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正体 - Shotai - Whump List - 🇯🇵
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Whumpee: Kaburagi Keiichi played by Kamenashi Kazuya
Synopsis: Kaburagi Keiichi is arrested as a suspect in a murder case and sentenced to death. He escaped from prison during the transfer, but while fleeing, he rescues the people he meets in his hiding place from the predicament. And when the rescued people realize that Kaburagi is a wanted death row prisoner, they begin to wonder, "Is he really a murderer?" (MDL)
Genre/Tags: Cop/Crime, Trauma, On The Run, Thriller, Falsely Accused, Fugitive, Mini-series
Watch On: KissAsian, DramaCool
1.01: in cuffs, anxious, crying, shaking, told he was given the death penalty, collapsed ::: (flashbacks: scared, shaking, at gunpoint, manhandled, thrown to the ground, shaking, wincing, groaning ::: (nightmare: manhandled, physically restrained, struggling, scared, restrained (rope), blindfolded, rope wrapped around his neck, hung), woke up scared, hyperventilating, sweaty ::: shaking, wincing, concern for him ::: in an ambulance, handcuffed, sweaty ::: stumbling ::: shaking, stumbling ::: on the run ::: concerned for someone ::: anxious ::: anxious ::: looked after ::: anxious
1.02 : anxious ::: protecting someone ::: looked after, emotional, hiding ::: scared, protected, jumped out of a window, on the run
1.03 : scared, concerned for someone ::: (traumatic flashbacks: scared, at gunpoint, shaking) ::: anxious ::: scared
1.04 : scared, at gunpoint ::: telling someone about what happened to him (trauma reveal), (traumatic flashbacks: scared, panicked, trying to save someone, at gunpoint), desperate, (flashbacks: at gunpoint, shaking, scared), chased, scared, cornered, jumping out of a window, shot in the thigh ::: in the hospital, intubated ::: in the hospital, head bandaged, heavily lidded eyes, emotional, crying ::: in the hospital, head bandaged, emotional ::: in physical rehab, struggling to walk, half collapsed, concern for him ::: in a cell ::: in cuffs, emotional, crying, sobbing
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Step Problems -
Weak Hero Class 1 Fanfiction
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Whumpee: (연시은) Yeon Si Eun played by (박지훈) Park Ji Hoon
Synopsis: Ever since Si Eun changed schools after the whole him and Suho nearly dying situation, he was forced to move in with his mom and her boyfriend… which was… a whole thing.
Notes: This fic is set after season 1 of the drama, utilizing the characters of the webtoon. Yes, Suho is alive in this bc I’m in denial. Sue me. (I will also refer to “The Union” as “The Alliance” since that’s closer to the Korean translation) As always, there are some words in here that I didn’t translate, but Romanized instead) - For those who have read or are reading the webtoon in English, please reference the notes at the bottom for who is who.
Maturity Rating: Both the drama and this fic are rated R and/or MA for violence and coarse language.
Words: 2374
Chapters: 1/?
Korean Version (한국어 버전): 한국어 버전 링크
AO3 Link: emrys_lmalw
“We’re not doing this right now, I have people to meet up with,” Si Eun huffed. As much as he would love to deal with the goons of Yoosun High, he wanted to meet up with his friends before having to go home to his mom’s boyfriend who so desperately wanted to be a step-dad already.
‘Hell, maybe if they kill me I won’t have to see Il Seung Ri ever again. How could mom pick such a dumbass boyfriend, anyway?’
“You scared?” The gang of miscellaneous bullies laughed amongst each other breaking him out of his thoughts. They began slowly inching towards an increasingly irritated Si Eun, almost herding him under the bridge, presumably to be out of sight of the 0613 24-hour Convenience Store’s cameras.
“Move,” Si Eun started to walk away, further moving under the bridge, allowing the adrenaline to move through his body, knowing they weren’t going to drop it.
Si Eun prepared himself as the bullies approached, unhooking his belt and grabbing a pen. As he turned to face them, a familiar and exhausting voice hit his ears, telling the goons to step back. The second Si Eun laid eyes on Bae Jihoon, he got to swinging. If there’s one thing he’s learned when it comes to the higher members of the Alliance, it’s swing first, ask questions later because they sure fucking will.
Unfortunately, while Si Eun was initially faster, he didn’t have the same level of crazy that Jihoon possessed. Despite his best efforts, he knew he couldn’t beat this guy. On top of all that, he could hear his phone ringing over and over again. First, it was Suho’s ringtone, followed by Humin, then Hyuntak. Everyone was calling him, having no idea the reason he couldn’t pick up was because he was in a fight.
At this point, can’t they just assume?
As time passed, Si Eun started to gain the high ground, getting more punches in and taking fewer punches. It became like a dance. One that Si Eun was getting better at. He was winning.
He was winning until Jihoon decided to play dirty.
He called to his goons, telling them that “he couldn’t have all the fun to himself”, saving his pride from admitting his opponent, who was half his size, was beating him all by himself. Can’t have his reputation getting drug through the mud because of the rumored “White Mamba”.
It was now that Si Eun switched from offense to defense mode. There was nothing he could do to win this fight and he knew it. He started landing fewer punches and taking more. Some to the face, then the stomach, then the back. He had managed to stay on his feet the whole time but he was starting to lose his footing. He desperately scanned his surroundings in between hits and knew there was no way to run out of there. If only he could have escaped and at least gotten on his phone to answer his friends’ phone calls.
‘Fuck, is it actually raining right now? What kinda shit timing-’
He could hear the sound of their muffled ringtones. It was getting harder to hear, with the sound of his heartbeat slamming into his eardrums and the rain beating on his skin and the nearby convenience store’s umbrellas.
He had to run. He had to answer the phone to get help. Before he could attempt to grab his phone, he heard a loud thud and suddenly he was on the ground.
“He’s in a fight. He’s been ambushed. I can tell,” Suho said through gritted teeth. He knew in his soul that Si Eun was in danger. He always answered the phone. Even though it annoyed him that they called all the time, he always answered. Something was off and he knew it.
“I want to say I disagree but honestly with everything we’ve been through, especially with those Alliance guys? Check his location on K-Maps?” Humin was also on his phone, hoping to see Si Eun’s location marked at their hangout.
“It says he’s at the Han River Bridge. He’s been “on his way” for the past thirty minutes. There’s no reason he should have just made it to the Han River Bridge.” Hyuntak noted. The group exchanged desperate, knowing looks before grabbing their things and running out the door. Hopefully, Si Eun wasn’t in any danger but at this point, they should just assume.
Punch after punch, kick after kick, it all started to blur together for Si Eun. He wasn’t going to hold out much longer and it was getting more obvious. He gasped for breath any chance he could, feeling his lungs collapsing with every blow. It was then when he heard a faint voice and all the goons dispersed, walking to the sides, standing nearly at attention.
“I’m disappointed, to be honest, White Mamba,” Bae Jihoon teased as he knelt next to Si Eun’s beaten and bloody body. “Where’s that legendary fighter I always hear so much about?”
Through broken, painful breaths, Si Eun spoke up, “Get fucked.” He groaned as he spoke but the pain was worth it if he could get one last word in.
“You’re funny, kid. You’re tough, I’ll give you that. You’re not invincible and I can prove it to you,” Jihoon laughed as he pressed his knee into Si Eun’s side, relishing in the groans that met his ears, “I’m in a good mood, though, so I’ll go easy on you.” He stood, backing away to watch as Si Eun struggled. Even his goons shivered at the sight. It was clear he enjoyed watching his victims suffer and it wasn’t just for the progression or money-making for The Alliance.
Through gritted teeth, Si Eun rolled onto his stomach, placing his hands on the concrete to try to stand. He started to push against the ground before an unbearable pain flared through his torso. The world around him started to swirl and his vision blurred. The sounds around him started to swirl in his mind, and his body went limp as he fell back onto the gritty concrete. It was then that he felt true Hell. It was as if lava flowed through his veins, spreading from his back all down his legs to his feet and his arms to his fingertips. A migraine slowly crept in to be the shit-covered cherry on top of the fucked up cake.
Through watery eyes he was barely able to look up to see Jihoon standing on his back, pressing harder with every wince Si Eun showed. He pressed his lips together as hard as he could, squeezing his eyes shut and balling his fists until his fingernails cut into his palms. He couldn’t do it anymore. A raspy scream left his mouth as he started to allow the sweet relief of darkness to take him over. He wasn’t sure if he was dying or just passing out but at this point, he was in so much pain he was willing to take either one.
“We’re almost there!” Humin pointed at the mural Si Eun’s location said he was near, running with every ounce of energy in his body. The rest of the gang followed in silent fear, hearts pounding with every step.
