(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4bU1i-XAxE)
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Guest Expert Charlene Burke Marketing Strategist
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F7nFTNmeA0)
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Open Conversation About Domestic Violence & Surviving To Create the Life of Your Dreams
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Let's Talk Building Relationships in Life & Business with Kate Miller
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Join Charlene Live today on Facebook in the #IAMAWORTHYWOMAN Group. There's no cover charge! http://bit.ly/IAMFBGP
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmgZdfIk1lg)
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(Patty Loehn)
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Patty Loehn-Beach / We Are Beautiful Magazine Interview 
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My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style
Maya Angelou (via lifeofquotations)
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Blogging Toward a Full Client List
You have a website, you have some testimonials, you have a list of services that you enjoy doing and know how much you want to charge, but now you need to fill your client list. One of the best ways to fill your client list is to start blogging.
First, let’s talk about the format of a blog post.
Remember to keep it simple, include plenty of white space.
You may have to break up paragraphs in places that you don’t feel comfortable doing so, but it’s all about readability and not correct format like in a college or school paper. In addition, include pictures that are relevant to the blog post, and always fill in the “alt” information for the picture.
Use plenty of bullet points, headlines, h1 and h2 headers and disperse keywords within the first 100 words and if possible in each paragraph. But, remember to keep it natural with keywords. Your first concern should be whether or not your blog post is interesting, engaging, targeted and readable to your target audience.
It can also be difficult to figure out what to blog about sometimes. Let’s go over a few things that you any virtual professional business owner can blog about to promote your virtual services business.
Blog About Your Services — Blog about each of the service you provide so that your client base will understand what these services entail. Remember to focus each blog on one service and the benefits it provides potential clients in each blog post. In fact all your blog posts should be short, sweet and to the point focusing on one specific topic at a time.
Blog About Problems — You know your ideal client well and what issues and problems they have, therefore if you blog about these problems and then mention your service as a solution you’ll find your ideal client organically. If you can show how you understand your target audience’s problems, fears and concerns and that you know how to solve them, people will seek you out as the expert. Eventually, you may even receive questions in your email, use those as bogging material. Until then, make up questions that your ideal client might ask you.
Blog About Successes — Did you solve something for a client, and is the client willing to talk about it? Interview them on Google Hangout or Skype and post it as a vlog to your blog. Seeing satisfied clients rave about your work and how you solved their problems can bring you many virtual service business clients. Put the audio and video up, as well as a transcript of the interview for a double whammy.
Blog About How To Work With You — Blogging about how working with a virtual professional business works is a good way to educate those who don’t know how it all works. Some people still have a lot of time envisioning how you can do work for someone, whether it’s coaching, providing a service, or even a product without having a bricks and mortar space.  They may be confused about the technology that enables you to work virtually. Remember, not all your clients have to work virtually. There are plenty of bricks and mortar businesses that need you too.
By including these topics in your blog posts you’ll go far in filling your client list. But remember, once you post a blog you’re not done. You need to promote that blog post across all your social media marketing accounts plus send the announcement of a new blog post to your email list. Ask people to share it, and help you get the word out.
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