat person, we tell that person to work through their issues, we don't make skinny-only "safe spaces" for them.
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iamnotgoodatnames · 17 hours ago
ok so these new tariffs are likely going to be primarily affecting red states. i want y’all to ignore the urge to respond by saying the people in those red states deserve it because of the political representation we have. not because some of us are progressives but because this is an opportunity. if conservatives from these states start complaining about higher prices and financial strain, do not respond with “well you voted for this!” this is your opportunity to pull them to the center. say “wow that is really awful. i’m sure this isn’t what you wanted when you voted last year. you deserve representatives that will have your best interests at heart, you should let them know how upset you are! you deserve to be heard!”
because listen to me. republican politicians don’t give a shit about what progressives in red states have to say. they aren’t gonna change their voting trends for us. but if a bunch of small town conservatives start to get restless and angry with their politicians, if they lose support from their most important demographics, that has a shot at changing things. so swallow your pride and disgust and have a conversation with that republican truck driver instead of taking the pot shot that’ll get you 10 minutes of dopamine. do the hard work.
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iamnotgoodatnames · 17 hours ago
Please do cite the deep magic to me actually. I may have been there when it was written but I am very forgetful
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iamnotgoodatnames · 19 hours ago
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iamnotgoodatnames · 1 day ago
Something that I get chills about is the fact that the oldest story told made by the oldest civilization opens with "In those days, in those distant days, in those ancient nights."
This confirms that there is a civilization older than the Sumerians that we have yet to find
Some people get existential dread from this
Me? I think it's fucking awesome it shows just how much of this world we have yet to discover and that is just fascinating
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iamnotgoodatnames · 1 day ago
Theology has gotten boring no one is asking incredibly stupid pointless questions anymore. If Adam and Eve were naked in Eden but Eden had no suffering that means it had to have been a perfectly comfortable temperature for both of them without clothes and, we can assume, if not for the fall, for all mankind. Does this mean a. People preferring different temperatures is a consequence of the fall and in a perfect world there is also a perfect temperature everyone is comfortable at, b. Everyone experiences a different temperature in Eden, or c. Adam and Eve didn't have thermoreceptors.
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iamnotgoodatnames · 2 days ago
The pettiness is just 👌😂
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iamnotgoodatnames · 2 days ago
the funniest part about merlin is the fact that he’s even around for most of the show. like what the fuck is he doing there. no other person with a personal servant is tailed like arthur is. and yet nobody fucking blinks an eye at his presence.
like there are at least three separate occasions where the plot for an episode is uther sending arthur on a super secret confidential mission with the fate of the kingdom at stake, and they have a whole conversation like ‘i need you to understand the importance of the secrecy of this mission.’ ‘understood father, i will take only my most trusted men.’ ‘no arthur, you and YOU ALONE must go.’ ‘i understand.’ and then it cuts to the super secret mission and fucking merlin is just there. like. road trip with my best buddy. what a view. love this horse. like ARTHUR?
everyone always forgets he exists the second a fight happens, too. every goddamn time the knights go on a short patrol that god forbid merlin not tag along for they get attacked by bandits or whatever and merlin doesn’t even carry a fucking sword and after the fight arthur always turns around and merlin is just kinda standing there in the middle of the fight picking at a hang nail. nobody considers it wild that he’s there for all of this. the one time he actually bothered taking a sword off a dead guy to defend himself with arthur saw him holding it and he mocked it like ‘lol the fuck are you of all people gonna do with that’ THEY FULLY EXPECT HIM TO JUST STAND AND WAIT FOR THE FIGHT TO END
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iamnotgoodatnames · 2 days ago
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abusing tumblr image limits to put together my emergency disco propaganda kit. for future reference or something
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iamnotgoodatnames · 2 days ago
okay! so. i’ve seen many people online say multiple times that the deleted scene of arthur giving merlin his mother’s sigil—
(you know, this one👇)
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is essentially a medieval proposal, and that that’s probably the reason why the scene was cut. i’ve never really thought that much of it, but coming across the comment again earlier today, it made me wonder if it was actually historically accurate at all.
the short answer is no, but the long answer is a little bit more complex.
i spent about an hour or so combing through articles and other online resources, and couldn’t find a single source vouching for sigils/seals being used as a way to propose. i did, however, find these two pieces of information:
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which make it clear that sigils/seals and signet rings reflect the same meaning and purpose, and that inheriting one signifies family ties and marks you above common men. signet rings were sometimes used as engagement rings (in fact, the ring arthur gives gwen in the series is a signet ring with his father’s sigil), but engagement rings were more commonly ornate gold bands set with precious stones like sapphires or rubies.
but! regardless of the fact that it isn’t technically a medieval way of proposing, i think you can still regard it as such, given the fact that it is essentially marking merlin as arthur’s family (his mother’s side no less!), and that arthur proposed to gwen in nearly the same fashion with the signet ring. i rest my case ✌️
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iamnotgoodatnames · 2 days ago
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Keep your messaging simple:
“Trump fired everyone in charge of airplane safety, and a week later planes started crashing into each other.”
That’s it. That’s the messaging. Don’t get bogged down disputing Trump’s false claims. Just blame him, in short and repeatable sentences.
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iamnotgoodatnames · 2 days ago
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thanks that was really helpful
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iamnotgoodatnames · 3 days ago
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Kabosu did not deserve to have her image turned into cryptocurrency. She did not deserve to have the meme she was known for across the world to become a code word for a fascist coup.
Her name is Kabosu. Not Doge.
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iamnotgoodatnames · 3 days ago
seeing straight men be disgusted by booktok smut recommenders has actually radicalized me to the side of booktok smut recommenders. girls your taste may be atrocious but i will never disparage you for exposing mainstream discourse to the concept of soaking through your underwear. spent my whole life listening to men talk about penises it’s about time they get jumpscared by women talking about pussy in crude detail on social media. go forth and goon my warriors
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iamnotgoodatnames · 3 days ago
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