Coming up on the scene, they realized how emotionally unprepared they were. The goons had left and there was a small crowd of people circled around something on the ground. Their hearts dropped, all of them knowing what that something was.
“Yeon Si Eun!” Suho called out as he broke through the group of people. “Si Eun, are you-” He stopped in his tracks, standing and staring in silence.
“Fuck, hyung, how bad is it?” Hyuntak ripped through the group of people to take in the sight Suho just had. “Wait what?”
“Can you guys help him up, at least?! Shit!” Gayool quickly moved up behind Hyuntak, finally taking everything in. “That’s not Si Eun, though.”
The group watched as one of the women standing in the circle knelt down to help the child stand. “Are you okay, kiddo? You wanna grab your bike and try again?”
The people started to disperse as the child got up and got back on her bike, mumbling about how they were glad she was fine. Gayool approached one of the bystanders, tapping on his shoulder, “Hey, did you see a guy about yay big around here? He had this uniform on, and a black backpack.” He held his hand to about Si Eun’s height, looking intently into the man’s eyes.
“No, sorry,” The man huffed, seemingly irritated that he was asking.
“Okay, so the asshole over there doesn’t know what happened to him. Says he didn’t see anything.” Gayool ran his hand through his hair, squeezing his eyes shut with his rising heart rate.
“Hold on, my phone’s ringing!” Humin whipped his phone out of his pocket to see an unidentified number. Hoping it was Si Eun’s mom or dad somehow, he elected to answer it.
“Yo! Yeon Si Eun, you sick fuck! Why weren’t you answering your phone?!” Suho yelled, visibly angry.
“This is Si Eun’s dad. He’s at home. We decided to come pick him up since we know he has a lot of school work to get done.” The voice was familiar to the friend group but still sounded odd.
“Nah, I’ve met Si Eun’s dad and you sound nothing like him.”
Suho gently grabbed the phone from his friend’s hand, looking at him with a reassuring smile. “Is this his brother?” He motioned to the rest of the group to stay quiet.
“Brother? He doesn’t have a brother. No, I’m his stepdad. I just say dad because he’s like a biological son to me.”
“Ah, gotcha. Can we talk to him? We were supposed to hang out and tried to call him but we got worried since he didn’t answer,” Suho looked around to the other guys, all looking clueless as to what was going on.
“He fell asleep on the couch but I’ll let him know you’re worried. He was throwing up a second ago so I think he’s got a stomach bug and forgot to call you. When he’s better I’ll have him call.”
The call was dropped before Suho could continue asking questions. A weight built in his chest and it burned. Something was wrong but Si Eun had mentioned that he had a step-father now and that he was trying way too hard to become his new dad. As much as his father had neglected him, that was still his dad. The one that raised him at that.
“I say we wait for a day then go check on Si Eun. If he’s actually sick, he’ll be irritated that we all showed up at his house but if he’s in trouble we shouldn’t wait too long. Sound good?” Humin proposed. The rest of the group silently nodded, all feeling that pit in their stomachs.
Something was wrong.
“You’re out there causing trouble for your mom?!” Si Eun’s shitty stepdad yelled. Seung Ri had been the only one in the house while his mom was on a work trip for the past couple of days and it was fine so far. However, when he stumbled home, beaten, bruised, and bloody, he became angry all of a sudden. “Your mom’s reputation as an educator will be thrown in the trash if people find out her son is out here being in school gangs!”
“I’m not in a gang. I didn’t choose for them to do this. I’m going to bed,” Si Eun stumbled, his phone falling out of his pocket onto the living room floor. He appreciated Seung Ri’s half-concern but it was unwarranted and unwanted, especially since he felt like shit.
“Absolutely not, you will speak with me about this before going to bed,” he grabbed Si Eun’s phone off the floor, watching as he turned to face him. He was refusing to give it back, holding it behind him out of sight. Si Eun scoffed, turning back to head towards his room.
‘He needs to stop trying to be my da- what the fuck?!’ Si Eun was ripped from his train of thought as he was grabbed by the collar and thrown to the ground. Every inch of his body let out a shrieking scream at the feeling of hitting the heated hardwood floors. He cried out, struggling to suck in a breath. He struggled to stand but was just barely able to, eyes darkening at the sight of the man.
“Who do you think you are?” Si Eun nearly collapsed but caught himself on the side table near the couch. “Why did you do that?” He wanted to look as intimidating and unphased as possible but it was kinda hard when he was fighting for his fucking life to stay slightly awake and after he just yelped… Not super convincing.
Seung Ri crossed his arms, Si Eun’s phone was now visible in his armpit. “Look, I hated to do that but you need to learn to respect me now that I’m your dad.”
“Can we not do this right now? I swear, everyone has a problem with me when I’m the least in the mood.” Si Eun tried to turn around, again, feeling his adrenaline kicking in. Once again, he knew he wasn’t going to drop it but he also knew that in the state he was in, there was no way he’d win in a fight.
Si Eun was suddenly on the floor, the world around him going black.
Big Ben - Park Humin Alex Go - Go Hyuntak Gerard Jin - Jin Gayool
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새아빠 문제 (Step Dad Problems)
Korean Version - Weak Hero Class 1 Fanfiction
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Whumpee: 연시은 역 박지훈
요약: 시은이와 수호가 죽을 뻔한 문제 이후 학교를 바꾼 이후로, 그는 엄마와 남자친구와 함께 살게 되었습니다... 상황이었죠.
메모들: 이 이야기는 웹툰의 캐릭터를 활용한 드라마 시즌 1 이후를 배경으로 합니다. 네, 수호는 제가 부인하고 있기 때문에 살아 있습니다. 고소해 주세요. *저는 이것을 영어에서 번역하기 위해 네이버 파파고를 사용했습니다. 그래서 뭔가 이상하게 느껴진다면, 그 사실 때문입니다.*
성숙도 등급: 드라마와 이 이야기 모두 폭력성과 거친 언어로 인해 R 및/또는 MA 등급을 받았습니다.
단어: 1804
챕터: 1/?
영어 버전 (English Version): ENG VER link
AO3 링크: emrys_lmalw
시은은 "지금 당장은 안 할 거야, 만날 사람들이 있��"라며 허탈해했다. 유선고등학교의 상황을 다루고 싶은 만큼 친구들을 만나고 싶었던 그는 이미 새아빠가 되고 싶었던 엄마의 남자친구를 만나기 전에 집에 가고 싶어 했다.
'만약 그들이 나를 죽인다면, 나는 다시는 일승리를 볼 필요가 없을지도 몰라. 그런데 엄마가 어떻게 그런 멍청한 남자친구를 고를 수 있지?'
"무서웠어?" 잡학살 무리들이 서로 웃으며 그의 생각을 깨뜨렸다. 그들은 점점 더 짜증이 난 시은을 향해 천천히 다가가기 시작했고, 아마도 0613 24시간 편의점의 카메라 앞에 보이지 않을 것 같았다.
"비켜," 시은이는 다리 아래로 더 나아가 아드레날린이 떨어지지 않을 것을 알면서도 몸을 통과할 수 있도록 걸어가기 시작했습니다.
시은은 불량배들이 다가오자 허리띠를 풀고 펜을 잡으며 준비를 했습니다. 그들을 향해 돌아서자 익숙하고 지친 목소리가 귀를 때리며 군인들에게 물러서라고 말했습니다. 두 번째 시은은 배지훈을 향해 눈을 떴고, 배지훈은 그네를 탔습니다. 동맹 고위층에게 배운 것이 있다면 먼저 그네를 타는 것이고, 나중에 질문해 보세요.
안타깝게도 시은은 처음에는 더 빨랐지만 지훈이와 같은 수준의 광기는 아니었습니다. 최선을 다했음에도 불구하고 그는 이 사람을 이길 수 없다는 것을 알고 있었습니다. 게다가 그는 휴대폰이 계속 울리는 소리를 들을 수 있었습니다. 먼저 수호의 벨소리였고, 그 다음은 후민, 그 다음은 현탁이었습니다. 모두들 그가 전화를 받지 못한 이유가 싸움 중이었기 때문인지 전혀 모른 채 그에게 전화를 걸고 있었습니다.
이 시점에서 그들은 그냥 가정할 수 없나요?
시간이 지남에 따라 시은은 점점 더 많은 펀치를 맞고 펀치를 덜 맞으며 우위를 점하기 시작했습니다. 춤처럼 변했습니다. 시은이가 점점 더 잘하고 있는 춤이었죠. 그가 이기고 있었어요.
