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iamblissfullyme · 2 years ago
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#herblistinthemaking Learning to become an Herbal Physician under the teaching of Hornourable Priest Kalish has been life changing. I had the honor of getting hands on guidances from Honorable Priest Kalish and his highly trained staff this summer in the beautiful mountains of St. Lucia. I’m excited to learn more when the school officially opens. Until then I’ve been equipped with this powerful “Herbal Manual”! I can now blend with confidence fantastic tea blends for you and my family. #wellnesswednesday #mompreneur #teamandate #naturalproducts #iamblissfullyme #giftideas #thrivebeautynaturally #bigchob #discoveringplantpower #explorepage #naturelover #herblist #explorepage #newsyoucanuse (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClBsa0GO5MR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamblissfullyme · 2 years ago
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You don't need a new plan for next year. You need a commitment. -BecomingBlissfullyME This hit me hard and if I must keep it Blissful! This has crappled me and so many others. I’m giving myself GRACE as I also challenge limiting Beliefs! As I flow like water 💦 I must COMMIT TOO!! Who else struggle with Committing ? Do you struggle with starting and stopping before you even get to the finish line? I’m not there yet I AM BECOMING…. So let’s chat in the comments. What are your doing to succeed in this area? Do you need support? I know I do🤷🏾‍♀️ So let’s share tips or encourage! See you in the comments 🙏🏾✨👑🤸🏾‍♀️ #discoveringplantpower #wellnesswednesday #commitmentissues #habits #healthyhabits #manfestingdreams #supportsystem #mompreneur #mominbusiness #becomingblissfullyme #iam #changeisgood #changeyourmindset #empowering (at Woodstock, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLqvqaLD5r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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I AM … #focused on the life I want to see. You ever see your future in a NOW timeframe? I see Peace. I see God clearly. I see our HIS & HER towel set. I see land OWNERSHIP. I see more Nature Healing. I see real Unconditional LOVE. I see Myself and I love EVERYTHING about ME! I AM BlissfullyME! (at Olde Rope Mill Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgC986guBpY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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In honor of all the amazing men in my life and to celebrate the amazing loving father that my husband was to our daughter before his untimely death I present to you “I AM Royal 🧔🏾‍♂️ Beard Oil! You can order this amazing oil from www.iamblissfullyme.com tomorrow at 12 noon for only low new release price if only $12.12! Don’t miss this amazing oil! @jarvisjayhoodharris I promised you this oil and is coming 👑 King! https://www.instagram.com/p/CeBYifBuCjL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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#growwithme #iamgrowing #thinninghair #scalptreatment #balding #Alopecia #scalptreatment #dryhair #organichairoil #coldpressedoil #aloevera #fengreek #horsetail #hempseedoil #blackseedoil #neemoil #Calendula #arganoil #protectivestyles #blackhair #locs #itchyscalp #mompreneur https://www.instagram.com/p/CdDmluaOjQg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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I’m back for the 1st day of the Month Empowering myself and you! Set the tone for the month! Plan it with God as the leader! Do it with God as the source! Stay in it with God as your strength! Win it with God as your biggest Fan! You were created to live an Abundant life! Abundance in Health! Abundance in Love! Abundance in Wealth! Wealth is greater than money! 1st be wealthy in your mindset! Everything will then flow like water! Blissful Blessings to you all! Happy May 1st! Let’s Gooooooooo! (at Woodstock, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdDmU-muTDg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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Be so good they can't ignore you. Happy Monday Blissfully Beauties! So Madison is really taking her role in the company serious after getting paid. That’s a teachable moment! Know your value. Nobody will appreciate FREE! Don’t forget about that our pre-order sale end 3/6/22. As you can see Maddie is working hard. #mondaymotivation #iam #girlboss (at Bradshaw Farms, Woodstock) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cahghj8OBOj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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We’re having a 2-2-22 Give Away at 2:22pm so don’t miss this LIVE! (at Decatur Square) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaSeSntO4IW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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The power of alignment… so we are bringing back our two top sellers for the spring and summer on 2/22/22! This is a Pre-Order Sale so orders will ship out after the sale ends in 3/6. You need these amazing nontoxic body care sets in your life. Order from the link in my bio. We can't wait for you experience these amazing sets! (at Bradshaw Farms, Woodstock) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaSayjMuyPz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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Weekend Vibes 💤📖🧘🏿‍♀️🛀🍵 Hey 👋🏾 y'all hope you are staying safe and warm. I'm getting my rest 💤 like Maddie sharing great stories about dope black men and sipping on our Treasure Your Yoni. 30% off-today free S/H order over $49.99. #linkinbio Go follow @tellablackman #iam #weekendvibes #iamblissfullyme #teablending #thrivingbeautynaturally #altanta #memphis #nyc #yonitea #yonisteam #leavethechemicalsontheshelf #growingbusiness #blackhistoryeveryday (at Bradshaw Farms, Woodstock) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZmtBLXOoZP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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I Am Thriving… and my curls are Popping…. You 👂 heard it from our BlissfullyME Fam on how his hair is Thriving so add I Am Moisture to your healthy hair care journey Today. Dry hair will break and will not Thrive! So be sure to drink WATER 💦 Spray your hair with water �� or better yet use water based hair 💧 I Am Moisture! 