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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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...and the tower of Sauron will be destroyed... (at Darjeeling) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ceQOwlHL3/?igshid=168smgo3yl0da
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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"Life will find a way." - Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park. (at Darjeeling) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-TvwAZlWaW/?igshid=oqzkje9j0f6z
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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Since clapping hands and banging plates can get rid of bacteria and viruses (according to the bhakts), I guess view like this can get rid of everything. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Bfy5iFVGS/?igshid=1mse8f4laangv
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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Throwback from the winter: Love is Darjeeling momo and Thukpa. (one of the most tasty prep of Thukpa you'll get here at Padma) (at Darjeeling) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9HWpANlPCn/?igshid=cwxlxi2h63xz
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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#throwback from winter at #Darj. #happylosar everyone. Shyaphaley is 😍 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #traveller #travel #wanderer #incredibleindia #darjeelingaesthetics #tibetannewyear #losar #travelgram #instagood #darjeelinglimited #nature #darjeelingdiaries #darjeeling #westbengaltourism #darjeelingtea #darjeelinghills #darjeelingtrip #darjeelingtourism #thedarjeelinglimited #darjeelingmemories #mountains #mountainlove #_soi #_coi #wanderlust #darjeelingfood #tibetanfood #shaphaley (at Boneys) https://www.instagram.com/p/B88vsg-lpq4/?igshid=zr5nvbdp3hjv
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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#throwback from winter at #Darj. This is how real momos should be. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #traveller #travel #wanderer #incredibleindia #darjeelingaesthetics #darjeelinghimalayanrailway #travelgram #instagood #darjeelinglimited #nature #darjeelingdiaries #darjeeling #westbengaltourism #darjeelingtea #darjeelinghills #darjeelingtrip #darjeelingtourism #thedarjeelinglimited #darjeelingmemories #mountains #mountainlove #_soi #_coi #wanderlust #darjeelingfood #tibetanfood #momolover (at Kunga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B85XiOmFwzF/?igshid=1v62nz5qoerj4
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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#throwback from the winter. When you meet Modna and Madonna and end up having booze followed by masaledar rich North Indian food. The result: a sleepless night from all the chicken, mutton and kulcha. @punjabifoodjuction (at Punjabi Food Junction) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Vp21UFe-E/?igshid=114f8cv9rg6us
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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Another #throwback from last year. I don't know why I never like the taste of @momoiam. Overpriced and something peculiar about the taste. But... the momo, that is pure Darjeeling. https://www.instagram.com/p/B8VpS3WF2Xc/?igshid=wcrv22y8a81n
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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...because you love pork. #throwback from last year. Mixed Chowmein with Pork and Fish Manchurian. (at Hong Kong Chinese Restuarant) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8VorjLF6qy/?igshid=1g8m1vbytd8ew
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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The only target I have in my life is that I don't want to live beyond the age of 45. So, the remaining dozen-years, I want to spend like a nomad, be the Mr. Hall in some people's lives. (at Netaji Shubhash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolakata) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_myuWlCTd/?igshid=slv5cg5pc0u2
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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হুমায়ূন আহমেদের মেঘটাও বোধহয় এরকমই ছিল। যেটা কোনো এক পাহাড়ে কোনো দুজনের মিলন ঘটিয়ে কোনো এক সমতলের হাসপাতালে ঢুকে পড়ে কোনো এক মেয়েকে কাঁদিয়ে তার ভালোবাসার ছেলেটাকে কেড়ে নেয়! (image from Aug 2016) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iCCUzFPfc/?igshid=c73anr08ls0s
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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One day, there will be one day, take I will! Not the joy ride, but the full one from NJP to the Hill! (photo from Aug 2016) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Oy9BfFSEn/?igshid=lf88whux4jh9
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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The call of those bends is getting louder and louder each passing day. (photo from 2016) (at Chitrey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3gMJMoll16/?igshid=17rr5dcjtwl0x
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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শেষমেষ, জীবন একটা জিনিষ দিয়েই পরিপূর্ণ: শূন্যতা! (at KOLKATA) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Dzk8alPNx/?igshid=x6ys0br2uh1k
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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...but whatever you do, in reality, you're alone. | (Chitrey, Darjeeling 2016) (at Chitrey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2taQzBl1NH/?igshid=p69px3dthh3y
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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...and then you mate to seal the bond | Sillerygaon 2019 (at Sillery Gaon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2sw5MclaQI/?igshid=1toawjgij6qro
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iamarnabpal · 5 years ago
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Everyone needs someone to spend the tiny span of life. | Sillerygaon 2019 (at Sillery Gaon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2qDykVH7J4/?igshid=17j9metg3jffz
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