지훈이가 더티 플레이를 하기로 결정할 때까지 그는 이기고 있었다.
그는 동료들에게 전화를 걸어 "자신만의 즐거움을 모두 누릴 수 없다"고 말하며 자신의 절반 크기인 상대가 혼자서 자신을 때리고 있다는 사실을 인정하지 않는 자존심을 구했습니다. 소문난 "화이트 맘바" 때문에 그의 명성이 진흙탕에 빠질 수 없었습니다.
이제 시은이 공격 모드에서 수비 모드로 전환했습니다. 이 싸움에서 승리하기 위해 할 수 있는 일은 아무것도 없었고, 그는 그것을 알고 있었습니다. 그는 펀치를 덜 맞고 더 많이 받기 시작했습니다. 얼굴 쪽으로, 배 쪽으로, 그리고 뒤쪽으로 넘어갔습니다. 그는 내내 서 있을 수 있었지만 점점 ��을 헛디뎠습니다. 그는 타격 사이에 필사적으로 주변을 샅샅이 뒤졌고, 그곳에서 도망칠 방법이 없다는 것을 알고 있었습니다. 그가 탈출해서 적어도 휴대폰으로 친구들의 전화를 받을 수 있었다면 좋았을 텐데요.
'젠장, 지금 정말 비가 오고 있는 거야? 무슨 타이밍이야-'
그는 그들의 으르렁거리는 벨소리를 들을 수 있었다. 심장 박동 소리가 고막에 부딪히고 비가 피부와 인근 편의점 우산을 때리는 등 점점 더 듣기 힘들어지고 있었다.
그는 도망쳐야 했습니다. 그는 도움을 받기 위해 전화를 받아야 했습니다. 휴대폰을 잡으려고 하기 전에 큰 쿵 소리가 들리더니 갑자기 바닥에 쓰러졌습니다.
"그는 싸우고 있어요. 매복 공격을 당했어요. 알 수 있어요." 수호가 이빨을 갈며 말했다. 그는 시은이 위험하다는 것을 마음속으로 알고 있었다. 그는 항상 전화를 받았다. 그들이 항상 전화하는 것이 짜증났지만, 그는 항상 전화를 받았다. 뭔가 이상했고 그는 그것을 알고 있었다.
"솔직히 우리가 겪은 모든 일, 특히 얼라이언스 사람들과는 의견이 다르다고 말하고 싶어요. K-Maps에서 그의 위치를 확인해 보세요?" 휴민도 휴대폰에 시은의 위치가 그들의 데이트 장소에 표시되어 있기를 바랐습니다.
"한강대교에 왔다고 하네요. 지난 30분 동안 '가는 중'이었어요. 그냥 한강대교에 도착했어야 할 이유가 없어요." 현탁이 말했다. 일행은 짐을 챙겨 문을 뛰쳐나가기 전 절망적인 표정을 지었다. 시은이가 위험에 처하지 않았기를 바라지만 이쯤 되면 그냥 가정해야 합니다.
펀치 한 번, 킥 한 번, 킥 한 번, 시은에게 모든 것이 흐려지기 시작했습니다. 시은은은 더 이상 버티지 못할 것이었고 점점 더 분명해지고 있었습니다. 그는 숨을 헐떡이며 매 순간 폐가 무너지는 것을 느꼈습니다. 그때 희미한 목소리가 들렸고 모든 사람들이 흩어지면서 옆으로 걸어가 거의 주의를 기울였습니다.
"솔직히 말해서 실망이야, 화이트 맘바." 배지훈은 시은이의 구타당하고 피투성이가 된 몸 옆에 무릎을 꿇으며 놀렸다. "내가 항상 자주 듣는 전설적인 파이터는 어디 있지?"
부러지고 고통스러운 숨소리를 내며 시은이는 "엉터리야"라고 목소리를 높였습니다. 그는 말을 하면서 신음했지만, 마지막 한마디만 할 수 있다면 그 고통은 그만한 가치가 있었습니다.
"너는 재미있어, 꼬마야. 너는 강인해, 내가 그걸 줄게. 넌 무적이 아니야. 내가 증명해줄게." 지훈은 시은의 옆구리에 무릎을 꿇고 웃으며 귀를 마주친 신음소리를 들으며 "나도 기분이 좋으니 너를 봐줄게."라고 말하며 서 있었다. 그는 시은이가 힘들어하는 모습을 보기 위해 뒤로 물러섰다. 그의 엉덩이조차도 그 광경을 보고 몸을 떨었다. 그는 피해자들이 고통받는 모습을 보는 것을 즐겼으며, 더 얼라이언스의 발전이나 돈벌이만을 위한 것이 아니었다는 것이 분명했다.
시은은은 이빨을 갈아서 콘크리트 위에 손을 올려놓고 서려고 했다. 그는 참을 수 없는 고통이 몸통을 관통하기 전에 땅을 밀기 시작했다. 주변 세계가 소용돌이치기 시작했고 시야가 흐려졌다. 주변의 소리가 그의 마음속에서 소용돌이치기 시작했고, 그가 다시 거친 콘크리트 위로 떨어지면서 몸이 축 처졌다. 그때 그는 진정한 지옥을 느꼈다. 마치 용암이 그의 정맥을 통해 흐르는 것 같았고, 등에서 다리, 팔에서 손끝까지 퍼져나갔다. 편두통이 서서히 들어와 엉망이 된 케이크 위에 똥으로 덮인 체리가 되었다.
그는 눈물을 흘리며 간신히 고개를 들어 지훈이 등을 대고 서 있는 모습을 볼 수 있었고, 시은이가 움찔할 때마다 더 세게 눌렀다. 그는 입술을 힘껏 눌러 눈을 감고 손톱이 손바닥을 자를 때까지 주먹을 날렸다. 그는 더 이상 할 수 없었다. 어둠의 달콤한 안도감이 그를 사로잡기 시작하자 거친 비명이 입을 떠났다. 그는 자신이 죽어가고 있는지 아니면 그냥 기절하고 있는지 확신할 수 없었지만, 이 시점에서 그는 너무 아파서 어느 쪽이든 기꺼이 받아들일 수 있었다.
펀치 한 번, 킥 한 번, 킥 한 번, 시은에게 모든 것이 흐려지기 시작했습니다. 시은은은 더 이상 버티지 못할 것이었고 점점 더 분명해지고 있었습니다. 그는 숨을 헐떡이며 매 순간 폐가 무너지는 것을 느꼈습니다. 그때 희미한 목소리가 들렸고 모든 사람들이 흩어지면서 옆으로 걸어가 거의 주의를 기울였습니다.
"솔직히 말해서 실망이야, 화이트 맘바." 배지훈은 시은이의 구타당하고 피투성이가 된 몸 옆에 무릎을 꿇으며 놀렸다. "내가 항상 자주 듣는 전설적인 파이터는 어디 있지?"
부러지고 고통스러운 숨소리를 내며 시은이는 "꺼져 씹새끼"라고 목소리를 높였습니다. 그는 말을 하면서 신음했지만, 마지막 한마디만 할 수 있다면 그 고통은 그만한 가치가 있었습니다.
"너는 재미있어. 너는 강인해, 내가 그걸 줄게. 넌 무적이 아니야. 내가 증명해줄게." 지훈은 시은의 옆구리에 무릎을 꿇고 웃으며 귀를 마주친 신음소리를 들으며 "나도 기분이 좋으니 너를 봐줄게."라고 말하며 서 있었다. 그는 시은이가 힘들어하는 모습을 보기 위해 뒤로 물러섰다. 그의 엉덩이조차도 그 광경을 보고 몸을 떨었다. 그는 피해자들이 고통받는 모습을 보는 것을 즐겼으며, 더 얼라이언스의 발전이나 돈벌이만을 위한 것이 아니었다는 것이 분명했다.
시은은은 이빨을 갈아서 콘크리트 위에 손을 올려놓고 서려고 했다. 그는 참을 수 없는 고통이 몸통을 관통하기 전에 땅을 밀기 시작했다. 주변 세계가 소용돌이치기 시작했고 시야가 흐려졌다. 주변의 소리가 그의 마음속에서 소용돌이치기 시작했고, 그가 다시 거친 콘크리트 위로 떨어지면서 몸이 축 처졌다. 그때 그는 진정한 지옥을 느꼈다. 마치 용암이 그의 정맥을 통해 흐르는 것 같았고, 등에서 다리, 팔에서 손끝까지 퍼져나갔다. 편두통이 서서히 들어와 엉망이 된 케이크 위에 똥으로 덮인 체리가 되었다.
