I am a pretty ghost...
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iamaprettyghost · 2 years ago
The witch in you...
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In the name of love,
You wore me as if I was some stupid glove
In the name of friends,
You made sure every happy moment ends,
In the name of care,
You accomplished the stupidest dare,
In the name of love,
You thought you murdered
My kindness and my light that were into a billion pieces shattered,
But maybe we were meant to meet but not to be
Maybe we were meant to love unhappily
Maybe this will kill me,
But maybe when this ends,
I will feel so free
Love is supposed to be this magic thing
But all it has showed me is a deadly sting
That left a mark so deep
It was like a torture I desperately wanted to keep
Since I was too purely nice,
I felt incredibly stupid
And while I got several warnings from the creator of all my Romain books including the cupid
I got so badly hurt that I got so sick
With a huge pile of sadness on top of me that was so thick
I mean, I have always dreamed of traveling to Spain to play chess,But you made me experience Spain just without the "S"
You made me lose myself
So I spent hours staring at shelves
Hoping to somehow find the old me
Not the one with few scars but the one that didn't have to pay a fee
The one with no internal edits or filters
Little did I know that was surrounded by criminal blood-suckers
Killers that force you to see the good in them that does not even exist
Useless creatures that live off of other people's falls ignoring the huge mess they are
I mean how would it feel to look in the mirror thinking you are some star
While deep down you are dyingTired of always spyingHow would it feel to be that gross
How would it feel to have all that internal puss
That can not be removed any cream or treatment
Because what all of you truely need is to be thrown in a fire tent
Just like the one all of you will burn in for the eternity smelling your burnt skin's sent
How would it feel to know you have finally lost
Because I didn't have a choice but to disappear
From so many worlds because honestlyI knew I would be better off hereAnd by here I do not only mean this exact place
But also my current paceSince I was once completly distroyed
I had to unlearn those lies I was told
And see the truth the way it just was
It was hard and still is because those scratching paws
Are still with me but in different ways
You unlocked the witch in me
Made wish I could create a spell to heal
All the scars from all the happiness you were so cruel to steal
But I am better off in a world of heartless witches
That do not care about emotional scratches
Since if I still was there I would not be able to ask a question that says
How would it feel to honestly just be you, the disgusting you
And I'm pretty sure every wants you to sue
Not someone else but yourself
Because even if you were some sort of elf
You would still loose what you have desperately been working for
Since in your eyes hurting others till making them so sore
Is a successful career
But my mission today is to face every single fear
Not for you, but for the ghost of me
That died the moment she saw all of you
And it's incredible how you made her feel so blue
The ghost that wanted to die every single day of her life
I just killed it and forced her till death to dive
I decided to Expose my shine for the entire world to see
Because guess what? Today I choose life
Not the social media life that's now getting a lot of hype
Not a life where the pages with your names written on them are ripped
But a life where the last page is flipped
Since I am sharing my words today
To remind every lost soul to stay
Stay because the hands you are waiting for to help you
Were the one that _in the first place_ pushed you
So rest in peace and actually sleep for once
Because while you cry yourself to sleep they don't
They don't because they are aware
That the body they are stuck in is itself a very available affair
And words will never be enough to describe our world today
But I will do my best describing and say
That in the name of love girls are seen as walking candy
And saying no is starting to seem a little too nerdy
We live in a world where I have a boyfriend is more respected than a no
Acting as if u were some sort of pro
A world where assault is a trend and kindness seems to be more of an enemy than friend
A world where bullies have all the rights
And where victims have no right to fight
And honestly this world makes me feel so sick
Because everyone is trying to dig
Into ur past and present just to block you
Not your number but your brain,body, soul and heart as a monthly revenue
And to those people I am just going to say smth very simpleYou did break the ghost of me
But now looking back at it , it was like a wonderful sting from a deadly bee
You did break the ghost of me
But you gave birth to witch in me
Not a witch that learned spells from an enchanted book
But a witch who fights every single day of her life because today, she is aware that what in the first place took
Not only your breath but also your energy
Because I have now become a witch and this witch has found the key
These words I am sharing are not just to share few parts of me
But also for you to get a witch like pass for free
*Unlike I did, but there is a way to do so
And it simply is ask your self if you way of talking, walking, dressing, stressing, worying, sleeping, reading and even yawning is the true you
And to be honest it is such a hard thing to do
But since I could do it, so could you
And just remember that there is a witch Somewhere behind your wish
To stop being so naive, so tired, so sad because you are innocently pure
Because it's simply that the world can't cure
These crazy mean people until
You unlock your witch like power that can kill
Ihssane Nejjari
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iamaprettyghost · 2 years ago
La solitude...
