Pretty in Pink
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It's more than a light bulb. It's like space.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
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Magical March Day 1: Ribbon
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Here's Cure Cloud from Lostwave Pretty Cure. She's based on Above the Clouds/This One's Gonna Fly. As a hoax-themed cure, she may be up to no good.
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Wanted to show this to my friends but it's too big for Discord.
Lyrics from:
"Pearl" by Katy Perry
"Ocean Eyes" by Billie Eilish
"Never Let Me Go" by Florence and the Machine
"True Colors" by Cyndi Lauper
"Poor Unfortunate Souls" by Pat Caroll
"Can't Tame Her" by Zara Larson
"I'm Not That Girl" by Idina Menzel
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New project!!!
I'm going to try to develop one of my stories into a project in a different medium and would love some help. It's called DreamerTeen and it's a magical girl story about kids who make and go into dreams throughout middle school and high school. There are in-dream battles, romantic side plots, and family connections through both sides of the fight. It will be either a dubbed comic, a voice acted Gacha series, or an animated series depending on who I can find. Please let me know if you're interested. If I can find enough people, I'll make a Discord server.
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Magical March 2024
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We couldn’t find the prompt list this year so we made our own! It might be a little late in the day to make Day 1, but give the art challenge a try! Draw a new magical girl every day in March, go nuts, tag with #magical march 👍
(Special thanks to the person who came up with the idea, @i-think-just-got-a-story-idea, and the rest of the Discord we brainstormed this in for helping come up with prompts!)
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Fancuries FYC
It's a little last minute but I decided to throw my hat into the ring with...
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Presto! Precure Showtime is a stage magic themed fanseries!
The kingdom of Illusio finds itself under attack from the Dreadival, led by none other than the kingdom's very own royal magician! Her apprentice Bundini flees to Earth with a legendary spellbook. Bundini encounters friends Addie Herrman and Chevonne Kellar who unlock the magic of the Glamoire and transform into precure!
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Addie Herrman/Cure Charm
Age: 13
A cheerful and energetic girl who loves science and is skeptical of anything she deems ‘un-scientific’, so it’s quite a shock when she becomes a Precure. She’s decided magic is simply science she doesn’t understand yet. She’s eager to learn as much as she can from Bundini and sees him like a little brother. She doesn’t always agree with Chevonne about magic, cryptids, etc but she does enjoy spending time with her
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Age: 13
Best friends with Addie, they’re often seen as the definition of opposites attract. She is obsessed with trying to uncover the supernatural mysteries of the world, often dragging Addie into it despite her protests.  She runs a column in the school paper. Very excited to be proven right about the existence of magic.
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A bunny fairy descended from a legendary cure’s partner. He was Voilanna’s apprentice before she disappeared, although he struggles with magic.  When she attacked their kingdom he took the Glamoire and ran to find help. He does his best to help despite his low self confidence.
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Leader of The Dreadival. She was once the royal magician of Illusio before disappearing. She then returned and attacked with monsters called Humdrummers and is trying to steal the Glamoire to gain access to the spells within. She believes she is the most powerful magician and should rule because of that.
Glamoire(See Bundini’s pic): A spellbook written by the legendary precure. It contains some of the most powerful magic known. However the pages can only be read by those it deems worthy. It grants the cures ability to transform, special attacks, etc.
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Wonder Wand
Magic wands created when the Glamoire allows access to its magic.  Acts as the cures transformation device/weapon. When not in use it turns into a bunny-shaped charm.
A magical energy that makes things exciting. Without it, the world is more dull and boring. The Dreadival steals it to power Humdrummers
Transformation Phrase: “Abra-Curedabra! Glamour Wonderfique!”
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Fancuries For Your Consideration: Time Flies Pretty Cure
I'm probably too late to get any votes, but in case anyone hasn't voted, meet Time Flies Pretty Cure!
To vote, go to the link below!
More information on Time Flies Pretty Cure is below the cut!
Time Flies Pretty Cure is centered around themes of the passage of time. Motifs used in the story are birds and times of day.
When the Tokidori Kingdom is attacked by the Abyss Court, the Tokidori Kingdom sends the best of its knights down to the human world to get help. Four years later, the struggle is still ongoing, and it's looking worse than ever. As a last ditch effort, they try sending down one more knight, a bright eyed young prodigy, to the town of Hanemura in hopes of finding the legendary warriors, Pretty Cure.
Tomoteru Chieri is a first year middle school student who has lived in Hanemura her whole life. She's a hopeless romantic, whose heart is easy to win over and hard to disappoint. Chieri fully believes anyone can change. When she uses the Pretty CuWatch, she transforms into Cure Daybreak, the Pretty Cure of Dawn.