그는 눈물을 흘리며 간신히 고개를 들어 지훈이 등을 대고 서 있는 모습을 볼 수 있었고, 시은이가 움찔할 때마다 더 세게 눌렀다. 그는 입술을 힘껏 눌러 눈을 감고 손톱이 손바닥을 자를 때까지 주먹을 날렸다. 그는 더 이상 할 수 없었다. 어둠의 달콤한 안도감이 그를 사로잡기 시작하자 거친 비명이 입을 떠났다. 그는 자신이 죽어가고 있는지 아니면 그냥 기절하고 있는지 확신할 수 없었지만, 이 시점에서 그는 너무 아파서 어느 쪽이든 기꺼이 받아들일 수 있었다.
"거의 다 왔어요!" 후민은 벽화 시은의 위치를 가리키며 온몸에 힘을 다해 달려가고 있다고 말했습니다. 나머지 갱단은 걸음마다 심장이 두근거리는 침묵의 공포에 휩싸였습니다.
현장에 다가오면서 그들은 자신들이 얼마나 감정적으로 준비가 되어 있지 않은지 깨달았습니다. 총잡이들은 떠났고, 작은 무리의 사람들이 땅 위의 무언가 주위를 돌고 있었습니다. 그들 모두는 그 무언가가 무엇인지 알고 있었기 때문에 심장이 떨어졌습니다.
"연시은!" 수호가 일행을 돌파하며 외쳤다. "시은아, 너-" 그는 멈춰 서서 침묵 속에서 응시했다.
"펑, 형, 얼마나 나빠?" 현탁은 수호가 방금 본 광경을 보기 위해 사람들 무리를 헤쳤다. "잠깐만 뭐라고?"
"적어도 도와줄 수 있어?! 젠장!" 가율은 재빨리 현탁의 뒤로 다가가 마침내 모든 것을 받아들였습니다. "그건 시은이가 아니야."
그룹은 원 안에 서 있는 여성 중 한 명이 아이가 서 있는 것을 돕기 위해 무릎을 꿇는 모습을 지켜보았습니다. "괜찮아, 얘야? 자전거를 잡고 다시 해볼래?"
아이가 일어나서 자전거를 다시 타면서 사람들은 흩어지기 시작했고, 그녀가 괜찮아서 다행이라고 중얼거렸습니다. 가율은 구경꾼 중 한 명에게 다가가 어깨를 두드리며 말했습니다, "이 근처에서 야이 정도 큰 남자 봤어요? 이 유니폼을 입고 검은색 배낭을 메고 있었어요." 그는 시은의 키 정도에 손을 잡고 아저씨의 눈을 집중적으로 바라보았다.
"아니요, 죄송합니다." 그 남자는 짜증이 난 듯 화를 내며 물었다.
"좋아, 저기 있는 놈은 그에게 무슨 일이 일어났는지 몰라. 아무것도 못 봤다고 하네." 가율은 그의 머리카락 사이로 손을 뻗어 심박수가 상승하면서 눈을 감았다.
"잠깐만, 네 전화벨이 울리고 있어!" 후민은 주머니에서 휴대폰을 꺼내 정체불명의 번호를 확인했습니다. 시은이의 엄마나 아빠가 아니길 바라며 전화를 받기로 결정했습니다.
"요! 연시은아, 이 병신아! 왜 전화 안 받았어?!" 수호가 화가 나서 소리쳤다.
"시은이 아빠예요. 집에 계세요. 학교 과제가 많다는 걸 알기 때문에 데리러 오기로 했어요." 친구 그룹에게는 익숙한 목소리였지만 여전히 이상하게 들렸습니다.
"아니요, 저는 시은이의 아빠를 만났는데, 당신은 그와 전혀 다르게 들리네요."
수호는 친구의 손에서 전화기를 살며시 잡고 안심이 되는 미소로 그를 바라보았다. "이 사람이 그의 동생인가요?" 그는 나머지 일행에게 조용히 있으라고 손짓했다.
"형제? 그는 형제가 없어. 아니, 나는 그의 의붓아버지야. 그냥 아빠라고 말하는 거야, 왜냐하면 그는 나에게 생물학적 아들과 같기 때문이야."
"아, 알겠어요. 그와 이야기할 수 있을까요? 같이 만나서 전화하려고 했는데 받지 않아서 걱정이 되었어요." 수호는 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 전혀 모르는 표정으로 다른 사람들을 둘러보았다.
"그는 소파에서 잠들었지만, 당신이 걱정하고 있다는 것을 알려드릴게요. 조금 전에 토하고 있어서 위에 벌레가 생겨서 전화하는 걸 깜빡한 것 같아요. 그가 나아지면 제가 전화하라고 할게요."
수호가 질문을 계속하기 전에 통화가 중단되었습니다. 가슴에 무게가 실렸고, 그 무게가 타버렸습니다. 뭔가 잘못되었지만 시은이는 이제 새 아빠가 되었고 새 아빠가 되기 위해 너무 열심히 노력하고 있다고 언급했습니다. 아버지가 그를 방치한 만큼, 그는 여전히 아버지였습니다. 그때 그를 키운 사람은 바로 아버지였습니다.
"하루만 기다렸다가 시은이를 확인하러 가자. 그가 실제로 아프면 우리가 모두 집에 나타난 것에 짜증을 낼 텐데, 그가 문제가 생기면 너무 오래 기다리지 말아야 해. 괜찮지?" 후민이 청혼했다. 나머지 그룹은 모두 속이 메스껍다고 느끼며 조용히 고개를 끄덕였다.
뭔가 잘못됐어.
"엄마한테 문제를 일으키는 거야?!" 시은이의 멍청한 계부가 소리쳤다. 지난 며칠 동안 엄마가 출장 가는 동안 승리만 집에 있었는데 지금까지는 괜찮았어요. 하지만 집에 비틀거리며 돌아와서 구타당하고 멍들고 피투성이가 되자 갑자기 화를 냈다. "엄마의 아들이 학교 갱단에 있다는 사실을 사람들이 알게 되면 교육자로서의 엄마의 명성은 쓰레기통에 버려질 거야!"
"나는 갱단에 있는 게 아니에요. 그들이 이걸 하도록 선택한 게 아니에요. 자러 갈게요." 시은은 주머니에서 휴대폰이 거실 바닥으로 떨어지면서 비틀거렸다. 그는 승리의 반쪽짜리 걱정을 좋아하지만, 특히 기분이 별로 좋지 않아 부당하고 원치 않는 일이었다.
"절대 안 돼요, 자기 전에 저랑 얘기해 주세요." 그는 바닥에서 시은의 휴대폰을 집어 들고 그가 자신을 마주보고 있는 모습을 지켜보았다. 그는 휴대폰을 돌려주기를 거부하며 눈에 띄지 않게 뒤에서 들고 있었다. 시은은은 비웃으며 다시 자신의 방으로 향했다.
'그가 내 아빠가 되려는 건 그만둬야 해- 뭐야?' 시은은 멱살을 잡고 바닥에 던져지면서 생각의 끈에서 벗어났다. 그의 몸 구석구석이 뜨거운 나무 바닥에 부딪히는 느낌에 비명을 질렀다. 그는 숨을 들이쉬기 위해 몸부림치며 외쳤다. 그는 일어서려고 애썼지만 간신히 일어설 수 있었고, 그 남자의 모습에 눈이 어두워졌다.
"당신이 누구라고 생각하세요?" 시은이는 거의 쓰러질 뻔했지만 소파 근처의 옆 테이블에 앉아 있었다. "왜 그랬어요?" 그는 최대한 겁이 많고 침착해 보이고 싶었지만, 약간 깨어 있으려고 목숨을 걸고 싸울 때와 그냥 소리를 지른 후에는 좀 힘들었어요… 설득력이 없었어요.
승리는 팔짱을 끼고 있었고, 이제 시은의 휴대폰이 겨드랑이에 보였다. "봐, 나는 그렇게 하고 싶지 않았지만, 내가 네 아빠가 되었으니 너는 나를 존중하는 법을 배워야 해."
"지금 당장은 안 될까요? 맹세컨대, 내가 기분이 가장 안 좋을 때는 모두가 나에게 문제가 있어." 시은은 다시 한 번 아드레날린이 솟구치는 것을 느끼며 돌아서려고 했다. 다시 한 번 그는 자신이 아드레날린을 떨어뜨리지 않을 것이라는 것을 알았지만, 자신이 처한 상태에서는 싸움에서 이길 방법이 없다는 것도 알고 있었다.
시은이 갑자기 바닥에 쓰러져 주변 세상이 어두워졌다.
제 이야기를 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 이상한 점이 발견되면 댓글로 알려주세요. 저는 한국어에 완전히 능통하지 않아서 가끔 실수를 놓치기도 합니다.