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Il y a des larmes qui ne cessent jamais de couler, des vides qui ne se comblent jamais, des souvenirs qui ne s'effacent pas et des personnes qu'on ne remplacera Jamais. Les sourrires reviennent mais uniquement pour masquer la peine. La douleur morale est plus déchirante que la douleur physique: le deuil, la séparation, l'abandon et le rejet dont des maux capables de causer les pires ravages même chez les personnes les plus fortes. Ces blessures saignantes provoquées par des cœurs de pierre obligent la personne à s'éloigner, s'éloigner de leurs souvenirs désagréables qui ne cessent de les hanter, s'éloigner de choses stupides qu'elles avaient faites, s'éloigner d'un monde remplie de rumeurs afin de gommer l'identité d'une autre personne au sourire d'une pureté qui mollissait les colosses, effondrait les montagnes et n'aimantait que les beau yeux.Par conséquent, la solitude est une tempête silencieuse qui arrache toutes nos branches mortes, assassinés par l'incompatibilité entre nos mondes internes semblables à de vastes boîtes à merveilles ou rien n est limité, un monde magique ou les sourires sont abondants, un monde plus ou moins parfait ... et notre monde actuel... Malheureusement, on doit laisser nos yeux bien ouverts puisqu'on ne vit pas tout seul, et une succession de situations infernales qui nous fait perdre goût à l'amitié à l'amour, à la fraternité crée cette illusion que les bonnes personnes sont très rare, sans prendre compte que toute personne était la bonne, ils n'étaient peut être pas les bonnes personnes pour vous apprécier, vous valoriser parce que tout simplement ils étaient les bonnes personnes pour vous détruire. Ce qui nous pousse à nous isoler , à couler dans la mer infernale de la solitude, une mer remplie de tristesse, de malheur, de malaise, une mer additive qui nous fait oublier comment vivre entre des personnes en les qu'elles on a pas le moindre brin de confiance. Après tout, pourquoi ne pas rester seuls pour l'éternité ? La réponse est bien simple; être blessé avec le poignard d'une langue ou de certaines actions, utiliser le même poignard pour vous isoler complètement, pour vous détruire est absolument absurde tant que vous pouvez les tuer avec le poignard de vos sourires, des sourires qui ne peuvent s'acheter, ni se prêter, ni se voler. Un sourire qui ne peut durer qu'un instant, mais son souvenir reste éternel, un sourire qui ne se dévoile que lorsque la solitude, la fraternité, l'amour et le respect fusionnent résultants une richesse éblouissante unique et très rare nommé l'Human.
Ihssane Nejjari
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iamaprettyghost · 2 years ago
Le vieil homme...
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C’était un vieil homme, un voisin, un ami et même un père pour moi. Son visage allongé au charme séduisant était rongé par une barbe à la Robinson Crusoé. Malgré son âge, il avait de beaux cheveux blonds qui se transformaient à des rayons d’or aveuglants lorsque le soleil animait sa fenêtre. Il était musclé et avait des mains dures et veineuses. Cet homme-là s'appelait Jean, et il passait toute sa journée devant sa fenêtre; le seul endroit où son âme retrouve celle de sa bien aimée décédée qu’il avait l’habitude d’admirer partir à son travail à huit heures trente du matin. Par conséquent, il était toujours à la même heure et au même endroit en train de se rappeler du bon vieux temps. Chaque jour, je passais auprès de cet homme là et à travers ses yeux, je pouvais lire ses plus profondes pensées. Je voyais son âme traîner en peine. Je voyais ses yeux beignet dans le chagrin, je voyais son regard s’éteindre de plus en plus. Je n’avais jamais parlé à cet homme là, pourtant, je le connaissais tellement!Je connaissais ses expériences, ses problèmes, ses achèvement, ses émotions et même sa personnalité. Et c'était pour cela que je revenais à ces merveilleux yeux pour éclaircir mes idées, bénéficier de son opinion, et oublier tous mes soucis.Le vieil Jean était un homme parfaitement digne du mot fidèle. Il restait fidèle à ses émotions, à sa fenêtre, et à sa maison. Il restait fidèle à sa séance de rêvasser à huit heures du matin. Sa sagesse se montrait dans ses actions et surtout dans son regard. Il avait des yeux perçants qui remarquaient tout, voyaient tout, comprenaient tout, mais ne laissèrent surtout rien passer. Et c'est ce qui fait de lui un homme dont la perspective est bien différente. Sa gentillesse était sa plus grande fierté, et sa générosité était sans limite. Il accordait toute son attention à son fond intérieur plutôt qu'à son apparence. Parce qu'il passait un temps fou en train d'imaginer comment sa vie aurait été si sa Jackeline était encore à ses côtés pour éclaircir sa vie et son chemin.Jean avait le cœur brisé, mais malheureusement, les mots n'y font rien. Rien de ce qu'on peut dire ne rendra jamais heureux le vieil homme Jean qui se sent dans un monde noir, désespéré, dépressif car il avait déjà perdue celle qu'il aimait, aime, et aimeras pour toujours…
Ihssane Nejjari
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iamaprettyghost · 2 years ago
I wish I had died sooner...