Aoyama Miharu is an excitable young girl. She doesn't really care what others think of her, and goes at her own pace. That pace is pretty breakneck, though! She wants to study frogs when she gets older, and can and will talk about them for hours if she's given the opportunity.
Nishimura Yuka is a mature twelve year old. Often helping her family take care of her three younger siblings, she's learned to be ladylike. Her family runs a hotel, but her passion is photography. When she uses the Pretty CuWatch, she transforms into Cure Evening, the Pretty Cure of Dusk.
Sola is a fairy from the Tokidori Kingdom. Despite, or perhaps because of, being a prodigy of a knight, when it comes to friendship she's not very experienced.
Tomari You is Chieri and Yuka's homeroom teacher, and the teacher in charge of the Kaiju Hunter Club. It seems there may be more to him than he likes to make obvious.
Takefuji Rei is a close friend of Takato's and Chieri's current crush. For whatever reason, despite being sixteen, he doesn't go to school. Chieri and Takato's parents don't see this as a good thing.
Tomoteru Takato is Chieri's older brother. As the president of his high school's student council, he's constantly overworked, but he does his best to make sure he doesn't make others deal with the same stressors he does.
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In order: Chieri, Miharu, Yuka, Sola (in her human form), You, Rei, and Takato.
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The Pretty CuWatch, pixeled to show design detail.
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Sola in her bird form.
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Fancuries FYC
Am I too late for this?? If I'm not then!! Here is my consideration for the Fancuries!!
Sweet💗Heart Pretty Cure
When the Fortune Kingdom is in peril from the evil Dusk Kingdom, the Queen Serendipity sends three fairies; Chaoko, Hero and Yoru to follow the five mysterious lights being sent to Earth. These five lights are the Sweet Mirrors, which are only used by the legendary warriors, the Pretty Cure. To unlock the mirror, the fairies are given a Sweet Charm so the power can awaken.
Meanwhile in Hope City, a young girl named Ayano Rose has just moved in from America. There, she meets her old friend Junko along with three new friends Kagami, Naomi, and Maki. What the five girls don't know, they’re the Pretty Cure!
Pretty Cure:
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Ayano Rose/Cure Rose- The leader of the Sweetheart team, who’s theme color is pink and represents roses. She recently moved from America to Hope City in Japan due to her parents jobs.
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Akiba Kagami/Cure Mirror- The 2nd member of the SHPC team who's theme color is yellow and represents mirrors and stars. She comes from a wealthy family.
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Hayashi Naomi/Cure Clover- The 3rd member to join the team who's theme color is green and represents clovers. She's a shy girl whose family is recently divorced.
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Aozora Maki/Cure Bubble- The 4th member of the team whose theme color is blue and represents the ocean. She's a young artist who loves birds
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Moriyama Junko/Cure Lavender- The 5th member of the team whose theme color is purple and represents fragrances. She's Ayano's best friend.
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greetings everypony, it is I Nemo Jokard. I come offering my fancures for the fancuries .
Here are my main fanseries:
Nature Shift! Precure
The Four Seasonal Kingdoms of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter lived in harmony, protected by the precures. Until one of them went rogue. Regalia, the Winter precure, along with some other rogues, attacked the kingdoms with these monsters called Heartaches. The only one who can help them now is the Princess of Spring, Tupper who holds the 3 remaining seasonal keys. Can she find the new precure? (I don’t know, CAN SHE??)
Ayame Mizuki/Cure Vernal
Our resident pink cure of the team, she is spring themed. Ayame is a reserved girl who isn't great at socializing. She's a little lazy and tends to procrastinate, but she's trying to change that. She also panics on a daily basis and is in a constant state of screaming inside her head.
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Kaori Natsumi/Cure Solstice
Our orange cure who is summer themed! Kaori is bright, energetic and seems to always be moving. She is kinda unreliable though and tends to forget things easily. She has a big sweet tooth and has a family sweets store called Natsumi♡Pastry. She's an optimist and can kinda annoy her teammates with her constant positive attitude. She has a bit of a competitive side.
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Etsu Akino/Cure Fall (tumblr hates yellow)
Etsu is the yellow cure and mom friend. She's the one helping the other cures with their homework, scolding them, and discouraging them from doing bad things. Although she isn't without fault. She's very hardworking, which is good, but is prone to burning herself out with all nighters and club activities. She also tends to be the most passive agressive person ever. She learns to balance her life and leave time for herself.
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Tulipa 'Tupper' Flora Leis Fleur Bouquet Laverne
Tupper is a meanie. She usually bosses the cures around and comes up with the strategies. She also gives the cures a lot of sass and criticizes their flaws. She obviously cares about them, she just sucks at showing it.