30% off Today ONLY use code Thrive! #HairTips #healthyhairtips #iamgrowing #Healthyhaircare #Healthyhairjourney #Growmyhair #dryscalpremedies #dryhairremedies #dryhairremedy #dryhair #dryhairproblems #myhairwontgrow #howtogrowlonghair #myedgesaregone #myedgesarethin #myhairisthinning #Alopecia #iammoisture #thrivingbeautynaturally #hairbraiders #naturalhaircommunity #Naturalhaircare #edgecontrol #edgegrowth #Edgegrowthoil #quickhairgrowth #hairgrowthtips #fasthairgrowth #hairgrowthproducts #babyhair (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZhMDjMuVK1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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I AM WELLNESS…. It’s Wednesday! Let’s Talk Wellness! Wellness is so much more than your diet. Here’s something to thinking about! Read below the 4 Pillars of Wellness! Then before the day is done. Grab a 🖊 pen , a journal 📔 and write out your thoughts 💭. I never write ✍️ without sipping on one of our Delicious tea blends. I like to say IN goes the Goodness and OUT goes the Toxins! Spiritual Wellness (Faith) Spiritual strength is that force that drives us to make sacrifices for others, our nation, and the greater good. It may come from religious faith, heritage, experience within our community, influence of role models, or other sources of inspiration. Emotional Wellness (Thoughts) Emotional wellness refers to building an awareness of and accepting one's feelings and moods. It includes finding ways to encourage positive thinking and acceptance of oneself. Physical Wellness (Toxins /Traumas) Physical wellness includes expanding your knowledge about your lifestyle and how food, good nutrition and physical activity can be an integral part of your lifestyle. Social Wellness (Connection) Social wellness entails being cognizant of the impact you and your actions have on your community, the society and nature. #iam #wellnesswednesdaywithme #Medicinaltea #idrinktea #teanerd #momlife #yonitea #Entrepreneur #Atlantawellness #thouhgts #Traumas #toxins #toxinfree #fourpillarsofwellness #joyful #cupofjoy (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZeq9KgusHw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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Dear Dope Chick just thought I would remind that our brand started with the power of I AM and as we end out the 1st month of 2022. Repeat after me and say it with your chest….. I Am Able I Am Successful I Am Smart I Am Brave, Bold, and Beautiful I Am Capable I Am Free of Worry and Regrets I Am Powerful I Am in Love with Myself and My Body I Am Healed I Am Highly Favored I Am Worthy I Am Blessed I Am Confident I Am One of a Kind I Am a Free Thinker I Am Grateful I Am Humble I Am Equipped I Am Joyful I Am Growing into an even Stronger version of Myself I Am Sunshine I Am BlissfullyME #iam #mondaymovation #mondaymantra #iamblissfullyme #vegan #selflove ##chemicalfreeprouducts #mominbusniess #growingbusniess #loveyourskin #toxicfreeproducts #inspiring #empowering #joyful # #thrivingbeautynaturally #deardopechick (at Roswell, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZZ2dGjvJ3t/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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What's sexier than chocolate? Curated for bedroom bliss. "Bite Me If You Dare" Bodycare set will leave your skin silky smooth and make you an irresistible treat. Don't Miss this pre-order sale on our limited edition Valentine's Day scent! #vdaygifts #iamblissfullyme #toxicfreeskincare #sugarscrub #bodybutter #bitemeifyoudare #vday2022 #preordersale (at Woodstock, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZX6eAqOUOS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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This Valentine’s Day special will drive him crazy! He may say “Berry ME Please” or Berry ME In Chocolate 🍫 Bliss! You may not be the chocolate box type of girl but this treat is for him. Pre-Sale starts this Sunday at at 12 o’clock noon. Pre-Sale only $28 and regular price will be $35. Text Us 706-383-9963 to be an Early Bird for the Sweet Deal! Wait there’s MORE! 1st 10 people how Like 👍🏾, Share and Save and REPOST this post will get an extra $5 bucks! Hey Suga also DM me that you did the extra $5OFF challenge 💋 #vdaysale🍫 #cleanproducts #toxicfree #mominbusiness #valentineatl #selflove #lovemesomeme (at Roswell, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYb1E3SL4To/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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Are y’all ready for 2022? Drop a few a comments down below 👇🏾 that you wish to do better in 2022! #setgoals #beintentional #beblissfullyyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CYHt6GTP79x/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamblissfullyme · 3 years ago
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Nothing like a little ☀️ Sunshine! #parbenfree #organicfacescrub #aloevera #Licoriceroot #coldpressedoil #toxicfreeskincare #cleanproducts #agranoil #Papaya #growingbusiness #blackskin #iloveselfcare #loveyourskin #atlantalife #womanentrepreneur #womeninbusiness #tennesseelife #mississippilife (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYHaKApJFGc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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