You are worth it. 
It's quiz time.... again
Which Taylor Swift album are you?
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Insomnia be like: 
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Can’t stop watching this-
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everyone’s debating posts of the decade, best and worst, and i have yet to see anyone mention moon moon
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cursed_cards (x)
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What really be hoin on in the todoroki household :
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Quality info. 
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Okay I am so sorry Yagi but this meme is totally you
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They really said this. 
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I...............I’m baffled. No joke.
Making friends with people from other countries is so crazy. I sent my group chat a Big Bird gif.
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And this one girl says, “why isn’t he blue?”
I’m like, the fuck you mean??
So today I learned that in the Dutch version of Sesame Street, they do, in fact, have a blue Big Bird.
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I was baffled by this so I went on Muppets Wiki and guess what.
In Mexico, Big Bird is green and his name is Abelardo.
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Turkish Big Bird (aka Minik Kus) is apparently fucking orange.
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This looks like a fuckin alternate universe or smth. I can’t.
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So uh.........reblog?
it’s the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century.
you can only reblog this today.
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Cup of Void
Pairings: Yandere! Izuku x Nonbinary! Reader 
Warnings: Blood, disturbing behaviour
Quirk: Speed of Light - your quirk allows you to move as fast as light, and as quiet as it, as well, however you can’t yet control how fast you go, so you end up bumping into things. You also run out of energy quickly, so you have to use your quirk sparingly. 
If your favorite character is Decku (spelled wrong purposely) , go for your second favorite. You’ll see why. 
Thump, Thump. Thump. 
All you could hear was your heavy, ragged breaths as you ran, desperate to find a place to hide. Your heart thrashed wildly against your ribcage as you turned a corner, the darkened hallways making your body tremble more than it already was. You tried to calm your breathing, tried to think straight, but your mind was blank. Fear had gotten the best of you. 
The tears you thought had left you in peace returned, pricking at your eyes as you ran. 
‘Don’t worry, Doll. I won’t hurt you~’
You tried not to remember it. How he had uttered those words even as he held the bloody corpse of [favorite character] in his hands. The knife he held was covered in liquid crimson, as well as his once gentle face. Your hand clasped around your mouth as the flashbacks came back. As emotional as you were, and as much as you wanted to break down and cry, you held on to your last bit of strength, running up a flight of stairs blindly. 
“Doll~where are you? Daddy doesn’t want to play hide and seek, he’s already worked so hard for you, you know?” His bone chilling voice echoed from a few halls down, the quiet taps of his feet walking leisurely in your direction. You took a deep breath and quieted your breathing, using your quirk to make your footsteps light and unnoticable. 
‘I could open the window in the bathroom, and try to leave through there..’ you bit your lip as you dashed down another dark tunnel. ‘But the windows up here are squeaky. I have to move fast.’
You turned into the unused bathroom, the one that everyone said Hanako haunted. If you weren’t so tense and on the verge of death, you would’ve cracked a smile. You’re friends probably would’ve done hula dances while they chanted “Toilet Bound Hanako-kun” in front of the third stall. But they were dead; you watched them die in front of your very eyes. You were on your own. 
You locked the door as quietly as you could, trying to make it appear as if no one was inside the abandoned restroom. Walking over to the bathroom, you picked up a shard of metal, gripping it tightly as you made your way to the sealed window. 
‘I just gotta unscrew the window.’ you’re hands trembled as you reached up and did it without hesitation, wincing as the jagged edges cut into your skin. The blood running down your wrists was distracting, however you continued, steadily unscrewing rusty screw after rusty screw. 
Just as your heart began to fill with hope, a loud screeching noise interrupted your focus. A dark chuckle came from the staircase. 
“Doll, doll, doll. Did you really think you could hide? I can hear you panting; I know you’re somewhere up here.” 
Your heart stopped. Your hand froze. You tried to get your body to move, but to no avail. He was coming, and you weren’t gonna make it out. No matter how much you ran, he was always going to catch you. And he wasn’t going to stop until he had you. 
You forced your body to snap back into focus, speeding up your trembling hands. You only had one screw left, yet it was stuck. 
‘No, damnit! Why isn’t it coming out?’
You glanced behind you, listening for his light taps before punching your fist into the window, cracking it slightly. 
“Ah? What’s that noise?”
Cold sweat ran down your back as you punched the glass with more force. 
‘There we go! It’s gonna break! Just one more-’
“Doll? Are you in there?”
A voice said from the other side of the door. The knob turned, but the only sound that came was metal on metal. A deep sigh followed. 
“You locked me out? Y/n, sweetheart, I’m not going to hurt you. I just had to get those pesky heroes out the way, you know? They were going to take you away.” He tched. “Especially Kaminari. I saw the way he looked at you.” He hummed, tapping on the door with-you assumed- was his fist. “ But they’re all out the way now. So unlock the door. Before I break it.” 
Every atom in your body was begging you to hide, that he was going to get you and that you weren’t going to be able to survive the fall anyway. But you punched it with one final blow, shattering it. Ignoring the brutal pain in your fists, you gripped the sill, letting out a grunt when the broken glass pierced your skin. Heaving yourself up, you felt the cool air caress your face as you lifted your feet to the it. 
“Doll, I’m going to come in there on the count of three.” His voice was scarily calm, as if he knew something you didn’t. You paid no mind to it, and promptly balanced on the ledge, looking at the ground far below. 
You closed your eyes. Either you would let him take you and live miserably, or you would die and join your crackhead classmates in the after life. 
You let out a silent apology to everyone you had left who was still alive, then lifted one foot off the edge. This was it. This was death. 
“3...” BANG. 
You fell, your body plummeting towards the cement below you. A smile adorned your face, back tensing as it prepared for the impact. You heard Midoriya scream from above you, but you ignored itm falling into a deep slumber midfall. As you dozed off, you felt an arm wrap around you, the sound of (electricity..?) in your ears. 
“Uwah! I almost lost you, doll!” A voice chuckled. Your eyes flew open, meeting the glowing green orbs that bore down at you. “Now, let’s go home.” 
You shot up, panicked. The class turned to you, confused, 
“Y/n?” the voice of [favorite character] called out. You snapped your neck in their direction, relief and happiness filling your heart as they gazed down at you with a worried stare. You jumped up, wrapping your arms around them. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay....” 
You opened your eyes, glancing around at the happy, curious, alive faces before you. It had all been a dream. Huffing in relief, you turned and began to talk with [character of choice]. 
But not before you met Midoria’s eye. And he was looking at you with a crazed, obsessive stare. 
Your eyes widened. 
‘The dream. It wasn’t all made up, or random.’
You sat down, piecing it together. 
“It was a glimpse of the future. A future hours from now.” 
This was heavily inspired by Saiko No Sutoka. I love the game so much and decided to write this. It’s also inspired slightly by Yagami Yato and Toilet Bound Hanako-kun. Send me requests! <3
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My everyday thoughts. ;-;
Clifford Chapin, Bakugou’s English voice actor, tweeted out a thread of rejected takes from some of his time directing the My Hero Academia dub. I took it upon myself to edit them together.
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Anyone else just cringe in horror movies? Especially when the main character clearly knows there’s someone in the house and they’re just like “hElLo?” As if the serial killer or whatever is just gonna be like “Yo, my guy, I’m making a sandwich, want one?” I get so irritated and I’m just screaming “RUN DUMBA$$”
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I wonder how I never think of things like this. 
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