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In a planet that's very far from our universe, once lived Mr Joy and Miss peace. They lived in Dream city where everyone had everything they have ever dreamed of.The grass was always so "beautifully green", the butterflies "have never been caterpillars", and the citizens were all born "successful". In that planet, no one has ever cried, because as soon as a creature would shed a single tear, they would instantly pass away and reincarnate in another planet as rocks _as the legend says_ which _till then_ has never happened.During the first few hundred years, no one ever died. Up until the year 701, when miss joy and miss peace were starting to get sick even though they had no idea how crying even felt like. Day after day, week after week, they got really weak until they passed away. Their death flipped their world upside down, because in that loss, they did not only loose their source of joy and peace, but they also lost themselves, they lost their smiles, they lost all their money, they lost their family greetings, they simply lost EVERYTHING...At first, they thought it was some sort of viral virus they somehow had caught in a land where smiles used to be the only body language, where tears were like a very far thing that will never happen to them, where evil is only talked about in fairytales that will never become a reality, right? However, the rich were getting poorer, the grass was getting paler, and while the smiles were slowly but surely fading away; the sadness was getting closer and closer. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, they still couldn't find out a way to get their old lives back, they cried one creature after the other, and also died following the same order.No one understood what was happening or what was going to happen, and for once in their entire past lives, they had no idea what they wanted, how they wanted it, how were they going to get it, or if they were even going to get it.Thirteen earth-hours later, they couldn't help but all scream at the same time, feeling this incredible pain in what humans call "chest or heart", they looked at each other and found out that they couldn't speak a single word and the only memory they have of their past lives was the death of Miss Peace and her beloved husband Mr Joy.They open their eyes to see a nurse, then a doctor, then this wonderful woman they call my mom. And it was at that moment when they realized that they _all of them_ became this one living thing called a Human...For the next few years, they were already drowning in misery. A misery that cannot be described using just words, unless those same emotions are felt. The creatures realized that their old world was just a wonderful illusion that fed their lazy minds. Thus, they slowly started to get adapted to incredible amounts of sadness. The little girl that was made of so many creatures was named Emerauld, and she was also in terrible pain. Actually she wasn't sure of anything, if her pain was real, if it also was just an illusion, if she was in danger, or even if she was feeling safe. That confusion ruined her already miserable life because while she was forced against her will to face her truth, she also had to face those illusions. They ate her joy and peace away until there was nothing left anymore. And only at 15 years old she passed away... This death is the second death in this story, or perhaps the 2nd beginning since every end is a second chance to find yourself, and Emerauld really did find not only herself but her joy and peace as well.The moral of the story is that behind every ache whether it's permanent or temporary exists a glory you can only reach by resisting that pain and facing your fears. Which could be as simple as brushing your teeth or as complicated as looking them dead is the eyes making a cold shiver go down their spine, which made her wish she has died sooner...
Ihssane Nejjari
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iamaprettyghost · 2 years ago
I wish I was a witch...
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As the fly flew and hit my window, I stared in total shock because that incident just made me realize how awful life is. I mean humans are just a part of a deadly equation and so is every living thing on earth. Yet we still live our destiny as if it was happening at the present moment which doesn't not make any sense. Since death is our destiny yet so many people are dying alive. All this makes me wish I was a simple witch , a rebellious one that fears no one, that is feared so much no one dares to hurt her, a witch that does not love the wrong people, a witch that isn't controlled by her emotions, a witch that casts spells and makes potions to hurt every one because she is so heartless. I am just so tired of being the kind therapist to a racist world full of stupid mysteries.No, wait, I am not evil I promise. The truth is I want to be a witch to clear this stained world from all the dirt in it and by dirt I do not mean infectious people I actually mean their evil witch-like powers in order to keep them to myself only. And whoever tries to steal it from me will die, yes , DIE. All I want to say is that I'm tired, my pillow is tired of being the only one to wipe my tears, my fridge is tired of being the only one to comfort me, my eyes are tired of crying, my skin is tired of stress, and finally I simply wish I was dead, so dead that I wouldn’t be able to lift a finger, so dead that I won’t be able to feel pain at all, so dead that nothing will hurt me anymore…But nothing feels better than giving birth to the witch in you. Nothing feels better than balancing both your feminine and masculine energy whether you are a male or a female, nothing feels better than going on the magnificent journey of discovering yourself, nothing feels better than laughing until your belly aches, nothing feels better than being the witch in you… Everyone has a witch inside of them, and if you let it go, if you let it be, you will be the happiest human on earth. What i mean is that we all had our names run through the mud, we get older everyday, and as we go through that process, we will realize that we are not always right and that there are many things we could have handled better, so many situations where we could have been kinder and all we can really do is forgive ourselves and let our mistakes define our past not our future. Healing is NOT an overnight process. It takes time. Sometimes you will be high on the skies, others you will be down to the ground. But you can help your soul by allowing the witch in you to thrive. The witch in you has two poles, it can be extremely kind to yourself, or extremely bad to others. The question that you may ask is how to give birth to the witch in you?The answer is very simple, but not easy to do but I trust you and your pure heart will be able to do it. The witch in you is mysterious but networks, the witch in you is kind and giving unless she is giving more than receiving, the witch in you is able to cast cursed spells to everyone and anyone that disrespects her, she is also able to cast spells on her environment to see it as an opportunity instead. And finally, you must gather the courage to leave the table if respect is no longer served, you have the right to leave disgusting people, you have the right to be yourself regardless of your mistakes, you have the right to embrace the mystery of the witch in you, and remember that you are a ringster…
Ihssane Nejjari
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