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The fanseries themes are seasons, friendship, and change.
This was my first ever fanseries and I’ve probably done the most for this one. I’ve written ten episodes for them that you can read on Ao3 and wattpad ! (A rewrite of chapter 1 and chapter 11 are in the works !!)
Ahoy! Pirate Precure
About nine years ago, Umi Ishikawa met a mermaid! She's been obsessed with them ever since then and still carries the gift that the mermaid gave her. When her gift happens to be a treasure from the Cordelia Kingdom, she is hunted for theft. Suddenly a crab and parrot are talking and wait, is she transforming?!
Umi Ishikawa/Cure Ness
Umi is an airhead that is infatuated with mermaids. She's always wanted to live in the ocean. The mermaid obsession started probably when her parents went on a cruise and she was all alone by herself. Then suddenly she came face to face with a real mermaid. No one believes her tho. She loves swimming and wishes to live in the sea one day.
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Yuzu Egawa/Cure Citrus
Yuzu is a sour girl who doesn't like much of anything. She's ready to sass anyone and everyone. Because of this she doesn't have many friends and throws herself in her studies as a result. She tends to be a know-it-all. Apparently she loves visiting the aquarium in her free time.
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Nyoko Izumi/Cure Aurorus
Nyoko is a spoiled girl with a rich background. She's pretty annoying and tends to brag about her money. She's also very very competitive when it comes to swimming and often her & Umi compete. She's also a sore loser.
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The old advisor for Cordelia Kingdom. She's strict and crabby.
A parrot with powerful magic. It helps the cures in battle or sometimes it mocks them. Whatever Parry feels like doing.
The motif of this series is pirates and the main theme is treasuring life.
I don’t know when I’ll do more for this fanseries since it was originally made as a joke, but I might write it some day!
Beauty Guru Precure
The Queen of the Glamour kingdom was the Super Instant Influencer. She stood strong until the scandals attacked. She was dethroned, and in her last stitch efforts to pass on her wisdom, was to pass on her legendary Make Up Pallet to the Precure to fight the scandals. She handed it to Pinkity Drinkity her trusty snake.
Tomoko Ayano/Cure Guru
The first girl to awake as a Precure. Tomoko is an airhead with a bit of an ego. Her teammates keep her check. She isn't very smart, but tries her best! She's really into makeup and likes to experiment with different kind of looks. She transforms with the Aerie Lip gloss into Cure Guru. At first scared of Pinkity Drinkity and still kinda is. Lovingly calls the snake "Pinky."
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Keiko Arai/Cure Blush
The second girl to awake as a Precure. Keiko easily embarrassed and has a short temper. She enjoys studying and has a one sided rivalry with Kagami. With the Periwinkle Compact, she transforms into Cure Blush. She loves Pinkity Drinkity to a fault. She calls her "Pink-chan."
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Aimi Hitomi/Cure Shadow
The third person to awake as a Precure. She seems to keep to herself a lot and has a bad habit of bottling everything inside. Although when they are with Tomoko and Keiko, she seems to turn into a different person who can't keep their mouth shut. She transforms with the Goth Pallet into Cure Shadow. They so not lovingly refer to Pinkity Drinkity as Future Soup.
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Kagami Ayano/Cure Cosmetic
Technically the actual first one to awaken. She helps the girls in a pinch, but always seems to keep her distance. She doesn't seem to want to get closer to any of the girls. An exception to this is Cure Guru, which the girls and Pinkity Drinkity find strange. (Of course this is because she’s Guru's twin sister, but shhhh, they don't know that.)
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Pinkity Drinkity
The girls’ trusty snake partner in crime. She ventured out to find the legendary Precure and now that she found them, she’s a bit worried. She thinks the girls are too young to be fighting Madam Masquerade’s Scandals and fears for their safety. On the other hand though, she knows that the only thing she can really do is guide them as Precure.
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Dragon Drinkity
Dragon Drinkity just screams a lot. She sometimes says wise things, but completely cracks under pressure. She was sent first to find the Precure of Lipstick and the Precure of Nail Polish.
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The motifs of this series are angels and make up. The themes of this series are inner beauty and love.
This series also kind of started off as a bit of a one off thing. Might also get written someday but no promises!!!
Sew Magical
This fanseries is a crossover between lalaloopsy and precure! It admittedly no longer has a plot anymore but I did make some cute designs .
