The Guanyin temple confession is maybe my favorite scene of any piece of media I've ever consumed because it's so unpredictable.
You got the villain just halting his evil plot, full stop, in the middle of his gloating speech, no less, because "What do you MEAN you guys aren't even together?! What?! No, no, no, there won't be any romantic misunderstanding in my hostage situation! Honey, tell him!"
And then the calmest, most polite character alive procceeds to go his version of apeshit on this punk like "my brother like-likes you, you fucking pinecone! You useless twink! We all thought you were a hoe but you are just an imbecile!" (Which is a nice parallel to the Jiang brothers' hatred for the peacock, but I digress)
And THEN, when it's the perfect moment for a climatic love confession, homeboy goes and screams for everyone to hear that he... really wanted that dick, Hanguang-jun! Where's love? Who cares? WWX wants to ride you like a carnival ride: sticky and filthy and multiple times.
It's a wonder that Xichen didn't yank that string from Jing GuangYao to strangle WWX himself.
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This has been my favorite addition, I cackled like a seal irl lol
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 2 months
you all better still vote democrat I'm serious for the sake of the whole world trump cannot get back into office whoever becomes the new candidate cannot be worse than trump
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 2 months
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 2 months
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 2 months
I used to work at a grocery store and heard a coworker ask a lady "can I milk your bags?" Instead of can I bag your milk. We all laughed for a solid 5 minutes.
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my favorite customer service slip ups
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 2 months
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i wish i could look at this… and feel Normal™️
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 2 months
I fucking hate that our options are Old White Man or Old White Man but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit this one out and risk the well-being of myself and those I love. It is more important than ever for Trump to fail. I'm pissed about it and I will remain pissed but I'm still voting for Biden, and so should you!
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Me, too! And you can't convince me otherwise.
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 2 months
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 2 months
this could have been the work of any Claire’s employee
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 2 months
i really hope y’all realize how important it now will be to get out there and fucking vote to ensure trump does not get re-elected. that shooter just basically handed him the election. the only thing that will stop him now is if enough people stop pussyfooting about voting. do not let this be what puts him back in the white house bc if he gets back in there? you know what’s coming.
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 2 months
A lot of rumors are about to fly about this rally. Trump's team is 100% going to try and take advantage of this situation. So will malicious foreign actors/bots/etc.
Please don't auto share. Check your sources, and vet their wording/sourcing carefully.
Ask yourself - What do you not need evidence to believe? Be very careful with those biases.
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 2 months
they missed ?! 🙁
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 2 months
i could get so much done in a day if i didnt decide my day was over at 4 pm. too bad theres no solution oh well
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 3 months
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Trump won in 2016 by a super slim margin. Are you prepared to play a part in that happening again?
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 3 months
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this tiktok screenshot ruined my life i need to see the serbian pigeon movie so so badly but it doesn't exist it's so foul to make this bad of a point with something so cool and then take it away from me.
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 3 months
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twitter historically sucks but man this is a banger of a tweet
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iamlestatsmuddyshoes · 3 months
“In the war film, a soldier can hold his buddy—as long as his buddy is dying on the battlefield. In the western, Butch Cassidy can wash the Sundance Kid’s naked flesh—as long as it is wounded. In the boxing film, a trainer can rub the well-developed torso and sinewy back of his protege—as long as it is bruised. In the crime film, a mob lieutenant can embrace his boss like a lover—as long as he is riddled with bullets. 
Violence makes the homo-eroticism of many “male” genres invisible; it is a structural mechanism of plausible deniability.”
–Tarantino’s Incarnational Theology: Reservoir Dogs, Crucifixions, and Spectacular Violence. Kent L. Brintnall.
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