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i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 5 months ago
Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo - Episode 2
"Hey. What's wrong? What happened? Did someone beat you up? Hey, hey!"
Juyeong shows immediate concern when he realizes that Dohoe is limping as he walks towards him and then he catches him when he stumbles/almost falls from all the pain. The way he asks "Who did it? Did those bastards hit you?" is perfection as a caretaker, the way he worries over poor Dohoe is precious. A+ scene for me.
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i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 7 months ago
I never in my life ever imagined I’d make a post like this, but I’m asking for help.
No obligation. No pressure, but an unforeseen house expense and rising medical costs associated with my Spinalcerebeller Ataxia are putting me in a precarious situation. I’ve started a GoFundMe for assistance.
Like I said, no pressure whatsoever, and it hurts in my soul to even ask, but if anybody wants to help me, here is the link.
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i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 7 months ago
This is obviously not whump but it was so accurate and so funny I felt inclined to share. 💎
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seventeen as the onion headlines
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i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 8 months ago
Hello lovelies.
I don’t exactly know how to do this, but here goes.
You haven’t seen me around lately because I’ve been dealing with some pretty serious health issues. Turns out I’ve got this very rare genetic disorder that’s only going to get progressively worse from here on out. It’s called Spinocerebeller Ataxia, if you want to look it up. It attacks my cerebellum causing balance and coordination issues. And, as of right now, there is no cure and no treatment. It’s a terminal diagnosis.
I struggled for a long time trying to decide if I should tell you guys about this or not. Or if I should just slowly fade out of your collective recollections like a happy memory, but then I thought about how nobody in my real life really knows about this wonderful community, and how they wouldn’t know to tell you all once I was gone. And I couldn’t just drop off the face of the planet like that without some kind of explanation. And… well, I just really miss you guys, too
I have no idea how long I’m going to have. This disease is so rare and it affects everyone so differently, but I think doing some gifs and getting back into reblogging whump might help. So I’m going to try and finish up all the requests I have over at my gifs blog and get this blog active again.
I hope it was the right decision to tell you guys. In fact, I may share some of my journey on here if you’d rather unfollow me so you don’t have to read about it. This is heavy and I don’t expect anyone to stick around for it. But I also could have another 5-10 years, depending on how my disease progresses, and I’m going to make the most of it. It’s just going to be very hard fought. I’m disabled now and I need all the love and support I can get as I traverse this new normal. I can still work and I’m still mobile for now, but that’s changing fast. I start physical and speech therapy soon, and hopefully that will help with some of my symptoms.
I love you all so much and I’m happy to answer any of your questions over DM but, please forgive me if I don’t respond to many asks publicly.
Love you always,
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i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 8 months ago
스위트홈 시즌3 - Sweet Home s3 - Whump List - 🇰🇷
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Whumpees: 차현수 (Cha Hyeon Soo) played by 송강 (Song Kang) / 이은혁 (Lee Eun Hyeok) played by 이도현 (Lee Do Hyun) / 박찬영 (Park Chan Young) played by 정진영 (Jung Jin Young)
Synopsis: The never-ending monsterization crisis. Hyeon Su, consumed by monsters, tries to regain his human self. Nam Sang Won, who entered Pyeon Sang Uk's body, visits the survivors' stadium with a group of people to achieve his goal. And unlike the previous rules, they put forward an unconventional condition to provide convenience to those with symptoms. Stadiums are no longer safe spaces, and people are confused. Meanwhile, Eun Hyeok, who was reborn from the cocoon, appears in a new form... Season 3, which will mark the finale of the desperate struggle of those who are faced with a choice between the border between monsters and humans. (MDL)
Genre/Tags: Light Horror, Action, Thriller, Little Romance, Self Sacrifice, Stabbed, Found Family
Watch On: Netflix (Original), DramaCool, KissAsian
⚠️: Please be aware this drama is listed as light horror and can be gorey! Proceed with caution if you are sensitive to these things!
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차현수 (Cha Hyeon Soo)
3.01 : essentially mind-controlled, concern for him, head butted ::: emotional, concern for him ::: nearly attacked by a monster, protected, saving someone, concern for him, concerned for someone
3.02 : asleep, looked after ::: asleep ::: asleep, someone attempts to wake him up ::: someone attempts to wake him up
3.03 : drugged (like 2 HUGE doses), collapsed into her arms ::: concern for him, tried to the passenger seat of a car
3.04 : fought
3.05 : hit by a car, thrown through a bus, semi fought ::: fought, trapped
3.06 : emotional
3.07 : grand by the throat, restrained, struggling, strangled, ambushed, fought
3.08 : fought
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이은혁 (Lee Eun Hyuk)
3.01-3.03 : none/no appearance
3.04 : at gunpoint
3.05 : attacked ::: fought, repeatedly punched ::: fought, trapped, face covered in blood
3.06 : none
3.07 : attacked, fought ::: ambushed, fought
3.08 : fought
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박찬영 (Park Chan Young)
3.01 : protecting someone, concern for him, self sacrifice x2, saved, concern for him
3.02 : panicked, using himself as a human shield ::: saving someone, in an explosion ::: grabbed by this throat, lifted in the air
3.03 : grabbed by the throat, lifted in the air, struggling to breathe, saved
3.04-3.08 : none
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i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 9 months ago
There should be a reboot
Nobody at all:
A television show that nothing has occured with for the past 12 years on tumblr.gov:
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i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 1 year ago
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“fuck you my child is completely fine”
your child fantasizes about being tortured so they’d finally have a good enough reason for someone to rescue and comfort them
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i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 1 year ago
환상연가 - Love Song for Illusion - Whump List - 🇰🇷
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Whumpees: 사조현 (Sajo Huron) and 악희 (Ak Hee) played by 박지훈 (Park Jihoon)
Synopsis: Crown Prince Sajo Hyun is an intellectual character who uses his innate artistic sense to work as a fashion designer at a downtown boutique while hiding his identity of crown prince. He has a wound deep down in his heart from his childhood due to his oppressive father Sajo Seung. Sajo Hyun’s other personality Ak Hee is a charming character who can easily seduce others, but he is cursed to feel extreme pain when he makes physical touch with others. (MDL)
Genre/Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Shot, Stabbed, Period, Emeto, Traumatic Past, Drugged, Constant Whump
Watch On: Viki (Original), DramaCool, KissAsian
Notes: Will use the term “madness” for his “DID” symptoms a couple times + I will do a section for both characters all at once then both separated (you’ll see below)
⚠️CAUTION: This drama depicts child ab*se, as well as the morning after non-con⚠️
1.01 : flashbacks of being abused as a kid) ::: verbally abused
1.02 : fighting off madness ::: fighting off sleep, biting his lip to keep from sleeping, bleeding, concern for him, sitting in an ice bath to fight sleep ::: drugged, fighting it, biting his lips, bleeding ::: anxious
1.03 : traumatic flashbacks, nauseous, gagging, concern for him, shaking, emotional, screaming, fighting off the madness, coughing, in pain, concern for him, weak, held, passed out, woke up, passed out again, carried ::: asleep, doctor examined, feverish, woke up ::: (flashbacks: screaming in pain) ::: chained up, coughing, woke up, (flashbacks: screaming in pain, fighting off the madness), weak ::: chained up, choked, struggling, angry ::: chained up, screaming in pain, collapsed, passed out ::: at knife-point