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Live Laugh Love! Precure
Kasumi Ieiri is used to her simple life with her father where it's just the two of them against the world.. Well until it wasn't. Suddenly there's this whole new marriage and there's three random kids living with them! Tsumugi, one of the kids, is the same age as her, but that's where the similarities end. Tsumugi is quiet and you can never really tell what she's thinking. Kasumi is anything but quiet and is easily read.
However these two supposed sisters are now forced to work together when a monster comes marching at their front door and is terrorizing a poor helpless mascot who drops two items that resemble mood rings. The mood rings then fly onto Kasumi and Tsumugi, recognizing them as Precure! Kasumi transforms into Cure Haven and Tsugumi into Cure Comedy. They manage to defeat the monster and rescue the mascot! Who seems a little mortified about this whole development..
Omg new Nemo fanseries !? Admittedly this is kind of the first time im mentioning them and I haven’t thought abt them for a hot minute 👁️👄👁️💧 But perhaps I will work on them some day! Might even get around to drawing them. I really like duo seasons.
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(the order is Kasumi, tsumugi, cure haven, and cure comedy)
Their only theme is Live, Laugh, Love.
And that’s all, folks!
I recycled a whole lot of it from last time but I hope you at least consider nominating me :]
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Fancuries FYC, Heck Yeah!
Hi, folks! I hope you all are doing well. I’m InfiStudios, friendly neighborhood jumping spider and fanseries fanatic, and I’m so, so excited for this year’s Fancuries. I always love seeing everyone’s amazing creativity, and because this year is the first where I’m actually participating, I finally have a chance to babble about my own fanseries. 
Speaking of my own work, the bulk of it is my Halloween fanseries. They’re an annual tradition for me, and I consider them my main fanseries. 
Horroriffic is the first of the Halloween fanseries. Its motifs are classic monsters, light, and Victorian/gaslamp aesthetics, and its core themes are power, connection, and legacy.
It has an info doc that’s very much under construction here if you’d like to read more about it!
The second of the Halloween fanseries, Horrorshow has films as its core motif and draws a lot on 1950s aesthetics as well, and its themes are treating others and yourself with kindness. It follows Ethel Bleak, a horribly anxious star student who works part-time at the Caligari Film Library…a job that gets far too interesting when an accident sends the malevolent spirits housed within cursed films on a destructive rampage through the city of Hitchworth. Luckily, there’s a solution to this. Using the power of the three remaining Curses, Ethel and two of her co-workers - annoying, cruel know-it-all Cebe Wood and laid-back, sarcastic Shane Tamboli - can transform into warriors called Pretty Cure and fight back against the monsters. 
Its characters have toyhou.se pages here.
The third of the Halloween fanseries, Monstrosity’s core motif is monsters under the bed, and its core themes are the bonds between people and the idea of community. 
Pellinore Valiente Denton was only six when the tip of Mount Etna exploded, sending a brilliant beam of light into the sky and calling the monsters out of the shadows. She’s lived her whole life in a strange world, a world lit every waking moment by fluorescent lights and constant, thrumming fear. In the midst of all this, her parents have moved back to their hometown of Huerta, TX in order to work on some sort of project, which Pellinore isn’t over the moon about - she’s tired of having to say goodbye to every friend she’s ever made. Fortunately for her, though, she’s about to make another one. Not two days into their stay there, Huerta throws off its sleepy small-town guise. In the middle of a celebration of Dia de los Muertos, the lake the community borders erupts in exactly the same way Mt. Etna did. It showers the community in a strange light, brings a rainstorm that lasts for days on end, and rockets the populace into a new state of terror - terror that turns out to be well-founded, because soon after the town is attacked by a bizarre monster that can walk in the light and resembles a member of the community. Pellinore is terrified, but somehow, she knows she can help fight it. Drawing on her love of magical girls and a new kind of power, she transforms into a warrior known as Cure Weaver. 
The only catch? Her powers called a monster to her - Aracan, a cocky smart-aleck who’s Pellinore’s opposite in every way…and also, apparently, her partner as a Pretty Cure. Now, Pellinore finds herself under new pressure - not only must she succeed as a student and make new friends, she must hide Aracan from the populace, deal with the monsters, and unravel the mysteries of Huerta. 
Its characters have a work-in-progress toyhou.se page here. 
I also draw! I'm a traditional artist (digital art scares me), and I really love it. Here are some examples of my work!
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Horroriffic's vampiric team leader, Ifiok/Cure Rise
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Her teammate, Cure Whirlpool...
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...and Whirlpool's successor, Cure Abyss!
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The members of Team Horrorshow! From left to right, Cures Haunting, Abduction, and Verdant
Thank you so much for your time; I so appreciate it! I'm so excited to see what this year's Fancuries have to offer, and I hope you have a lovely day!
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