1.04 : at knife-point ::: (flashbacks: spell used on him, screaming in pain, collapsed, passed out) ::: chained up, frozen ::: arrow pointed at him, flinched, threw up, shaky breathing ::: his father told him he’s ashamed of him, (traumatic flashbacks) ::: (traumatic flashbacks) ::: (traumatic flashbacks) ::: heartbroken, feeling betrayed, concerned for someone, grieving
1.05 : crying, grieving ::: crying, grieving ::: shaking, chest pain, covering his ears, screaming, frozen, locked up, in pain, desperate, scared, nearly killed by a sword ::: grabbed, strangled, struggling, fought, attacked with a knife ::: crying ::: wincing, concern for him ::: cold, (flashbacks: locked up, frozen, emotional) ::: dizzy ::: fought, chased, shot at
1.06 : coughing up water, exhausted, concern for him ::: having chills, (flashbacks: in pain x2) ::: in pain, concern for him ::: getting chills, concern for him, scared (semi comical) ::: tried to stand, in pain, concern for him, wound treated, wincing ::: anxious, scared, stumbling, struggling to breathe, traumatic flashbacks, panic attack, attacked with a knife, saved ::: heavy shaking breathing, emotional
1.07 : hallucinating ::: hallucinating ::: stressed, anxious, hallucinating ::: angry ::: angry ::: drugged, collapsed
1.08 : uncomfortable ::: in pain, wincing, emotional, heartbroken ::: heartbroken ::: upset, in pain, wincing ::: defiant, trained on, concern for him ::: angry ::: fought, protecting someone ::: wound on his lip and jaw, concern for him, flinching away, heartbroken, crying ::: asleep, crying, crying
1.09 : asleep, crying, shaking, crying, (flashbacks: heartbroken) ::: anxious, hallucinating ::: fought, anxious ::: concerned for someone, desperate, manhandled, screaming, grieving, concerned for someone, basically thrown, scared, crying ::: crying, grieving, in shock
1.10 : in shock, crying, held, emotional ::: angry, fell to his knees, in pain, concern for him, unable to speak, ambushed, in pain, screaming, angry
1.11 : angry, cutting his arm with a sword, concern for him, bleeding, wincing, holding a sword to his throat, concern for him, weak, shaking, wincing, exhausted ::: arm treated, bandages, dizzy, blurry vision, stressed ::: laying in limbo in his mind, paralyzed, mute, looked after, tired, dizzy, blurry vision, anxious, pretending to be angry, dizzy ::: blurry vision, concern for him, not feeling well, concern for him, in pain ::: exhausted, helped to walk, still paralyzed, anxious, tired ::: heartbroken, in pain, shaking, groaning, exhausted, concern for him, crying ::: exhausted, struggling to walk, stumbling, heavily lidded eyes, slightly slurred speech, concern for him, stumbling, concern for him, looked over, in pain, stumbling, concern for him ::: still paralyzed, emotional ::: stabbed, paralyzed, slowly losing consciousness, collapsed, fell into the mind room, weak, in pain, concern for him, groaning, unconscious ::: concern for him ::: laying on the ground, weak
1.12 : paralyzed, stressed ::: paralyzed, stressed, laying barely conscious with a magical knife in his shoulder, dying, concern for him ::: laying barely conscious with a magical knife in his shoulder ::: magical knife in his shoulder, stressed, wincing, paralyzed, anxious ::: struggling to get up, screaming in pain, concern for him ::: struggling to get up, screaming in pain, concern for him ::: struggling to get up, screaming in pain, concern for him ::: exhausted, in pain, heavy breathing ::: concern for him, loved one attempts to pull the knife out of his shoulder, screaming from the pain, shaking, concern for him, screaming in pain, shaking, barely conscious, heavily lidded eyes, screaming in pain, shaking ::: screaming in pain, shaking, heavily lidded eyes, heavy breathing, screaming in pain, shaking
1.13 : looked after ::: looked after, concern for him, coughing ::: crying, flashbacks, crying ::: crying ::: feeling unwell, screaming, fell to his knees, concern for him, eyes momentarily glowing
1.14 : weak, struggling to stand, nearly collapsed, concern for him, flinching away from someone, in pain, (flashbacks: angry, concerned for someone, anxious, confused, in pain, weak, someone sees the bloody knife he had pulled from his shoulder), concern for him (semi wound reveal) ::: (flashbacks: weak) ::: concern for him ::: in pain ::: weak, heavily lidded eyes, exhausted ::: in shock, in pain ::: life threatened, concern for him, shot at (arrows), emotional
1.15 : concerned for someone, angry, heartbroken ::: in pain, holding his head, groaning ::: intense head pain, collapsed, heavy breathing ::: weak, heavy breathing, heavily lidded eyes ::: weak, heavy breathing, heavily lidded eyes ::: weak, heavy breathing, heavily lidded eyes ::: intense head pain, collapsed, heavy breathing, groaning ::: struggling to see, stumbling, in pain, concern for him, shaking, shaky breathing, wincing, in pain, wincing, shaking ::: fought
1.16 : magic performed on him, fought, stabbed in the chest, concern for him, manhandled ::: (flashbacks: fought, stabbed, bleeding, concern for him), in pain, concern for him, heavy breathing, half-collapsed, concern for him, trapped, sickly, weak, wound on his face, bloody, angry ::: angry/upset ::: in pain, concern for him ::: trapped, sickly, weak ::: concerned for someone, desperate, in pain, shaking, emotional, concerned for someone, crying
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사조현 (Sajo Hyeon)
1.01 : flashbacks of being abused as a kid) ::: verbally abused
1.02 : fighting off Ak Hee ::: anxious
1.03 : traumatic flashbacks, nauseous, gagging, concern for him, shaking, emotional, screaming, fighting off the madness, coughing, in pain, concern for him, weak, held, passed out, woke up, passed out again, carried ::: chained up, coughing, woke up, (flashbacks: screaming in pain, fighting off the madness), weak ::: chained up, choked, struggling, angry ::: chained up, screaming in pain, passed out
1.04 : at knife-point ::: arrow pointed at him, flinched, threw up, shaky breathing ::: his father told him he’s ashamed of him, (traumatic flashbacks) ::: (traumatic flashbacks) ::: (traumatic flashbacks) ::: heartbroken, feeling betrayed, concerned for someone, grieving
1.05 : crying, grieving ::: crying, grieving ::: shaking, chest pain, covering his ears, screaming, in pain ::: grabbed, strangled, struggling, fought, attacked with a knife ::: cold
1.06 : coughing up water, exhausted, concern for him ::: having chills ::: in pain, concern for him ::: getting chills, concern for him, scared (semi comical) ::: tried to stand, in pain, concern for him, wound treated, wincing ::: anxious, scared, stumbling, struggling to breathe, traumatic flashbacks, panic attack, attacked with a knife, saved ::: heavy shaking breathing, emotional
1.07 : hallucinating ::: hallucinating ::: stressed, anxious, hallucinating ::: angry ::: drugged, collapsed
1.08 : angry ::: crying
1.09 : asleep, crying, shaking ::: anxious, hallucinating ::: fought, anxious ::: ::: concerned for someone, desperate, manhandled, screaming, grieving ::: crying, grieving, in shock
1.10 : in shock, crying, held ::: angry, fell to his knees, in pain, concern for him, unable to speak, ambushed, in pain, screaming
1.11 : laying in limbo in his mind, paralyzed, mute, looked after ::: concern for him ::: still paralyzed, anxious ::: exhausted, concern for him, crying ::: still paralyzed, emotional ::: concern for him
1.12 : paralyzed, stressed ::: paralyzed, stressed ::: paralyzed, anxious
1.13 : looked after ::: looked after, concern for him, coughing ::: crying, flashbacks, crying ::: feeling unwell, screaming, fell to his knees, concern for him
1.14 : in shock ::: life threatened, concern for him, shot at (arrows), emotional
1.15 : concerned for someone, angry, heartbroken ::: fought
1.16 : fought, stabbed in the chest, concern for him ::: (flashbacks: fought, stabbed, bleeding, concern for him), in pain, concern for him, heavy breathing, half-collapsed, concern for him ::: angry/upset ::: in pain, concern for him ::: ::: concerned for someone, desperate
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악희 (Ak Hee)
1.01 : none
1.02 : fighting off sleep, biting his lip to keep from sleeping, bleeding, concern for him, sitting in an ice bath to fight sleep ::: drugged, fighting it, biting his lips, bleeding
1.03 : asleep, doctor examined, feverish, woke up ::: spell used on him, screaming in pain, collapsed, passed out
1.04 : (flashbacks: spell used on him, screaming in pain, collapsed, passed out) ::: chained up, frozen
1.05 : frozen, locked up, in pain, desperate, scared, nearly killed by a sword ::: crying ::: wincing, concern for him ::: (flashbacks: locked up, frozen, emotional) ::: dizzy ::: fought, chased, shot at
1.06 : (flashbacks: in pain x2)
1.07 : angry ::: uncomfortable
1.08 : uncomfortable ::: in pain, emotional, heartbroken ::: heartbroken ::: upset, in pain, wincing ::: ::: defiant, trained on, concern for him ::: angry ::: fought, protecting someone ::: wound on his lip and jaw, concern for him, flinching away, heartbroken, crying ::: crying ::: crying
1.09 : crying, (flashbacks: heartbroken) ::: concerned for someone, basically thrown, scared, crying
1.10 : emotional ::: angry
1.11 : angry, cutting his arm with a sword, concern for him, bleeding, wincing, holding a sword to his throat, concern for him, weak, shaking, wincing, exhausted ::: arm treated, bandages, dizzy, blurry vision, stressed ::: tired, dizzy, blurry vision, anxious, pretending to be angry, dizzy ::: blurry vision, not feeling well, concern for him, in pain ::: exhausted, helped to walk ::: heartbroken, in pain, shaking, groaning, exhausted ::: exhausted, struggling to walk, stumbling, heavily lidded eyes, slightly slurred speech, concern for him, stumbling, concern for him, looked over, in pain, stumbling, concern for him ::: stabbed, paralyzed, slowly losing consciousness, collapsed, fell into the mind room, weak, in pain, concern for him, groaning, unconscious ::: laying on the ground, unconscious
1.12 : laying barely conscious with a magical knife in his shoulder, dying, concern for him ::: laying barely conscious with a magical knife in his shoulder ::: magical knife in his shoulder, stressed, wincing ::: struggling to get up, screaming in pain, concern for him ::: struggling to get up, screaming in pain, concern for him ::: struggling to get up, screaming in pain, concern for him ::: exhausted, in pain, heavy breathing ::: concern for him, loved one attempts to pull the knife out of his shoulder, screaming from the pain, shaking, concern for him, screaming in pain, shaking, barely conscious, heavily lidded eyes, screaming in pain, shaking ::: screaming in pain, shaking, heavily lidded eyes, heavy breathing, screaming in pain, shaking
1.13 : concern for him, eyes momentarily glowing
1.14 : weak, struggling to stand, nearly collapsed, concern for him, flinching away from someone, in pain, (flashbacks: angry, concerned for someone, anxious, confused, in pain, weak, someone sees the bloody knife he had pulled from his shoulder), concern for him (semi wound reveal) ::: (flashbacks: weak) ::: concern for him ::: in pain ::: ::: weak, heavily lidded eyes, exhausted ::: in pain
1.15 : in pain, holding his head, groaning ::: intense head pain, collapsed, heavy breathing ::: weak, heavy breathing, heavily lidded eyes ::: weak, heavy breathing, heavily lidded eyes ::: weak, heavy breathing, heavily lidded eyes ::: intense head pain, collapsed, heavy breathing, groaning ::: struggling to see, stumbling, in pain, concern for him, shaking, shaky breathing, wincing, in pain, wincing, shaking ::: fought
1.16 : magic performed on him, fought, manhandled ::: trapped, sickly, weak, wound on his face, bloody, angry ::: trapped, sickly, weak ::: in pain, shaking, emotional, concerned for someone, crying, dying
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i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 1 year ago
Sword Art Online: Kirito Whump
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===SAO Season 1=== 1x02 Beater - Sliced by boss, weak, low HP 1x03 Red Nosed Reindeer - Ambushed, watches friends die, traumatized, cries 1x06 Illusionary Avenger - Watches someone die 1x07 The Temperature of the Heart - Falls from great height twice, low HP 1x09 The Blue Eyed Demon - Intense boss battle, sliced multiple times, punched, sweating, extremely low HP, collapses, makes Asuna cry 1x10 Crimson Killing Intent - Duel, stabbed, talks about trauma, depressed/angry, paralyzed, stabbed multiple times, slowly impaled by psychopath, life flashes before his eyes, intense pain, extremely low HP, arm sliced off, collapses, emotional 1x12 Yui's Heart - Knocked down, unconscious, weak, angry 1x13 Edge of Hell's Abyss - Scared 1x14 The End of the World - Exhausted, intense confrontation, duel, sliced, sobbing, collapse, impaled, emotional, weak, depressed 1x15 Return - Nightmares, crying, depressed, difficulty adjusting, hit in the head, stumbles, shares PTSD with sister, sobs 1x16 Land of the Fairies - Logout PTSD 1x20 General of the Blazing Flame - Intense 1v1, sliced multiple times 1x22 Grand Quest - Outnumbered, died, emotional 1x23 Bonds - Intense battle 1x24 Gilded Hero - Emotional, paralyzed, straining, kicked around, impaled/tortured, pain absorber decreased, intense pain, emotional 1x25 The World Seed - Ambushed, stabbed irl, bleeding, falls, kicked multiple times
===SAO Season 2 (Gun Gale Online)=== 2x01 The World of Guns - Death gun/SAO PTSD 2x05 Guns and Swords - Grazed, exhausted, confrontation, PTSD 2x06 Showdown in the Wilderness - Intense laughing coffin battle, PTSD, panic attack, grazed multiple times 2x07 Crimson Memories - Guilt, emotional conversations about PTSD, sobs 2x12 Bullet of a Phantom - Death Gun confrentation, stabbed multiple times, heart racing/panic 2x13 Phantom Bullet - Risk of dehydration, faster heart rate (bp: 160), sliced multiple times, hug-grenade bomb, irl fight 2x14 One Little Step - Choked, punched multiple times irl, stabbed with poison syringe, panic, almost dies, bandaged 2x16 King of the Giants - Knocked down from blast, low HP, its a trap! or not? it is! help 2x17 Excalibur - Intense fight, punched to the ground 2x18 Forest House - Exhausted, died in a duel
===Sword Art Online: Alicization=== 3x01 Underworld - Shot in the chest, falls down, tackled 3x02 The Demon Tree - Amnesia, exhausted 3x04 Departure - Sliced, intense pain, kicked to the ground 3x05 Ocean Turtle - Attacked irl, injected with serum from GGO, unconscious, heart stopped, emergency surgery, possible brain damage 3x11 Central Cathedral - Imprisoned 3x15 The Relentless Knight - Literally back-stabbed, collapse, unconscious, dragged, thrown, 1v4, shot multiple times, falls, bleeding 3x16 The Osmanthus Knight - Bleeding, collapse, unconscious, falls down building 3x17 Truce - Hanging, pancaked 3x21 The 32nd Knight - Sliced multiple times, bleeding 3x22 Titan of the Sword - Intense fight, impaled, bleeding profusely, cries 3x23 Administrator - Emotional damage, collapse, emotionally paralyzed 3x24 My Hero - Sliced multiple times, arm cut off, bleeding, intense emotional heartbreak, crying, brain breakdown
===Sword Art Online: War of Underworld=== 4x01 In The Far North - Wheelchair, braindead, depressed, knocked unconscious (flashback), carried, bullied, falls out of wheelchair, panic 4x02 Raids - Panic, crawling/struggling, brain shortcircuted already damaged brain, therefore: deactivating brain/no self-concept (5head stuff) 4x05 The Night Before Battle - Willpower tested/dagger launched at him 4x07 Stigma of the Disqualified - Tries to protect friends 4x10 Stacia, the Goddess of Creation - Asuna reunion, twitches, tries to talk, cries 4x13 The War of Underworld - SAO friends reunion, tries to speak 4x16 Code 871 - Tense standoff 4x17 Prince of Hell - Bullied, kicked out of wheelchair, unconscious 4x18 Memories - Fighting mental blockage, faces trauma, intense emotional pain, mental breakdown, intense sobbing, tears open chest, self damage, becomes ultimate form GIGACHAD 4x19 Awakening - Sliced neck, bleeding, cries 4x20 The Night-Sky Blade - Sliced in half, impaled, intense fight, sobs in loneliness, trapped in the world 4x22 Alice - Awakens, weak, was alive the last 200 years, memories erased, obviously depressed, hospitalized, sobbing, PTSD, emotional damage, comforted by sister 4x23 New World - Headbutted, headache
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i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 1 year ago
Alice (2020) K-Drama
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Park Jin-Gyeom (Joo Won) is a detective, who doesn't show emotions. While investigating a mysterious case, he realizes the existence of time travelers. The time travelers come to the present day from the future through a space called Alice. Park Jin-Gyeom struggles to prevent negative things happening through Alice. During this time, he meets Yoon Tae-Yi (Kim Hee-Seon) again. A woman who looks erily identical to his deceased mother. Yoon Tae-Yi is a genius physicist and she holds a key to time travel. While they unravel the secret of time travel together, she discovers secrets hidden in her past.
This is a Whump list for Park Jin Gyeom (Played by Joo Won)
I actually had a lot of fun whating this drama, whether it was me laughing at it or with it. The story was all over the place and lacked continuity even if it was a time travel drama, but the characters were great.
1x01 - crying, grieving, holding loved one as they die
1x02 - time was stopped but is resumed and hes hit by a truck, passes out, wakes up in hospital, broken ribs, bandaged wounds, takes out IV, Hit with smoke grenade holding eyes, coughing fough briefly, struggling to get up, almost hit by a car, Gets out of his car while its moving and jumps onto another car (not whump but I was crying) gets thrown off this car, fought, holding knife blade with hands, emotional upset
1x03 - fought smoke stuff in eyes again, fell from a good height, tried to chase but was too hurt, upset concerned for loved one, crying
1x04 - Fought, car accident, woke up on the street but in the past.
1X05 - woke up on street Clutching head ringing head pain, crying reliving mothers death, woke up present day where he crashed, ears ringing pass out nose bleed, woke up in hospital
1x06- fought, concerned for Someone
1x07 - fought
1x08 - Sleeping, smacked (comical), (flashback/forward…you still believe in time?) Loved one crying while holding him, possibly dead definitely not awake
1X09 - fought, Shot in the arm, at gunpoint, stops time before another bullet can get him, ears ringing, nose bleed, relieved after finding him mom, passes out from exertion, bandaged trying to wash hair (this scene is actually really cute)
1X10 worried, sleeping, woke up, anxious on a rollercoaster, unsteady getting off, hit by a car (to no consequence)
1x11 small fight, worried for someone, handcuffed to sign, crying, Yelling, wrist bleeding from struggling, at gunpoint
1x12 - angry, crying, loved one dies in his arms, grieving, comforted while crying, bleeding through Bandages
1x13 - Adult Jin gyeom Wakes up on the street, passes out again, nose bleed, in hospital, hearing voices, Panicking screaming, unconscious, woke up. Teen - Passes out, nose bleed, time rash Unconscious in bed, wakes up Suspicious as hell, hearing things
1x14 - crying, upset, stabbed with a sword, passes out, (off screen surgery) woke up, holding side, asleep, bleeding through shirt, concerned for, rewrapping wound, out of breath, delusions, almost stabs partner
1x15- crying, punches mirror, coping With major realization, comforted, concerned for someone,drugged, passes out, holding hand as someone important to him dies, holding loved one as they die, crying
1x16 - time travels, wakes up, crying, reliving same death of mother again
《Sorry for any spelling errors, english is my first language and I suck at it🙂》
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i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 1 year ago
Wonderland of Love (乐游原) - Whump List
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Whumpee : Li Ni played by Xu Kai
Synopsis : "Wonderland of Love" follows the story of the emperor's grandson Li Ni, who guards the border and is forced to take on the responsibility of quelling the rebellion. During military campaigns against the rebels, he encounters the ambitious Cui Lin, who is the only daughter of General Cui Yi. They cross paths with each other many times on the battlefields. (MDL)
Genres : Historical, Romance, Political
Warning! Possible spoilers below!
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Li Ni
Ep 1 : Finger pricked — Elbow pricked, kicked into a well
Ep 2 : Tied up with ropes, frees himself — Hit with a drugged needle, passes out
Ep 3 : Tied up —  Pricked with a drugged needle, passes out
Ep 4 : Slapped 
Ep 5 : Pretending to be drunk — Restrained 
Ep 6 : Handcuffed, imprisoned 
Ep 7-8 : None
Ep 9 : Grazed by an arrow
Ep 10-11 : None
Ep 12 : Worried for someone, hand bitten — Hand treated — Yelled at by his father unfairly 
Ep 13-16 : None
Ep 17 : pricked with a drugged needle , passes out
Ep 18 : Tied and gagged in a box (short) — Bruise on his hand from the rope
Ep 19 : None
Ep 20 : Crying — Drinking, crying
Ep 21 : Drinks some medicine, pretends to be poisoned and to pass out, concern for him — Restrained, imprisoned, chained — Whipped 30 times, bleeding, sweating, in pain — Wincing in pain — Injury accidentally touched, wincing, concern for him, injuries revealed (Gif Set)
Ep 22-23 : None
Ep 24 : Sword at his neck — Fighting, hit multiple times, pinned to the ground — Teary-eyed
Ep 25-28 : None
Ep 29 : Upset — Crying — Angry
Ep 30 : Stabbed by his own brother, bleeding, keeps fighting, hit by an arrow, spitting blood, keeps fighting, all his friends dying in front of him, cut by a sword, spitting blood, collapses, shielded by his last friend alive, crying (Gif Set)
Ep 31 : Still on the battlefield heavily injured, shot (has now three arrows inside of him), keeps fighting, gets cut, spitting blood, collapses to one knee, kicked, more blood spitting, on the ground barely alive, finally passes out, found, lots of worry for him, wakes up for a very brief moment (Gif Set) — In bed, spitting lots of blood, concern for him, crying, grieving his friends (very sad monologue) — Wakes up, wincing in pain, gets up with difficulty, crying — Goes out to pay respect to his dead friends even though he is not at all recovered, spitting blood, collapses, crying, comforted
Ep 32 : None
Ep 33 : Kneeling in the rain for a very long time even though he is still recovering, refuses to get up
Ep 34 : Still kneeling in the rain, has a nosebleed, concern for him, people are trying to persuade him to get up, spitting blood, collapses — Unconscious in bed, pulse taken
Ep 35 : None
Ep 36 : Drugged with an aphrodisiac, sweating, dizzy, vision blurry
Ep 37 : None
Ep 38 : Worried for someone, crying, in denial 
Ep 39 : Sobbing, screaming — Crying — Crying
Ep 40 : None
>> More Whump Lists
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i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 1 year ago
Lists Currently Being Made:
These are the lists and sublists I am currently working on.
I update this post as often as possible. -- If it's been a while since it's been updated, it is safe to assume some things have changed and I have forgotten to update :,)
At the bottom is dropped lists. If you make whump lists, DM me and I can send you what I have if you would like to take over making that list. - However, I do request that you give credit for the part I made, myself.
(More info at the bottom of the post)
Last Updated: February 17, 2024
Working on it very often / as it airs
🇰🇷Fantasy Sonata >>> [MDL LINK] - currently airing
🇰🇷Vigilante >>> [MDL LINK]
🇨🇳Cambrian Period >>> [MDL LINK]
Movie lists I'm considering making
🇰🇷Bad Guys: Reign of Chaos >>> [MDL LINK]
🇺🇸The Fantastic Four (2005) >>> {IMDb LINK}
🇺🇸Edge of Winter (2016) >>> (IMDb LINK)
Working on if I have extra down time or have the motivation / Episode Highlights
🇰🇷Moon in the Day >>> [MDL LINK]
🇰🇷Night Has Come >>> [MDL LINK] - ON PAUSE
🇰🇷The Worst of Evil >>> [MDL LINK]
🇰🇷My Demon >>> [MDL LINK] - currently airing
🇰🇷Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon >>> [MDL LINK] - ON PAUSE
🇰🇷 너를 기억해 (I Remember You) >>> [MDL LINK] - highlight
🇰🇷Weak Hero Class 1 >>> [MDL LINK]
🇯🇵Rurouni Kenshin films >>> {MDL LINK} - remaking what was lost in The Incident™️ - ON PAUSE
🇰🇷Miraculous Brothers >>> [MDL LINK]
🇰🇷The Uncanny Counter Season 2: Counter Punch >>> [MDL LINK]
🇯🇵For the Kid I Saw in My Dreams >>> [MDL LINK]
Considering dropping (but still in progress)
none at the moment
Dropped - DM if you want to take over making any of these lists
Lists to be made when the dramas air / movies come out (estimated or exact air date will be listed) (some of these may not happen at all - I'm just putting it on here because I've seen it on MDL or I've heard rumors going around)
🇰🇷Weak Hero Class 2 >>> [MDL LINK] - 2024
🇰🇷Bastard >>> [MDL LINK] - unknown
🇰🇷The Mentalist >>> [MDL LINK] - unknown
🇰🇷Sweet Home Season 3 >>> [MDL LINK] - 2024
🇰🇷Wonderful World >>> [MDL LINK] - March 1, 2024
I normally heavily focus on a rotation of 3 lists at once while working on the others as I have time or motivation to do so. Movies won't be updated like dramas because those are 99.999% of the time finished within one sitting. Sometimes I will upload a drama whump list without updating this post and that means that it was either finished in one sitting or I started it at night, slept, and immediately finished it in the morning once I woke up and uploaded immediately. I prefer to upload immediately but sometimes life gets in the way of that but I always upload the second I can.
For those who are new here: There is no consistent upload schedule.
For 1: dramas air when they air. Sometimes they get postponed, sometimes things happen so I don’t always get to decide when a list is finished.
Second: My life does what it does. I am a mere passenger, unfortunately.
Also: you can expect to see multiple lists uploaded at once or within a few days then have none for a random amount of time. (This is kinda how it works for me).
161 notes · View notes
i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 1 year ago
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My Home Hero Ep 09
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i-love-me-a-lotta-whump · 1 year ago
raise a glass to the posts you love that end up deleted. to the fanart and fanfics you lose track of and can't locate. to the blogs you used to look through that ended up unexpectedly disappearing. to the things you didn't archive because you always assumed they'd be there.
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